command ::= ...
| Declares one or more universe variables.
`universe u v`
`Prop`, `Type`, `Type u` and `Sort u` are types that classify other types, also known as
*universes*. In `Type u` and `Sort u`, the variable `u` stands for the universe's *level*, and a
universe at level `u` can only classify universes that are at levels lower than `u`. For more
details on type universes, please refer to [the relevant chapter of Theorem Proving in Lean][tpil
Just as type arguments allow polymorphic definitions to be used at many different types, universe
parameters, represented by universe variables, allow a definition to be used at any required level.
While Lean mostly handles universe levels automatically, declaring them explicitly can provide more
control when writing signatures. The `universe` keyword allows the declared universe variables to be
used in a collection of definitions, and Lean will ensure that these definitions use them
[tpil universes]:
(Type universes on Theorem Proving in Lean)
/- Explicit type-universe parameter. -/
def id₁.{u} (α : Type u) (a : α) := a
/- Implicit type-universe parameter, equivalent to `id₁`.
Requires option `autoImplicit true`, which is the default. -/
def id₂ (α : Type u) (a : α) := a
/- Explicit standalone universe variable declaration, equivalent to `id₁` and `id₂`. -/
universe u
def id₃ (α : Type u) (a : α) := a
On a more technical note, using a universe variable only in the right-hand side of a definition
causes an error if the universe has not been declared previously.
def L₁.{u} := List (Type u)
-- def L₂ := List (Type u) -- error: `unknown universe level 'u'`
universe u
def L₃ := List (Type u)
## Examples
universe u v w
structure Pair (α : Type u) (β : Type v) : Type (max u v) where
a : α
b : β
#check Pair.{v, w}
-- Pair : Type v → Type w → Type (max v w)
universe ident ident*
Declares one or more universe variables for the extent of the current scope.
Just as the variable
command causes a particular identifier to be treated as a parameter with a particular type, the universe
command causes the subsequent identifiers to be implicitly quantified as as universe parameters in declarations that mention them, even if the option autoImplicit
is false