Lean 4.0.0-m3 (2022-01-31)
This is the third milestone release of Lean 4, and the last planned milestone before an official release. With almost 3000 commits improving and extending many parts of the system since the last milestone, we are now close to completing all main features we have envisioned for Lean 4.
$ git shortlog -s -n v4.0.0-m2..v4.0.0-m3 1719 Leonardo de Moura 725 Sebastian Ullrich 149 Wojciech Nawrocki 93 Daniel Selsam 82 Gabriel Ebner 36 Joscha 35 Daniel Fabian 21 tydeu 14 Mario Carneiro 13 larsk21 12 Jannis Limperg 11 Chris Lovett 8 Henrik Böving 4 François G. Dorais 4 Siddharth 3 Joe Hendrix 3 Scott Morrison 3 ammkrn 2 Josh Levine 2 Mac 2 Mac Malone 2 Simon Hudon 2 pcpthm 1 Anders Christiansen Sørby 1 Andrei Cheremskoy 1 Arthur Paulino 1 Christian Pehle 1 Formally Verified Waffle Maker 1 Hunter Monroe 1 Jan Hrcek 1 Joshua Seaton 1 Kevin Buzzard 1 Lorenz Leutgeb 1 Mauricio Collares 1 Michael Burge 1 Paul Brinkmeier 1 Reijo Jaakkola 1 Severen Redwood 1 Siddharth Bhat 1 Tom Ball 1 Varun Gandhi 1 WojciechKarpiel 1 Xavier Noria 1 gabriel-doriath-dohler 1 zygi 1 Бакиновский Максим