The Lean Language Reference

Lean 4.11.0 (2024-09-02)🔗

Language features, tactics, and metaprograms

  • The variable inclusion mechanism has been changed. Like before, when a definition mentions a variable, Lean will add it as an argument of the definition, but now in theorem bodies, variables are not included based on usage in order to ensure that changes to the proof cannot change the statement of the overall theorem. Instead, variables are only available to the proof if they have been mentioned in the theorem header or in an include command or are instance implicit and depend only on such variables. The omit command can be used to omit included variables.

    See breaking changes below.

    PRs: #4883, #4814, #5000, #5036, #5138, 0edf1b.

  • Recursive definitions

    • Structural recursion can now be explicitly requested using

      termination_by structural x

      in analogy to the existing termination_by x syntax that causes well-founded recursion to be used. #4542

    • #4672 fixes a bug that could lead to ill-typed terms.

    • The termination_by? syntax no longer forces the use of well-founded recursion, and when structural recursion is inferred, it will print the result using the termination_by structural syntax.

    • Mutual structural recursion is now supported. This feature supports both mutual recursion over a non-mutual data type, as well as recursion over mutual or nested data types:

      def Even : Nat → Prop
        | 0 => True
        | n+1 => Odd n
      def Odd : Nat → Prop
        | 0 => False
        | n+1 => Even n
      inductive A
      | other : B → A
      | empty
      inductive B
      | other : A → B
      | empty
      def A.size : A → Nat
      | .other b => b.size + 1
      | .empty => 0
      def B.size : B → Nat
      | .other a => a.size + 1
      | .empty => 0
      inductive Tree where | node : List Tree → Tree
      def Tree.size : Tree → Nat
      | node ts => Tree.list_size ts
      def Tree.list_size : List Tree → Nat
      | [] => 0
      | t::ts => Tree.size t + Tree.list_size ts

      Functional induction principles are generated for these functions as well (A.size.induct, A.size.mutual_induct).

      Nested structural recursion is still not supported.

      PRs: #4639, #4715, #4642, #4656, #4684, #4715, #4728, #4575, #4731, #4658, #4734, #4738, #4718, #4733, #4787, #4788, #4789, #4807, #4772

    • #4809 makes unnecessary termination_by clauses cause warnings, not errors.

    • #4831 improves handling of nested structural recursion through non-recursive types.

    • #4839 improves support for structural recursive over inductive predicates when there are reflexive arguments.

  • simp tactic

    • #4784 sets configuration Simp.Config.implicitDefEqProofs to true by default.

  • omega tactic

    • #4612 normalizes the order that constraints appear in error messages.

    • #4695 prevents pushing casts into multiplications unless it produces a non-trivial linear combination.

    • #4989 fixes a regression.

  • decide tactic

    • #4711 switches from using default transparency to at least default transparency when reducing the Decidable instance.

    • #4674 adds detailed feedback on decide tactic failure. It tells you which Decidable instances it unfolded, if it get stuck on Eq.rec it gives a hint about avoiding tactics when defining Decidable instances, and if it gets stuck on Classical.choice it gives hints about classical instances being in scope. During this process, it processes Decidable.recs and matches to pin blame on a non-reducing instance.

  • @[ext] attribute

    • #4543 and #4762 make @[ext] realize ext_iff theorems from user ext theorems. Fixes the attribute so that @[local ext] and @[scoped ext] are usable. The @[ext (iff := false)] option can be used to turn off ext_iff realization.

    • #4694 makes "go to definition" work for the generated lemmas. Also adjusts the core library to make use of ext_iff generation.

    • #4710 makes ext_iff theorem preserve inst implicit binder types, rather than making all binder types implicit.

  • #eval command

    • #4810 introduces a safer #eval command that prevents evaluation of terms that contain sorry. The motivation is that failing tactics, in conjunction with operations such as array accesses, can lead to the Lean process crashing. Users can use the new #eval! command to use the previous unsafe behavior. (#4829 adjusts a test.)

  • #4447 adds #discr_tree_key and #discr_tree_simp_key commands, for helping debug discrimination tree failures. The #discr_tree_key t command prints the discrimination tree keys for a term t (or, if it is a single identifier, the type of that constant). It uses the default configuration for generating keys. The #discr_tree_simp_key command is similar to #discr_tree_key, but treats the underlying type as one of a simp lemma, that is it transforms it into an equality and produces the key of the left-hand side.

    For example,

    #discr_tree_key (∀ {a n : Nat}, bar a (OfNat.ofNat n))
    -- bar _ (@OfNat.ofNat Nat _ _)
    #discr_tree_simp_key Nat.add_assoc
    -- @HAdd.hAdd Nat Nat Nat _ (@HAdd.hAdd Nat Nat Nat _ _ _) _
  • #4741 changes option parsing to allow user-defined options from the command line. Initial options are now re-parsed and validated after importing. Command line option assignments prefixed with weak. are silently discarded if the option name without the prefix does not exist.

  • Deriving handlers

    • 7253ef and a04f3c improve the construction of the BEq deriving handler.

    • 86af04 makes BEq deriving handler work when there are dependently typed fields.

    • #4826 refactors the DecidableEq deriving handle to use termination_by structural.

  • Metaprogramming

    • #4593 adds unresolveNameGlobalAvoidingLocals.

    • #4618 deletes deprecated functions from 2022.

    • #4642 adds Meta.lambdaBoundedTelescope.

    • #4731 adds Meta.withErasedFVars, to enter a context with some fvars erased from the local context.

    • #4777 adds assignment validation at closeMainGoal, preventing users from circumventing the occurs check for tactics such as exact.

    • #4807 introduces Lean.Meta.PProdN module for packing and projecting nested PProds.

    • #5170 fixes Syntax.unsetTrailing. A consequence of this is that "go to definition" now works on the last module name in an import block (issue #4958).

Language server, widgets, and IDE extensions

  • #4727 makes it so that responses to info view requests come as soon as the relevant tactic has finished execution.

  • #4580 makes it so that whitespace changes do not invalidate imports, and so starting to type the first declaration after imports should no longer cause them to reload.

  • #4780 fixes an issue where hovering over unimported builtin names could result in a panic.

Pretty printing

  • #4558 fixes the pp.instantiateMVars setting and changes the default value to true.

  • #4631 makes sure syntax nodes always run their formatters. Fixes an issue where if ppSpace appears in a macro or elab command then it does not format with a space.

  • #4665 fixes a bug where pretty printed signatures (for example in #check) were overly hoverable due to pp.tagAppFns being set.

  • #4724 makes match pretty printer be sensitive to pp.explicit, which makes hovering over a match in the Infoview show the underlying term.

  • #4764 documents why anonymous constructor notation isn't pretty printed with flattening.

  • #4786 adjusts the parenthesizer so that only the parentheses are hoverable, implemented by having the parentheses "steal" the term info from the parenthesized expression.

  • #4854 allows arbitrarily long sequences of optional arguments to be omitted from the end of applications, versus the previous conservative behavior of omitting up to one optional argument.


  • Nat

    • #4597 adds bitwise lemmas Nat.and_le_(left|right).

    • #4874 adds simprocs for simplifying bit expressions.

  • Int

    • #4903 fixes performance of HPow Int Nat Int synthesis by rewriting it as a NatPow Int instance.

  • UInt* and Fin

  • Option

    • #4599 adds get lemmas.

    • #4600 adds Option.or, a version of Option.orElse that is strict in the second argument.

  • GetElem

    • #4603 adds getElem_congr to help with rewriting indices.

  • List and Array

    • Upstreamed from Batteries: #4586 upstreams List.attach and Array.attach, #4697 upstreams List.Subset and List.Sublist and API, #4706 upstreams basic material on List.Pairwise and List.Nodup, #4720 upstreams more List.erase API, #4836 and #4837 upstream List.IsPrefix/List.IsSuffix/List.IsInfix and add Decidable instances, #4855 upstreams List.tail, List.findIdx, List.indexOf, List.countP, List.count, and List.range', #4856 upstreams more List lemmas, #4866 upstreams List.pairwise_iff_getElem, #4865 upstreams List.eraseIdx lemmas.

    • #4687 adjusts List.replicate simp lemmas and simprocs.

    • #4704 adds characterizations of List.Sublist.

    • #4707 adds simp normal form tests for List.Pairwise and List.Nodup.

    • #4708 and #4815 reorganize lemmas on list getters.

    • #4765 adds simprocs for literal array accesses such as #[1,2,3,4,5][2].

    • #4790 removes typeclass assumptions for List.Nodup.eraseP.

    • #4801 adds efficient usize functions for array types.

    • #4820 changes List.filterMapM to run left-to-right.

    • #4835 fills in and cleans up gaps in List API.

    • #4843, #4868, and #4877 correct List.Subset lemmas.

    • #4863 splits Init.Data.List.Lemmas into function-specific files.

    • #4875 fixes statement of List.take_takeWhile.

    • Lemmas: #4602, #4627, #4678 for List.head and list.getLast, #4723 for List.erase, #4742

  • ByteArray

    • #4582 eliminates partial from ByteArray.toList and ByteArray.findIdx?.

  • BitVec

    • #4568 adds recurrence theorems for bitblasting multiplication.

    • #4571 adds shiftLeftRec lemmas.

    • #4872 adds ushiftRightRec and lemmas.

    • #4873 adds getLsb_replicate.

  • Std.HashMap added:

    • #4583 adds Std.HashMap as a verified replacement for Lean.HashMap. See the PR for naming differences, but #4725 renames HashMap.remove to HashMap.erase.

    • #4682 adds Inhabited instances.

    • #4732 improves BEq argument order in hash map lemmas.

    • #4759 makes lemmas resolve instances via unification.

    • #4771 documents that hash maps should be used linearly to avoid expensive copies.

    • #4791 removes bif from hash map lemmas, which is inconvenient to work with in practice.

    • #4803 adds more lemmas.

  • SMap

    • #4690 upstreams SMap.foldM.

  • BEq

    • #4607 adds PartialEquivBEq, ReflBEq, EquivBEq, and LawfulHashable classes.

  • IO

    • #4660 adds IO.Process.Child.tryWait.

  • #4747, #4730, and #4756 add ×' syntax for PProd. Adds a delaborator for PProd and MProd values to pretty print as flattened angle bracket tuples.

  • Other fixes or improvements

    • #4604 adds lemmas for cond.

    • #4619 changes some definitions into theorems.

    • #4616 fixes some names with duplicated namespaces.

    • #4620 fixes simp lemmas flagged by the simpNF linter.

    • #4666 makes the Antisymm class be a Prop.

    • #4621 cleans up unused arguments flagged by linter.

    • #4680 adds imports for orphaned Init modules.

    • #4679 adds imports for orphaned Std.Data modules.

    • #4688 adds forward and backward directions of not_exists.

    • #4689 upstreams eq_iff_true_of_subsingleton.

    • #4709 fixes precedence handling for Repr instances for negative numbers for Int and Float.

    • #4760 renames TC ("transitive closure") to Relation.TransGen.

    • #4842 fixes List deprecations.

    • #4852 upstreams some Mathlib attributes applied to lemmas.

    • 93ac63 improves proof.

    • #4862 and #4878 generalize the universe for PSigma.exists and rename it to Exists.of_psigma_prop.

    • Typos: #4737, 7d2155

    • Docs: #4782, #4869, #4648

Lean internals

  • Elaboration

    • #4596 enforces isDefEqStuckEx at unstuckMVar procedure, causing isDefEq to throw a stuck defeq exception if the metavariable was created in a previous level. This results in some better error messages, and it helps rw succeed in synthesizing instances (see issue #2736).

    • #4713 fixes deprecation warnings when there are overloaded symbols.

    • elab_as_elim algorithm:

      • #4722 adds check that inferred motive is type-correct.

      • #4800 elaborates arguments for parameters appearing in the types of targets.

      • #4817 makes the algorithm correctly handle eliminators with explicit motive arguments.

    • #4792 adds term elaborator for Lean.Parser.Term.namedPattern (e.g. n@(n' + 1)) to report errors when used in non-pattern-matching contexts.

    • #4818 makes anonymous dot notation work when the expected type is a pi-type-valued type synonym.

  • Typeclass inference

    • #4646 improves synthAppInstances, the function responsible for synthesizing instances for the rw and apply tactics. Adds a synthesis loop to handle functions whose instances need to be synthesized in a complex order.

  • Inductive types

    • #4684 (backported as 98ee78) refactors InductiveVal to have a numNested : Nat field instead of isNested : Bool. This modifies the kernel.

  • Definitions

    • #4776 improves performance of Replacement.apply.

    • #4712 fixes .eq_def theorem generation with messy universes.

    • #4841 improves success of finding T.below x hypothesis when transforming match statements for IndPredBelow.

  • Diagnostics and profiling

    • #4611 makes kernel diagnostics appear when diagnostics is enabled even if it is the only section.

    • #4753 adds missing profileitM functions.

    • #4754 adds Lean.Expr.numObjs to compute the number of allocated sub-expressions in a given expression, primarily for diagnosing performance issues.

    • #4769 adds missing withTraceNodes to improve trace.profiler output.

    • #4781 and #4882 make the "use set_option diagnostics true" message be conditional on current setting of diagnostics.

  • Performance

    • #4767, #4775, and #4887 add ShareCommon.shareCommon' for sharing common terms. In an example with 16 million subterms, it is 20 times faster than the old shareCommon procedure.

    • #4779 ensures Expr.replaceExpr preserves DAG structure in Exprs.

    • #4783 documents performance issue in Expr.replaceExpr.

    • #4794, #4797, #4798 make for_each use precise cache.

    • #4795 makes Expr.find? and Expr.findExt? use the kernel implementations.

    • #4799 makes Expr.replace use the kernel implementation.

    • #4871 makes Expr.foldConsts use a precise cache.

    • #4890 makes expr_eq_fn use a precise cache.

  • Utilities

    • #4453 upstreams ToExpr FilePath and compile_time_search_path%.

  • Module system

    • #4652 fixes handling of const2ModIdx in finalizeImport, making it prefer the original module for a declaration when a declaration is re-declared.

  • Kernel

    • #4637 adds a check to prevent large Nat exponentiations from evaluating. Elaborator reduction is controlled by the option exponentiation.threshold.

    • #4683 updates comments in kernel/declaration.h, making sure they reflect the current Lean 4 types.

    • #4796 improves performance by using replace with a precise cache.

    • #4700 improves performance by fixing the implementation of move constructors and move assignment operators. Expression copying was taking 10% of total runtime in some workloads. See issue #4698.

    • #4702 improves performance in replace_rec_fn::apply by avoiding expression copies. These copies represented about 13% of time spent in save_result in some workloads. See the same issue.

  • Other fixes or improvements

    • #4590 fixes a typo in some constants and trace.profiler.useHeartbeats.

    • #4617 add 'since' dates to deprecated attributes.

    • #4625 improves the robustness of the constructor-as-variable test.

    • #4740 extends test with nice example reported on Zulip.

    • #4766 moves Syntax.hasIdent to be available earlier and shakes dependencies.

    • #4881 splits out Lean.Language.Lean.Types.

    • #4893 adds LEAN_EXPORT for sharecommon functions.

    • Typos: #4635, #4719, af40e6

    • Docs: #4748 (Command.Scope)

Compiler, runtime, and FFI

  • #4661 moves Std from libleanshared to much smaller libInit_shared. This fixes the Windows build.

  • #4668 fixes initialization, explicitly initializing Std in lean_initialize.

  • #4746 adjusts shouldExport to exclude more symbols to get below Windows symbol limit. Some exceptions are added by #4884 and #4956 to support Verso.

  • #4778 adds lean_is_exclusive_obj (Lean.isExclusiveUnsafe) and lean_set_external_data.

  • #4515 fixes calling programs with spaces on Windows.


  • #4735 improves a number of elements related to Git checkouts, cloud releases, and related error handling.

    • On error, Lake now prints all top-level logs. Top-level logs are those produced by Lake outside of the job monitor (e.g., when cloning dependencies).

    • When fetching a remote for a dependency, Lake now forcibly fetches tags. This prevents potential errors caused by a repository recreating tags already fetched.

    • Git error handling is now more informative.

    • The builtin package facets release, optRelease, extraDep are now captions in the same manner as other facets.

    • afterReleaseSync and afterReleaseAsync now fetch optRelease rather than release.

    • Added support for optional jobs, whose failure does not cause the whole build to failure. Now optRelease is such a job.

  • #4608 adds draft CI workflow when creating new projects.

  • #4847 adds CLI options to control log levels. The --log-level=<lv> controls the minimum log level Lake should output. For instance, --log-level=error will only print errors (not warnings or info). Also, adds an analogous --fail-level option to control the minimum log level for build failures. The existing --iofail and --wfail options are respectively equivalent to --fail-level=info and --fail-level=warning.

  • Docs: #4853


  • Workflows

    • #4531 makes release trigger an update of

    • #4598 adjusts pr-release to the new lakefile.lean syntax.

    • #4632 makes pr-release use the correct tag name.

    • #4638 adds ability to manually trigger nightly release.

    • #4640 adds more debugging output for restart-on-label CI.

    • #4663 bumps up waiting for 10s to 30s for restart-on-label.

    • #4664 bumps versions for actions/checkout and actions/upload-artifacts.

    • 582d6e bumps version for actions/download-artifact.

    • 6d9718 adds back dropped check-stage3.

    • 0768ad adds Jira sync (for FRO).

    • #4830 adds support to report CI errors on FRO Zulip.

    • #4838 adds trigger for nightly_bump_toolchain on mathlib4 upon nightly release.

    • abf420 fixes msys2.

    • #4895 deprecates Nix-based builds and removes interactive components. Users who prefer the flake build should maintain it externally.

  • #4693, #4458, and #4876 update the release checklist.

  • #4669 fixes the "max dynamic symbols" metric per static library.

  • #4691 improves compatibility of tests/list_simp for retesting simp normal forms with Mathlib.

  • #4806 updates the quickstart guide.

  • c02aa9 documents the triage team in the contribution guide.

Breaking changes

  • For @[ext]-generated ext and ext_iff lemmas, the x and y term arguments are now implicit. Furthermore these two lemmas are now protected (#4543).

  • Now trace.profiler.useHearbeats is trace.profiler.useHeartbeats (#4590).

  • A bugfix in the structural recursion code may in some cases break existing code, when a parameter of the type of the recursive argument is bound behind indices of that type. This can usually be fixed by reordering the parameters of the function (#4672).

  • Now List.filterMapM sequences monadic actions left-to-right (#4820).

  • The effect of the variable command on proofs of theorems has been changed. Whether such section variables are accessible in the proof now depends only on the theorem signature and other top-level commands, not on the proof itself. This change ensures that

    • the statement of a theorem is independent of its proof. In other words, changes in the proof cannot change the theorem statement.

    • tactics such as induction cannot accidentally include a section variable.

    • the proof can be elaborated in parallel to subsequent declarations in a future version of Lean.

    The effect of variables on the theorem header as well as on other kinds of declarations is unchanged.

    Specifically, section variables are included if they

    • are directly referenced by the theorem header,

    • are included via the new include command in the current section and not subsequently mentioned in an omit statement,

    • are directly referenced by any variable included by these rules, OR

    • are instance-implicit variables that reference only variables included by these rules.

    For porting, a new option deprecated.oldSectionVars is included to locally switch back to the old behavior.