The : command
Makes names from other namespaces visible without writing the namespace prefix.
Names that are made available with `open` are visible within the current `section` or `namespace`
block. This makes referring to (type) definitions and theorems easier, but note that it can also
make [scoped instances], notations, and attributes from a different namespace available.
The `open` command can be used in a few different ways:
* `open Some.Namespace.Path1 Some.Namespace.Path2` makes all non-protected names in
`Some.Namespace.Path1` and `Some.Namespace.Path2` available without the prefix, so that
`Some.Namespace.Path1.x` and `Some.Namespace.Path2.y` can be referred to by writing only `x` and
* `open Some.Namespace.Path hiding def1 def2` opens all non-protected names in `Some.Namespace.Path`
except `def1` and `def2`.
* `open Some.Namespace.Path (def1 def2)` only makes `Some.Namespace.Path.def1` and
`Some.Namespace.Path.def2` available without the full prefix, so `Some.Namespace.Path.def3` would
be unaffected.
This works even if `def1` and `def2` are `protected`.
* `open Some.Namespace.Path renaming def1 → def1', def2 → def2'` same as `open Some.Namespace.Path
(def1 def2)` but `def1`/`def2`'s names are changed to `def1'`/`def2'`.
This works even if `def1` and `def2` are `protected`.
* `open scoped Some.Namespace.Path1 Some.Namespace.Path2` **only** opens [scoped instances],
notations, and attributes from `Namespace1` and `Namespace2`; it does **not** make any other name
* `open <any of the open shapes above> in` makes the names `open`-ed visible only in the next
command or expression.
[scoped instance]:
(Scoped instances in Theorem Proving in Lean)
## Examples
/-- SKI combinators -/
namespace Combinator.Calculus
def I (a : α) : α := a
def K (a : α) : β → α := fun _ => a
def S (x : α → β → γ) (y : α → β) (z : α) : γ := x z (y z)
end Combinator.Calculus
-- open everything under `Combinator.Calculus`, *i.e.* `I`, `K` and `S`,
-- until the section ends
open Combinator.Calculus
theorem SKx_eq_K : S K x = I := rfl
-- open everything under `Combinator.Calculus` only for the next command (the next `theorem`, here)
open Combinator.Calculus in
theorem SKx_eq_K' : S K x = I := rfl
-- open only `S` and `K` under `Combinator.Calculus`
open Combinator.Calculus (S K)
theorem SKxy_eq_y : S K x y = y := rfl
-- `I` is not in scope, we have to use its full path
theorem SKxy_eq_Iy : S K x y = Combinator.Calculus.I y := rfl
open Combinator.Calculus
I → identity,
K → konstant
#check identity
#check konstant
open Combinator.Calculus
hiding S
#check I
#check K
namespace Demo
inductive MyType
| val
namespace N1
scoped infix:68 " ≋ " => BEq.beq
scoped instance : BEq MyType where
beq _ _ := true
def Alias := MyType
end N1
end Demo
-- bring `≋` and the instance in scope, but not `Alias`
open scoped Demo.N1
#check Demo.MyType.val == Demo.MyType.val
#check Demo.MyType.val ≋ Demo.MyType.val
-- #check Alias -- unknown identifier 'Alias'
command is used to open a namespace:
command ::= ...
| Makes names from other namespaces visible without writing the namespace prefix.
Names that are made available with `open` are visible within the current `section` or `namespace`
block. This makes referring to (type) definitions and theorems easier, but note that it can also
make [scoped instances], notations, and attributes from a different namespace available.
The `open` command can be used in a few different ways:
* `open Some.Namespace.Path1 Some.Namespace.Path2` makes all non-protected names in
`Some.Namespace.Path1` and `Some.Namespace.Path2` available without the prefix, so that
`Some.Namespace.Path1.x` and `Some.Namespace.Path2.y` can be referred to by writing only `x` and
* `open Some.Namespace.Path hiding def1 def2` opens all non-protected names in `Some.Namespace.Path`
except `def1` and `def2`.
* `open Some.Namespace.Path (def1 def2)` only makes `Some.Namespace.Path.def1` and
`Some.Namespace.Path.def2` available without the full prefix, so `Some.Namespace.Path.def3` would
be unaffected.
This works even if `def1` and `def2` are `protected`.
* `open Some.Namespace.Path renaming def1 → def1', def2 → def2'` same as `open Some.Namespace.Path
(def1 def2)` but `def1`/`def2`'s names are changed to `def1'`/`def2'`.
This works even if `def1` and `def2` are `protected`.
* `open scoped Some.Namespace.Path1 Some.Namespace.Path2` **only** opens [scoped instances],
notations, and attributes from `Namespace1` and `Namespace2`; it does **not** make any other name
* `open <any of the open shapes above> in` makes the names `open`-ed visible only in the next
command or expression.
[scoped instance]:
(Scoped instances in Theorem Proving in Lean)
## Examples
/-- SKI combinators -/
namespace Combinator.Calculus
def I (a : α) : α := a
def K (a : α) : β → α := fun _ => a
def S (x : α → β → γ) (y : α → β) (z : α) : γ := x z (y z)
end Combinator.Calculus
-- open everything under `Combinator.Calculus`, *i.e.* `I`, `K` and `S`,
-- until the section ends
open Combinator.Calculus
theorem SKx_eq_K : S K x = I := rfl
-- open everything under `Combinator.Calculus` only for the next command (the next `theorem`, here)
open Combinator.Calculus in
theorem SKx_eq_K' : S K x = I := rfl
-- open only `S` and `K` under `Combinator.Calculus`
open Combinator.Calculus (S K)
theorem SKxy_eq_y : S K x y = y := rfl
-- `I` is not in scope, we have to use its full path
theorem SKxy_eq_Iy : S K x y = Combinator.Calculus.I y := rfl
open Combinator.Calculus
I → identity,
K → konstant
#check identity
#check konstant
open Combinator.Calculus
hiding S
#check I
#check K
namespace Demo
inductive MyType
| val
namespace N1
scoped infix:68 " ≋ " => BEq.beq
scoped instance : BEq MyType where
beq _ _ := true
def Alias := MyType
end N1
end Demo
-- bring `≋` and the instance in scope, but not `Alias`
open scoped Demo.N1
#check Demo.MyType.val == Demo.MyType.val
#check Demo.MyType.val ≋ Demo.MyType.val
-- #check Alias -- unknown identifier 'Alias'
open openDecl