Lean 4.0.0-m4 (2022-03-27)
This is the fourth milestone release of Lean 4. It contains many improvements and many new features. We had more than 600 commits since the last milestone.
$ git shortlog -s -n v4.0.0-m3..v4.0.0-m4 501 Leonardo de Moura 65 Sebastian Ullrich 11 Daniel Fabian 10 larsk21 5 Gabriel Ebner 2 E.W.Ayers 2 Jonathan Coates 2 Joscha 2 Mario Carneiro 2 ammkrn 1 Chris Lovett 1 François G. Dorais 1 Jakob von Raumer 1 Lars 1 Patrick Stevens 1 Wojciech Nawrocki 1 Xubai Wang 1 casavaca 1 zygi
now takes user-defined simp-attributes. You can define a newsimp
attribute by creating a file (e.g.,MySimp.lean
) containingimport Lean open Lean.Meta initialize my_ext : SimpExtension ← registerSimpAttr `my_simp "my own simp attribute"
If you don't need to access
, you can also use the macroimport Lean register_simp_attr my_simp "my own simp attribute"
Recall that the new
attribute is not active in the Lean file where it was defined. Here is a small example using the new feature.import MySimp def f (x : Nat) := x + 2 def g (x : Nat) := x + 1 @[my_simp] theorem f_eq : f x = x + 2 := rfl @[my_simp] theorem g_eq : g x = x + 1 := rfl example : f x + g x = 2*x + 3 := by simp_arith [my_simp]
syntax: multiple left-hand-sides in a single alternative. Example:def fib : Nat → Nat | 0 | 1 => 1 | n+2 => fib n + fib (n+1)
This feature was discussed at issue 371. It was implemented as a macro expansion. Thus, the following is accepted.
inductive StrOrNum where | S (s : String) | I (i : Int) def StrOrNum.asString (x : StrOrNum) := match x with | I a | S a => toString a
command. Now, when it fails to synthesize aLean.MetaEval
instance for the result type, it reduces the type and tries again. The following example now works without additional annotationsdef Foo := List Nat def test (x : Nat) : Foo := [x, x+1, x+2] #eval test 4
tactic can now apply auto-generated equation theorems for a given definition. Example:example (a : Nat) (h : n = 1) : [a].length = n := by rw [List.length] trace_state -- .. |- [].length + 1 = n rw [List.length] trace_state -- .. |- 0 + 1 = n rw [h]
Extend dot-notation
for arrow types. If type ofx
is an arrow, we look up forFunction.field
. For example, givenf : Nat → Nat
andg : Nat → Nat
,f.comp g
is now notation forFunction.comp f g
. -
The new
notation is now also accepted where a function type is expected.example (xs : List Nat) : List Nat := .map .succ xs example (xs : List α) : Std.RBTree α ord := xs.foldl .insert ∅
Support notation
let <pattern> := <expr> | <else-case>
blocks. -
Remove support for "auto"
. In the Zulip thread, the consensus seemed to be that "auto"pure
is more confusing than it's worth. -
Remove restriction in
theorems that all function arguments on the left-hand-side must be free variables. For example, the following theorem is now a validcongr
theorem.@[congr] theorem dep_congr [DecidableEq ι] {p : ι → Set α} [∀ i, Inhabited (p i)] : ∀ {i j} (h : i = j) (x : p i) (y : α) (hx : x = y), Pi.single (f := (p ·)) i x = Pi.single (f := (p ·)) j ⟨y, hx ▸ h ▸ x.2⟩ :=
Improve elaboration postponement heuristic when expected type is a metavariable. Lean now reduces the expected type before performing the test.
Remove deprecated leanpkg in favor of Lake now bundled with Lean.
Various improvements to go-to-definition & find-all-references accuracy.
Auto generated congruence lemmas with support for casts on proofs and
instances (see wishlist). -
Rename option
. -
Relax auto-implicit restrictions. The command
set_option relaxedAutoImplicit false
disables the relaxations. -
tactic now closes the goal if there is aFalse.elim
application in the target. -
Renamed tatic
(motivation: enforcing naming convention). -
Local instances occurring in patterns are now considered by the type class resolution procedure. Example:
def concat : List ((α : Type) × ToString α × α) → String | [] => "" | ⟨_, _, a⟩ :: as => toString a ++ concat as
Notation for providing the motive for
expressions has changed. before:match x, rfl : (y : Nat) → x = y → Nat with | 0, h => ... | x+1, h => ...
match (motive := (y : Nat) → x = y → Nat) x, rfl with | 0, h => ... | x+1, h => ...
With this change, the notation for giving names to equality proofs in
-expressions is not whitespace sensitive anymore. That is, we can now writematch h : sort.swap a b with | (r₁, r₂) => ... -- `h : sort.swap a b = (r₁, r₂)`
(generalizing := true)
is the default behavior formatch
expressions even if the expected type is not a proposition. In the following example, we used to have to include(generalizing := true)
manually.inductive Fam : Type → Type 1 where | any : Fam α | nat : Nat → Fam Nat example (a : α) (x : Fam α) : α := match x with | Fam.any => a | Fam.nat n => n
We now use
(instead ofSum
) when compiling mutually recursive definitions using well-founded recursion. -
Better support for parametric well-founded relations. See issue #1017. This change affects the low-level
hint because the fixed prefix of the function parameters in not "packed" anymore when constructing the well-founded relation type. For example, in the following definition,as
is part of the fixed prefix, and is not packed anymore. In previous versions, thetermination_by'
term would be written asmeasure fun ⟨as, i, _⟩ => as.size - i
def sum (as : Array Nat) (i : Nat) (s : Nat) : Nat := if h : i < as.size then sum as (i+1) (s + as.get ⟨i, h⟩) else s termination_by' measure fun ⟨i, _⟩ => as.size - i
while <cond> do <do-block>
,repeat <do-block>
, andrepeat <do-block> until <cond>
macros fordo
-block. These macros are based onpartial
definitions, and consequently are useful only for writing programs we don't want to prove anything about. -
option toSimp.Config
, the macrosimp_arith
expands tosimp (config := { arith := true })
. OnlyNat
and linear arithmetic is currently supported. Example:example : 0 < 1 + x ∧ x + y + 2 ≥ y + 1 := by simp_arith
fail <string>?
tactic that always fail. -
Add support for acyclicity at dependent elimination. See issue #1022.
trace <string>
tactic for debugging purposes. -
Add nontrivial
instance for typesUnit → α
, and add support for them in the auto-generatedSizeOf
instances for user-defined inductive types. For example, given the inductive datatypeinductive LazyList (α : Type u) where | nil : LazyList α | cons (hd : α) (tl : LazyList α) : LazyList α | delayed (t : Thunk (LazyList α)) : LazyList α
we now have
sizeOf (LazyList.delayed t) = 1 + sizeOf t
instead ofsizeOf (LazyList.delayed t) = 2
. -
Add support for guessing (very) simple well-founded relations when proving termination. For example, the following function does not require a
annotation anymore.def Array.insertAtAux (i : Nat) (as : Array α) (j : Nat) : Array α := if h : i < j then let as := as.swap! (j-1) j; insertAtAux i as (j-1) else as
Add support for
for h : x in xs do ...
notation whereh : x ∈ xs
. This is mainly useful for showing termination. -
Auto implicit behavior changed for inductive families. An auto implicit argument occurring in inductive family index is also treated as an index (IF it is not fixed, see next item). For example
inductive HasType : Index n → Vector Ty n → Ty → Type where
is now interpreted as
inductive HasType : {n : Nat} → Index n → Vector Ty n → Ty → Type where
To make the previous feature more convenient to use, we promote a fixed prefix of inductive family indices to parameters. For example, the following declaration is now accepted by Lean
inductive Lst : Type u → Type u | nil : Lst α | cons : α → Lst α → Lst α
inLst α
is a parameter. The actual number of parameters can be inspected using the command#print Lst
. This feature also makes sure we still accept the declarationinductive Sublist : List α → List α → Prop | slnil : Sublist [] [] | cons l₁ l₂ a : Sublist l₁ l₂ → Sublist l₁ (a :: l₂) | cons2 l₁ l₂ a : Sublist l₁ l₂ → Sublist (a :: l₁) (a :: l₂)
Added auto implicit "chaining". Unassigned metavariables occurring in the auto implicit types now become new auto implicit locals. Consider the following example:
inductive HasType : Fin n → Vector Ty n → Ty → Type where | stop : HasType 0 (ty :: ctx) ty | pop : HasType k ctx ty → HasType k.succ (u :: ctx) ty
is an auto implicit local in the two constructors, and it has typectx : Vector Ty ?m
. Without auto implicit "chaining", the metavariable?m
will remain unassigned. The new feature creates yet another implicit localn : Nat
and assignsn
. So, the declaration above is shorthand forinductive HasType : {n : Nat} → Fin n → Vector Ty n → Ty → Type where | stop : {ty : Ty} → {n : Nat} → {ctx : Vector Ty n} → HasType 0 (ty :: ctx) ty | pop : {n : Nat} → {k : Fin n} → {ctx : Vector Ty n} → {ty : Ty} → HasType k ctx ty → HasType k.succ (u :: ctx) ty
Eliminate auxiliary type annotations (e.g,
) from recursor minor premises and projection declarations. Consider the following examplestructure A := x : Nat h : x = 1 := by trivial example (a : A) : a.x = 1 := by have aux := a.h -- `aux` has now type `a.x = 1` instead of `autoParam (a.x = 1) auto✝` exact aux example (a : A) : a.x = 1 := by cases a with | mk x h => -- `h` has now type `x = 1` instead of `autoParam (x = 1) auto✝` assumption
We now accept overloaded notation in patterns, but we require the set of pattern variables in each alternative to be the same. Example:
inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u | nil : Vector α 0 | cons : α → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1) infix:67 " :: " => Vector.cons -- Overloading the `::` notation def head1 (x : List α) (h : x ≠ []) : α := match x with | a :: as => a -- `::` is `List.cons` here def head2 (x : Vector α (n+1)) : α := match x with | a :: as => a -- `::` is `Vector.cons` here
New notation
based on Swift. The namespace is inferred from the expected type. See issue #944. Examples:def f (x : Nat) : Except String Nat := if x > 0 then .ok x else .error "x is zero" namespace Lean.Elab open Lsp def identOf : Info → Option (RefIdent × Bool) | .ofTermInfo ti => match ti.expr with | .const n .. => some (.const n, ti.isBinder) | .fvar id .. => some (.fvar id, ti.isBinder) | _ => none | .ofFieldInfo fi => some (.const fi.projName, false) | _ => none def isImplicit (bi : BinderInfo) : Bool := bi matches .implicit end Lean.Elab