Without a name annotation, the conditional expression expresses only control flow.
term ::= ...
| `if c then t else e` is notation for `ite c t e`, "if-then-else", which decides to
return `t` or `e` depending on whether `c` is true or false. The explicit argument
`c : Prop` does not have any actual computational content, but there is an additional
`[Decidable c]` argument synthesized by typeclass inference which actually
determines how to evaluate `c` to true or false. Write `if h : c then t else e`
instead for a "dependent if-then-else" `dite`, which allows `t`/`e` to use the fact
that `c` is true/false.
if term then
With the name annotation, the branches of the termDepIfThenElse : term
"Dependent" if-then-else, normally written via the notation `if h : c then t(h) else e(h)`,
is sugar for `dite c (fun h => t(h)) (fun h => e(h))`, and it is the same as
`if c then t else e` except that `t` is allowed to depend on a proof `h : c`,
and `e` can depend on `h : ¬c`. (Both branches use the same name for the hypothesis,
even though it has different types in the two cases.)
We use this to be able to communicate the if-then-else condition to the branches.
For example, `Array.get arr i h` expects a proof `h : i < arr.size` in order to
avoid a bounds check, so you can write `if h : i < arr.size then arr.get i h else ...`
to avoid the bounds check inside the if branch. (Of course in this case we have only
lifted the check into an explicit `if`, but we could also use this proof multiple times
or derive `i < arr.size` from some other proposition that we are checking in the `if`.)
have access to a local assumption that the proposition is respectively true or false.
term ::= ... |if
"Dependent" if-then-else, normally written via the notation `if h : c then t(h) else e(h)`, is sugar for `dite c (fun h => t(h)) (fun h => e(h))`, and it is the same as `if c then t else e` except that `t` is allowed to depend on a proof `h : c`, and `e` can depend on `h : ¬c`. (Both branches use the same name for the hypothesis, even though it has different types in the two cases.) We use this to be able to communicate the if-then-else condition to the branches. For example, `Array.get arr i h` expects a proof `h : i < arr.size` in order to avoid a bounds check, so you can write `if h : i < arr.size then arr.get i h else ...` to avoid the bounds check inside the if branch. (Of course in this case we have only lifted the check into an explicit `if`, but we could also use this proof multiple times or derive `i < arr.size` from some other proposition that we are checking in the `if`.)
binderIdent : term then term else term
`binderIdent` matches an `ident` or a `_`. It is used for identifiers in binding position, where `_` means that the value should be left unnamed and inaccessible.