The Lean Language Reference

15.4. Mutable References

While ordinary state monads encode stateful computations with tuples that track the contents of the state along with the computation's value, Lean's runtime system also provides mutable references that are always backed by mutable memory cells. Mutable references have a type IO.Ref that indicates that a cell is mutable, and reads and writes must be explicit. IO.Ref is implemented using ST.Ref, so the entire ST.Ref API may also be used with IO.Ref.

IO.Ref (α : Type) : Type

Mutable reference cells that contain values of type α. These cells can read from and mutated in the IO monad.

IO.mkRef {α : Type} (a : α) : BaseIO (IO.Ref α)

Creates a new mutable reference cell that contains a.

15.4.1. State Transformers🔗

Mutable references are often useful in contexts where arbitrary side effects are undesired. They can give a significant speedup when Lean is unable to optimize pure operations into mutation, and some algorithms are more easily expressed using mutable references than with state monads. Additionally, it has a property that other side effects do not have: if all of the mutable references used by a piece of code are created during its execution, and no mutable references from the code escape to other code, then the result of evaluation is deterministic.

The ST monad is a restricted version of IO in which mutable state is the only side effect, and mutable references cannot escape.ST was first described by John Launchbury and Simon L Peyton Jones, 1994. “Lazy functional state threads”. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1994 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.. ST takes a type parameter that is never used to classify any terms. The runST function, which allow escape from ST, requires that the ST action that is passed to it can instantiate this type parameter with any type. This unknown type does not exist except as a parameter to a function, which means that values whose types are “marked” by it cannot escape its scope.

ST (σ : Type) : TypeType

A restricted version of IO in which mutable state is the only side effect.

It is possible to run ST computations in a non-monadic context using runST.

runST {α : Type} (x : (σ : Type) → ST σ α) : α

Runs an ST computation, in which mutable state via ST.Ref is the only side effect.

As with IO and EIO, there is also a variation of ST that takes a custom error type as a parameter. Here, ST is analogous to BaseIO rather than IO, because ST cannot result in errors being thrown.

EST (ε σ : Type) : TypeType

A restricted version of IO in which mutable state and exceptions are the only side effects.

It is possible to run EST computations in a non-monadic context using runEST.

runEST {ε α : Type}
  (x : (σ : Type) → EST ε σ α) : Except ε α

Runs an EST computation, in which mutable state and exceptions are the only side effects.

ST.Ref (σ α : Type) : Type

Mutable reference cells that contain values of type α. These cells can read from and mutated in the ST σ monad.

ST.mkRef {σ : Type} {m : TypeType}
  [MonadLiftT (ST σ) m] {α : Type} (a : α) :
  m (ST.Ref σ α)

Creates a new mutable reference that contains the provided value a. Reading and Writing

ST.Ref.get {σ : Type} {m : TypeType}
  [MonadLiftT (ST σ) m] {α : Type}
  (r : ST.Ref σ α) : m α

Reads the value of a mutable reference.

ST.Ref.set {σ : Type} {m : TypeType}
  [MonadLiftT (ST σ) m] {α : Type}
  (r : ST.Ref σ α) (a : α) : m Unit

Replaces the value of a mutable reference.

Data races with get and set
def main : IO Unit := do let balance IO.mkRef (100 : Int) let mut orders := #[] IO.println "Sending out orders..." for _ in [0:100] do let o IO.asTask (prio := .dedicated) do let cost IO.rand 1 100 IO.sleep ( IO.rand 10 100).toUInt32 if cost < ( balance.get) then IO.sleep ( IO.rand 10 100).toUInt32 balance.set (( balance.get) - cost) orders := orders.push o -- Wait until all orders are completed for o in orders do match o.get with | .ok () => pure () | .error e => throw e if ( balance.get) < 0 then IO.eprintln "Final balance is negative!" else IO.println "Final balance is zero or positive."
stdoutSending out orders...
stderrFinal balance is negative!
ST.Ref.modify {σ : Type} {m : TypeType}
  [MonadLiftT (ST σ) m] {α : Type}
  (r : ST.Ref σ α) (f : αα) : m Unit

Atomically modifies a mutable reference cell by replacing its contents with the result of a function call.

Avoiding data races with modify

This program launches 100 threads. Each thread simulates a purchase attempt: it generates a random price, and if the account balance is sufficient, it decrements it by the price. The balance check and the computation of the new value occur in an atomic call to ST.Ref.modify.

def main : IO Unit := do let balance IO.mkRef (100 : Int) let mut orders := #[] IO.println "Sending out orders..." for _ in [0:100] do let o IO.asTask (prio := .dedicated) do let cost IO.rand 1 100 IO.sleep ( IO.rand 10 100).toUInt32 balance.modify fun b => if cost < b then b - cost else b orders := orders.push o -- Wait until all orders are completed for o in orders do match o.get with | .ok () => pure () | .error e => throw e if ( balance.get) < 0 then IO.eprintln "Final balance negative!" else IO.println "Final balance is zero or positive."
stdoutSending out orders...Final balance is zero or positive.
ST.Ref.modifyGet {σ : Type} {m : TypeType}
  [MonadLiftT (ST σ) m] {α β : Type}
  (r : ST.Ref σ α) (f : αβ × α) : m β

Atomically modifies a mutable reference cell by replacing its contents with the result of a function call that simultaneously computes a value to return.

ST.Ref.swap {σ : Type} {m : TypeType}
  [MonadLiftT (ST σ) m] {α : Type}
  (r : ST.Ref σ α) (a : α) : m α

Atomically swaps the value of a mutable reference cell with another value. The reference cell's original value is returned. Comparisons

ST.Ref.ptrEq {σ : Type} {m : TypeType}
  [MonadLiftT (ST σ) m] {α : Type}
  (r1 r2 : ST.Ref σ α) : m Bool

Checks whether two reference cells are in fact aliases for the same cell.

Even if they contain the same value, two references allocated by different executions of IO.mkRef or ST.mkRef are distinct. Modifying one has no effect on the other. Likewise, a single reference cell may be aliased, and modifications to one alias also modify the other. ST-Backed State Monads

ST.Ref.toMonadStateOf {σ : Type}
  {m : TypeType} [MonadLiftT (ST σ) m]
  {α : Type} (r : ST.Ref σ α) : MonadStateOf α m

Creates a MonadStateOf instance from a reference cell.

This allows programs written against the state monad API to be executed using a mutable reference cell to track the state.

15.4.2. Concurrency🔗

Mutable references can be used as a locking mechanism. Taking the contents of the reference causes attempts to take it or to read from it to block until it is set again. This is a low-level feature that can be used to implement other synchronization mechanisms; it's usually better to rely on higher-level abstractions when possible.

🔗unsafe def
ST.Ref.take {σ : Type} {m : TypeType}
  [MonadLiftT (ST σ) m] {α : Type}
  (r : ST.Ref σ α) : m α

Reads the value of a mutable reference cell, removing it.

This causes subsequent attempts to read from or take the reference cell to block until a new value is written using ST.Ref.set.

Reference Cells as Locks

This program launches 100 threads. Each thread simulates a purchase attempt: it generates a random price, and if the account balance is sufficient, it decrements it by the price. If the balance is not sufficient, then it is not decremented. Because each thread takes the balance cell prior to checking it and only returns it when it is finished, the cell acts as a lock. Unlike using ST.Ref.modify, which atomically modifies the contents of the cell using a pure function, other IO actions may occur in the critical section This program's main function is marked Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandunsafe because take itself is unsafe.

unsafe def main : IO Unit := do let balance IO.mkRef (100 : Int) let validationUsed IO.mkRef false let mut orders := #[] IO.println "Sending out orders..." for _ in [0:100] do let o IO.asTask (prio := .dedicated) do let cost IO.rand 1 100 IO.sleep ( IO.rand 10 100).toUInt32 let b balance.take if cost b then balance.set (b - cost) else balance.set b validationUsed.set true orders := orders.push o -- Wait until all orders are completed for o in orders do match o.get with | .ok () => pure () | .error e => throw e if ( validationUsed.get) then IO.println "Validation prevented a negative balance." if ( balance.get) < 0 then IO.eprintln "Final balance negative!" else IO.println "Final balance is zero or positive."

The program's output is:

stdoutSending out orders...Validation prevented a negative balance.Final balance is zero or positive.