The configuration for simp
Passed to simp
using, for example, the simp (config := {contextual := true})
See also Lean.Meta.Simp.neutralConfig
and Lean.Meta.DSimp.Config
maxSteps : Nat
The maximum number of subexpressions to visit when performing simplification. The default is 100000.
maxDischargeDepth : Nat
When simp discharges side conditions for conditional lemmas, it can recursively apply simplification.
The maxDischargeDepth
(default: 2) is the maximum recursion depth when recursively applying simplification to side conditions.
contextual : Bool
When contextual
is true (default: false
) and simplification encounters an implication p → q
it includes p
as an additional simp lemma when simplifying q
memoize : Bool
When true (default: true
) then the simplifier caches the result of simplifying each subexpression, if possible.
singlePass : Bool
zeta : Bool
beta : Bool
eta : Bool
etaStruct : Lean.Meta.EtaStructMode
Configures how to determine definitional equality between two structure instances.
See documentation for Lean.Meta.EtaStructMode
iota : Bool
proj : Bool
decide : Bool
arith : Bool
autoUnfold : Bool
dsimp : Bool
failIfUnchanged : Bool
ground : Bool
unfoldPartialApp : Bool
zetaDelta : Bool
index : Bool
implicitDefEqProofs : Bool
If implicitDefEqProofs := true
, simp
does not create proof terms when the
input and output terms are definitionally equal.
zetaUnused : Bool