The Lean Language Reference

15.5.Β Files, File Handles, and Streams

Lean provides a consistent filesystem API on all supported platforms. These are the key concepts:


Files are an abstraction provided by operating systems that provide random access to persistently-stored data, organized hierarchically into directories.


Directories, also known as folders, may contain files or other directories. Fundamentally, a directory maps names to the files and/or directories that it contains.

File Handles

File handles (Handle) are abstract references to files that have been opened for reading and/or writing. A file handle maintains a mode that determines whether reading and/or writing are allowed, along with a cursor that points at a specific location in the file. Reading from or writing to a file handle advances the cursor. File handles may be buffered, which means that reading from a file handle may not return the current contents of the persistent data, and writing to a file handle may not modify them immediately.


Files are primarily accessed via paths (System.FilePath). A path is a sequence of directory names, potentially terminated by a file name. They are represented by strings in which separator characters The current platform's separator characters are listed in System.FilePath.pathSeparators. delimit the names.

The details of paths are platform-specific. Absolute paths begin in a root directory; some operating systems have a single root, while others may have multiple root directories. Relative paths do not begin in a root directory and require that some other directory be taken as a starting point. In addition to directories, paths may contain the special directory names ., which refers to the directory in which it is found, and .., which refers to prior directory in the path.

Filenames, and thus paths, may end in one or more extensions that identify the file's type. Extensions are delimited by the character System.FilePath.extSeparator. On some platforms, executable files have a special extension (System.FilePath.exeExtension).


Streams are a higher-level abstraction over files, both providing additional functionality and hiding some details of files. While file handles are essentially a thin wrapper around the operating system's representation, streams are implemented in Lean as a structure called IO.FS.Stream. Because streams are implemented in Lean, user code can create additional streams, which can be used seamlessly together with those provided in the standard library.

15.5.1.Β Low-Level File API

At the lowest level, files are explicitly opened using When the last reference to the handle object is dropped, the file is closed. There is no explicit way to close a file handle other than by ensuring that there are no references to it.

IO.FS.Handle : Type

A reference to an opened file.

File handles wrap the underlying operating system's file descriptors. There is no explicit operation to close a file: when the last reference to a file handle is dropped, the file is closed automatically.

Handles have an associated read/write cursor that determines the where reads and writes occur in the file.

πŸ”—opaque (fn : System.FilePath)
  (mode : IO.FS.Mode) : IO IO.FS.Handle

Opens the file at fn with the given mode.

An exception is thrown if the file cannot be opened.

πŸ”—inductive type
IO.FS.Mode : Type

Whether a file should be opened for reading, writing, creation and writing, or appending.

A the operating system level, this translates to the mode of a file handle (i.e., a set of open flags and an fdopen mode).

None of the modes represented by this datatype translate line endings (i.e. O_BINARY on Windows). Furthermore, they are not inherited across process creation (i.e. O_NOINHERIT on Windows and O_CLOEXEC elsewhere).

Operating System Specifics:


read : IO.FS.Mode

The file should be opened for reading.

The read/write cursor is positioned at the beginning of the file. It is an error if the file does not exist.

  • open flags: O_RDONLY

  • fdopen mode: r

write : IO.FS.Mode

The file should be opened for writing.

If the file already exists, it is truncated to zero length. Otherwise, a new file is created. The read/write cursor is positioned at the beginning of the file.

  • open flags: O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC

  • fdopen mode: w

writeNew : IO.FS.Mode

A new file should be created for writing.

It is an error if the file already exists. A new file is created, with the read/write cursor positioned at the start.

  • open flags: O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL

  • fdopen mode: w

readWrite : IO.FS.Mode

The file should be opened for both reading and writing.

It is an error if the file does not already exist. The read/write cursor is positioned at the start of the file.

  • open flags: O_RDWR

  • fdopen mode: r+

append : IO.FS.Mode

The file should be opened for writing.

If the file does not already exist, it is created. If the file already exists, it is opened, and the read/write cursor is positioned at the end of the file.

  • open flags: O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND

  • fdopen mode: a

πŸ”—opaque (h : IO.FS.Handle)
  (bytes : USize) : IO ByteArray

Reads up to the given number of bytes from the handle. If the returned array is empty, an end-of-file marker (EOF) has been reached.

Encountering an EOF does not close a handle. Subsequent reads may block and return more data.

IO.FS.Handle.readToEnd (h : IO.FS.Handle) :
  IO String

Reads the entire remaining contents of the file handle as a UTF-8-encoded string. An exception is thrown if the contents are not valid UTF-8.

The underlying file is not automatically closed, and subsequent reads from the handle may block and/or return data.

IO.FS.Handle.readBinToEnd (h : IO.FS.Handle) :
  IO ByteArray

Reads the entire remaining contents of the file handle until an end-of-file marker (EOF) is encountered.

The underlying file is not automatically closed upon encountering an EOF, and subsequent reads from the handle may block and/or return data.

IO.FS.Handle.readBinToEndInto (h : IO.FS.Handle)
  (buf : ByteArray) : IO ByteArray

Reads the entire remaining contents of the file handle until an end-of-file marker (EOF) is encountered.

The underlying file is not automatically closed upon encountering an EOF, and subsequent reads from the handle may block and/or return data.

IO.FS.Handle.getLine (h : IO.FS.Handle) :
  IO String

Reads UTF-8-encoded text up to and including the next line break from the handle. If the returned string is empty, an end-of-file marker (EOF) has been reached.

Encountering an EOF does not close a handle. Subsequent reads may block and return more data.

IO.FS.Handle.write (h : IO.FS.Handle)
  (buffer : ByteArray) : IO Unit

Writes the provided bytes to the the handle.

Writing to a handle is typically buffered, and may not immediately modify the file on disk. Use IO.FS.Handle.flush to write changes to buffers to the associated device.

IO.FS.Handle.putStr (h : IO.FS.Handle)
  (s : String) : IO Unit

Writes the provided string to the file handle using the UTF-8 encoding.

Writing to a handle is typically buffered, and may not immediately modify the file on disk. Use IO.FS.Handle.flush to write changes to buffers to the associated device.

IO.FS.Handle.putStrLn (h : IO.FS.Handle)
  (s : String) : IO Unit

Writes the contents of the string to the handle, followed by a newline. Uses UTF-8.

IO.FS.Handle.flush (h : IO.FS.Handle) : IO Unit

Flushes the output buffer associated with the handle, writing any unwritten data to the associated output device.

IO.FS.Handle.rewind (h : IO.FS.Handle) : IO Unit

Rewinds the read/write cursor to the beginning of the handle's file.

IO.FS.Handle.truncate (h : IO.FS.Handle) :
  IO Unit

Truncates the handle to its read/write cursor.

This operation does not automatically flush output buffers, so the contents of the output device may not reflect the change immediately. This does not usually lead to problems because the read/write cursor includes buffered writes. However, buffered writes followed by IO.FS.Handle.rewind, then IO.FS.Handle.truncate, and then closing the file may lead to a non-empty file. If unsure, call IO.FS.Handle.flush before truncating.

IO.FS.Handle.isTty (h : IO.FS.Handle) :
  BaseIO Bool

Returns true if a handle refers to a Windows console or a Unix terminal.

IO.FS.Handle.lock (h : IO.FS.Handle)
  (exclusive : Bool := true) : IO Unit

Acquires an exclusive or shared lock on the handle. Blocks to wait for the lock if necessary.

Acquiring a exclusive lock while already possessing a shared lock will not reliably succeed: it works on Unix-like systems but not on Windows.

IO.FS.Handle.tryLock (h : IO.FS.Handle)
  (exclusive : Bool := true) : IO Bool

Tries to acquire an exclusive or shared lock on the handle and returns true if successful. Will not block if the lock cannot be acquired, but instead returns false.

Acquiring a exclusive lock while already possessing a shared lock will not reliably succeed: it works on Unix-like systems but not on Windows.

IO.FS.Handle.unlock (h : IO.FS.Handle) : IO Unit

Releases any previously-acquired lock on the handle. Succeeds even if no lock has been acquired.

One File, Multiple Handles

This program has two handles to the same file. Because file I/O may be buffered independently for each handle, Handle.flush should be called when the buffers need to be synchronized with the file's actual contents. Here, the two handles proceed in lock-step through the file, with one of them a single byte ahead of the other. The first handle is used to count the number of occurrences of 'A', while the second is used to replace each 'A' with '!'. The second handle is opened in readWrite mode rather than write mode because opening an existing file in write mode replaces it with an empty file. In this case, the buffers don't need to be flushed during execution because modifications occur only to parts of the file that will not be read again, but the write handle should be flushed after the loop has completed.

open IO.FS (Handle) def main : IO Unit := do IO.println s!"Starting contents: '{(← IO.FS.readFile "data").trim}'" let h ← "data" .read let h' ← "data" .readWrite h'.rewind let mut count := 0 let mut buf : ByteArray ← 1 while ok : buf.size = 1 do if Char.ofUInt8 buf[0] == 'A' then count := count + 1 h'.write (ByteArray.empty.push '!'.toUInt8) else h'.write buf buf ← 1 h'.flush IO.println s!"Count: {count}" IO.println s!"Contents: '{(← IO.FS.readFile "data").trim}'"

When run on this file:


the program outputs:

stdoutStarting contents: 'AABAABCDAB'Count: 5Contents: '!!B!!BCD!B'

Afterwards, the file contains:

Output: data!!B!!BCD!B

15.5.2.Β Streams

IO.FS.Stream : Type

A pure-Lean abstraction of POSIX streams. These streams may represent an underlying POSIX stream or be implemented by Lean code.

Because standard input, standard output, and standard error are all IO.FS.Streams that can be overridden, Lean code may capture and redirect input and output.



flush : IO Unit

Flushes the stream's output buffers.

read : USize β†’ IO ByteArray

Reads up to the given number of bytes from the stream.

If the returned array is empty, an end-of-file marker (EOF) has been reached. An EOF does not actually close a stream, so further reads may block and return more data.

write : ByteArray β†’ IO Unit

Writes the provided bytes to the stream.

If the stream represents a physical output device such as a file on disk, then the results may be buffered. Call FS.Stream.flush to synchronize their contents.

getLine : IO String

Reads text up to and including the next newline from the stream.

If the returned string is empty, an end-of-file marker (EOF) has been reached. An EOF does not actually close a stream, so further reads may block and return more data.

putStr : String β†’ IO Unit

Writes the provided string to the stream.

isTty : BaseIO Bool

Returns true if a stream refers to a Windows console or Unix terminal.

  (r : IO.Ref IO.FS.Stream.Buffer) :

Creates a stream from a mutable reference to a buffer.

The resulting stream simulates a file, mutating the contents of the reference in response to writes and reading from it in response to reads. These streams can be used with IO.withStdin, IO.setStdin, and the corresponding operators for standard output and standard error to redirect input and output.

IO.FS.Stream.ofHandle (h : IO.FS.Handle) :

Creates a Lean stream from a file handle. Each stream operation is implemented by the corresponding file handle operation.

IO.FS.Stream.putStrLn (strm : IO.FS.Stream)
  (s : String) : IO Unit

Writes the contents of the string to the stream, followed by a newline.

IO.FS.Stream.Buffer : Type

A byte buffer that can simulate a file in memory.

Use IO.FS.Stream.ofBuffer to create a stream from a buffer.



data : ByteArray

The contents of the buffer.

pos : Nat

The read/write cursor's position in the buffer.

15.5.3.Β Paths

Paths are represented by strings. Different platforms have different conventions for paths: some use slashes (/) as directory separators, others use backslashes (\). Some are case-sensitive, others are not. Different Unicode encodings and normal forms may be used to represent filenames, and some platforms consider filenames to be byte sequences rather than strings. A string that represents an absolute path on one system may not even be a valid path on another system.

To write Lean code that is as compatible as possible with multiple systems, it can be helpful to use Lean's path manipulation primitives instead of raw string manipulation. Helpers such as System.FilePath.join take platform-specific rules for absolute paths into account, System.FilePath.pathSeparator contains the appropriate path separator for the current platform, and System.FilePath.exeExtension contains any necessary extension for executable files. Avoid hard-coding these rules.

There is an instance of the Div type class for FilePath which allows the slash operator to be used to concatenate paths.

System.FilePath : Type

A path on the file system.

Paths consist of a sequence of directories followed by the name of a file or directory. They are delimited by a platform-dependent separator character (see System.FilePath.pathSeparator).



toString : String

The string representation of the path.

System.mkFilePath (parts : List String) :

Constructs a path from a list of file names by interspersing them with the current platform's path separator.

System.FilePath.join (p sub : System.FilePath) :

Appends two paths, taking absolute paths into account. This operation is also accessible via the / operator.

If sub is an absolute path, then p is discarded and sub is returned. If sub is a relative path, then it is attached to p with the platform-specific path separator.

  (p : System.FilePath) : System.FilePath

Normalizes a path, returning an equivalent path that may better follow platform conventions.

In particular:

  • On Windows, drive letters are made uppercase.

  • On platforms that support multiple path separators (that is, where System.FilePath.pathSeparators has length greater than one), alternative path separators are replaced with the preferred path separator.

There is no guarantee that two equivalent paths normalize to the same path.

  (p : System.FilePath) : Bool

An absolute path starts at the root directory or a drive letter. Accessing files through an absolute path does not depend on the current working directory.

  (p : System.FilePath) : Bool

A relative path is one that depends on the current working directory for interpretation. Relative paths do not start with the root directory or a drive letter.

System.FilePath.parent (p : System.FilePath) :
  Option System.FilePath

Returns the parent directory of a path, if there is one.

If the path is that of the root directory or the root of a drive letter, none is returned. Otherwise, the path's parent directory is returned.

  (p : System.FilePath) : List String

Splits a path into a list of individual file names at the platform-specific path separator.

System.FilePath.fileName (p : System.FilePath) :
  Option String

Extracts the last element of a path if it is a file or directory name.

Returns none if the last entry is a special name (such as . or ..) or if the path is the root directory.

System.FilePath.fileStem (p : System.FilePath) :
  Option String

Extracts the stem (non-extension) part of p.fileName.

If the filename contains multiple extensions, then only the last one is removed. Returns none if there is no file name at the end of the path.


  (p : System.FilePath) : Option String

Extracts the extension part of p.fileName.

If the filename contains multiple extensions, then only the last one is extracted. Returns none if there is no file name at the end of the path.


  (p : System.FilePath) (ext : String) :

Appends the extension ext to a path p.

ext should not have leading ., as this function adds one. If ext is the empty string, no . is added.

Unlike System.FilePath.withExtension, this does not remove any existing extension.

  (p : System.FilePath) (ext : String) :

Replaces the current extension in a path p with ext, adding it if there is no extension. If the path has multiple file extensions, only the last one is replaced. If the path has no filename, or if ext is the empty string, then the filename is returned unmodified.

ext should not have a leading ., as this function adds one.


  (p : System.FilePath) (fname : String) :

Replaces the file name at the end of the path p with fname, placing fname in the parent directory of p.

If p has no parent directory, then fname is returned unmodified.

System.FilePath.pathSeparator : Char

The character that separates directories.

On platforms that support multiple separators, System.FilePath.pathSeparator is the β€œideal” one expected by users on the platform. System.FilePath.pathSeparators lists all supported separators.

System.FilePath.pathSeparators : List Char

The list of all path separator characters supported on the current platform.

On platforms that support multiple separators, System.FilePath.pathSeparator is the β€œideal” one expected by users on the platform.

System.FilePath.extSeparator : Char

The character that separates file extensions from file names.

System.FilePath.exeExtension : String

The file extension expected for executable binaries on the current platform, or "" if there is no such extension.

15.5.4.Β Interacting with the Filesystem

Some operations on paths consult the filesystem.

IO.FS.Metadata : Type

File metadata.

The metadata for a file can be accessed with System.FilePath.metadata.



accessed : IO.FS.SystemTime

File access time.

modified : IO.FS.SystemTime

File modification time.

byteSize : UInt64

The size of the file in bytes.

type : IO.FS.FileType

Whether the file is an ordinary file, a directory, a symbolic link, or some other kind of file.

System.FilePath.metadata :
  System.FilePath β†’ IO IO.FS.Metadata

Returns metadata for the indicated file. Throws an exception if the file does not exist or the metadata cannot be accessed.

  (p : System.FilePath) : BaseIO Bool

Checks whether the indicated path points to a file that exists.

System.FilePath.isDir (p : System.FilePath) :
  BaseIO Bool

Checks whether the indicated path can be read and is a directory.

IO.FS.DirEntry : Type

An entry in a directory on a filesystem.



root : System.FilePath

The directory in which the entry is found.

fileName : String

The name of the entry.

IO.FS.DirEntry.path (entry : IO.FS.DirEntry) :

The path of the file indicated by the directory entry.

System.FilePath.readDir :
  System.FilePath β†’ IO (Array IO.FS.DirEntry)

Returns the contents of the indicated directory. Throws an exception if the file does not exist or is not a directory.

System.FilePath.walkDir (p : System.FilePath)
  (enter : System.FilePath β†’ IO Bool := fun x =>
    pure true) :
  IO (Array System.FilePath)

Traverses a filesystem starting at the path p and exploring directories that satisfy enter, returning the paths visited.

The traversal is a preorder traversal, in which parent directories occur prior to any of their children. Symbolic links are followed.

IO.AccessRight : Type

POSIX-style file permissions.

The FileRight structure describes these permissions for a file's owner, members of it's designated group, and all others.



read : Bool

The file can be read.

write : Bool

The file can be written to.

execution : Bool

The file can be executed.

IO.AccessRight.flags (acc : IO.AccessRight) :

Converts individual POSIX-style file permissions to their conventional three-bit representation.

This is the bitwise or of the following:

  • If the file can be read, 0x4, otherwise 0.

  • If the file can be written, 0x2, otherwise 0.

  • If the file can be executed, 0x1, otherwise 0.


  • {read := true : AccessRight}.flags = 4

  • {read := true, write := true : AccessRight}.flags = 6

  • {read := true, execution := true : AccessRight}.flags = 5

IO.FileRight : Type

POSIX-style file permissions that describe access rights for a file's owner, members of its assigned group, and all others.



user : IO.AccessRight

The owner's permissions to access the file.

group : IO.AccessRight

The assigned group's permissions to access the file.

other : IO.AccessRight

The permissions that all others have to access the file.

IO.FileRight.flags (acc : IO.FileRight) : UInt32

Converts POSIX-style file permissions to their numeric representation, with three bits each for the owner's permissions, the group's permissions, and others' permissions.

IO.setAccessRights (filename : System.FilePath)
  (mode : IO.FileRight) : IO Unit

Sets the POSIX-style permissions for a file.

IO.FS.removeFile (fname : System.FilePath) :
  IO Unit

Removes (deletes) a file from the filesystem.

To remove a directory, use IO.FS.removeDir or IO.FS.removeDirAll instead.

IO.FS.rename (old new : System.FilePath) :
  IO Unit

Moves a file or directory old to the new location new.

This function coincides with the POSIX rename function.

IO.FS.removeDir : System.FilePath β†’ IO Unit

Removes (deletes) a directory.

Removing a directory fails if the directory is not empty. Use IO.FS.removeDirAll to remove directories along with their contents.

IO.FS.lines (fname : System.FilePath) :
  IO (Array String)

Returns the contents of a UTF-8-encoded text file as an array of lines.

Newline markers are not included in the lines.

IO.FS.withTempFile.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  {Ξ± : Type} [Monad m] [MonadFinally m]
  [MonadLiftT IO m]
  (f : IO.FS.Handle β†’ System.FilePath β†’ m Ξ±) :
  m Ξ±

Creates a temporary file in the most secure manner possible and calls f with both a Handle to the already-opened file and its path. Afterwards, the temporary file is deleted.

There are no race conditions in the file’s creation. The file is readable and writable only by the creating user ID. Additionally on UNIX style platforms the file is executable by nobody.

Use IO.FS.createTempFile to avoid the automatic deletion of the temporary file.

IO.FS.withTempDir.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  {Ξ± : Type} [Monad m] [MonadFinally m]
  [MonadLiftT IO m]
  (f : System.FilePath β†’ m Ξ±) : m Ξ±

Creates a temporary directory in the most secure manner possible, providing a its path to an IO action. Afterwards, all files in the temporary directory are recursively deleted, regardless of how or when they were created.

There are no race conditions in the directory’s creation. The directory is readable and writable only by the creating user ID. Use IO.FS.createTempDir to avoid the automatic deletion of the directory's contents.

IO.FS.createDirAll (p : System.FilePath) :
  IO Unit

Creates a directory at the specified path, creating all missing parents as directories.

IO.FS.writeBinFile (fname : System.FilePath)
  (content : ByteArray) : IO Unit

Write the provided bytes to a binary file at the specified path.

IO.FS.withFile {Ξ± : Type} (fn : System.FilePath)
  (mode : IO.FS.Mode)
  (f : IO.FS.Handle β†’ IO Ξ±) : IO Ξ±

Opens the file fn with the specified mode and passes the resulting file handle to f.

The file handle is closed when the last reference to it is dropped. If references escape f, then the file remains open even after IO.FS.withFile has finished.

IO.FS.removeDirAll (p : System.FilePath) :
  IO Unit

Fully remove given directory by deleting all contained files and directories in an unspecified order. Fails if any contained entry cannot be deleted or was newly created during execution.

IO.FS.createTempFile :
  IO (IO.FS.Handle Γ— System.FilePath)

Creates a temporary file in the most secure manner possible, returning both a Handle to the already-opened file and its path.

There are no race conditions in the file’s creation. The file is readable and writable only by the creating user ID. Additionally on UNIX style platforms the file is executable by nobody.

It is the caller's job to remove the file after use. Use withTempFile to ensure that the temporary file is removed.

IO.FS.createTempDir : IO System.FilePath

Creates a temporary directory in the most secure manner possible, returning the new directory's path. There are no race conditions in the directory’s creation. The directory is readable and writable only by the creating user ID.

It is the caller's job to remove the directory after use. Use withTempDir to ensure that the temporary directory is removed.

IO.FS.readFile (fname : System.FilePath) :
  IO String

Reads the entire contents of the UTF-8-encoded file at the given path as a String.

An exception is thrown if the contents of the file are not valid UTF-8. This is in addition to exceptions that may always be thrown as a result of failing to read files.

IO.FS.realPath (fname : System.FilePath) :
  IO System.FilePath

Resolves a path to an absolute path that contains no '.', '..', or symbolic links.

This function coincides with the POSIX realpath function.

IO.FS.writeFile (fname : System.FilePath)
  (content : String) : IO Unit

Write contents of a string to a file at the specified path using UTF-8 encoding.

IO.FS.readBinFile (fname : System.FilePath) :
  IO ByteArray

Reads the entire contents of the binary file at the given path as an array of bytes.

IO.FS.createDir : System.FilePath β†’ IO Unit

Creates a directory at the specified path. The parent directory must already exist.

Throws an exception if the directory cannot be created.

15.5.5.Β Standard I/OπŸ”—

On operating systems that are derived from or inspired by Unix, standard input, standard output, and standard error are the names of three streams that are available in each process. Generally, programs are expected to read from standard input, write ordinary output to the standard output, and error messages to the standard error. By default, standard input receives input from the console, while standard output and standard error output to the console, but all three are often redirected to or from pipes or files.

Rather than providing direct access to the operating system's standard I/O facilities, Lean wraps them in Streams. Additionally, the IO monad contains special support for replacing or locally overriding them. This extra level of indirection makes it possible to redirect input and output within a Lean program.

IO.getStdin : BaseIO IO.FS.Stream

Returns the current thread's standard input stream.

Use IO.setStdin to replace the current thread's standard input stream.

Reading from Standard Input

In this example, IO.getStdin and IO.getStdout are used to get the current standard input and output, respectively. These can be read from and written to.

def main : IO Unit := do let stdin ← IO.getStdin let stdout ← IO.getStdout stdout.putStrLn "Who is it?" let name ← stdin.getLine stdout.putStr "Hello, " stdout.putStrLn name

With this standard input:

stdinLean user

the standard output is:

stdoutWho is it?Hello, Lean user
IO.setStdin : IO.FS.Stream β†’ BaseIO IO.FS.Stream

Replaces the standard input stream of the current thread and returns its previous value.

Use IO.getStdin to get the current standard input stream.

IO.withStdin.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  {Ξ± : Type} [Monad m] [MonadFinally m]
  [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (h : IO.FS.Stream)
  (x : m Ξ±) : m Ξ±

Runs an action with the specified stream h as standard input, restoring the original standard input stream afterwards.

IO.getStdout : BaseIO IO.FS.Stream

Returns the current thread's standard output stream.

Use IO.setStdout to replace the current thread's standard output stream.

IO.setStdout :
  IO.FS.Stream β†’ BaseIO IO.FS.Stream

Replaces the standard output stream of the current thread and returns its previous value.

Use IO.getStdout to get the current standard output stream.

IO.withStdout.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  {Ξ± : Type} [Monad m] [MonadFinally m]
  [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (h : IO.FS.Stream)
  (x : m Ξ±) : m Ξ±

Runs an action with the specified stream h as standard output, restoring the original standard output stream afterwards.

IO.getStderr : BaseIO IO.FS.Stream

Returns the current thread's standard error stream.

Use IO.setStderr to replace the current thread's standard error stream.

IO.setStderr :
  IO.FS.Stream β†’ BaseIO IO.FS.Stream

Replaces the standard error stream of the current thread and returns its previous value.

Use IO.getStderr to get the current standard error stream.

IO.withStderr.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  {Ξ± : Type} [Monad m] [MonadFinally m]
  [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (h : IO.FS.Stream)
  (x : m Ξ±) : m Ξ±

Runs an action with the specified stream h as standard error, restoring the original standard error stream afterwards.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} {Ξ± : Type} [Monad m]
  [MonadFinally m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m]
  (x : m Ξ±) (isolateStderr : Bool := true) :
  m (String Γ— Ξ±)

Runs an action with stdin emptied and stdout and stderr captured into a String. If isolateStderr is false, only stdout is captured.

Redirecting Standard I/O to Strings

The countdown function counts down from a specified number, writing its progress to standard output. Using IO.FS.withIsolatedStreams, this output can be redirected to a string.

def countdown : Nat β†’ IO Unit | 0 => IO.println "Blastoff!" | n + 1 => do IO.println s!"{n + 1}" countdown n def runCountdown : IO String := do let (output, ()) ← IO.FS.withIsolatedStreams (countdown 10) return output "10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\nBlastoff!\n"#eval runCountdown

Running countdown yields a string that contains the output:


15.5.6.Β Files and Directories

IO.currentDir : IO System.FilePath

Returns the current working directory of the executing process.

IO.appPath : IO System.FilePath

Returns the file name of the currently-running executable.

IO.appDir : IO System.FilePath

Returns the directory that the current executable is located in.