Lean 4.17.0 (2025-03-03)
For this release, 319 changes landed. In addition to the 168 feature additions and 57 fixes listed below there were 12 refactoring changes, 13 documentation improvements and 56 chores.
The Lean v4.17 release brings a range of new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Notable user-visible updates include:
#6368 implements executing kernel checking in parallel to elaboration, which is a prerequisite for parallelizing elaboration itself.
#6711 adds support for
by adding a preprocessor that turns them intoBitVec
of their corresponding size. -
#6505 implements a basic async framework as well as asynchronously running timers using libuv.
improvements to documentation with
, which now links dot notations (#6703), coerced functions (#6729), and tokens (#6730). -
extensive library development, in particular, expanding verification APIs of
, making APIs ofList
consistent, and adding lemmas describing the behavior ofUInt
. -
#6597 fixes the indentation of nested traces nodes in the info view.
New Language Features
Partial Fixpoint
#6355 adds the ability to define possibly non-terminating functions and still be able to reason about them equationally, as long as they are tail-recursive, or operate within certain monads such as
Typical examples:
def ack : (n m : Nat) → Option Nat | 0, y => some (y+1) | x+1, 0 => ack x 1 | x+1, y+1 => do ack x (← ack (x+1) y) partial_fixpoint def whileSome (f : α → Option α) (x : α) : α := match f x with | none => x | some x' => whileSome f x' partial_fixpoint def computeLfp {α : Type u} [DecidableEq α] (f : α → α) (x : α) : α := let next := f x if x ≠ next then computeLfp f next else x partial_fixpoint
See the reference manual for more details.
#6905 adds a first draft of the
? interactive tactic, which tries various tactics, including induction:@[simp] def revAppend : List Nat → List Nat → List Nat | [], ys => ys | x::xs, ys => revAppend xs (x::ys) example : (revAppend xs ys).length = xs.length + ys.length := by try? /- Try these: • · induction xs, ys using revAppend.induct · simp · simp +arith [*] • · induction xs, ys using revAppend.induct · simp only [revAppend, List.length_nil, Nat.zero_add] · simp +arith only [revAppend, List.length_cons, *] -/
with zero alternatives#6486 modifies the
syntax so that thewith
clause does not need to be followed by any alternatives. This improves friendliness of these tactics, since this lets them surface the names of the missing alternatives:example (n : Nat) : True := by induction n with /- ~~~~ alternative 'zero' has not been provided alternative 'succ' has not been provided -/
tactics in conversion mode#6593 adds support for the
tactics in conversion mode. -
#6261 adds
, an automatically generated theorem that splits the goal according to the branching structure offoo
, much like the Functional Induction Principle, but for all functions (not just recursive ones), and without providing inductive hypotheses.
New CLI Features
#6427 adds the Lean CLI option
which parallels--deps
. It parses the Lean code's header and prints out the paths to the (transitively) imported modules' source files (deduced fromLEAN_SRC_PATH
). -
#6323 adds a new Lake CLI command,
lake query
, that both builds targets and outputs their results. It can produce raw text or JSON -formatted output (with--json
Breaking Changes
#6602 allows the dot ident notation to resolve to the current definition, or to any of the other definitions in the same mutual block. Existing code that uses dot ident notation may need to have
added if the ident has the same name as the definition. -
Introduction of the
simp and reduction option (#6755) is a breaking change in rare cases: thesplit
tactic no longer removes unusedlet
expressions as a side-effect.dsimp only
can be used to remove unusedhave
This highlights section was contributed by Violetta Sim.
#5145 splits the environment used by the kernel from that used by the elaborator, providing the foundation for tracking of asynchronously elaborated declarations, which will exist as a concept only in the latter.
#6261 adds
, an automatically generated theorem that splits the goal according to the branching structure offoo
, much like the Functional Induction Principle, but for all functions (not just recursive ones), and without providing inductive hypotheses. -
#6355 adds the ability to define possibly non-terminating functions and still be able to reason about them equationally, as long as they are tail-recursive or monadic.
#6368 implements executing kernel checking in parallel to elaboration, which is a prerequisite for parallelizing elaboration itself.
#6427 adds the Lean CLI option
which parallels--deps
. It parses the Lean code's header and prints out the paths to the (transitively) imported modules' source files (deduced fromLEAN_SRC_PATH
). -
#6486 modifies the
syntax so that thewith
clause does not need to be followed by any alternatives. This improves friendliness of these tactics, since this lets them surface the names of the missing alternatives:example (n : Nat) : True := by induction n with /- ~~~~ alternative 'zero' has not been provided alternative 'succ' has not been provided -/
#6505 implements a basic async framework as well as asynchronously running timers using libuv.
#6516 enhances the
tactic used in thegrind
tactic and ensures that it can be applied to arbitrary expressions. -
#6521 adds support for activating relevant
-equations as E-matching theorems. It uses thematch
-equation lhs as the pattern. -
#6528 adds a missing propagation rule to the (WIP)
tactic. -
#6529 adds support for
-declarations to the (WIP)grind
tactic. -
#6530 fixes nondeterministic failures in the (WIP)
tactic. -
#6531 fixes the support for
. -
#6533 adds support to E-matching offset patterns. For example, we want to be able to E-match the pattern
f (#0 + 1)
with termf (a + 2)
. -
#6534 ensures that users can utilize projections in E-matching patterns within the
tactic. -
#6536 fixes different thresholds for controlling E-matching in the
tactic. -
#6538 ensures patterns provided by users are normalized. See new test to understand why this is needed.
#6539 introduces the
attribute, designed to annotate equational theorems and functions for heuristic instantiations in thegrind
tactic. When applied to an equational theorem, the[grind_eq]
attribute instructs thegrind
tactic to automatically use the annotated theorem to instantiate patterns during proof search. If applied to a function, it marks all equational theorems associated with that function. -
#6543 adds additional tests for
, demonstrating that we can automate some manual proofs from Mathlib's basic category theory library, with less reliance on Mathlib's@[reassoc]
trick. -
#6545 introduces the parametric attribute
for annotating theorems and definitions. It also replaces[grind_eq]
with[grind =]
. For definitions,[grind]
is equivalent to[grind =]
. -
#6556 adds propagators for implication to the
tactic. It also disables the normalization rule:(p → q) = (¬ p ∨ q)
#6559 adds a basic case-splitting strategy for the
tactic. We still need to add support for user customization. -
#6565 fixes the location of the error emitted when the
tactics cannot introduce the requested number of binders. -
#6566 adds support for erasing the
attribute used to mark theorems for heuristic instantiation in thegrind
tactic. -
#6567 adds support for erasing the
attribute used to mark theorems for heuristic instantiation in thegrind
tactic. -
#6568 adds basic support for cast-like operators to the grind tactic. Example:
example (α : Type) (β : Type) (a₁ a₂ : α) (b₁ b₂ : β) (h₁ : α = β) (h₂ : h₁ ▸ a₁ = b₁) (h₃ : a₁ = a₂) (h₄ : b₁ = b₂) : HEq a₂ b₂ := by grind
#6569 adds support for case splitting on
-expressions ingrind
. We still need to add support for resolving the antecedents ofmatch
-conditional equations. -
#6575 ensures tactics are evaluated incrementally in the body of
. -
#6578 fixes and improves the propagator for forall-expressions in the
tactic. -
#6581 adds the following configuration options to
, andsplitIndPred
. -
#6582 adds support for creating local E-matching theorems for universal propositions known to be true. It allows
to automatically solve examples such as: -
#6584 adds helper theorems to implement offset constraints in grind.
#6585 fixes a bug in the
canonicalizer. -
#6588 improves the
canonicalizer diagnostics. -
#6593 adds support for the
tactics in conversion mode. -
#6595 improves the theorems used to justify the steps performed by the inequality offset module. See new test for examples of how they are going to be used.
#6600 removes functions from compiling decls from Environment, and moves all users to functions on CoreM. This is required for supporting the new code generator, since its implementation uses CoreM.
#6602 allows the dot ident notation to resolve to the current definition, or to any of the other definitions in the same mutual block. Existing code that uses dot ident notation may need to have
added if the ident has the same name as the definition. -
#6603 implements support for offset constraints in the
tactic. Several features are still missing, such as constraint propagation and support for offset equalities, butgrind
can already solve examples like the following: -
#6606 fixes a bug in the pattern selection in the
. -
#6607 adds support for case-splitting on
(and@Eq Prop
) in thegrind
tactic. -
#6608 fixes a bug in the
tactic. See new test. -
#6609 improves the case-split heuristic used in grind, prioritizing case-splits with fewer cases.
#6610 fixes a bug in the
core module responsible for merging equivalence classes and propagating constraints. -
#6611 fixes one of the sanity check tests used in
. -
#6613 improves the case split heuristic used in the
tactic, ensuring it now avoids unnecessary case-splits onIff
. -
#6614 improves the usability of the
[grind =]
attribute by automatically handling forbidden pattern symbols. For example, consider the following theorem tagged with this attribute:getLast?_eq_some_iff {xs : List α} {a : α} : xs.getLast? = some a ↔ ∃ ys, xs = ys ++ [a]
Here, the selected pattern is
xs.getLast? = some a
, butEq
is a forbidden pattern symbol. Instead of producing an error, this function converts the pattern into a multi-pattern, allowing the attribute to be used conveniently. -
#6615 adds two auxiliary functions
that avoid redundant proof terms in proofs produced bygrind
. -
#6618 implements exhaustive offset constraint propagation in the
tactic. This enhancement minimizes the number of case splits performed bygrind
. For instance, it can solve the following example without performing any case splits: -
#6633 improves the failure message produced by the
tactic. We now include information about asserted facts, propositions that are known to be true and false, and equivalence classes. -
#6636 implements model construction for offset constraints in the
tactic. -
#6639 puts the
simp set into simp_nf and splits up the bv_normalize implementation across multiple files in preparation for upcoming changes. -
#6641 implements several optimisation tricks from Bitwuzla's preprocessing passes into the Lean equivalent in
. Note that these changes are mostly geared towards large proof states as for example seen in SMT-Lib. -
#6645 implements support for offset equality constraints in the
tactic and exhaustive equality propagation for them. Thegrind
tactic can now solve problems such as the following: -
#6648 adds support for numerals, lower & upper bounds to the offset constraint module in the
can now solve examples such as:example (f : Nat → Nat) : f 2 = a → b ≤ 1 → b ≥ 1 → c = b + 1 → f c = a := by grind
In the example above, the literal
and the lower&upper bounds,b ≤ 1
andb ≥ 1
, are now processed by offset constraint module. -
#6649 fixes a bug in the term canonicalizer used in the
tactic. -
#6652 adds the
simp set to convert UIntX and later IntX propositions to BitVec ones. This will be used as a preprocessor forbv_decide
to provide UIntX/IntXbv_decide
support. -
#6653 improves the E-matching pattern selection heuristics in the
tactic. They now take into account type predicates and transformers. -
#6654 improves the support for partial applications in the E-matching procedure used in
. -
#6656 improves the diagnostic information provided in
failure states. We now include the list of issues found during the search, and all search thresholds that have been reached. also improves its formatting. -
#6657 improves the
search procedure, and adds the new configuration option:failures
. -
#6658 ensures that
avoids case-splitting on terms congruent to those that have already been case-split. -
#6659 fixes a bug in the
term preprocessor. It was abstracting nested proofs before reducible constants were unfolded. -
#6662 improves the canonicalizer used in the
tactic and the diagnostics it produces. It also adds a new configuration option,canonHeartbeats
, to address (some of) the issues. Here is an example illustrating the new diagnostics, where we intentionally create a problem by using a very small number of heartbeats. -
#6663 implements a basic equality resolution procedure for the
tactic. -
#6669 adds a workaround for the discrepancy between Terminal/Emacs and VS Code when displaying info trees.
#6675 adds
-like parameters togrind
, andgrind only
similar tosimp only
. -
#6679 changes the identifier parser to allow for the ⱼ unicode character which was forgotten as it lives by itself in a codeblock with coptic characters.
#6682 adds support for extensionality theorems (using the
attribute) to thegrind
tactic. Users can disable this functionality usinggrind -ext
. Below are examples that demonstrate problems now solvable bygrind
. -
#6685 fixes the issue that
's output is warning -
#6686 fixes parameter processing, initialization, and attribute handling issues in the
tactic. -
#6691 introduces the central API for making parallel changes to the environment
#6692 removes the
attribute. The normalization theorems used bygrind
are now fixed and cannot be modified by users. We use normalization theorems to ensure the built-in procedures receive term wish expected "shapes". We use it for types that have built-in support in grind. Users could misuse this feature as a simplification rule. For example, consider the following example: -
#6700 adds support for beta reduction in the
can now solve goals such asexample (f : Nat → Nat) : f = (fun x : Nat => x + 5) → f 2 > 5 := by grind
#6702 adds support for equality backward reasoning to
. We can illustrate the new feature with the following example. Suppose we have a theorem:theorem inv_eq {a b : α} (w : a * b = 1) : inv a = b
and we want to instantiate the theorem whenever we are tying to prove
inv t = s
for some termst
The attribute[grind ←]
is not applicable in this case because, by default,=
is not eligible for E-matching. The new attribute[grind ←=]
to use the equality and consider disequalities in thegrind
proof state as candidates for E-matching. -
#6705 adds the attributes
[grind cases]
and[grind cases eager]
for controlling case splitting ingrind
. They will replace the[grind_cases]
and the configuration optionsplitIndPred
. -
#6711 adds support for
by adding a preprocessor that turns them intoBitVec
of their corresponding size. -
#6717 introduces a new feature that allows users to specify which inductive datatypes the
tactic should perform case splits on. The configuration optionsplitIndPred
is now set tofalse
by default. The attribute[grind cases]
is used to mark inductive datatypes and predicates thatgrind
may case split on during the search. Additionally, the attribute[grind cases eager]
can be used to mark datatypes and predicates for case splitting both during pre-processing and the search. -
#6718 adds BitVec lemmas required to cancel multiplicative negatives, and plumb support through to
to make use of this result in the normalized twos-complement form. -
#6719 fixes a bug in the equational theorem generator for
-expressions. See new test for an example. -
#6724 adds support for
to automatically split up non-recursive structures that contain information about supported types. It can be controlled using the newstructures
field in thebv_decide
config. -
#6733 adds better support for overlapping
patterns ingrind
can now solve examples such asinductive S where | mk1 (n : Nat) | mk2 (n : Nat) (s : S) | mk3 (n : Bool) | mk4 (s1 s2 : S) def f (x y : S) := match x, y with | .mk1 _, _ => 2 | _, .mk2 1 (.mk4 _ _) => 3 | .mk3 _, _ => 4 | _, _ => 5 example : b = .mk2 y1 y2 → y1 = 2 → a = .mk4 y3 y4 → f a b = 5 := by unfold f grind (splits := 0)
#6735 adds support for case splitting on
-expressions with overlapping patterns to thegrind
can now solve examples such as:inductive S where | mk1 (n : Nat) | mk2 (n : Nat) (s : S) | mk3 (n : Bool) | mk4 (s1 s2 : S) def g (x y : S) := match x, y with | .mk1 a, _ => a + 2 | _, .mk2 1 (.mk4 _ _) => 3 | .mk3 _, .mk4 _ _ => 4 | _, _ => 5 example : g a b > 1 := by grind [g.eq_def]
#6736 ensures the canonicalizer used in
does not waste time checking whether terms with different types are definitionally equal. -
#6737 ensures that the branches of an
term are internalized only after establishing the truth value of the condition. This change makes its behavior consistent with thematch
-expression and dependentif-then-else
behavior ingrind
. This feature is particularly important for recursive functions defined by well-founded recursion andif-then-else
. Without lazyif-then-else
branch internalization, the equation theorem for the recursive function would unfold until reaching the generation depth threshold, and before performing any case analysis. See new tests for an example. -
#6739 adds a fast path for bitblasting multiplication with constants in
. -
#6740 extends
's structure reasoning support for also reasoning about equalities of supported structures. -
#6745 supports rewriting
in terms ofextractLsb'
. This is the companion PR to #6743 which adds the similar lemmas aboutshiftLeft
. -
#6746 ensures that conditional equation theorems for function definitions are handled correctly in
. We use the same infrastructure built formatch
-expression equations. Recall that in both cases, these theorems are conditional when there are overlapping patterns. -
#6748 fixes a few bugs in the
tactic: missing issues, bad error messages, incorrect threshold in the canonicalizer, and bug in the ground pattern internalizer. -
#6750 adds support for fixing type mismatches using
while instantiating quantifiers in the E-matching module used by the grind tactic. -
#6754 adds the
option. -
#6755 implements the
simp and reduction option (added in #6754). -
#6761 fixes issues in
when processingmatch
-expressions with indexed families. -
#6773 fixes a typo that prevented
from working correctly. -
#6777 fixes a bug in the internalization of offset terms in the
tactic. For example,grind
was failing to solve the following example because of this bug.example (f : Nat → Nat) : f (a + 1) = 1 → a = 0 → f 1 = 1 := by grind
#6778 fixes the assignment produced by
to satisfy the offset constraints in a goal. -
#6779 improves the support for
-expressions in thegrind
tactic. -
#6781 fixes the support for case splitting on data in the
tactic. The following example works now:inductive C where | a | b | c def f : C → Nat | .a => 2 | .b => 3 | .c => 4 example : f x > 1 := by grind [ f, -- instructs `grind` to use `f`-equation theorems, C -- instructs `grind` to case-split on free variables of type `C` ]
#6783 adds support for closing goals using
-expression conditions that are known to be true in thegrind
tactic state.grind
can now solve goals such as:def f : List Nat → List Nat → Nat | _, 1 :: _ :: _ => 1 | _, _ :: _ => 2 | _, _ => 0 example : z = a :: as → y = z → f x y > 0
#6785 adds infrastructure for the
tactic. It also adds the new modifierusr
which allows users to writegrind only [use thmName]
to instructgrind
to only use theoremthmName
, but using the patterns specified with the commandgrind_pattern
. -
#6788 teaches bv_normalize that
!(x < x)
and!(x < 0)
. -
#6790 fixes an issue with the generation of equational theorems from
when case-splitting is necessary. Fixes #6786. -
#6791 fixes #6789 by ensuring metadata generated for inaccessible variables in pattern-matches is consumed in
accordingly. -
#6801 fixes a bug in the exhaustive offset constraint propagation module used in
. -
#6810 implements a basic
tactic companion forgrind
. We will add more bells and whistles later. -
#6822 adds a few builtin case-splits for
. They are similar to builtinsimp
theorems. They reduce the noise in the tactics produced bygrind?
. -
#6824 introduces the auxiliary command
for debugging purposes. It is particularly useful for writing self-contained tests. -
#6834 adds "performance" counters (e.g., number of instances per theorem) to
. The counters are always reported on failures, and on successes whenset_option diagnostics true
. -
#6839 ensures
can use constructors and axioms for heuristic instantiation based on E-matching. It also allows patterns without pattern variables for theorems such astheorem evenz : Even 0
. -
#6851 makes
rewrite shifts byBitVec
constants to shifts byNat
constants. This is part of the greater effort in providing good support for constant shift simplification inbv_normalize
. -
#6852 allows environment extensions to opt into access modes that do not block on the entire environment up to this point as a necessary prerequisite for parallel proof elaboration.
#6854 adds a convenience for inductive predicates in
. Now, give an inductive predicateC
,grind [C]
terms as case-split candidates andC
constructors as E-matching theorems. Here is an example:example {B S T s t} (hcond : B s) : (ifThenElse B S T, s) ==> t → (S, s) ==> t := by grind [BigStep]
Users can still use
grind [cases BigStep]
to only markC
as a case split candidate. -
#6858 adds new propagation rules for
and equality ingrind
. It also adds new tests and cleans old ones -
#6861 adds propagation rules for
, andBool.not
to thegrind
tactic. -
#6870 adds two new normalization steps in
that reducesa != b
anda == b
todecide (¬ a = b)
anddecide (a = b)
, respectively. -
#6879 fixes a bug in
used by thegrind
tactic. This bug was introducing a failure in the testgrind_constProp.lean
. -
#6880 improves the E-matching pattern selection heuristic used in
. -
#6881 improves the
error message by including a trace of the terms on whichgrind
-like operations. -
#6882 ensures
auxiliary gadgets are "hidden" in error and diagnostic messages. -
#6888 adds the
[grind intro]
attribute. It instructsgrind
to mark the introduction rules of an inductive predicate as E-matching theorems. -
#6889 inlines a few functions in the
circuit cache. -
#6892 fixes a bug in the pattern selection heuristic used in
. It was unfolding definitions/abstractions that were not supposed to be unfolded. Seegrind_constProp.lean
for examples affected by this bug. -
#6895 fixes a few
issues exposed by thegrind_constProp.lean
Support for equational theorem hypotheses created before invoking
. Example: applying an induction principle.s -
Support of
-like types. -
Missing recursion depth checks.
#6897 adds the new attributes
[grind =>]
and[grind <=]
for controlling pattern selection and minimizing the number of places where we have to use verbosegrind_pattern
command. It also fixes a bug in the new pattern selection procedure, and improves the automatic pattern selection for local lemmas. -
#6904 adds the
configuration optionverbose
. For example,grind -verbose
disables all diagnostics. We are going to use this flag to implementtry?
. -
#6905 adds the
tactic; see above
#6177 implements
. -
#6211 verifies the
method onHashMap
s for the special case of inserting lists. -
#6346 completes the toNat/Int/Fin family for
. -
#6347 adds
. -
#6402 adds a
lemma for unsigned bitvector division. We don't havetoInt_udiv
, since the only truly general statement we can make does no better than unfolding the definition, and it's not uncontroversially clear how to unfoldtoInt
for a few options currently provided). Instead, we do havetoInt_udiv_of_msb
that's able to provide a more meaningful rewrite given an extra side-condition (thatx.msb = false
). -
#6404 adds a
lemma for unsigned bitvector modulus. Similar to #6402, we don't provide a generaltoInt_umod
lemmas, but instead choose to provide more specialized rewrites, with extra side-conditions. -
#6431 fixes the
instance of theTimestamp
type and changes thePlainTime
type so that it always represents a clock time that may be a leap second. -
#6476 defines
for bitvectors and implements a first subset of theorems (getLsbD_reverse, getMsbD_reverse, reverse_append, reverse_replicate, reverse_cast, msb_reverse
). We also include some necessary related theorems (cons_append, cons_append_append, append_assoc, replicate_append_self, replicate_succ'
) and deprecate theoremsreplicate_zero_eq
. -
#6494 proves the basic theorems about the functions
. -
#6507 adds the subtraction equivalents for
((a % n + b) % n = (a + b) % n
) andInt.add_emod_emod
((a + b % n) % n = (a + b) % n
). These are marked @[simp] like their addition equivalents. -
#6524 upstreams some remaining
lemmas from Batteries. -
#6546 continues aligning
lemmas withList
, working onfold
operations. -
#6563 implements
which contains structures around IP and socket addresses. -
#6573 replaces the existing implementations of
with primitive, more efficient ones and in particular provides proofs that they yield well-formed hash maps (WF
typeclass). -
#6586 continues aligning
lemmas, finishing up lemmas aboutmap
. -
#6587 adds decidable instances for the
instances for theOffset
types defined inStd.Time
. -
#6589 continues aligning
lemmas, finishingfilter
. -
#6591 adds less-than and less-than-or-equal-to relations to
, consistent with the otherUIntN
types. -
#6612 adds lemmas about
, improving alignment with theList
API. -
#6617 completes alignment of
lemmas. -
#6620 adds lemmas about HashMap.alter and .modify. These lemmas describe the interaction of alter and modify with the read methods of the HashMap. The additions affect the HashMap, the DHashMap and their respective raw versions. Moreover, the raw versions of alter and modify are defined.
#6625 adds lemmas describing the behavior of
operations. -
#6630 adds theorems
, shiftLeft_xor_distrib, shiftLeft_and_distrib
, to proveNat.shiftLeft_or_distrib
by emulating the proof strategy ofshiftRight_and_distrib
. -
#6640 completes aligning
lemmas aboutflatten
was previously missing, and has been added (for rectangular sizes only). A small number of missingOption
lemmas were also need to get the proofs to go through. -
#6660 defines
, changes the order of arguments inList.flatMap
for consistency, and aligns the lemmas forList
. -
#6661 adds array indexing lemmas for
. (These were not available forList
due to variable lengths.) -
#6667 aligns
lemmas. -
#6668 fixes negative timestamps and
s before 1970. -
#6674 adds theorems
BitVec.[getMsbD_mul, getElem_udiv, getLsbD_udiv, getMsbD_udiv]
#6695 aligns
lemmas. -
#6697 changes the arguments of
from(f : Fin as.size → α → β)
to(f : (i : Nat) → α → (h : i < as.size) → β)
, in line with the API design elsewhere forList/Array
. -
#6701 completes aligning
. -
#6707 completes aligning lemmas for
, and their monadic versions. -
#6708 deprecates
, which we make no essential use of.iota n
can be replaced with(range' 1 n).reverse
. The verification lemmas forrange'
already have better coverage than those foriota
. Any downstream projects using it (I am not aware of any) are encouraged to adopt it. -
#6712 aligns
theorems forcountP
. -
#6723 completes the alignment of {List/Array/Vector}.{attach,attachWith,pmap} lemmas. I had to fill in a number of gaps in the List API.
#6728 removes theorems
to simplify a rewrite in the proof ofBitVec.getMsbD_rotateLeft_of_lt
#6742 adds the lemmas that show what happens when multiplying by
to an arbitrary term, as well to anothertwoPow
. -
#6743 adds rewrites that normalizes left shifts by extracting bits and concatenating zeroes. If the shift amount is larger than the bit-width, then the resulting bitvector is zero.
#6747 adds the ability to push
with bitwise operations. This is useful for constant-folding extracts. -
#6767 adds lemmas to rewrite
by aBitVec.ofNat
into a shift-by-natural number. This will be used to canonicalize shifts by constant bitvectors into shift by constant numbers, which have further rewrites on them if the number is a power of two. -
#6799 adds a number of simple comparison lemmas to the top/bottom element for BitVec. Then they are applied to teach bv_normalize that
(a<1) = (a==0)
and to remove an intermediate proof that is no longer necessary along the way. -
#6800 uniformizes the naming of
) andzipWithIndex
), replacing all withzipIdx
. At the same time, we generalize to add an optionalNat
parameter for the initial value of the index (which previously existed, only forList
, as the separate functionenumFrom
). -
#6808 adds simp lemmas replacing
, and conditionally simplifyingsetWidth v (setWidth w v)
. -
#6818 adds a BitVec lemma that
(x >> x) = 0
and plumbs it through to bv_normalize. I also move some theorems I found useful to the top of the ushiftRight section. -
#6821 adds basic lemmas about
, describing the interaction ofisLT
and the constructors. Additionally, it refactors the instance derivation code such that aLawfulBEq Ordering
instance is also derived automatically. -
#6826 adds injectivity theorems for inductives that did not get them automatically (because they are defined too early) but also not yet manuall later.
#6828 adds add/sub injectivity lemmas for BitVec, and then adds specialized forms with additional symmetries for the
normal form. -
#6831 completes the alignment of
lemmas aboutisEqv
. -
#6833 makes the signatures of
functions acrossList
consistent. Verification lemmas will follow in subsequent PRs. -
#6835 fills some gaps in the
API, addingmapM
, andForIn'
instances. -
#6838 completes aligning the (limited) verification API for
. -
#6840 completes the alignment of
lemmas. -
#6845 adds missing monadic higher order functions on
. Only the most basic verification lemmas (relating the operations on the three container types) are provided for now. -
#6848 adds simp lemmas proving
x + y = x ↔ x = 0
for BitVec, along with symmetries, and then adds these to the bv_normalize simpset. -
#6860 makes
available for each ofList
. The simp normal forms differ, however: inList
, we simplifyextract
, while inArray
we simplifytake
. We also provideArray/Vector.shrink
, which simplifies totake
, but is implemented by repeatedly popping. Verification lemmas forArray/Vector.extract
to follow in a subsequent PR. -
#6862 defines Cooper resolution with a divisibility constraint as formulated in "Cutting to the Chase: Solving Linear Integer Arithmetic" by Dejan Jovanović and Leonardo de Moura, DOI 10.1007/s10817-013-9281-x.
#6863 allows fixing regressions in mathlib introduced in nightly-2024-02-25 by allowing the use of
x * y
in match patterns. There are currently 11 instances in mathlib explicitly flagging the lack of this match pattern. -
#6864 adds lemmas relating the operations on findIdx?/findFinIdx?/idxOf?/findIdxOf?/eraseP/erase on List and on Array. It's preliminary to aligning the verification lemmas for
. -
#6868 completes the alignment across
of lemmas about theeraseP/erase/eraseIdx
operations. -
#6872 adds lemmas for xor injectivity and when and/or/xor equal allOnes or zero. Then I plumb support for the new lemmas through to bv_normalize.
#6875 adds a lemma relating
, and three lemmas regardinggetElem
. These lemmas were needed in Batteries#1078 and the request to upstream was made in the review of that PR. -
#6878 completes alignments of
lemmas aboutrange
, andzipIdx
. -
#6883 completes the alignment of lemmas about monadic functions on
. Amongst other changes, we change the simp normal form fromList.forM
, and correct the definition ofList.flatMapM
, which previously was returning results in the incorrect order. There remain many gaps in the verification lemmas for monadic functions; this PR only makes the lemmas uniform acrossList/Array/Vector
. -
#6890 teaches bv_normalize to replace subtractions on one side of an equality with an addition on the other side, this re-write eliminates a not + addition in the normalized form so it is easier on the solver.
#6912 aligns current coverage of
-type theorems acrossList
. There are still quite a few holes in this API, which will be filled later.
#6535 avoids a linker warning on Windows.
#6547 should prevent Lake from accidentally picking up other linkers installed on the machine.
#6574 actually prevents Lake from accidentally picking up other toolchains installed on the machine.
#6664 changes the toMono pass to longer filter out type class instances, because they may actually be needed for later compilation.
#6665 adds a new lcAny constant to Prelude, which is meant for use in LCNF to represent types whose dependency on another term has been erased during compilation. This is in addition to the existing lcErased constant, which represents types that are irrelevant.
#6678 modifies LCNF.toMonoType to use a more refined type erasure scheme, which distinguishes between irrelevant/erased information (represented by lcErased) and erased type dependencies (represented by lcAny). This corresponds to the irrelevant/object distinction in the old code generator.
#6680 makes the new code generator skip generating code for decls with an implemented_by decl, just like the old code generator.
#6757 adds support for applying crimp theorems in toLCNF.
#6758 prevents deadlocks from non-cyclical task waits that may otherwise occur during parallel elaboration with small threadpool sizes.
#6837 adds Float32 to the LCNF builtinRuntimeTypes list. This was missed during the initial Float32 implementation, but this omission has the side effect of lowering Float32 to obj in the IR.
Pretty Printing
#6703 modifies the delaborator so that in
mode, generalized field notation is tagged with the head constant. The effect is that docgen documentation will linkify dot notation. Internal change: now formattedrawIdent
can be tagged. -
#6716 renames the option
and applies it to the cmdline driver and language server clients lacking an info view as well. It also implements the common idiom of the option value0
meaning "unlimited". -
#6729 makes the pretty printer for
-tagged functions respectpp.tagAppFns
. The effect is that in docgen, when an expression pretty prints asf x y z
a coerced function, then iff
is a constant it will be linkified. -
#6730 changes how app unexpanders are invoked. Before the ref was
, but now the ref is the head constant's delaborated syntax. This way, whenpp.tagAppFns
is true, then tokens in app unexpanders are annotated with the head constant. The consequence is that in docgen, tokens will be linkified. This new behavior is consistent with hownotation
defines app unexpanders.
#6549 fixes #6548.
#6638 correct the docstring of theorem
#6643 changes the macOS docs to indicate that Lean now requires pkgconf to build.
#6646 changes the ubuntu docs to indicate that Lean now requires pkgconf to build.
#6738 updates our lexical structure documentation to mention the newly supported ⱼ which lives in a separate unicode block and is thus not captured by the current ranges.
#6885 fixes the name of the truncating integer division function in the
docstring (which is shown when hovering over/
). It was changed fromInt.div
in #5301.
#6597 fixes the indentation of nested traces nodes in the info view.
#6794 fixes a significant auto-completion performance regression that was introduced in #5666, i.e. v4.14.0.
#6290 uses
instead ofStateT
to equip the Lake build monad with a build store. -
#6323 adds a new Lake CLI command,
lake query
, that both builds targets and outputs their results. It can produce raw text or JSON -formatted output (with--json
). -
#6418 alters all builtin Lake facets to produce
objects. -
#6627 aims to fix the trace issues reported by Mathlib that are breaking
lake exe cache
in downstream projects. -
#6631 sets
for shared libraries (it was previously only set for executables). -
#6771 enables
to be run fromJobM
and vice-versa. This allows calls offetch
to asynchronously depend on the outputs of other jobs. -
#6780 makes all targets and all
calls produce aJob
of some value. As part of this change, facet definitions (e.g.,library_data
) and Lake type families (e.g.,FamilyOut
) should no longer includeJob
in their types (as this is now implicit). -
#6798 deprecates the
shorthand for the--update
option. -
#7209 fixes broken Lake tests on Windows' new MSYS2. As of MSYS2 0.0.20250221,
is now reported ascygwin
instead ofmsys
, which must be accounted for in a few Lake tests.
#6479 speeds up JSON serialisation by using a lookup table to check whether a string needs to be escaped.
#6519 adds a script to automatically generate release notes using the new
labels and "..." conventions. -
#6542 introduces a script that automates checking whether major downstream repositories have been updated for a new toolchain release.