The Lean Language Reference

15.11. Tasks and Threads🔗

Tasks are the fundamental primitive for writing multi-threaded code. A Task α represents a computation that, at some point, will resolve to a value of type α; it may be computed on a separate thread. When a task has resolved, its value can be read; attempting to get the value of a task before it resolves causes the current thread to block until the task has resolved. Tasks are similar to promises in JavaScript, JoinHandle in Rust, and Future in Scala.

Tasks may either carry out pure computations or IO actions. The API of pure tasks resembles that of thunks: Task.spawn creates a Task α from a function in Unit α, and Task.get waits until the function's value has been computed and then returns it. The value is cached, so subsequent requests do not need to recompute it. The key difference lies in when the computation occurs: while the values of thunks are not computed until they are forced, tasks execute opportunistically in a separate thread.

Tasks in IO are created using IO.asTask. Similarly, BaseIO.asTask and EIO.asTask create tasks in other IO monads. These tasks may have side effects, and can communicate with other tasks.

When the last reference to a task is dropped it is cancelled. Pure tasks created with Task.spawn are terminated upon cancellation. Tasks spawned with IO.asTask, EIO.asTask, or BaseIO.asTask continue executing and must explicitly check for cancellation using IO.checkCanceled. Tasks may be explicitly cancelled using IO.cancel.

The Lean runtime maintains a thread pool for running tasks. The size of the thread pool is determined by the environment variable LEAN_NUM_THREADS if it is set, or by the number of logical processors on the current machine otherwise. The size of the thread pool is not a hard limit; in certain situations it may be exceeded to avoid deadlocks. By default, these threads are used to run tasks; each task has a priority (Task.Priority), and higher-priority tasks take precedence over lower-priority tasks. Tasks may also be assigned to dedicated threads by spawning them with a sufficiently high priority.

Task.{u} (α : Type u) : Type u

Task α is a primitive for asynchronous computation. It represents a computation that will resolve to a value of type α, possibly being computed on another thread. This is similar to Future in Scala, Promise in Javascript, and JoinHandle in Rust.

The tasks have an overridden representation in the runtime.

15.11.1. Creating Tasks

Pure tasks should typically be created with Task.spawn, as Task.pure is a task that's already been resolved with the provided value. Impure tasks are created by one of the asTask actions. Pure Tasks

Pure tasks may be created outside the IO family of monads. They are terminated when the last reference to them is dropped.

Task.spawn.{u} {α : Type u} (fn : Unitα)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
    Task.Priority.default) :
  Task α

spawn fn : Task α constructs and immediately launches a new task for evaluating the function fn () : α asynchronously.

prio, if provided, is the priority of the task.

Task.pure.{u} {α : Type u} (get : α) : Task α

Task.pure (a : α) constructs a task that is already resolved with value a. Impure Tasks

When spawning a task with side effects using one of the asTask functions, it's important to actually execute the resulting IO action. A task is spawned each time the resulting action is executed, not when asTask is called. Impure tasks continue running even when there are no references to them, though this does result in cancellation being requested. Cancellation may also be explicitly requested using IO.cancel. The impure task must check for cancellation using IO.checkCanceled.

BaseIO.asTask {α : Type} (act : BaseIO α)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
    Task.Priority.default) :
  BaseIO (Task α)

Runs act in a separate Task, with priority prio.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Pure accesses to the Task do not influence the impure act.

Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped.

EIO.asTask {ε α : Type} (act : EIO ε α)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
    Task.Priority.default) :
  BaseIO (Task (Except ε α))

Runs act in a separate Task, with priority prio. Because EIO ε actions may throw an exception of type ε, the result of the task is an Except ε α.

Running the resulting IO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Pure accesses to the Task do not influence the impure act.

Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped.

IO.asTask {α : Type} (act : IO α)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
    Task.Priority.default) :
  BaseIO (Task (Except IO.Error α))

Runs act in a separate Task, with priority prio. Because IO actions may throw an exception of type IO.Error, the result of the task is an Except IO.Error α.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Pure accesses to the Task do not influence the impure act. Because IO actions may throw an exception of type IO.Error, the result of the task is an Except IO.Error α.

Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped. Priorities

Task priorities are used by the thread scheduler to assign tasks to threads. Within the priority range defaultmax, higher-priority tasks always take precedence over lower-priority tasks. Tasks spawned with priority dedicated are assigned their own dedicated threads and do not contend with other tasks for the threads in the thread pool.

Task.Priority : Type

Task priority.

Tasks with higher priority will always be scheduled before tasks with lower priority. Tasks with a priority greater than Task.Priority.max are scheduled on dedicated threads.

Task.Priority.default : Task.Priority

The default priority for spawned tasks, also the lowest priority: 0.

Task.Priority.max : Task.Priority

The highest regular priority for spawned tasks: 8.

Spawning a task with a priority higher than Task.Priority.max is not an error but will spawn a dedicated worker for the task. This is indicated using Task.Priority.dedicated. Regular priority tasks are placed in a thread pool and worked on according to their priority order.

Task.Priority.dedicated : Task.Priority

Indicates that a task should be scheduled on a dedicated thread.

Any priority higher than Task.Priority.max will result in the task being scheduled immediately on a dedicated thread. This is particularly useful for long-running and/or I/O-bound tasks since Lean will, by default, allocate no more non-dedicated workers than the number of cores to reduce context switches.

15.11.2. Task Results

Task.get.{u} {α : Type u} (self : Task α) : α

Blocks the current thread until the given task has finished execution, and then returns the result of the task. If the current thread is itself executing a (non-dedicated) task, the maximum threadpool size is temporarily increased by one while waiting so as to ensure the process cannot be deadlocked by threadpool starvation. Note that when the current thread is unblocked, more tasks than the configured threadpool size may temporarily be running at the same time until sufficiently many tasks have finished. and Task.bind should be preferred over Task.get for setting up task dependencies where possible as they do not require temporarily growing the threadpool in this way.

IO.wait {α : Type} (t : Task α) : BaseIO α

Waits for the task to finish, then returns its result.

IO.waitAny {α : Type} (tasks : List (Task α))
  (h : tasks.length > 0 := by
    exact Nat.zero_lt_succ _) :
  BaseIO α

Waits until any of the tasks in the list has finished, then return its result.

15.11.3. Sequencing Tasks

These operators create new tasks from old ones. When possible, it's good to use or Task.bind instead of manually calling Task.get in a new task because they don't temporarily increase the size of the thread pool.

🔗def{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (f : αβ) (x : Task α)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) : Task β

map f x maps function f over the task x: that is, it constructs (and immediately launches) a new task which will wait for the value of x to be available and then calls f on the result.

prio, if provided, is the priority of the task. If sync is set to true, f is executed on the current thread if x has already finished and otherwise on the thread that x finished on. prio is ignored in this case. This should only be done when executing f is cheap and non-blocking.

Task.bind.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (x : Task α) (f : αTask β)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) : Task β

bind x f does a monad "bind" operation on the task x with function f: that is, it constructs (and immediately launches) a new task which will wait for the value of x to be available and then calls f on the result, resulting in a new task which is then run for a result.

prio, if provided, is the priority of the task. If sync is set to true, f is executed on the current thread if x has already finished and otherwise on the thread that x finished on. prio is ignored in this case. This should only be done when executing f is cheap and non-blocking.

Task.mapList.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (f : List αβ)
  (tasks : List (Task α))
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) : Task β

Creates a task that, when all tasks have finished, computes the result of f applied to their results.

BaseIO.mapTask.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {β : Type}
  (f : αBaseIO β) (t : Task α)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) : BaseIO (Task β)

Creates a new task that waits for t to complete and then runs the BaseIO action f on its result. This new task has priority prio.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped.

EIO.mapTask.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {ε β : Type}
  (f : αEIO ε β) (t : Task α)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) :
  BaseIO (Task (Except ε β))

Creates a new task that waits for t to complete and then runs the IO action f on its result. This new task has priority prio.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped. Because EIO ε actions may throw an exception of type ε, the result of the task is an Except ε α.

IO.mapTask.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {β : Type}
  (f : αIO β) (t : Task α)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) :
  BaseIO (Task (Except IO.Error β))

Creates a new task that waits for t to complete and then runs the IO action f on its result. This new task has priority prio.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped. Because IO actions may throw an exception of type IO.Error, the result of the task is an Except IO.Error α.

BaseIO.mapTasks.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {β : Type}
  (f : List αBaseIO β)
  (tasks : List (Task α))
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) : BaseIO (Task β)

Creates a new task that waits for all the tasks in the list tasks to complete, and then runs the IO action f on their results. This new task has priority prio.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped.

EIO.mapTasks.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {ε β : Type}
  (f : List αEIO ε β) (tasks : List (Task α))
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) :
  BaseIO (Task (Except ε β))

Creates a new task that waits for all the tasks in the list tasks to complete, and then runs the EIO ε action f on their results. This new task has priority prio.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped.

IO.mapTasks.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {β : Type}
  (f : List αIO β) (tasks : List (Task α))
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) :
  BaseIO (Task (Except IO.Error β))

IO specialization of EIO.mapTasks.

BaseIO.bindTask.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {β : Type}
  (t : Task α) (f : αBaseIO (Task β))
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) : BaseIO (Task β)

Creates a new task that waits for t to complete, runs the IO action f on its result, and then continues as the resulting task. This new task has priority prio.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes this new task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped.

EIO.bindTask.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {ε β : Type}
  (t : Task α)
  (f : αEIO ε (Task (Except ε β)))
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) :
  BaseIO (Task (Except ε β))

Creates a new task that waits for t to complete, runs the EIO ε action f on its result, and then continues as the resulting task. This new task has priority prio.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes this new task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped. Because EIO ε actions may throw an exception of type ε, the result of the task is an Except ε α.

IO.bindTask.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {β : Type}
  (t : Task α)
  (f : αIO (Task (Except IO.Error β)))
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) :
  BaseIO (Task (Except IO.Error β))

Creates a new task that waits for t to complete, runs the IO action f on its result, and then continues as the resulting task. This new task has priority prio.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes this new task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped. Because IO actions may throw an exception of type IO.Error, the result of the task is an Except IO.Error α.

BaseIO.chainTask.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (t : Task α) (f : αBaseIO Unit)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) : BaseIO Unit

Creates a new task that waits for t to complete and then runs the IO action f on its result. This new task has priority prio.

This is a version of BaseIO.mapTask that ignores the result value.

Running the resulting BaseIO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped.

EIO.chainTask.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {ε : Type}
  (t : Task α) (f : αEIO ε Unit)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) : EIO ε Unit

Creates a new task that waits for t to complete and then runs the EIO ε action f on its result. This new task has priority prio.

This is a version of EIO.mapTask that ignores the result value.

Running the resulting EIO ε action causes the task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped.

IO.chainTask.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (t : Task α)
  (f : αIO Unit)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
  (sync : Bool := false) : IO Unit

Creates a new task that waits for t to complete and then runs the IO action f on its result. This new task has priority prio.

This is a version of IO.mapTask that ignores the result value.

Running the resulting IO action causes the task to be started eagerly. Unlike pure tasks created by Task.spawn, tasks created by this function will run even if the last reference to the task is dropped. The act should explicitly check for cancellation via IO.checkCanceled if it should be terminated or otherwise react to the last reference being dropped.

15.11.4. Cancellation and Status

Impure tasks should use IO.checkCanceled to react to cancellation, which occurs either as a result of IO.cancel or when the last reference to the task is dropped. Pure tasks are terminated automatically upon cancellation.

IO.cancel.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  Task αBaseIO Unit

Requests cooperative cancellation of the task. The task must explicitly call IO.checkCanceled to react to the cancellation.

IO.checkCanceled : BaseIO Bool

Checks whether the current task's cancellation flag has been set by calling IO.cancel or by dropping the last reference to the task.

IO.hasFinished.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (task : Task α) : BaseIO Bool

Checks whether the task has finished execution, at which point calling Task.get will return immediately.

IO.getTaskState.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  Task αBaseIO IO.TaskState

Returns the current state of a task in the Lean runtime's task manager.

For tasks derived from Promises, the states waiting and running should be considered equivalent.

🔗inductive type
IO.TaskState : Type

The current state of a Task in the Lean runtime's task manager.


waiting : IO.TaskState

The Task is waiting to be run.

It can be waiting for dependencies to complete or sitting in the task manager queue waiting for a thread to run on.

running : IO.TaskState

The Task is actively running on a thread or, in the case of a Promise, waiting for a call to IO.Promise.resolve.

finished : IO.TaskState

The Task has finished running and its result is available. Calling Task.get or IO.wait on the task will not block.

IO.getTID : BaseIO UInt64

Returns the thread ID of the calling thread.

15.11.5. Promises

Promises represent a value that will be supplied in the future. Supplying the value is called resolving the promise. Once created, a promise can be stored in a data structure or passed around like any other value, and attempts to read from it will block until it is resolved.

IO.Promise (α : Type) : Type

Promise α allows you to create a Task α whose value is provided later by calling resolve.

Typical usage is as follows:

  1. let promise creates a promise

  2. promise.result? : Task (Option α) can now be passed around

  3. promise.result?.get blocks until the promise is resolved

  4. promise.resolve a resolves the promise

  5. promise.result?.get now returns some a

If the promise is dropped without ever being resolved, promise.result?.get will return none. See Promise.result!/resultD for other ways to handle this case.

🔗opaque {α : Type} [Nonempty α] :
  BaseIO (IO.Promise α)

Creates a new Promise.

IO.Promise.isResolved {α : Type}
  (promise : IO.Promise α) : BaseIO Bool

Checks whether the promise has already been resolved, i.e. whether access to result* will return immediately.

IO.Promise.result? {α : Type}
  (promise : IO.Promise α) : Task (Option α)

Like Promise.result, but resolves to none if the promise is dropped without ever being resolved.

IO.Promise.result! {α : Type}
  (promise : IO.Promise α) : Task α

The result task of a Promise.

The task blocks until Promise.resolve is called. If the promise is dropped without ever being resolved, evaluating the task will panic and, when not using fatal panics, block forever. Use Promise.result? to handle this case explicitly.

IO.Promise.resultD {α : Type}
  (promise : IO.Promise α) (dflt : α) : Task α

Like Promise.result, but resolves to dflt if the promise is dropped without ever being resolved.

IO.Promise.resolve {α : Type} (value : α)
  (promise : IO.Promise α) : BaseIO Unit

Resolves a Promise.

Only the first call to this function has an effect.

15.11.6. Communication Between Tasks

In addition to the types and operations described in this section, IO.Ref can be used as a lock. Taking the reference (using take) causes other threads to block when reading until the reference is set again. This pattern is described in the section on reference cells. Channels

The types and functions in this section are available after importing Std.Sync.Channel.

Std.Channel (α : Type) : Type

FIFO channel with unbounded buffer, where recv? returns a Task.

A channel can be closed. Once it is closed, all sends are ignored, and recv? returns none once the queue is empty.

🔗def {α : Type} :
  BaseIO (Std.Channel α)

Creates a new Channel.

Std.Channel.send {α : Type} (ch : Std.Channel α)
  (v : α) : BaseIO Unit

Sends a message on an Channel.

This function does not block.

Std.Channel.recv? {α : Type}
  (ch : Std.Channel α) :
  BaseIO (Task (Option α))

Receives a message, without blocking. The returned task waits for the message. Every message is only received once.

Returns none if the channel is closed and the queue is empty.

Std.Channel.close {α : Type}
  (ch : Std.Channel α) : BaseIO Unit

Closes an Channel.

Std.Channel.forAsync {α : Type}
  (f : αBaseIO Unit) (ch : Std.Channel α)
  (prio : Task.Priority :=
    Task.Priority.default) :
  BaseIO (Task Unit)

ch.forAsync f calls f for every messages received on ch.

Note that if this function is called twice, each forAsync only gets half the messages.

Std.Channel.recvAllCurrent {α : Type}
  (ch : Std.Channel α) : BaseIO (Array α)

Receives all currently queued messages from the channel.

Those messages are dequeued and will not be returned by recv?.

Std.Channel.sync {α : Type}
  (ch : Std.Channel α) : Std.Channel.Sync α

Accesses synchronous (blocking) version of channel operations.

For example, ch.sync.recv? blocks until the next message, and for msg in ch.sync do ... iterates synchronously over the channel. These functions should only be used in dedicated threads.

Std.Channel.Sync (α : Type) : Type

Type tag for synchronous (blocking) operations on a Channel.

Std.Channel.Sync.recv? {α : Type}
  (ch : Std.Channel.Sync α) : BaseIO (Option α)

Synchronously receives a message from the channel.

Every message is only received once. Returns none if the channel is closed and the queue is empty.

Synchronous channels can also be read using Lean.Parser.Term.doFor : doElem`for x in e do s` iterates over `e` assuming `e`'s type has an instance of the `ForIn` typeclass. `break` and `continue` are supported inside `for` loops. `for x in e, x2 in e2, ... do s` iterates of the given collections in parallel, until at least one of them is exhausted. The types of `e2` etc. must implement the `ToStream` typeclass. for loops. In particular, there is an instance of type ForIn m (Std.Channel.Sync α) α for every monad m with a MonadLiftT BaseIO m instance. Mutexes

The types and functions in this section are available after importing Std.Sync.Mutex.

Std.Mutex (α : Type) : Type

Mutual exclusion primitive (lock) guarding shared state of type α.

The type Mutex α is similar to IO.Ref α, except that concurrent accesses are guarded by a mutex instead of atomic pointer operations and busy-waiting.

🔗def {α : Type} (a : α) :
  BaseIO (Std.Mutex α)

Creates a new mutex.

Std.Mutex.atomically {m : TypeType}
  {α β : Type} [Monad m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m]
  [MonadFinally m] (mutex : Std.Mutex α)
  (k : Std.AtomicT α m β) : m β

mutex.atomically k runs k with access to the mutex's state while locking the mutex.

Std.Mutex.atomicallyOnce {m : TypeType}
  {α β : Type} [Monad m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m]
  [MonadFinally m] (mutex : Std.Mutex α)
  (condvar : Std.Condvar)
  (pred : Std.AtomicT α m Bool)
  (k : Std.AtomicT α m β) : m β

mutex.atomicallyOnce condvar pred k runs k, waiting on condvar until pred returns true. Both k and pred have access to the mutex's state.

Std.AtomicT (σ : Type) (m : TypeType)
  (α : Type) : Type

AtomicT α m is the monad that can be atomically executed inside a Mutex α, with outside monad m. The action has access to the state α of the mutex (via get and set). Condition Variables

The types and functions in this section are available after importing Std.Sync.Mutex.

Std.Condvar : Type

Condition variable.

🔗opaque : BaseIO Std.Condvar

Creates a new condition variable.

Std.Condvar.wait (condvar : Std.Condvar)
  (mutex : Std.BaseMutex) : BaseIO Unit

Waits until another thread calls notifyOne or notifyAll.

Std.Condvar.notifyOne (condvar : Std.Condvar) :
  BaseIO Unit

Wakes up a single other thread executing wait.

Std.Condvar.notifyAll (condvar : Std.Condvar) :
  BaseIO Unit

Wakes up all other threads executing wait.

  {m : TypeType u_1} [Monad m]
  [MonadLift BaseIO m] (condvar : Std.Condvar)
  (mutex : Std.BaseMutex) (pred : m Bool) :
  m Unit

Waits on the condition variable until the predicate is true.