If the proposition p
is true, does nothing, else fails (using failure
9.4. API Reference
In addition to the general functions described here, there are some functions that are conventionally defined as part of the API of in the namespace of each collection type:
maps a monadic function. -
maps a monadic function, throwing away the result. -
filters using a monadic predicate, returning the values that satisfy it.
Monadic Collection Operations
can be used to write a filter that depends on a side effect.
def values := #[1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
def main : IO Unit := do
let filtered ← values.filterM fun v => do
IO.println s!"Keep {v}? [y/n]"
let answer := (← (← IO.getStdin).getLine).trim
if answer == "y" then return true
if answer == "n" then return false
return false
IO.println "These values were kept:"
for v in filtered do
IO.println s!" * {v}"
Keep 1? [y/n]
Keep 2? [y/n]
Keep 3? [y/n]
Keep 3? [y/n]
Keep 5? [y/n]
Keep 8? [y/n]
These values were kept:
* 1
* 3
* 8
9.4.1. Discarding Results
The discard
function is especially useful when using an action that returns a value only for its side effects.
9.4.2. Control Flow
guard.{v} {f : Type → Type v} [Alternative f] (p : Prop) [Decidable p] : f Unit
optional.{u, v} {f : Type u → Type v} [Alternative f] {α : Type u} (x : f α) : f (Option α)
9.4.3. Lifting Boolean Operations
andM.{u, v} {m : Type u → Type v} {β : Type u} [Monad m] [ToBool β] (x y : m β) : m β
orM.{u, v} {m : Type u → Type v} {β : Type u} [Monad m] [ToBool β] (x y : m β) : m β
notM.{v} {m : Type → Type v} [Applicative m] (x : m Bool) : m Bool
9.4.4. Kleisli Composition
Kleisli composition is the composition of monadic functions, analogous to Function.comp
for ordinary functions.
Bind.kleisliRight.{u, u_1, u_2} {α : Type u} {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {β γ : Type u_1} [Bind m] (f₁ : α → m β) (f₂ : β → m γ) (a : α) : m γ
Left-to-right composition of Kleisli arrows.
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
The recommended spelling of
in identifiers iskleisliRight
Bind.kleisliLeft.{u, u_1, u_2} {α : Type u} {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {β γ : Type u_1} [Bind m] (f₂ : β → m γ) (f₁ : α → m β) (a : α) : m γ
Right-to-left composition of Kleisli arrows.
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
The recommended spelling of
in identifiers iskleisliLeft
9.4.5. Re-Ordered Operations
Sometimes, it can be convenient to partially apply a function to its second argument. These functions reverse the order of arguments, making it this easier.
Functor.mapRev.{u, v} {f : Type u → Type v} [Functor f] {α β : Type u} : f α → (α → β) → f β