fail msg
is a tactic that always fails, and produces an error using the given message.
13.3. The Tactic Language
A tactic script consists of a sequence of tactics, separated either by semicolons or newlines. When separated by newlines, tactics must be indented to the same level. Explicit curly braces and semicolons may be used instead of indentation. Tactic sequences may be grouped by parentheses. This allows a sequence of tactics to be used in a position where a single tactic would otherwise be grammatically expected.
Generally, execution proceeds from top to bottom, with each tactic running in the proof state left behind by the prior tactic. The tactic language contains a number of control structures that can modify this flow.
Each tactic is a syntax extension in the tactic
This means that tactics are free to define their own concrete syntax and parsing rules.
However, with a few exceptions, the majority of tactics can be identified by a leading keyword; the exceptions are typically frequently-used built-in control structures such as <;>
13.3.1. Control Structures
Strictly speaking, there is no fundamental distinction between control structures and other tactics. Any tactic is free to take others as arguments and arrange for their execution in any context that it sees fit. Even if a distinction is arbitrary, however, it can still be useful. The tactics in this section are those that resemble traditional control structures from programming, or those that only recombine other tactics rather than making progress themselves. Success and Failure
When run in a proof state, every tactic either succeeds or fails.
Tactic failure is akin to exceptions: failures typically "bubble up" until handled.
Unlike exceptions, there is no operator to distinguish between reasons for failure; first
simply takes the first branch that succeeds. Branching
Tactic proofs may use pattern matching and conditionals.
However, their meaning is not quite the same as it is in terms.
While terms are expected to be executed once the values of their variables are known, proofs are executed with their variables left abstract and should consider all cases simultaneously.
Thus, when if
and match
are used in tactics, their meaning is reasoning by cases rather than selection of a concrete branch.
All of their branches are executed, and the condition or pattern match is used to refine the main goal with more information in each branch, rather than to select a single branch.
if ... then ... else ...
In tactic mode, if t then tac1 else tac2
is alternative syntax for:
by_cases t
· tac1
· tac2
It performs case distinction on h† : t
or h† : ¬t
, where h†
is an anonymous
hypothesis, and tac1
and tac2
are the subproofs. (It doesn't actually use
nondependent if
, since this wouldn't add anything to the context and hence would be
useless for proving theorems. To actually insert an ite
application use
refine if t then ?_ else ?_
if h : ... then ... else ...
In tactic mode, if h : t then tac1 else tac2
can be used as alternative syntax for:
by_cases h : t · tac1 · tac2
It performs case distinction on h : t
or h : ¬t
and tac1
and tac2
are the subproofs.
You can use ?_
or _
for either subproof to delay the goal to after the tactic, but
if a tactic sequence is provided for tac1
or tac2
then it will require the goal to be closed
by the end of the block.
Reasoning by cases with if
In each branch of the Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacIfThenElse : tactic
In tactic mode, `if t then tac1 else tac2` is alternative syntax for:
by_cases t
· tac1
· tac2
It performs case distinction on `h† : t` or `h† : ¬t`, where `h†` is an anonymous
hypothesis, and `tac1` and `tac2` are the subproofs. (It doesn't actually use
nondependent `if`, since this wouldn't add anything to the context and hence would be
useless for proving theorems. To actually insert an `ite` application use
`refine if t then ?_ else ?_`.)
, an assumption is added that reflects whether n = 0
example (n : Nat) : if n = 0 then n < 1 else n > 0 := n:Nat⊢ if n = 0 then n < 1 else n > 0
if n = 0 n:Nath✝:n = 0⊢ if n = 0 then n < 1 else n > 0
All goals completed! 🐙
n:Nath✝:¬n = 0⊢ if n = 0 then n < 1 else n > 0
n:Nath✝:¬n = 0⊢ 0 < n
All goals completed! 🐙
performs case analysis on one or more expressions.
See Induction and Recursion.
The syntax for the match
tactic is the same as term-mode match
, except that
the match arms are tactics instead of expressions.
example (n : Nat) : n = n := n:Nat⊢ n = n
match n with
| 0 => All goals completed! 🐙
| i+1 => All goals completed! 🐙
When pattern matching, instances of the scrutinee in the goal are replaced with the patterns that match them in each branch.
Each branch must then prove the refined goal.
Compared to the cases
tactic, using match
can allow a greater degree of flexibility in the cases analysis being performed, but the requirement that each branch solve its goal completely makes it more difficult to incorporate into larger automation scripts.
Reasoning by cases with match
In each branch of the Lean.Parser.Tactic.match : tactic
`match` performs case analysis on one or more expressions.
See [Induction and Recursion][tpil4].
The syntax for the `match` tactic is the same as term-mode `match`, except that
the match arms are tactics instead of expressions.
example (n : Nat) : n = n := by
match n with
| 0 => rfl
| i+1 => simp
, the scrutinee n
has been replaced by either 0
or k + 1
example (n : Nat) : if n = 0 then n < 1 else n > 0 := n:Nat⊢ if n = 0 then n < 1 else n > 0
match n with
| 0 =>
All goals completed! 🐙
| k + 1 =>
All goals completed! 🐙 Goal Selection
Most tactics affect the main goal. Goal selection tactics provide a way to treat a different goal as the main one, rearranging the sequence of goals in the proof state.
case tag => tac
focuses on the goal with case nametag
and solves it usingtac
, or else fails. -
case tag x₁ ... xₙ => tac
additionally renames then
most recent hypotheses with inaccessible names to the given names. -
case tag₁ | tag₂ => tac
is equivalent to(case tag₁ => tac); (case tag₂ => tac)
rotate_left n
rotates goals to the left by n
. That is, rotate_left 1
takes the main goal and puts it to the back of the subgoal list.
If n
is omitted, it defaults to 1
Rotate the goals to the right by n
. That is, take the goal at the back
and push it to the front n
times. If n
is omitted, it defaults to 1
. Sequencing
In addition to running tactics one after the other, each being used to solve the main goal, the tactic language supports sequencing tactics according to the way in which goals are produced.
The <;>
tactic combinator allows a tactic to be applied to every subgoal produced by some other tactic.
If no new goals are produced, then the second tactic is not run.
Subgoal Sequencing
In a this proof state:
the tactic x:Nath✝:x = 1⊢ x < 3x:Nath✝:x = 2⊢ x < 3
yields the following two goals:
Running x:Nath✝:x = 1⊢ x < 3x:Nath✝:x = 2⊢ x < 3 ; x:Nath✝:x = 2⊢ x < 3
causes simp
to solve the first goal, leaving the second behind:
Replacing the ;
with <;>
and running x:Nath✝:x = 1⊢ x < 3x:Nath✝:x = 2⊢ x < 3 x:Nath✝:x = 1⊢ x < 3x:Nath✝:x = 2⊢ x < 3 All goals completed! 🐙
solves both of the new goals with simp
: Working on Multiple Goals
The tactics all_goals
and any_goals
allow a tactic to be applied to every goal in the proof state.
The difference between them is that if the tactic fails for in any of the goals, all_goals
itself fails, while any_goals
fails only if the tactic fails in all of the goals.
all_goals tac
runs tac
on each goal, concatenating the resulting goals.
If the tactic fails on any goal, the entire all_goals
tactic fails.
See also any_goals tac
any_goals tac
applies the tactic tac
to every goal,
concating the resulting goals for successful tactic applications.
If the tactic fails on all of the goals, the entire any_goals
tactic fails.
This tactic is like all_goals try tac
except that it fails if none of the applications of tac
succeeds. Focusing
Focusing tactics remove some subset of the proof goals (typically leaving only the main goal) from the consideration of some further tactics.
In addition to the tactics described here, the case
and case'
tactics focus on the selected goal.
· tac
focuses on the main goal and tries to solve it using tac
, or else fails.
It is generally considered good Lean style to use bullets whenever a tactic line results in more than one new subgoal. This makes it easier to read and maintain proofs, because the connections between steps of reasoning are more clear and any change in the number of subgoals while editing the proof will have a localized effect.
next => tac
focuses on the next goal and solves it using tac
, or else fails.
next x₁ ... xₙ => tac
additionally renames the n
most recent hypotheses with
inaccessible names to the given names.
focus tac
focuses on the main goal, suppressing all other goals, and runs tac
on it.
Usually · tac
, which enforces that the goal is closed by tac
, should be preferred. Repetition and Iteration
iterate n tac
runs tac
exactly n
iterate tac
runs tac
repeatedly until failure.
's argument is a tactic sequence,
so multiple tactics can be run using iterate n (tac₁; tac₂; ⋯)
iterate n
repeat tac
repeatedly applies tac
so long as it succeeds.
The tactic tac
may be a tactic sequence, and if tac
fails at any point in its execution,
will revert any partial changes that tac
made to the tactic state.
The tactic tac
should eventually fail, otherwise repeat tac
will run indefinitely.
See also:
try tac
is likerepeat tac
but will applytac
at most once. -
repeat' tac
recursively appliestac
to each goal. -
first | tac1 | tac2
implements the backtracking used byrepeat
repeat' tac
recursively applies tac
on all of the goals so long as it succeeds.
That is to say, if tac
produces multiple subgoals, then repeat' tac
is applied to each of them.
See also:
repeat tac
simply repeatedly appliestac
. -
repeat1' tac
isrepeat' tac
but requires thattac
succeed for some goal at least once.
repeat1' tac
recursively applies to tac
on all of the goals so long as it succeeds,
but repeat1' tac
fails if tac
succeeds on none of the initial goals.
See also:
repeat tac
simply appliestac
repeatedly. -
repeat' tac
is likerepeat1' tac
but it does not require thattac
succeed at least once.
13.3.2. Names and Hygiene
Behind the scenes, tactics generate proof terms. These proof terms exist in a local context, because assumptions in proof states correspond to local binders in terms. Uses of assumptions correspond to variable references. It is very important that the naming of assumptions be predictable; otherwise, small changes to the internal implementation of a tactic could either lead to variable capture or to a broken reference if they cause different names to be selected.
Lean's tactic language is hygienic. This means that the tactic language respects lexical scope: names that occur in a tactic refer to the enclosing binding in the source code, rather than being determined by the generated code, and the tactic framework is responsible for maintaining this property. Variable references in tactic scripts refer either to names that were in scope at the beginning of the script or to bindings that were explicitly introduced as part of the tactics, rather than to the names chosen for use in the proof term behind the scenes.
A consequence of hygienic tactics is that the only way to refer to an assumption is to explicitly name it.
Tactics cannot assign assumption names themselves, but must rather accept names from users; users are correspondingly obligated to provide names for assumptions that they wish to refer to.
When an assumption does not have a user-provided name, it is shown in the proof state with a dagger ('†', DAGGER 0x2020
The dagger indicates that the name is inaccessible and cannot be explicitly referred to.
Hygiene can be disabled by setting the option tactic.hygienic
to false
This is not recommended, as many tactics rely on the hygiene system to prevent capture and thus do not incur the overhead of careful manual name selection.
Tactic hygiene: inaccessible assumptions
Tactic hygiene: accessible assumptions Accessing Assumptions
Many tactics provide a means of specifying names for the assumptions that they introduce.
For example, intro
and intros
take assumption names as arguments, and induction
's Lean.Parser.Tactic.induction : tactic
Assuming `x` is a variable in the local context with an inductive type,
`induction x` applies induction on `x` to the main goal,
producing one goal for each constructor of the inductive type,
in which the target is replaced by a general instance of that constructor
and an inductive hypothesis is added for each recursive argument to the constructor.
If the type of an element in the local context depends on `x`,
that element is reverted and reintroduced afterward,
so that the inductive hypothesis incorporates that hypothesis as well.
For example, given `n : Nat` and a goal with a hypothesis `h : P n` and target `Q n`,
`induction n` produces one goal with hypothesis `h : P 0` and target `Q 0`,
and one goal with hypotheses `h : P (Nat.succ a)` and `ih₁ : P a → Q a` and target `Q (Nat.succ a)`.
Here the names `a` and `ih₁` are chosen automatically and are not accessible.
You can use `with` to provide the variables names for each constructor.
- `induction e`, where `e` is an expression instead of a variable,
generalizes `e` in the goal, and then performs induction on the resulting variable.
- `induction e using r` allows the user to specify the principle of induction that should be used.
Here `r` should be a term whose result type must be of the form `C t`,
where `C` is a bound variable and `t` is a (possibly empty) sequence of bound variables
- `induction e generalizing z₁ ... zₙ`, where `z₁ ... zₙ` are variables in the local context,
generalizes over `z₁ ... zₙ` before applying the induction but then introduces them in each goal.
In other words, the net effect is that each inductive hypothesis is generalized.
- Given `x : Nat`, `induction x with | zero => tac₁ | succ x' ih => tac₂`
uses tactic `tac₁` for the `zero` case, and `tac₂` for the `succ` case.
-form allows simultaneous case selection, assumption naming, and focusing.
When an assumption does not have a name, one can be assigned using next
, case
, or rename_i
13.3.3. Assumption Management
Larger proofs can benefit from management of proof states, removing irrelevant assumptions and making their names easier to understand.
Along with these operators, rename_i
allows inaccessible assumptions to be renamed, and intro
, intros
and rintro
convert goals that are implications or universal quantification into goals with additional assumptions.
rename t => x
renames the most recent hypothesis whose type matches t
(which may contain placeholders) to x
, or fails if no such hypothesis could be found.
revert x...
is the inverse of intro x...
: it moves the given hypotheses
into the main goal's target type.
clear x...
removes the given hypotheses, or fails if there are remaining
references to a hypothesis.
13.3.4. Local Definitions and Proofs
and let
both create local assumptions.
Generally speaking, have
should be used when proving an intermediate lemma; let
should be reserved for local definitions.
The have
tactic is for adding hypotheses to the local context of the main goal.
have h : t := e
adds the hypothesish : t
is a term of typet
. -
have h := e
uses the type ofe
. -
have : t := e
andhave := e
for the name of the hypothesis. -
have pat := e
for a patternpat
is equivalent tomatch e with | pat => _
, where_
stands for the tactics that follow this one. It is convenient for types that have only one applicable constructor. For example, givenh : p ∧ q ∧ r
,have ⟨h₁, h₂, h₃⟩ := h
produces the hypothesesh₁ : p
,h₂ : q
, andh₃ : r
The let
tactic is for adding definitions to the local context of the main goal.
let x : t := e
adds the definitionx : t := e
is a term of typet
. -
let x := e
uses the type ofe
. -
let : t := e
andlet := e
for the name of the hypothesis. -
let pat := e
for a patternpat
is equivalent tomatch e with | pat => _
, where_
stands for the tactics that follow this one. It is convenient for types that let only one applicable constructor. For example, givenp : α × β × γ
,let ⟨x, y, z⟩ := p
produces the local variablesx : α
,y : β
, andz : γ
let rec
13.3.5. Configuration
Many tactics are configurable.
By convention, tactics share a configuration syntax, described using optConfig
The specific options available to each tactic are described in the tactic's documentation.
A tactic configuration consists of zero or more configuration items:
optConfig ::=
Configuration options for tactics.
Configuration options for tactics.
A configuration item for a tactic configuration.
Each configuration item has a name that corresponds to an underlying tactic option.
Boolean options may be enabled or disabled using prefix +
and -
configItem ::=
A configuration item for a tactic configuration.
A configuration item for a tactic configuration.
`+opt` is short for `(opt := true)`. It sets the `opt` configuration option to `true`.
configItem ::= ... |
A configuration item for a tactic configuration.
A configuration item for a tactic configuration.
`-opt` is short for `(opt := false)`. It sets the `opt` configuration option to `false`.
Options may be assigned specific values using a syntax similar to that for named function arguments:
configItem ::= ... |
A configuration item for a tactic configuration.
A configuration item for a tactic configuration.
(ident := term)
`(opt := val)` sets the `opt` configuration option to `val`. As a special case, `(config := ...)` sets the entire configuration.
Finally, the name config
is reserved; it is used to pass an entire set of options as a data structure.
The specific type expected depends on the tactic.
configItem ::= ... |
A configuration item for a tactic configuration.
A configuration item for a tactic configuration.
(config := term)
`(opt := val)` sets the `opt` configuration option to `val`. As a special case, `(config := ...)` sets the entire configuration.
13.3.6. Namespace and Option Management
Namespaces and options can be adjusted in tactic scripts using the same syntax as in terms.
set_option opt val in tacs
(the tactic) acts like set_option opt val
at the command level,
but it sets the option only within the tactics tacs
open Foo in tacs
(the tactic) acts like open Foo
at command level,
but it opens a namespace only within the tactics tacs
. Controlling Unfolding
By default, only definitions marked reducible are unfolded, except when checking definitional equality. These operators allow this default to be adjusted for some part of a tactic script.
with_reducible_and_instances tacs
executes tacs
using the .instances
transparency setting.
In this setting only definitions tagged as [reducible]
or type class instances are unfolded.
with_reducible tacs
executes tacs
using the reducible transparency setting.
In this setting only definitions tagged as [reducible]
are unfolded.
with_unfolding_all tacs
executes tacs
using the .all
transparency setting.
In this setting all definitions that are not opaque are unfolded.