The Lean Language Reference

19.7. Extending Lean's Output🔗

Extending Lean with new syntax and implementing the new syntax with macros and elaborators allows users to express ideas to Lean more conveniently. However, Lean is an interactive theorem prover: it is also important that the feedback it provides can be readily understood. Syntax extensions should be used in output as well as in input.

There are two primary mechanisms for instructing Lean to use a syntax extension in its output:


Unexpanders are the inverse of macros. Macros implement new syntax in terms of the old syntax by translation, expanding the new feature into encodings in pre-existing features. Like macros, unexpanders translate Syntax into Syntax; unlike macros, they transform the encodings into the new extensions.


Delaborators are the inverse of elaborators. While elaborators translate Syntax into the core type theory's Expr, delaborators translate Exprs into Syntax.

Before an Expr is displayed, it is first delaborated and then unexpanded. The delaborator tracks the position in the original Expr that its output originated from; this position is encoded in the resulting syntax's SourceInfo. Just as macro expansion automatically annotates the resulting syntax with synthetic source information that correspond to the original syntax's position, the unexpansion mechanism preserves the resulting syntax's association with the underlying Expr. This association enables Lean's interactive features that provide information about the resulting syntax when it is shown in proof states and diagnostics.

19.7.1. Unexpanders🔗

Just as macros are registered in a table that maps syntax kinds to macro implementations, unexpanders are registered in a table that maps the names of constants to unexpander implementations. Before Lean displays syntax to users, it attempts to rewrite each application of a constant in the syntax according to this table. Occurrences of the context that are not applications are treated as applications with zero arguments.

Unexpansion proceeds from the inside out. The unexpander is passed the syntax of the application, with implicit arguments hidden, after the arguments have been unexpanded. If the option pp.explicit is true or pp.notation is false, then unexpanders are not used.

An unexpander has type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander, which is an abbreviation for Syntax → Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM Syntax. In the remainder of this section, the names Unexpander and UnexpandM are used unqualified. UnexpandM is a monad that supports quotation and failure via its MonadQuotation and MonadExcept Unit instances.

An unexpander should either return unexpanded syntax or fail using throw (). If the unexpander succeeds, then the resulting syntax is unexpanded again; if it fails, then the next unexpander is tried. When no unexpander succeeds for the syntax, its child nodes are unexpanded until all opportunities for unexpansion are exhausted.

Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander : Type

Function that tries to reverse macro expansions as a post-processing step of delaboration. While less general than an arbitrary delaborator, it can be declared without importing Lean. Used by the [app_unexpander] attribute.

Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM (α : Type) : Type

The unexpander monad, essentially Syntax Option α. The Syntax is the ref, and it has the possibility of failure without an error message.

An unexpander for a constant is registered by applying the app_unexpander attribute. Custom operators and notations automatically create unexpanders for the syntax that they introduce.

attributeUnexpander Registration
attr ::= ...
    | app_unexpander ident

Registers an unexpander of type Unexpander for applications of a constant.

Custom Unit Type

A type equivalent to Unit, but with its own notation, can be defined as a zero-field structure and a macro:

structure One where mk :: syntax "‹" "›" : term macro_rules | `(term|) => ``(

While the new notation can be used to write theorem statements, it does not appear in proof states. For example, when proving that all values of type One are equal to , the initial proof state is:

v:Onev = { }

This proof state shows the constructor using structure instance syntax. An unexpander can be used to override this choice. Because cannot be applied to any arguments, the unexpander is free to ignore the syntax, which will always be `(

@[app_unexpander] def unexpandOne : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander | _ => `()

With this unexpander, the initial state of the proof now renders with the correct syntax:

v:Onev =
Unexpansion and Arguments

A ListCursor represents a position in a List. ListCursor.before contains the reversed list of elements prior to the position, and ListCursor.after contains the elements after the position.

structure ListCursor (α) where before : List α after : List α deriving Repr

List cursors can be moved to the left or to the right:

def ListCursor.left : ListCursor α Option (ListCursor α) | [], _ => none | l :: ls, rs => some ls, l :: rs def ListCursor.right : ListCursor α Option (ListCursor α) | _, [] => none | ls, r :: rs => some r :: ls, rs

They can also be moved all the way to the left or all the way to the right:

def ListCursor.rewind : ListCursor α ListCursor α | xs@[], _ => xs | l :: ls, rs => rewind ls, l :: rs termination_by xs => xs.before def ListCursor.fastForward : ListCursor α ListCursor α | xs@_, [] => xs | ls, r :: rs => fastForward r :: ls, rs termination_by xs => xs.after

However, the need to reverse the list of previous elements can make list cursors difficult to understand. A cursor can be given a notation in which a flag (🚩) marks the cursor's location in a list:

syntax "[" term,* " 🚩 " term,* "]": term macro_rules | `([$ls,* 🚩 $rs,*]) => ``( [$[$((ls : Array Lean.Term).reverse)],*] [$rs,*])

In the macro, the sequences of elements have type Syntax.TSepArray `term ",". The type annotation as Array Lean.Term causes a coercion to fire so that Array.reverse can be applied, and a similar coercion reinserts the separating commas. These coercions are described in the section on typed syntax.

While the syntax works, it is not used in Lean's output:

{ before := [3, 2, 1], after := [4, 5] } : ListCursor Nat#check [1, 2, 3 🚩 4, 5]
{ before := [3, 2, 1], after := [4, 5] } : ListCursor Nat

An unexpander solves this problem. The unexpander relies on the built-in unexpanders for list literals already having rewritten the two lists:

@[app_unexpander] def unexpandListCursor : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander | `($_ [$ls,*] [$rs,*]) => `([$((ls : Array Lean.Term).reverse),* 🚩 $(rs),*]) | _ => throw () [1, 2, 3 🚩 4, 5] : ListCursor Nat#check [1, 2, 3 🚩 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3 🚩 4, 5] : ListCursor Nat
some [1, 2, 3, 4 🚩 5]#reduce [1, 2, 3 🚩 4, 5].right
some [1, 2, 3, 4 🚩 5]
some [1 🚩 2, 3, 4, 5]#reduce [1, 2, 3 🚩 4, 5].left >>= (·.left)
some [1 🚩 2, 3, 4, 5]

19.7.2. Delaborators🔗

A delaborator is function of type Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab, which is an abbreviation for Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.DelabM Term. Unlike unexpanders, delaborators are not implemented as functions. This is to make it easier to implement them correctly: the monad DelabM tracks the current position in the expression that's being delaborated so the delaboration mechanism can annotate the resulting syntax.

Delaborators are registered with the delab attribute. An internal table maps the names of the constructors of Expr (without namespaces) to delaborators. Additionally, the name app.c is consulted to find delaborators for applications of the constant c, and the name mdata.k is consulted to find delaborators for Expr.mdata constructors with a single key k in their metadata.

attributeDelaborator Registration

The delab attribute registers a delaborator for the indicated constructor or metadata key of Expr.

attr ::= ...
    | delab ident

The app_delab attribute registers a delaborator for applications of the indicated constant after resolving it in the current scope.

attr ::= ...
    | `@[app_delab c]` registers a delaborator for applications with head constant `c`.
Such delaborators also apply to the constant `c` itself (known as a "nullary application").

This attribute should be applied to definitions of type `Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab`.

When defining delaborators for constant applications, one should prefer this attribute over `@[delab app.c]`,
as `@[app_delab c]` first performs name resolution on `c` in the current scope.
app_delab ident

The monad DelabM is a reader monad that includes access to the current position in the Expr. Recursive delaboration is performed by adjusting the reader monad's tracked position, rather than by explicitly passing a subexpression to another function. The most important functions for working with subexpressions in delaborators are in the namespace Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.SubExp:

  • getExpr retrieves the current expression for analysis.

  • withAppFn adjusts the current position to be that of the function in an application.

  • withAppArg adjusts the current position to be that of the argument in an application

  • withAppFnArgs decomposes the current expression into a non-application function and its arguments, focusing on each.

  • withBindingBody descends into the body of a function or function type.

Further functions to descend into the remaining constructors of Expr are available.