The Lean Language Reference

7.6. Recursive Definitions🔗

Allowing arbitrary recursive function definitions would make Lean's logic inconsistent. General recursion makes it possible to write circular proofs: "proposition P is true because proposition P is true". Outside of proofs, an infinite loop could be assigned the type Empty, which can be used with Lean.Parser.Term.nomatch : termEmpty match/ex falso. `nomatch e` is of arbitrary type `α : Sort u` if Lean can show that an empty set of patterns is exhaustive given `e`'s type, e.g. because it has no constructors. nomatch or Empty.rec to prove any theorem.

Banning recursive function definitions outright would render Lean far less useful: inductive types are key to defining both predicates and data, and they have a recursive structure. Furthermore, most useful recursive functions do not threaten soundness, and infinite loops usually indicate mistakes in definitions rather than intentional behavior. Instead of banning recursive functions, Lean requires that each recursive function is defined safely. While elaborating recursive definitions, the Lean elaborator also produces a justification that the function being defined is safe.The section on the elaborator's output in the overview of elaboration contextualizes the elaboration of recursive definitions in the overall context of the elaborator.

There are five main kinds of recursive functions that can be defined:

Structurally recursive functions

Structurally recursive functions take an argument such that the function makes recursive calls only on strict sub-components of said argument.Strictly speaking, arguments whose types are indexed families are grouped together with their indices, with the whole collection considered as a unit. The elaborator translates the recursion into uses of the argument's recursor. Because every type-correct use of a recursor is guaranteed to avoid infinite regress, this translation is evidence that the function terminates. Applications of functions defined via recursors are definitionally equal to the result of the recursion, and are typically relatively efficient inside the kernel.

Recursion over well-founded relations

Many functions are also difficult to convert to structural recursion; for instance, a function may terminate because the difference between an array index and the size of the array decreases as the index increases, but Nat.rec isn't applicable because the index that increases is the function's argument. Here, there is a measure of termination that decreases at each recursive call, but the measure is not itself an argument to the function. In these cases, well-founded recursion can be used to define the function. Well-founded recursion is a technique for systematically transforming recursive functions with a decreasing measure into recursive functions over proofs that every sequence of reductions to the measure eventually terminates at a minimum. Applications of functions defined via well-founded recursion are not necessarily definitionally equal to their return values, but this equality can be proved as a proposition. Even when definitional equalities exist, these functions are frequently slow to compute with because they require reducing proof terms that are often very large.

Recursive functions as partial fixpoints

The definition of a function can be understood as an equation that specifies its behavior. In certain cases, the existence of a function that satisfies this specification can be proven even when the recursive function does not necessarily terminate for all inputs. This strategy is even applicable in some cases where the function definition does not necessarily terminate for all inputs. These partial functions emerge as fixed points of these equations are called partial fixpoints.

In particular, any function whose return type is in certain monads (e.g. Option) can be defined using this strategy. Lean generates additional partial correctness theorems for these monadic functions. As with well-founded recursion, applications of functions defined as partial fixpoints are not definitionally equal to their return values, but Lean generates theorems that propositionally equate the function to its unfolding and to the reduction behavior specified in its definition.

Partial functions with nonempty codomains

For many applications, it's not important to reason about the implementation of certain functions. A recursive function might be used only as part of the implementation of proof automation steps, or it might be an ordinary program that will never be formally proved correct. In these cases, the Lean kernel does not need either definitional or propositional equalities to hold for the definition; it suffices that soundness is maintained. Functions marked Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial are treated as opaque constants by the kernel and are neither unfolded nor reduced. All that is required for soundness is that their return type is inhabited. Partial functions may still be used in compiled code as usual, and they may appear in propositions and proofs; their equational theory in Lean's logic is simply very weak.

Unsafe recursive definitions

Unsafe definitions have none of the restrictions of partial definitions. They may freely make use of general recursion, and they may use features of Lean that break assumptions about its equational theory, such as primitives for casting (unsafeCast), checking pointer equality (ptrAddrUnsafe), and observing reference counts (isExclusiveUnsafe). However, any declaration that refers to an unsafe definition must itself be marked Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandunsafe, making it clear when logical soundness is not guaranteed. Unsafe operations can be used to replace the implementations of other functions with more efficient variants in compiled code, while the kernel still uses the original definition. The replaced function may be opaque, which results in the function name having a trivial equational theory in the logic, or it may be an ordinary function, in which case the function is used in the logic. Use this feature with care: logical soundness is not at risk, but the behavior of programs written in Lean may diverge from their verified logical models if the unsafe implementation is incorrect.

As described in the overview of the elaborator's output, elaboration of recursive functions proceeds in two phases:

  1. The definition is elaborated as if Lean's core type theory had recursive definitions. Aside from using recursion, this provisional definition is fully elaborated. The compiler generates code from these provisional definitions.

  2. A termination analysis attempts to use the four techniques to justify the function to Lean's kernel. If the definition is marked Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandunsafe or Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial, then that technique is used. If an explicit Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by clause is present, then the indicated technique is the only one attempted. If there is no such clause, then the elaborator performs a search, testing each parameter to the function as a candidate for structural recursion, and attempting to find a measure with a well-founded relation that decreases at each recursive call.

This section describes the rules that govern recursive functions. After a description of mutual recursion, each of the five kinds of recursive definitions is specified, along with the tradeoffs between reasoning power and flexibility that go along with each.

7.6.1. Mutual Recursion🔗

Just as a recursive definition is one that mentions the name being defined in the body of the definition, mutually recursive definitions are definitions that may be recursive or mention one another. To use mutual recursion between multiple declarations, they must be placed in a mutual block.

syntaxMutual Declaration Blocks

The general syntax for mutual recursion is:

command ::= ...
    | mutual

where the declarations must be definitions or theorems.

The declarations in a mutual block are not in scope in each others' signatures, but they are in scope in each others' bodies. Even though the names are not in scope in signatures, they will not be inserted as auto-bound implicit parameters.

Mutual Block Scope

Names defined in a mutual block are not in scope in each others' signatures.

mutual abbrev NaturalNum : Type := Nat def n : unknown identifier 'NaturalNum'NaturalNum := 5 end
unknown identifier 'NaturalNum'

Without the mutual block, the definition succeeds:

abbrev NaturalNum : Type := Nat def n : NaturalNum := 5
Mutual Block Scope and Automatic Implicit Parameters

Names defined in a mutual block are not in scope in each others' signatures. Nonetheless, they cannot be used as automatic implicit parameters:

mutual abbrev α : Type := Nat def identity (x : unknown identifier 'α'α) : unknown identifier 'α'α := x end
unknown identifier 'α'

With a different name, the implicit parameter is automatically added:

mutual abbrev α : Type := Nat def identity (x : β) : β := x end

Elaborating recursive definitions always occurs at the granularity of mutual blocks, as if there were a singleton mutual block around every declaration that is not itself part of such a block. Local definitions introduced via Lean.Parser.Term.letrec : termlet rec and Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandwhere are lifted out of their context, introducing parameters for captured free variables as necessary, and treated as if they were separate definitions within the : commandmutual block as well. Thus, helpers defined in a Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandwhere block may use mutual recursion both with one another and with the definition in which they occur, but they may not mention each other in their type signatures.

After the first step of elaboration, in which definitions are still recursive, and before translating recursion using the techniques above, Lean identifies the actually (mutually) recursive cliques among the definitions in the mutual block and processes them separately and in dependency order.

7.6.2. Structural Recursion🔗

Structurally recursive functions are those in which each recursive call is on a structurally smaller term than the argument. The same parameter must decrease in all recursive calls; this parameter is called the decreasing parameter. Structural recursion is stronger than the primitive recursion that recursors provide, because the recursive call can use more deeply nested sub-terms of the argument, rather than only an immediate sub-term. The constructions used to implement structural recursion are, however, implemented using the recursor; these helper constructions are described in the section on inductive types.

The rules that govern structural recursion are fundamentally syntactic in nature. There are many recursive definitions that exhibit structurally recursive computational behavior, but which are not accepted by these rules; this is a fundamental consequence of the analysis being fully automatic. Well-founded recursion provides a semantic approach to demonstrating termination that can be used in situations where a recursive function is not structurally recursive, but it can also be used when a function that computes according to structural recursion doesn't satisfy the syntactic requirements.

Structural Recursion vs Subtraction

The function countdown is structurally recursive. The parameter n was matched against the pattern n' + 1, which means that n' is a direct subterm of n in the second branch of the pattern match:

def countdown (n : Nat) : List Nat := match n with | 0 => [] | n' + 1 => n' :: countdown n'

Replacing pattern matching with an equivalent Boolean test and subtraction results in an error:

def fail to show termination for countdown' with errors failed to infer structural recursion: Cannot use parameter n: failed to eliminate recursive application countdown' n' failed to prove termination, possible solutions: - Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals - Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation - Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal n : Nat h✝ : ¬(n == 0) = true n' : Nat := n - 1 ⊢ n - 1 < ncountdown' (n : Nat) : List Nat := if n == 0 then [] else let n' := n - 1 n' :: countdown' n'
fail to show termination for
with errors
failed to infer structural recursion:
Cannot use parameter n:
  failed to eliminate recursive application
    countdown' n'

failed to prove termination, possible solutions:
  - Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals
  - Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation
  - Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal
n : Nat
h✝ : ¬(n == 0) = true
n' : Nat := n - 1
⊢ n - 1 < n

This is because there was no pattern matching on the parameter n. While this function indeed terminates, the argument that it does so is based on properties of if, the equality test, and subtraction, rather than being a generic feature of Nat being an inductive type. These arguments are expressed using well-founded recursion, and a slight change to the function definition allows Lean's automatic support for well-founded recursion to construct an alternative termination proof. This version branches on the decidability of propositional equality for Nat rather than the result of a Boolean equality test:

def countdown' (n : Nat) : List Nat := if n = 0 then [] else let n' := n - 1 n' :: countdown' n'

Here, Lean's automation automatically constructs a termination proof from facts about propositional equality and subtraction. It uses well-founded recursion rather than structure recursion behind the scenes.

Structural recursion may be used explicitly or automatically. With explicit structural recursion, the function definition declares which parameter is the decreasing parameter. If no termination strategy is explicitly declared, Lean performs a search for a decreasing parameter as well as a decreasing measure for use with well-founded recursion. Explicitly annotating structural recursion has the following benefits:

  • It can speed up elaboration, because no search occurs.

  • It documents the termination argument for readers.

  • In situations where structural recursion is explicitly desired, it prevents the accidental use of well-founded recursion. Explicit Structural Recursion

To explicitly use structural recursion, a function or theorem definition can be annotated with a Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by structural clause that specifies the decreasing parameter. The decreasing parameter may be a reference to a parameter named in the signature. When the signature specifies a function type, the decreasing parameter may additionally be a parameter not named in the signature; in this case, names for the remaining parameters may be introduced by writing them before an arrow (Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : command=>).

Specifying Decreasing Parameters

When the decreasing parameter is a named parameter to the function, it can be specified by referring to its name.

def half (n : Nat) : Nat := match n with | 0 | 1 => 0 | n + 2 => half n + 1 termination_by structural n

When the decreasing parameter is not named in the signature, a name can be introduced locally in the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by clause.

def half : Nat Nat | 0 | 1 => 0 | n + 2 => half n + 1 termination_by structural n => n
syntaxExplicit Structural Recursion

The termination_by structural clause introduces a decreasing parameter.

Specify a termination measure for recursive functions.
termination_by a - b
indicates that termination of the currently defined recursive function follows
because the difference between the arguments `a` and `b` decreases.

If the function takes further argument after the colon, you can name them as follows:
def example (a : Nat) : Nat → Nat → Nat :=
termination_by b c => a - b

By default, a `termination_by` clause will cause the function to be constructed using well-founded
recursion. The syntax `termination_by structural a` (or `termination_by structural _ c => c`)
indicates the function is expected to be structural recursive on the argument. In this case
the body of the `termination_by` clause must be one of the function's parameters.

If omitted, a termination measure will be inferred. If written as `termination_by?`,
the inferrred termination measure will be suggested.

terminationBy ::= ...
    | Specify a termination measure for recursive functions.
termination_by a - b
indicates that termination of the currently defined recursive function follows
because the difference between the arguments `a` and `b` decreases.

If the function takes further argument after the colon, you can name them as follows:
def example (a : Nat) : Nat → Nat → Nat :=
termination_by b c => a - b

By default, a `termination_by` clause will cause the function to be constructed using well-founded
recursion. The syntax `termination_by structural a` (or `termination_by structural _ c => c`)
indicates the function is expected to be structural recursive on the argument. In this case
the body of the `termination_by` clause must be one of the function's parameters.

If omitted, a termination measure will be inferred. If written as `termination_by?`,
the inferrred termination measure will be suggested.

termination_by structural (ident* =>)? term

The identifiers before the optional => can bring function parameters into scope that are not already bound in the declaration header, and the mandatory term must indicate one of the function's parameters, whether introduced in the header or locally in the clause.

The decreasing parameter must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Its type must be an inductive type.

  • If its type is an indexed family, then all indices must be parameters of the function.

  • If the inductive or indexed family of the decreasing parameter has data type parameters, then these data type parameters may themselves only depend on function parameters that are part of the fixed prefix.

A fixed parameter is a function parameter that is passed unmodified in all recursive calls and is not an index of the recursive parameter's type. The fixed prefix is the longest prefix of the function's parameters in which all are fixed.

Ineligible decreasing parameters

The decreasing parameter's type must be an inductive type. In notInductive, a function is specified as the decreasing parameter:

def notInductive (x : Nat Nat) : Nat := notInductive (fun n => x (n+1)) cannot use specified measure for structural recursion: its type is not an inductivetermination_by structural x
cannot use specified measure for structural recursion:
  its type is not an inductive

If the decreasing parameter is an indexed family, all the indices must be variables. In constantIndex, the indexed family Fin' is instead applied to a constant value:

inductive Fin' : Nat Type where | zero : Fin' (n+1) | succ : Fin' n Fin' (n+1) def constantIndex (x : Fin' 100) : Nat := constantIndex .zero cannot use specified measure for structural recursion: its type Fin' is an inductive family and indices are not variables Fin' 100termination_by structural x
cannot use specified measure for structural recursion:
  its type Fin' is an inductive family and indices are not variables
    Fin' 100

The parameters of the decreasing parameter's type must not depend on function parameters that come after varying parameters or indices. In afterVarying, the fixed prefix is empty, because the first parameter n varies, so p is not part of the fixed prefix:

inductive WithParam' (p : Nat) : Nat Type where | zero : WithParam' p (n+1) | succ : WithParam' p n WithParam' p (n+1) failed to infer structural recursion: Cannot use parameter x: failed to eliminate recursive application afterVarying (n + 1) p WithParam'.zero def afterVarying (n : Nat) (p : Nat) (x : WithParam' p n) : Nat := afterVarying (n+1) p .zero termination_by structural x
failed to infer structural recursion:
Cannot use parameter x:
  failed to eliminate recursive application
    afterVarying (n + 1) p WithParam'.zero

Furthermore, every recursive call of the functions must be on a strict sub-term of the decreasing parameter.

  • The decreasing parameter itself is a sub-term, but not a strict sub-term.

  • If a sub-term is the discriminant of a Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the respective matched values. If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available within `f`. When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to enforce this. Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match. This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`. Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved names only should be done explicitly. `Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal. For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they should participate in matching. For example, in ```lean syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ... ``` `foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in ```lean syntax foo := "foo" syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ... ``` they are not. match expression or other pattern-matching syntax, the pattern that matches the discriminant is a sub-term in the right-hand side of each match alternative. In particular, the rules of match generalization are used to connect the discriminant to the occurrences of the pattern term in the right-hand side; thus, it respects definitional equality. The pattern is a strict sub-term if and only if the discriminant is a strict sub-term.

  • If a sub-term is a constructor applied to arguments, then its recursive arguments are strict sub-terms.

Nested Patterns and Sub-Terms

In the following example, the decreasing parameter n is matched against the nested pattern .succ (.succ n). Therefore .succ (.succ n) is a (non-strict) sub-term of n, and consequently both n and .succ n are strict sub-terms, and the definition is accepted.

def fib : Nat Nat | 0 | 1 => 1 | .succ (.succ n) => fib n + fib (.succ n) termination_by structural n => n

For clarity, this example uses .succ n and .succ (.succ n) instead of the equivalent Nat-specific n+1 and n+2.

Matching on Complex Expressions Can Prevent Elaboration

In the following example, the decreasing parameter n is not directly the discriminant of the Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the respective matched values. If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available within `f`. When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to enforce this. Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match. This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`. Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved names only should be done explicitly. `Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal. For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they should participate in matching. For example, in ```lean syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ... ``` `foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in ```lean syntax foo := "foo" syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ... ``` they are not. match expression. Therefore, n' is not considered a sub-term of n.

failed to infer structural recursion: Cannot use parameter n: failed to eliminate recursive application half n' def half (n : Nat) : Nat := match Option.some n with | .some (n' + 2) => half n' + 1 | _ => 0 termination_by structural n
failed to infer structural recursion:
Cannot use parameter n:
  failed to eliminate recursive application
    half n'

Using well-founded recursion, and explicitly connecting the discriminant to the pattern of the match, this definition can be accepted.

def half (n : Nat) : Nat := match h : Option.some n with | .some (n' + 2) => half n' + 1 | _ => 0 termination_by n decreasing_by n:Natn':Nath:n = n' + 1 + 1n' < n' + 1 + 1; All goals completed! 🐙

Similarly, the following example fails: although xs.tail would reduce to a strict sub-term of xs, this is not visible to Lean according to the rules above. In particular, xs.tail is not definitionally equal to a strict sub-term of xs.

failed to infer structural recursion: Cannot use parameter #2: failed to eliminate recursive application listLen xs.tail def listLen : List α Nat | [] => 0 | xs => listLen xs.tail + 1 termination_by structural xs => xs
Simultaneous Matching vs Matching Pairs for Structural Recursion

An important consequence of the strategies that are used to prove termination is that simultaneous matching of two discriminants is not equivalent to matching a pair. Simultaneous matching maintains the connection between the discriminants and the patterns, allowing the pattern matching to refine the types of the assumptions in the local context as well as the expected type of the Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the respective matched values. If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available within `f`. When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to enforce this. Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match. This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`. Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved names only should be done explicitly. `Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal. For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they should participate in matching. For example, in ```lean syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ... ``` `foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in ```lean syntax foo := "foo" syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ... ``` they are not. match. Essentially, the elaboration rules for Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the respective matched values. If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available within `f`. When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to enforce this. Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match. This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`. Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved names only should be done explicitly. `Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal. For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they should participate in matching. For example, in ```lean syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ... ``` `foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in ```lean syntax foo := "foo" syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ... ``` they are not. match treat the discriminants specially, and changing discriminants in a way that preserves the run-time meaning of a program does not necessarily preserve the compile-time meaning.

This function that finds the minimum of two natural numbers is defined by structural recursion on its first parameter:

def min' (n k : Nat) : Nat := match n, k with | 0, _ => 0 | _, 0 => 0 | n' + 1, k' + 1 => min' n' k' + 1 termination_by structural n

Replacing the simultaneous pattern match on both parameters with a match on a pair causes termination analysis to fail:

failed to infer structural recursion: Cannot use parameter n: failed to eliminate recursive application min' n' k' def min' (n k : Nat) : Nat := match (n, k) with | (0, _) => 0 | (_, 0) => 0 | (n' + 1, k' + 1) => min' n' k' + 1 termination_by structural n
failed to infer structural recursion:
Cannot use parameter n:
  failed to eliminate recursive application
    min' n' k'

This is because the analysis only considers direct pattern matching on parameters when matching recursive calls to strictly-smaller argument values. Wrapping the discriminants in a pair breaks the connection.

Structural Recursion Under Pairs

This function that finds the minimum of the two components of a pair can't be elaborated via structural recursion.

failed to infer structural recursion: Cannot use parameter nk: the type Nat × Nat does not have a `.brecOn` recursor def min' (nk : Nat × Nat) : Nat := match nk with | (0, _) => 0 | (_, 0) => 0 | (n' + 1, k' + 1) => min' (n', k') + 1 termination_by structural nk
failed to infer structural recursion:
Cannot use parameter nk:
  the type Nat × Nat does not have a `.brecOn` recursor

This is because the parameter's type, Prod, is not recursive. Thus, its constructor has no recursive parameters that can be exposed by pattern matching.

This definition is accepted using well-founded recursion, however:

def min' (nk : Nat × Nat) : Nat := match nk with | (0, _) => 0 | (_, 0) => 0 | (n' + 1, k' + 1) => min' (n', k') + 1 termination_by nk
Structural Recursion and Definitional Equality

Even though the recursive occurrence of countdown is applied to a term that is not a strict sub-term of the decreasing parameter, the following definition is accepted:

def countdown (n : Nat) : List Nat := match n with | 0 => [] | n' + 1 => n' :: countdown (n' + 0) termination_by structural n

This is because n' + 0 is definitionally equal to n', which is a strict sub-term of n. Sub-terms that result from pattern matching are connected to the discriminant using the rules for match generalization, which respect definitional equality.

In countdown', the recursive occurrence is applied to 0 + n', which is not definitionally equal to n' because addition on natural numbers is structurally recursive in its second parameter:

failed to infer structural recursion: Cannot use parameter n: failed to eliminate recursive application countdown' (0 + n') def countdown' (n : Nat) : List Nat := match n with | 0 => [] | n' + 1 => n' :: countdown' (0 + n') termination_by structural n
failed to infer structural recursion:
Cannot use parameter n:
  failed to eliminate recursive application
    countdown' (0 + n') Mutual Structural Recursion🔗

Lean supports the definition of mutually recursive functions using structural recursion. Mutual recursion may be introduced using a mutual block, but it also results from Lean.Parser.Term.letrec : termlet rec expressions and Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandwhere blocks. The rules for mutual structural recursion are applied to a group of actually mutually recursive, lifted definitions, that results from the elaboration steps for mutual groups. If every function in the mutual group has a termination_by structural annotation indicating that function’s decreasing argument, then structural recursion is used to translate the definitions.

The requirements on the decreasing argument above are extended:

  • All the types of all the decreasing arguments must be from the same inductive type, or more generally from the same mutual group of inductive types.

  • The parameters of the decreasing parameter's types must be the same for all functions, and may depend only on the common fixed prefix of function arguments.

The functions do not have to be in a one-to-one correspondence to the mutual inductive types. Multiple functions can have a decreasing argument of the same type, and not all types that are mutually recursive with the decreasing argument need have a corresponding function.

Mutual Structural Recursion Over Non-Mutual Types

The following example demonstrates mutual recursion over a non-mutual inductive data type:

mutual def even : Nat Prop | 0 => True | n+1 => odd n termination_by structural n => n def odd : Nat Prop | 0 => False | n+1 => even n termination_by structural n => n end
Mutual Structural Recursion Over Mutual Types

The following example demonstrates recursion over mutually inductive types. The functions Exp.size and App.size are mutually recursive.

mutual inductive Exp where | var : String Exp | app : App Exp inductive App where | fn : String App | app : App Exp App end mutual def Exp.size : Exp Nat | .var _ => 1 | .app a => a.size termination_by structural e => e def App.size : App Nat | .fn _ => 1 | .app a e => a.size + e.size + 1 termination_by structural a => a end

The definition of App.numArgs is structurally recursive over type App. It demonstrates that not all inductive types in the mutual group need to be handled.

def App.numArgs : App Nat | .fn _ => 0 | .app a _ => a.numArgs + 1 termination_by structural a => a Inferring Structural Recursion🔗

If no termination_by clauses are present in a recursive or mutually recursive function definition, then Lean attempts to infer a suitable structurally decreasing argument, effectively by trying all suitable parameters in sequence. If this search fails, Lean then attempts to infer well-founded recursion.

For mutually recursive functions, all combinations of parameters are tried, up to a limit to avoid combinatorial explosion. If only some of the mutually recursive functions have termination_by structural clauses, then only those parameters are considered, while for the other functions all parameters are considered for structural recursion.

A termination_by? clause causes the inferred termination annotation to be shown. It can be automatically added to the source file using the offered suggestion or code action.

Inferred Termination Annotations

Lean automatically infers that the function half is structurally recursive. The termination_by? clause causes the inferred termination annotation to be displayed, and it can be automatically added to the source file with a single click.

def half : Nat Nat | 0 | 1 => 0 | n + 2 => half n + 1 Try this: termination_by structural x => xtermination_by?
Try this: termination_by structural x => x Elaboration Using Course-of-Values Recursion🔗

In this section, the construction used to elaborate structurally recursive functions is explained in more detail. This elaboration uses the below and brecOn constructions that are automatically generated from inductive types' recursors.

Recursion vs Recursors

Addition of natural numbers can be defined via recursion on the second argument. This function is straightforwardly structurally recursive.

def add (n : Nat) : Nat Nat | .zero => n | .succ k => .succ (add n k)

Defined using Nat.rec, it is much further from the notations that most people are used to.

def add' (n : Nat) := Nat.rec (motive := fun _ => Nat) n (fun k soFar => .succ soFar)

Structural recursive calls made on data that isn't the immediate child of the function parameter requires either creativity or a complex yet systematic encoding.

def half : Nat Nat | 0 | 1 => 0 | n + 2 => half n + 1

One way to think about this function is as a structural recursion that flips a bit at each call, only incrementing the result when the bit is set.

def helper : Nat Bool Nat := Nat.rec (motive := fun _ => Bool Nat) (fun _ => 0) (fun _ soFar => fun b => (if b then Nat.succ else id) (soFar !b)) def half' (n : Nat) : Nat := helper n false [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]#eval [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].map half'
[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]

Instead of creativity, a general technique called course-of-values recursion can be used. Course-of-values recursion uses helpers that can be systematically derived for every inductive type, defined in terms of the recursor; Lean derives them automatically. For every Nat n, the type n.below (motive := mot) provides a value of type mot k for all k < n, represented as an iterated dependent pair type. The course-of-values recursor Nat.brecOn allows a function to use the result for any smaller Nat. Using it to define the function is inconvenient:

noncomputable def half'' (n : Nat) : Nat := Nat.brecOn n (motive := fun _ => Nat) fun k soFar => match k, soFar with | 0, _ | 1, _ => 0 | _ + 2, _, h, _ => h + 1

The function is marked Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandnoncomputable because the compiler doesn't support generating code for course-of-values recursion, which is intended for reasoning rather that efficient code. The kernel can still be used to test the function, however:

[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]#reduce [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].map half''
[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]

The dependent pattern matching in the body of half'' can also be encoded using recursors (specifically, Nat.casesOn), if necessary:

noncomputable def half''' (n : Nat) : Nat := n.brecOn (motive := fun _ => Nat) fun k => k.casesOn (motive := fun k' => (k'.below (motive := fun _ => Nat)) Nat) (fun _ => 0) (fun k' => k'.casesOn (motive := fun k'' => (k''.succ.below (motive := fun _ => Nat)) Nat) (fun _ => 0) (fun _ soFar => soFar.2.1.succ))

This definition still works.

[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]#reduce [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].map half''
[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]

However, it is now far from the original definition and it has become difficult for most people to understand. Recursors are an excellent logical foundation, but not an easy way to write programs or proofs.

The structural recursion analysis attempts to translate the recursive pre-definition into a use of the appropriate structural recursion constructions. At this step, pattern matching has already been translated into the use of matcher functions; these are treated specially by the termination checker. Next, for each group of parameters, a translation using brecOn is attempted.

Course-of-Values Tables

This definition is equivalent to List.below:

def List.below' {α : Type u} {motive : List α Sort u} : List α Sort (max 1 u) | [] => PUnit | _ :: xs => motive xs ×' xs.below' (motive := motive)

In other words, for a given motive, List.below' is a type that contains a realization of the motive for all suffixes of the list.

More recursive arguments require further nested iterations of the product type. For instance, binary trees have two recursive occurrences.

inductive Tree (α : Type u) : Type u where | leaf | branch (left : Tree α) (val : α) (right : Tree α)

Its corresponding course-of-values table contains the realizations of the motive for all subtrees:

def Tree.below' {α : Type u} {motive : Tree α Sort u} : Tree α Sort (max 1 u) | .leaf => PUnit | .branch left _val right => (motive left ×' left.below' (motive := motive)) ×' (motive right ×' right.below' (motive := motive))

For both lists and trees, the brecOn operator expects just a single case, rather than one per constructor. This case accepts a list or tree along with a table of results for all smaller values; from this, it should satisfy the motive for the provided value. Dependent case analysis of the provided value automatically refines the type of the memo table, providing everything needed.

The following definitions are equivalent to List.brecOn and Tree.brecOn, respectively. The primitive recursive helpers List.brecOnTable and Tree.brecOnTable compute the course-of-values tables along with the final results, and the actual definitions of the brecOn operators simply project out the result.

def List.brecOnTable {α : Type u} {motive : List α Sort u} (xs : List α) (step : (ys : List α) ys.below' (motive := motive) motive ys) : motive xs ×' xs.below' (motive := motive) := match xs with | [] => step [] PUnit.unit, PUnit.unit | x :: xs => let res := xs.brecOnTable (motive := motive) step let val := step (x :: xs) res val, res def Tree.brecOnTable {α : Type u} {motive : Tree α Sort u} (t : Tree α) (step : (ys : Tree α) ys.below' (motive := motive) motive ys) : motive t ×' t.below' (motive := motive) := match t with | .leaf => step .leaf PUnit.unit, PUnit.unit | .branch left val right => let resLeft := left.brecOnTable (motive := motive) step let resRight := right.brecOnTable (motive := motive) step let branchRes := resLeft, resRight let val := step (.branch left val right) branchRes val, branchRes def List.brecOn' {α : Type u} {motive : List α Sort u} (xs : List α) (step : (ys : List α) ys.below' (motive := motive) motive ys) : motive xs := (xs.brecOnTable (motive := motive) step).1 def Tree.brecOn' {α : Type u} {motive : Tree α Sort u} (t : Tree α) (step : (ys : Tree α) ys.below' (motive := motive) motive ys) : motive t := (t.brecOnTable (motive := motive) step).1

The below construction is a mapping from each value of a type to the results of some function call on all smaller values; it can be understood as a memoization table that already contains the results for all smaller values. The notion of “smaller value” that is expressed in the below construction corresponds directly to the definition of strict sub-terms.

Recursors expect an argument for each of the inductive type's constructors; these arguments are called with the constructor's arguments (and the result of recursion on recursive parameters) during ι-reduction. The course-of-values recursion operator brecOn, on the other hand, expects just a single case that covers all constructors at once. This case is provided with a value and a below table that contains the results of recursion on all values smaller than the given value; it should use the contents of the table to satisfy the motive for the provided value. If the function is structurally recursive over a given parameter (or parameter group), then the results of all recursive calls will be present in this table already.

When the body of the recursive function is transformed into an invocation of brecOn on one of the function's parameters, the parameter and its course-of-values table are in scope. The analysis traverses the body of the function, looking for recursive calls. If the parameter is matched against, then its occurrences in the local context are generalized and then instantiated with the pattern; this is also true for the type of the course-of-values table. Typically, this pattern matching results in the type of the course-of-values table becoming more specific, which gives access to the recursive results for smaller values. This generalization process implements the rule that patterns are sub-terms of match discriminants. When an recursive occurrence of the function is detected, the course-of-values table is consulted to see whether it contains a result for the argument being checked. If so, the recursive call can be replaced with a projection from the table. If not, then the parameter in question doesn't support structural recursion.

Elaboration Walkthrough

The first step in walking through the elaboration of half is to manually desugar it to a simpler form. This doesn't match the way Lean works, but its output is much easier to read when there are fewer OfNat instances present. This readable definition:

def half : Nat Nat | 0 | 1 => 0 | n + 2 => half n + 1

can be rewritten to this somewhat lower-level version:

def half : Nat Nat | .zero | .succ .zero => .zero | .succ (.succ n) => half n |>.succ

The elaborator begins by elaborating a pre-definition in which recursion is still present but the definition is otherwise in Lean's core type theory. Turning on the compiler's tracing of pre-definitions, as well as making the pretty printer more explicit, makes the resulting pre-definition visible:

set_option trace.Elab.definition.body true in set_option pp.all true in [Elab.definition.body] half : Nat → Nat := fun (x : Nat) => half.match_1.{1} (fun (x : Nat) => Nat) x (fun (_ : Unit) => (fun (_ : Unit) => fun (n : Nat) => Nat.succ (half n)def half : Nat Nat | .zero | .succ .zero => .zero | .succ (.succ n) => half n |>.succ

The returned trace message is:

[Elab.definition.body] half : Nat → Nat :=
    fun (x : Nat) =>
      half.match_1.{1} (fun (x : Nat) => Nat) x
        (fun (_ : Unit) =>
        (fun (_ : Unit) =>
        fun (n : Nat) => Nat.succ (half n)

The auxiliary match function's definition is:

def half.match_1.{u_1} : (motive : Nat → Sort u_1) → (x : Nat) → (Unit → motive → (Unit → motive 1) → ((n : Nat) → motive n.succ.succ) → motive x := fun motive x h_1 h_2 h_3 => Nat.casesOn x (h_1 ()) fun n => Nat.casesOn n (h_2 ()) fun n => h_3 n#print half.match_1
def half.match_1.{u_1} : (motive : Nat → Sort u_1) →
  (x : Nat) → (Unit → motive → (Unit → motive 1) → ((n : Nat) → motive n.succ.succ) → motive x :=
fun motive x h_1 h_2 h_3 => Nat.casesOn x (h_1 ()) fun n => Nat.casesOn n (h_2 ()) fun n => h_3 n

Formatted more readably, this definition is:

def half.match_1'.{u} : (motive : Nat Sort u) (x : Nat) (Unit motive (Unit motive 1) ((n : Nat) motive n.succ.succ) motive x := fun motive x h_1 h_2 h_3 => Nat.casesOn x (h_1 ()) fun n => Nat.casesOn n (h_2 ()) fun n => h_3 n

In other words, the specific configuration of patterns used in half are captured in half.match_1.

This definition is a more readable version of half's pre-definition:

def half' : Nat Nat := fun (x : Nat) => half.match_1 (motive := fun _ => Nat) x (fun _ => 0) -- Case for 0 (fun _ => 0) -- Case for 1 (fun n => Nat.succ (half' n)) -- Case for n + 2

To elaborate it as a structurally recursive function, the first step is to establish the bRecOn invocation. The definition must be marked Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandnoncomputable because Lean does not support code generation for recursors such as Nat.brecOn.

noncomputable def half'' : Nat Nat := fun (x : Nat) => x.brecOn fun n table => don't know how to synthesize placeholder context: x n : Nat table : Nat.below n ⊢ Nat_ /- To translate: half.match_1 (motive := fun _ => Nat) x (fun _ => 0) -- Case for 0 (fun _ => 0) -- Case for 1 (fun n => Nat.succ (half' n)) -- Case for n + 2 -/

The next step is to replace occurrences of x in the original function body with the n provided by brecOn. Because table's type depends on x, it must also be generalized when splitting cases with half.match_1, leading to a motive with an extra parameter.

noncomputable def half'' : Nat Nat := fun (x : Nat) => x.brecOn fun n table => (half.match_1 (motive := fun k => k.below (motive := fun _ => Nat) Nat) n don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'h_1' context: x n : Nat table : Nat.below n ⊢ Unit → (fun k => Nat.below k → Nat) Nat.zero_ don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'h_2' context: x n : Nat table : Nat.below n ⊢ Unit → (fun k => Nat.below k → Nat) 1_ don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'h_3' context: x n : Nat table : Nat.below n ⊢ (n : Nat) → (fun k => Nat.below k → Nat) n.succ.succ_) table /- To translate: (fun _ => 0) -- Case for 0 (fun _ => 0) -- Case for 1 (fun n => Nat.succ (half' n)) -- Case for n + 2 -/

The three cases' placeholders expect the following types:

don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'h_1'
x n : Nat
table : Nat.below n
⊢ Unit → (fun k => Nat.below k → Nat)
don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'h_2'
x n : Nat
table : Nat.below n
⊢ Unit → (fun k => Nat.below k → Nat) 1
don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'h_3'
x n : Nat
table : Nat.below n
⊢ (n : Nat) → (fun k => Nat.below k → Nat) n.succ.succ

The first two cases in the pre-definition are constant functions, with no recursion to check:

noncomputable def half'' : Nat Nat := fun (x : Nat) => x.brecOn fun n table => (half.match_1 (motive := fun k => k.below (motive := fun _ => Nat) Nat) n (fun () _ => .zero) (fun () _ => .zero) don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'h_3' context: x n : Nat table : Nat.below n ⊢ (n : Nat) → (fun k => Nat.below k → Nat) n.succ.succ_) table /- To translate: (fun n => Nat.succ (half' n)) -- Case for n + 2 -/

The final case contains a recursive call. It should be translated into a lookup into the course-of-values table. A more readable representation of the last hole's type is:

(n : Nat) Nat.below (motive := fun _ => Nat) n.succ.succ Nat

which is equivalent to

(n : Nat) Nat ×' (Nat ×' Nat.below (motive := fun _ => Nat) n) Nat

The first Nat in the course-of-values table is the result of recursion on n + 1, and the second is the result of recursion on n. The recursive call can thus be replaced by a lookup, and the elaboration is successful:

noncomputable def half'' : Nat Nat := fun (x : Nat) => x.brecOn fun n table => (half.match_1 (motive := fun k => k.below (motive := fun _ => Nat) Nat) n (fun () _ => .zero) (fun () _ => .zero) (fun _ table => Nat.succ table.2.1) table unexpected end of input; expected ')', ',' or ':'

The actual elaborator keeps track of the relationship between the parameter being checked for structural recursion and the positions in the course-of-values tables by inserting sentinel types with fresh names into the motive.

7.6.3. Well-Founded Recursion🔗

Functions defined by well-founded recursion are those in which each recursive call has arguments that are smaller (in a suitable sense) than the functions' parameters. In contrast to structural recursion, in which recursive definitions must satisfy particular syntactic requirements, definitions that use well-founded recursion employ semantic arguments. This allows a larger class of recursive definitions to be accepted. Furthermore, when Lean's automation fails to construct a termination proof, it is possible to specify one manually.

All definitions are treated identically by the Lean compiler. In Lean's logic, definitions that use well-founded recursion typically do not reduce definitionally. The reductions do hold as propositional equalities, however, and Lean automatically proves them. This does not typically make it more difficult to prove properties of definitions that use well-founded recursion, because the propositional reductions can be used to reason about the behavior of the function. It does mean, however, that using these functions in types typically does not work well. Even when the reduction behavior happens to hold definitionally, it is often much slower than structurally recursive definitions in the kernel, which must unfold the termination proof along with the definition. When possible, recursive function that are intended for use in types or in other situations where definitional equality is important should be defined with structural recursion.

To explicitly use well-founded recursion, a function or theorem definition can be annotated with a Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by clause that specifies the measure by which the function terminates. The measure should be a term that decreases at each recursive call; it may be one of the function's parameters or a tuple of the parameters, but it may also be any other term. The measure's type must be equipped with a well-founded relation, which determines what it means for the measure to decrease.

syntaxExplicit Well-Founded Recursion

The Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by clause introduces the termination argument.

Specify a termination measure for recursive functions.
termination_by a - b
indicates that termination of the currently defined recursive function follows
because the difference between the arguments `a` and `b` decreases.

If the function takes further argument after the colon, you can name them as follows:
def example (a : Nat) : Nat → Nat → Nat :=
termination_by b c => a - b

By default, a `termination_by` clause will cause the function to be constructed using well-founded
recursion. The syntax `termination_by structural a` (or `termination_by structural _ c => c`)
indicates the function is expected to be structural recursive on the argument. In this case
the body of the `termination_by` clause must be one of the function's parameters.

If omitted, a termination measure will be inferred. If written as `termination_by?`,
the inferrred termination measure will be suggested.

terminationBy ::= ...
    | Specify a termination measure for recursive functions.
termination_by a - b
indicates that termination of the currently defined recursive function follows
because the difference between the arguments `a` and `b` decreases.

If the function takes further argument after the colon, you can name them as follows:
def example (a : Nat) : Nat → Nat → Nat :=
termination_by b c => a - b

By default, a `termination_by` clause will cause the function to be constructed using well-founded
recursion. The syntax `termination_by structural a` (or `termination_by structural _ c => c`)
indicates the function is expected to be structural recursive on the argument. In this case
the body of the `termination_by` clause must be one of the function's parameters.

If omitted, a termination measure will be inferred. If written as `termination_by?`,
the inferrred termination measure will be suggested.

termination_by (ident* =>)? term

The identifiers before the optional => can bring function parameters into scope that are not already bound in the declaration header, and the mandatory term must indicate one of the function's parameters, whether introduced in the header or locally in the clause.

Division by Iterated Subtraction

Division can be specified as the number of times the divisor can be subtracted from the dividend. This operation cannot be elaborated using structural recursion because subtraction is not pattern matching. The value of n does decrease with each recursive call, so well-founded recursion can be used to justify the definition of division by iterated subtraction.

def div (n k : Nat) : Nat := if k = 0 then 0 else if k > n then 0 else 1 + div (n - k) k termination_by n Well-Founded Relations🔗

A relation is a well-founded relation if there exists no infinitely descending chain

x_0 ≻ x_1 ≻ \cdots

In Lean, types that are equipped with a canonical well-founded relation are instances of the WellFoundedRelation type class.

🔗type class
WellFoundedRelation.{u} (α : Sort u) :
  Sort (max 1 u)

A type that has a standard well-founded relation.

Instances are used to prove that functions terminate using well-founded recursion by showing that recursive calls reduce some measure according to a well-founded relation. This relation can combine well-founded relations on the recursive function's parameters.

Instance Constructor{u}


rel : ααProp

A well-founded relation on α.

wf : WellFounded WellFoundedRelation.rel

A proof that rel is, in fact, well-founded.

The most important instances are:

  • Nat, ordered by (· < ·).

  • Prod, ordered lexicographically: (a₁, b₁) (a₂, b₂) if and only if a₁ a₂ or a₁ = a₂ and b₁ b₂.

  • Every type that is an instance of the SizeOf type class, which provides a method SizeOf.sizeOf, has a well-founded relation. For these types, x₁ x₂ if and only if sizeOf x₁ < sizeOf x₂. For inductive types, a SizeOf instance is automatically derived by Lean.

Note that there exists a low-priority instance instSizeOfDefault that provides a SizeOf instance for any type, and always returns 0. This instance cannot be used to prove that a function terminates using well-founded recursion because 0 < 0 is false.

Default Size Instance

Function types in general do not have a well-founded relation that's useful for termination proofs. Instance synthesis thus selects instSizeOfDefault and the corresponding well-founded relation. If the measure is a function, the default SizeOf instance is selected and the proof cannot succeed.

def declaration uses 'sorry'fooInst (b : Bool Bool) : Unit := fooInst (b b) termination_by b decreasing_by b:BoolBoolsizeOf (bb) < sizeOf b b:BoolBool0 < 0 b:BoolBool0 < 0 b:BoolBoolFalse b:BoolBoolFalse All goals completed! 🐙 Termination proofs

Once a measure is specified and its well-founded relation is determined, Lean determines the termination proof obligation for every recursive call.

The proof obligation for each recursive call is of the form g a₁ a₂ g p₁ p₂ , where:

  • g is the measure as a function of the parameters,

  • is the inferred well-founded relation,

  • a₁ a₂ are the arguments of the recursive call and

  • p₁ p₂ are the parameters of the function definition.

The context of the proof obligation is the local context of the recursive call. In particular, local assumptions (such as those introduced by if h : _, match h : _ with or have) are available. If a function parameter is the discriminant of a pattern match (e.g. by a Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the respective matched values. If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available within `f`. When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to enforce this. Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match. This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`. Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved names only should be done explicitly. `Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal. For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they should participate in matching. For example, in ```lean syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ... ``` `foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in ```lean syntax foo := "foo" syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ... ``` they are not. match expression), then this parameter is refined to the matched pattern in the proof obligation.

The overall termination proof obligation consists of one goal for each recursive call. By default, the tactic decreasing_trivial is used to prove each proof obligation. A custom tactic script can be provided using the optional Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by clause, which comes after the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by clause. This tactic script is run once, with one goal for each proof obligation, rather than separately on each proof obligation.

Termination Proof Obligations

The following recursive definition of the Fibonacci numbers has two recursive calls, which results in two goals in the termination proof.

def fib (n : Nat) := if h : n 1 then 1 else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) termination_by n unsolved goals n : Nat h : ¬n ≤ 1 ⊢ n - 1 < n n : Nat h : ¬n ≤ 1 ⊢ n - 2 < ndecreasing_by n:Nath:¬n1n - 1 < nn:Nath:¬n1n - 2 < n
n:Nath:¬n1n - 1 < nn:Nath:¬n1n - 2 < n

Here, the measure is simply the parameter itself, and the well-founded order is the less-than relation on natural numbers. The first proof goal requires the user to prove that the argument of the first recursive call, namely n - 1, is strictly smaller than the function's parameter, n.

Both termination proofs can be easily discharged using the omega tactic.

def fib (n : Nat) := if h : n 1 then 1 else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) termination_by n decreasing_by n:Nath:¬n1n - 1 < n All goals completed! 🐙 n:Nath:¬n1n - 2 < n All goals completed! 🐙
Refined Parameters

If a parameter of the function is the discriminant of a pattern match, then the proof obligations mention the refined parameter.

def fib : Nat Nat | 0 | 1 => 1 | .succ (.succ n) => fib (n + 1) + fib n termination_by n => n unsolved goals n : Nat ⊢ n + 1 < n.succ.succ n : Nat ⊢ n < n.succ.succdecreasing_by n:Natn + 1 < n.succ.succn:Natn < n.succ.succ
n:Natn + 1 < n.succ.succn:Natn < n.succ.succ

Additionally, the context is enriched with additional assumptions that can make it easier to prove termination. Some examples include:

  • In the branches of an if-then-else expression, a hypothesis that asserts the current branch's condition is added, much as if the dependent if-then-else syntax had been used.

  • In the function argument to certain higher-order functions, the context of the function's body is enriched with assumptions about the argument.

This list is not exhaustive, and the mechanism is extensible. It is described in detail in the section on preprocessing.

Enriched Proof Obligation Contexts

Here, the termIfThenElse : term`if c then t else e` is notation for `ite c t e`, "if-then-else", which decides to return `t` or `e` depending on whether `c` is true or false. The explicit argument `c : Prop` does not have any actual computational content, but there is an additional `[Decidable c]` argument synthesized by typeclass inference which actually determines how to evaluate `c` to true or false. Write `if h : c then t else e` instead for a "dependent if-then-else" `dite`, which allows `t`/`e` to use the fact that `c` is true/false. if does not add a local assumption about the condition (that is, whether n 1) to the local contexts in the branches.

def fib (n : Nat) := if n 1 then 1 else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) termination_by n unsolved goals n : Nat h✝ : ¬n ≤ 1 ⊢ n - 1 < n n : Nat h✝ : ¬n ≤ 1 ⊢ n - 2 < ndecreasing_by n:Nath✝:¬n1n - 1 < nn:Nath✝:¬n1n - 2 < n

Nevertheless, the assumptions are available in the context of the termination proof:

n:Nath✝:¬n1n - 1 < nn:Nath✝:¬n1n - 2 < n

Termination proof obligations in body of a Lean.Parser.Term.doFor : doElem`for x in e do s` iterates over `e` assuming `e`'s type has an instance of the `ForIn` typeclass. `break` and `continue` are supported inside `for` loops. `for x in e, x2 in e2, ... do s` iterates of the given collections in parallel, until at least one of them is exhausted. The types of `e2` etc. must implement the `ToStream` typeclass. forLean.Parser.Term.doFor : doElem`for x in e do s` iterates over `e` assuming `e`'s type has an instance of the `ForIn` typeclass. `break` and `continue` are supported inside `for` loops. `for x in e, x2 in e2, ... do s` iterates of the given collections in parallel, until at least one of them is exhausted. The types of `e2` etc. must implement the `ToStream` typeclass. in loop are also enriched, in this case with a Std.Range membership hypothesis:

def f (xs : Array Nat) : Nat := do let mut s := xs.sum for i in [:xs.size] do s := s + f (xs.take i) pure s termination_by xs unsolved goals xs : Array Nat i : Nat h✝ : i ∈ { stop := xs.size, step_pos := Nat.zero_lt_one } ⊢ sizeOf (xs.take i) < sizeOf xsdecreasing_by xs:Array Nati:Nath✝:i{ stop := xs.size, step_pos := Nat.zero_lt_one }sizeOf (xs.take i) < sizeOf xs
xs:Array Nati:Nath✝:i{ stop := xs.size, step_pos := Nat.zero_lt_one }sizeOf (xs.take i) < sizeOf xs

Similarly, in the following (contrived) example, the termination proof contains an additional assumption showing that x xs.

def f (n : Nat) (xs : List Nat) : Nat := List.sum ( (fun x => f x [])) termination_by xs unsolved goals n : Nat xs : List Nat x : Nat h✝ : x ∈ xs ⊢ sizeOf [] < sizeOf xsdecreasing_by n:Natxs:List Natx:Nath✝:xxssizeOf [] < sizeOf xs
n:Natxs:List Natx:Nath✝:xxssizeOf [] < sizeOf xs

This feature requires special setup for the higher-order function under which the recursive call is nested, as described in the section on preprocessing. In the following definition, identical to the one above except using a custom, equivalent function instead of, the proof obligation context is not enriched:

def List.myMap := def f (n : Nat) (xs : List Nat) : Nat := List.sum (xs.myMap (fun x => f x [])) termination_by xs unsolved goals n : Nat xs : List Nat x : Nat ⊢ sizeOf [] < sizeOf xsdecreasing_by n:Natxs:List Natx:NatsizeOf [] < sizeOf xs Default Termination Proof Tactic

If no Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by clause is given, then the decreasing_tactic is used implicitly, and applied to each proof obligation separately.


The tactic decreasing_tactic mainly deals with lexicographic ordering of tuples, applying Prod.Lex.right if the left components of the product are definitionally equal, and Prod.Lex.left otherwise. After preprocessing tuples this way, it calls the decreasing_trivial tactic.


Extensible helper tactic for decreasing_tactic. This handles the "base case" reasoning after applying lexicographic order lemmas. It can be extended by adding more macro definitions, e.g.

macro_rules | `(tactic| decreasing_trivial) => `(tactic| linarith)

The tactic decreasing_trivial is an extensible tactic that applies a few common heuristics to solve a termination goal. In particular, it tries the following tactics and theorems:

  • simp_arith

  • assumption

  • theorems Nat.sub_succ_lt_self, Nat.pred_lt_of_lt, and Nat.pred_lt, which handle common arithmetic goals

  • omega

  • array_get_dec and array_mem_dec, which prove that the size of array elements is less than the size of the array

  • sizeOf_list_dec that the size of list elements is less than the size of the list

  • String.Iterator.sizeOf_next_lt_of_hasNext and String.Iterator.sizeOf_next_lt_of_atEnd, to handle iteration through a string using Lean.Parser.Term.doFor : doElem`for x in e do s` iterates over `e` assuming `e`'s type has an instance of the `ForIn` typeclass. `break` and `continue` are supported inside `for` loops. `for x in e, x2 in e2, ... do s` iterates of the given collections in parallel, until at least one of them is exhausted. The types of `e2` etc. must implement the `ToStream` typeclass. for

This tactic is intended to be extended with further heuristics using Lean.Parser.Command.macro_rules : commandmacro_rules.

No Backtracking of Lexicographic Order

A classic example of a recursive function that needs a more complex measure is the Ackermann function:

def ack : Nat Nat Nat | 0, n => n + 1 | m + 1, 0 => ack m 1 | m + 1, n + 1 => ack m (ack (m + 1) n) termination_by m n => (m, n)

The measure is a tuple, so every recursive call has to be on arguments that are lexicographically smaller than the parameters. The default decreasing_tactic can handle this.

In particular, note that the third recursive call has a second argument that is smaller than the second parameter and a first argument that is definitionally equal to the first parameter. This allowed decreasing_tactic to apply Prod.Lex.right.

Prod.Lex.right {α β} {ra : α α Prop} {rb : β β Prop} (a : α) {b₁ b₂ : β} (h : rb b₁ b₂) : Prod.Lex ra rb (a, b₁) (a, b₂)

It fails, however, with the following modified function definition, where the third recursive call's first argument is provably smaller or equal to the first parameter, but not syntactically equal:

def synack : Nat Nat Nat | 0, n => n + 1 | m + 1, 0 => synack m 1 | m + 1, n + 1 => synack m (failed to prove termination, possible solutions: - Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals - Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation - Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal case h m n : Nat ⊢ m / 2 + 1 < m + 1synack (m / 2 + 1) n) termination_by m n => (m, n)
failed to prove termination, possible solutions:
  - Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals
  - Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation
  - Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal
case h
m n : Nat
⊢ m / 2 + 1 < m + 1

Because Prod.Lex.right is not applicable, the tactic used Prod.Lex.left, which resulted in the unprovable goal above.

This function definition may require a manual proof that uses the more general theorem Prod.Lex.right', which allows the first component of the tuple (which must be of type Nat) to be less or equal instead of strictly equal:

Prod.Lex.right' {β} (rb : β β Prop) {a₂ : Nat} {b₂ : β} {a₁ : Nat} {b₁ : β} (h₁ : a₁ a₂) (h₂ : rb b₁ b₂) : Prod.Lex rb (a₁, b₁) (a₂, b₂)def synack : Nat Nat Nat | 0, n => n + 1 | m + 1, 0 => synack m 1 | m + 1, n + 1 => synack m (synack (m / 2 + 1) n) termination_by m n => (m, n) decreasing_by m:NatProd.Lex (fun a₁ a₂ => a₁ < a₂) (fun a₁ a₂ => a₁ < a₂) (m, 1) (m.succ, 0) m:Natm < m.succ All goals completed! 🐙 -- the next goal corresponds to the third recursive call m:Natn:NatProd.Lex (fun a₁ a₂ => a₁ < a₂) (fun a₁ a₂ => a₁ < a₂) (m / 2 + 1, n) (m.succ, n.succ) m:Natn:Natm / 2 + 1m.succm:Natn:Natn < n.succ m:Natn:Natm / 2 + 1m.succ All goals completed! 🐙 m:Natn:Natn < n.succ All goals completed! 🐙 m:Natn:Natx✝:(y : (_ : Nat) ×' Nat) → (invImage (fun x => PSigma.casesOn x fun a a_1 => (a, a_1)) Prod.instWellFoundedRelation).1 ym.succ, n.succ⟩ → NatProd.Lex (fun a₁ a₂ => a₁ < a₂) (fun a₁ a₂ => a₁ < a₂) (m, x✝m / 2 + 1, n⟩ ⋯) (m.succ, n.succ) m:Natn:Natx✝:(y : (_ : Nat) ×' Nat) → (invImage (fun x => PSigma.casesOn x fun a a_1 => (a, a_1)) Prod.instWellFoundedRelation).1 ym.succ, n.succ⟩ → Natm < m.succ All goals completed! 🐙

The decreasing_tactic tactic does not use the stronger Prod.Lex.right' because it would require backtracking on failure. Inferring Well-Founded Recursion🔗

If a recursive function definition does not indicate a termination measure, Lean will attempt to discover one automatically. If neither Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by nor Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by is provided, Lean will try to infer structural recursion before attempting well-founded recursion. If a Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by clause is present, only well-founded recursion is attempted.

To infer a suitable termination measure, Lean considers multiple basic termination measures, which are termination measures of type Nat, and then tries all tuples of these measures.

The basic termination measures considered are:

  • all parameters whose type have a non-trivial SizeOf instance

  • the expression e₂ - e₁ whenever the local context of a recursive call has an assumption of type e₁ < e₂ or e₁ ≤ e₂, where e₁ and e₂ are of type Nat and depend only on the function's parameters. This approach is based on work by Panagiotis Manolios and Daron Vroon, 2006. “Termination Analysis with Calling Context Graphs”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2006). (LNCS 4144).

  • in a mutual group, an additional basic measure is used to distinguish between recursive calls to other functions in the group and recursive calls to the function being defined (for details, see the section on mutual well-founded recursion)

Candidate measures are basic measures or tuples of basic measures. If any of the candidate measures allow all proof obligations to be discharged by the termination proof tactic (that is, the tactic specified by Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by, or decreasing_trivial if there is no Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by clause), then an arbitrary such candidate measure is selected as the automatic termination measure.

A termination_by? clause causes the inferred termination annotation to be shown. It can be automatically added to the source file using the offered suggestion or code action.

To avoid the combinatorial explosion of trying all tuples of measures, Lean first tabulates all basic termination measures, determining whether the basic measure is decreasing, strictly decreasing, or non-decreasing. A decreasing measure is smaller for at least one recursive call and never increases at any recursive call, while a strictly decreasing measure is smaller at all recursive calls. A non-decreasing measure is one that the termination tactic could not show to be decreasing or strictly decreasing. A suitable tuple is chosen based on the table.This approach is based on Lukas Bulwahn, Alexander Krauss, and Tobias Nipkow, 2007. “Finding Lexicographic Orders for Termination Proofs in Isabelle/HOL”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLS 2007). (LNTCS 4732). This table shows up in the error message when no automatic measure could be found.

Termination failure

If there is no Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by clause, Lean attempts to infer a measure for well-founded recursion. If it fails, then it prints the table mentioned above. In this example, the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by clause simply prevents Lean from also attempting structural recursion; this keeps the error message specific.

Could not find a decreasing measure. The basic measures relate at each recursive call as follows: (<, ≤, =: relation proved, ? all proofs failed, _: no proof attempted) n m l 1) 30:6-25 = = = 2) 31:6-23 = < _ 3) 32:6-23 < _ _ Please use `termination_by` to specify a decreasing measure.def f : (n m l : Nat) Nat | n+1, m+1, l+1 => [ f (n+1) (m+1) (l+1), f (n+1) (m-1) (l), f (n) (m+1) (l) ].sum | _, _, _ => 0 decreasing_by all_goals decreasing_tactic
Could not find a decreasing measure.
The basic measures relate at each recursive call as follows:
(<, ≤, =: relation proved, ? all proofs failed, _: no proof attempted)
           n m l
1) 30:6-25 = = =
2) 31:6-23 = < _
3) 32:6-23 < _ _
Please use `termination_by` to specify a decreasing measure.

The three recursive calls are identified by their source positions. This message conveys the following facts:

  • In the first recursive call, all arguments are (provably) equal to the parameters

  • In the second recursive call, the first argument is equal to the first parameter and the second argument is provably smaller than the second parameter. The third parameter was not checked for this recursive call, because it was not necessary to determine that no suitable termination argument exists.

  • In the third recursive call, the first argument decreases strictly, and the other arguments were not checked.

When termination proofs fail in this manner, a good technique to discover the problem is to explicitly indicate the expected termination argument using Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by. This will surface the messages from the failing tactic.

Array Indexing

The purpose of considering expressions of the form e₂ - e₁ as measures is to support the common idiom of counting up to some upper bound, in particular when traversing arrays in possibly interesting ways. In the following function, which performs binary search on a sorted array, this heuristic helps Lean to find the j - i measure.

def binarySearch (x : Int) (xs : Array Int) : Option Nat := go 0 xs.size where go (i j : Nat) (hj : j xs.size := by omega) := if h : i < j then let mid := (i + j) / 2 let y := xs[mid] if x = y then some mid else if x < y then go i mid else go (mid + 1) j else none Try this: termination_by (j, j - i)termination_by?

The fact that the inferred termination argument uses some arbitrary measure, rather than an optimal or minimal one, is visible in the inferred measure, which contains a redundant j:

Try this: termination_by (j, j - i)
Termination Proof Tactics During Inference

The tactic indicated by Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by is used slightly differently when inferring the termination measure than it is in the actual termination proof.

  • During inference, it is applied to a single goal, attempting to prove < or on Nat.

  • During the termination proof, it is applied to many simultaneous goals (one per recursive call), and the goals may involve the lexicographic ordering of pairs.

A consequence is that a Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by block that addresses goals individually and which works successfully with an explicit termination argument can cause inference of the termination measure to fail:

Could not find a decreasing measure. The basic measures relate at each recursive call as follows: (<, ≤, =: relation proved, ? all proofs failed, _: no proof attempted) x1 x2 1) 629:16-23 ? ? 2) 630:27-40 _ _ 3) 630:20-41 _ _ Please use `termination_by` to specify a decreasing measure.def ack : Nat Nat Nat | 0, n => n + 1 | m + 1, 0 => ack m 1 | m + 1, n + 1 => ack m (ack (m + 1) n) decreasing_by · apply Prod.Lex.left omega · apply Prod.Lex.right omega · apply Prod.Lex.left omega

It is advisable to always include a Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by clause whenever an explicit Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by proof is given.

Inference too powerful

Because decreasing_tactic avoids the need to backtrack by being incomplete with regard to lexicographic ordering, Lean may infer a termination measure that leads to goals that the tactic cannot prove. In this case, the error message is the one that results from the failing tactic rather than the one that results from being unable to find a measure. This is what happens in notAck:

def notAck : Nat Nat Nat | 0, n => n + 1 | m + 1, 0 => notAck m 1 | m + 1, n + 1 => notAck m (notAck (m / 2 + 1) n) decreasing_by all_goals All goals completed! 🐙
failed to prove termination, possible solutions:
  - Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals
  - Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation
  - Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal
case h
m n : Nat
⊢ m / 2 + 1 < m + 1

In this case, explicitly stating the termination measure helps. Mutual Well-Founded Recursion🔗

Lean supports the definition of mutually recursive functions using well-founded recursion. Mutual recursion may be introduced using a mutual block, but it also results from Lean.Parser.Term.letrec : termlet rec expressions and Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandwhere blocks. The rules for mutual well-founded recursion are applied to a group of actually mutually recursive, lifted definitions, that results from the elaboration steps for mutual groups.

If any function in the mutual group has a Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by or Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by clause, well-founded recursion is attempted. If a termination measure is specified using Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandtermination_by for any function in the mutual group, then all functions in the group must specify a termination measure, and they have to have the same type.

If no termination argument is specified, the termination argument is inferred, as described above. In the case of mutual recursion, a third class of basic measures is considered during inference, namely for each function in the mutual group the measure that is 1 for that function and 0 for the others. This allows Lean to order the functions so that some calls from one function to another are allowed even if the parameters do not decrease.

Mutual recursion without parameter decrease

In the following mutual function definitions, the parameter does not decrease in the call from g to f. Nonetheless, the definition is accepted due to the ordering imposed on the functions themselves by the additional basic measure.

mutual def f : (n : Nat) Nat | 0 => 0 | n+1 => g n Try this: termination_by n => (n, 0)termination_by? def g (n : Nat) : Nat := (f n) + 1 Try this: termination_by (n, 1)termination_by? end

The inferred termination argument for f is:

Try this: termination_by n => (n, 0)

The inferred termination argument for g is:

Try this: termination_by (n, 1) Preprocessing Function Definitions🔗

Lean preprocesses the function's body before determining the proof obligations at each call site, transforming it into an equivalent definition that may include additional information. This preprocessing step is primarily used to enrich the local context with additional assumptions that may be necessary in order to solve the termination proof obligations, freeing users from the need to perform equivalent transformations by hand. Preprocessing uses the simplifier and is extensible by the user.

The preprocessing happens in three steps:

  1. Lean annotates occurrences of a function's parameter, or a subterm of a parameter, with the wfParam gadget.

    wfParam {α} (a : α) : α

    More precisely, every occurrence of the function's parameters is wrapped in wfParam. Whenever a Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the respective matched values. If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available within `f`. When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to enforce this. Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match. This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`. Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved names only should be done explicitly. `Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal. For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they should participate in matching. For example, in ```lean syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ... ``` `foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in ```lean syntax foo := "foo" syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ... ``` they are not. match expression has any discriminant wrapped in wfParam, the gadget is removed and every occurrence of a pattern match variable (regardless of whether it comes from the discriminant with the wfParam gadget) is wrapped in wfParam. The wfParam gadget is additionally floated out of projection function applications.

  2. The annotated function body is simplified using the simplifier, using only simplification rules from the wf_preprocess custom simp set.

  3. Finally, any left-over wfParam markers are removed.

Annotating function parameters that are used for well-founded recursion allows the preprocessing simplification rules to distinguish between parameters and other terms.

attributePreprocessing Simp Set for Well-Founded Recursion
attr ::= ...
    | Theorems tagged with the `wf_preprocess` attribute are used during the processing of functions defined
by well-founded recursion. They are applied to the function's body to add additional hypotheses,
such as replacing `if c then _ else _` with `if h : c then _ else _` or `` with
``. Also see `wfParam`.

Theorems tagged with the wf_preprocess attribute are used during the processing of functions defined by well-founded recursion. They are applied to the function's body to add additional hypotheses, such as replacing if c then _ else _ with if h : c then _ else _ or with Also see wfParam.

wfParam.{u} {α : Sort u} (a : α) : α

The wfParam gadget is used internally during the construction of recursive functions by wellfounded recursion, to keep track of the parameter for which the automatic introduction of List.attach (or similar) is plausible.

Some rewrite rules in the wf_preprocess simp set apply generally, without heeding the wfParam marker. In particular, the theorem ite_eq_dite is used to extend the context of an if-then-else expression branch with an assumption about the condition:This assumption's name should be an inaccessible name based on h, as is indicated by using binderNameHint with the term (). Binder name hints are described in the tactic language reference.

ite_eq_dite {P : Prop} {α : Sort u} {a b : α} [Decidable P] : (if P then a else b) = if h : P then binderNameHint h () a else binderNameHint h () b

Other rewrite rules use the wfParam marker to restrict their applicability; they are used only when a function (like is applied to a parameter or subterm of a parameter, but not otherwise. This is typically done in two steps:

  1. A theorem such as List.map_wfParam recognizes a call of on a function parameter (or subterm), and uses List.attach to enrich the type of the list elements with the assertion that they are indeed elements of that list:

    List.map_wfParam (xs : List α) (f : α β) : (wfParam xs).map f = f
  2. A theorem such as List.map_unattach makes that assertion available to the function parameter of

    List.map_unattach (P : α Prop) (xs : List { x : α // P x }) (f : α β) : f = fun x, h => binderNameHint x f <| binderNameHint h () <| f (wfParam x)

    This theorem uses the binderNameHint gadget to preserve a user-chosen binder name, should f be a lambda expression.

By separating the introduction of List.attach from the propagation of the introduced assumption, the desired the x xs assumption is made available to f even in chains such as (xs.reverse.filter p).map f.

This preprocessing can be disabled by setting the option wf.preprocess to false. To see the preprocessed function definition, before and after the removal of wfParam markers, set the option to true.


Default value: false

enable/disable tracing for the given module and submodules

Preprocessing for a custom data type

This example demonstrates what is necessary to enable automatic well-founded recursion for a custom container type. The structure type Pair is a homogeneous pair: it contains precisely two elements, both of which have the same type. It can be thought of as being similar to a list or array that always contains precisely two elements.

As a container, Pair can support a map operation. To support well-founded recursion in which recursive calls occur in the body of a function being mapped over a Pair, some additional definitions are required, including a membership predicate, a theorem that relates the size of a member to the size of the containing pair, helpers to introduce and eliminate assumptions about membership, wf_preprocess rules to insert these helpers, and an extension to the decreasing_trivial tactic. Each of these steps makes it easier to work with Pair, but none are strictly necessary; there's no need to immediately implement all steps for every type.

/-- A homogeneous pair -/ structure Pair (α : Type u) where fst : α snd : α /-- Mapping a function over the elements of a pair -/ def (f : α β) (p : Pair α) : Pair β where fst := f p.fst snd := f p.snd

Defining a nested inductive data type of binary trees that uses Pair and attempting to define its map function demonstrates the need for preprocessing rules.

/-- A binary tree defined using `Pair` -/ inductive Tree (α : Type u) where | leaf : α Tree α | node : Pair (Tree α) Tree α

A straightforward definition of the map function fails:

def (f : α β) : Tree α Tree β | leaf x => leaf (f x) | node p => node ( (fun t' => failed to prove termination, possible solutions: - Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals - Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation - Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal α : Type u_1 p : Pair (Tree α) t' : Tree α ⊢ sizeOf t' < 1 + sizeOf pt'.map f)) termination_by t => t
failed to prove termination, possible solutions:
  - Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals
  - Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation
  - Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal
α : Type u_1
p : Pair (Tree α)
t' : Tree α
⊢ sizeOf t' < 1 + sizeOf p

Clearly the proof obligation is not solvable, because nothing connects t' to p.

The standard idiom to enable this kind of function definition is to have a function that enriches each element of a collection with a proof that they are, in fact, elements of the collection. Stating this property requires a membership predicate.

inductive Pair.Mem (p : Pair α) : α Prop where | fst : Mem p p.fst | snd : Mem p p.snd instance : Membership α (Pair α) where mem := Pair.Mem

Every inductive type automatically has a SizeOf instance. An element of a collection should be smaller than the collection, but this fact must be proved before it can be used to construct a termination proof:

theorem Pair.sizeOf_lt_of_mem {α} [SizeOf α] {p : Pair α} {x : α} (h : x p) : sizeOf x < sizeOf p := α:Type u_1inst✝:SizeOf αp:Pair αx:αh:xpsizeOf x < sizeOf p α:Type u_1inst✝:SizeOf αp:Pair αsizeOf p.fst < sizeOf pα:Type u_1inst✝:SizeOf αp:Pair αsizeOf p.snd < sizeOf p α:Type u_1inst✝:SizeOf αp:Pair αsizeOf p.fst < sizeOf pα:Type u_1inst✝:SizeOf αp:Pair αsizeOf p.snd < sizeOf p α:Type u_1inst✝:SizeOf αfst✝:αsnd✝:αsizeOf { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }.snd < sizeOf { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ } α:Type u_1inst✝:SizeOf αfst✝:αsnd✝:αsizeOf { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }.fst < sizeOf { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }α:Type u_1inst✝:SizeOf αfst✝:αsnd✝:αsizeOf { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }.snd < sizeOf { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ } (α:Type u_1inst✝:SizeOf αfst✝:αsnd✝:α0 < 1 + sizeOf fst✝; All goals completed! 🐙)

The next step is to define attach and unattach functions that enrich the elements of the pair with a proof that they are elements of the pair, or remove said proof. Here, the type of Pair.unattach is more general and can be used with any subtype; this is a typical pattern.

def Pair.attach (p : Pair α) : Pair {x : α // x p} where fst := p.fst, .fst snd := p.snd, .snd def Pair.unattach {P : α Prop} : Pair {x : α // P x} Pair α := Subtype.val can now be defined by using Pair.attach and Pair.sizeOf_lt_of_mem explicitly:

def (f : α β) : Tree α Tree β | leaf x => leaf (f x) | node p => node ( (fun t', _ => t'.map f)) termination_by t => t decreasing_by α:Type u_1p:Pair (Tree α)t':Tree αproperty✝:t'pthis:sizeOf t' < sizeOf psizeOf t' < sizeOf (node p) α:Type u_1p:Pair (Tree α)t':Tree αproperty✝:t'pthis:sizeOf t' < sizeOf psizeOf t'sizeOf p All goals completed! 🐙

This transformation can be made fully automatic. The preprocessing feature of well-founded recursion can be used to automate the introduction of the Pair.attach function. This is done in two stages. First, when is applied to one of the function's parameters, it is rewritten to an attach/unattach composition. Then, when a function is mapped over the result of Pair.unattach, the function is rewritten to accept the proof of membership and bring it into scope.

@[wf_preprocess] theorem Pair.map_wfParam (f : α β) (p : Pair α) : (wfParam p).map f = f := α:Type u_1β:Type u_2f:αβp:Pair αmap f (wfParam p) = map f p.attach.unattach α:Type u_1β:Type u_2f:αβfst✝:αsnd✝:αmap f (wfParam { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }) = map f { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }.attach.unattach All goals completed! 🐙 @[wf_preprocess] theorem Pair.map_unattach {P : α Prop} (p : Pair (Subtype P)) (f : α β) : f = fun x, h => binderNameHint x f <| f (wfParam x) := α:Type u_1β:Type u_2P:αPropp:Pair (Subtype P)f:αβmap f p.unattach = map (fun x => match x with | ⟨x, h⟩ => binderNameHint x f (f (wfParam x))) p α:Type u_1β:Type u_2P:αPropf:αβfst✝:Subtype Psnd✝:Subtype Pmap f { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }.unattach = map (fun x => match x with | ⟨x, h⟩ => binderNameHint x f (f (wfParam x))) { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }; All goals completed! 🐙

Now the function body can be written without extra considerations, and the membership assumption is still available to the termination proof.

def (f : α β) : Tree α Tree β | leaf x => leaf (f x) | node p => node ( (fun t' => t'.map f)) termination_by t => t decreasing_by α:Type u_1p:Pair (Tree α)t':Tree αh:t'pthis:sizeOf t' < sizeOf psizeOf t' < sizeOf (node p) α:Type u_1p:Pair (Tree α)t':Tree αh:t'pthis:sizeOf t' < sizeOf psizeOf t' < 1 + sizeOf p All goals completed! 🐙

The proof can be made fully automatic by adding sizeOf_lt_of_mem to the decreasing_trivial tactic, as is done for similar built-in theorems.

macro "sizeOf_pair_dec" : tactic => `(tactic| with_reducible have := Pair.sizeOf_lt_of_mem _ omega done) macro_rules | `(tactic| decreasing_trivial) => `(tactic| sizeOf_pair_dec) def (f : α β) : Tree α Tree β | leaf x => leaf (f x) | node p => node ( (fun t' => t'.map f)) termination_by t => t

To keep the example short, the sizeOf_pair_dec tactic is tailored to this particular recursion pattern and isn't really general enough for a general-purpose container library. It does, however, demonstrate that libraries can be just as convenient in practice as the container types in the standard library. Theory and Construction

This section gives a very brief glimpse into the mathematical constructions that underlie termination proofs via well-founded recursion, which may surface occasionally. The elaboration of functions defined by well-founded recursion is based on the WellFounded.fix operator.

WellFounded.fix.{u, v} {α : Sort u}
  {C : αSort v} {r : ααProp}
  (hwf : WellFounded r)
  (F : (x : α) → ((y : α) → r y xC y) → C x)
  (x : α) : C x

A well-founded fixpoint. If satisfying the motive C for all values that are smaller according to a well-founded relation allows it to be satisfied for the current value, then it is satisfied for all values.

This function is used as part of the elaboration of well-founded recursion.

The type α is instantiated with the function's (varying) parameters, packed into one type using PSigma. The WellFounded relation is constructed from the termination measure via invImage.

invImage.{u_1, u_2} {α : Sort u_1}
  {β : Sort u_2} (f : αβ)
  (h : WellFoundedRelation β) :
  WellFoundedRelation α

The inverse image of a well-founded relation is well-founded.

The function's body is passed to WellFounded.fix, with parameters suitably packed and unpacked, and recursive calls are replaced with a call to the value provided by WellFounded.fix. The termination proofs generated by the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddecreasing_by tactics are inserted in the right place.

Finally, the equational and unfolding theorems for the recursive function are proved from WellFounded.fix_eq. These theorems hide the details of packing and unpacking arguments and describe the function's behavior in terms of the original definition.

In the case of mutual recursion, an equivalent non-mutual function is constructed by combining the function's arguments using PSum, and pattern-matching on that sum type in the result type and the body.

The definition of WellFounded builds on the notion of accessible elements of the relation:

🔗inductive predicate
WellFounded.{u} {α : Sort u}
  (r : ααProp) : Prop

A relation r is WellFounded if all elements of α are accessible within r. If a relation is WellFounded, it does not allow for an infinite descent along the relation.

If the arguments of the recursive calls in a function definition decrease according to a well founded relation, then the function terminates. Well-founded relations are sometimes called Artinian or said to satisfy the “descending chain condition”.


intro.{u} {α : Sort u} {r : ααProp}
  (h : ∀ (a : α), Acc r a) : WellFounded r

If all elements are accessible via r, then r is well-founded.

🔗inductive predicate
Acc.{u} {α : Sort u} (r : ααProp) :

Acc is the accessibility predicate. Given some relation r (e.g. <) and a value x, Acc r x means that x is accessible through r:

x is accessible if there exists no infinite sequence ... < y₂ < y₁ < y₀ < x.


intro.{u} {α : Sort u} {r : ααProp} (x : α)
  (h : ∀ (y : α), r y xAcc r y) : Acc r x

A value is accessible if for all y such that r y x, y is also accessible. Note that if there exists no y such that r y x, then x is accessible. Such an x is called a base case.

Division by Iterated Subtraction: Termination Proof

The definition of division by iterated subtraction can be written explicitly using well-founded recursion.

noncomputable def div (n k : Nat) : Nat := (inferInstanceAs (WellFoundedRelation Nat)).wf.fix (fun n r => if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : k > n then 0 else 1 + (r (n - k) <| α:Type un✝:Natk:Natn:Natr:(y : Nat) → WellFoundedRelation.rel y nNath✝:¬k = 0h:¬k > nWellFoundedRelation.rel (n - k) n α:Type un✝:Natk:Natn:Natr:(y : Nat) → WellFoundedRelation.rel y nNath✝:¬k = 0h:¬k > nn - k < n All goals completed! 🐙)) n

The definition must be marked Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandnoncomputable because well-founded recursion is not supported by the compiler. Like recursors, it is part of Lean's logic.

The definition of division should satisfy the following equations:

  • {n k : Nat}, (k = 0) div n k = 0

  • {n k : Nat}, (k > n) div n k = 0

  • {n k : Nat}, (k 0) (¬ k > n) div n k = div (n - k) k

This reduction behavior does not hold definitionally:

theorem div.eq0 : div n 0 = 0 := n:Natdiv n 0 = 0 n:Natdiv n 0 = 0
tactic 'rfl' failed, the left-hand side
  div n 0
is not definitionally equal to the right-hand side
n : Nat
⊢ div n 0 = 0

However, using WellFounded.fix_eq to unfold the well-founded recursion, the three equations can be proved to hold:

theorem div.eq0 : div n 0 = 0 := n:Natdiv n 0 = 0 n:Natproof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : 0 = 0 then 0 else if h : 0 > n then 0 else 1 + r (n - 0) ⋯) n = 0 All goals completed! 🐙 theorem div.eq1 : k > n div n k = 0 := k:Natn:Natk > ndiv n k = 0 k:Natn:Nath:k > ndiv n k = 0 k:Natn:Nath:k > nproof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : k > n then 0 else 1 + r (n - k) ⋯) n = 0 k:Natn:Nath:k > n(if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : k > n then 0 else 1 + (fun y x => proof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : k > n then 0 else 1 + r (n - k) ⋯) y) (n - k) ⋯) = 0 k:Natn:Nath:k > n¬k = 0 → kn → 1 + proof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : n < k then 0 else 1 + r (n - k) ⋯) (n - k) = 0 k:Natn:Nath:k > na✝¹:¬k = 0a✝:kn1 + proof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : n < k then 0 else 1 + r (n - k) ⋯) (n - k) = 0; All goals completed! 🐙 theorem div.eq2 : ¬ k = 0 ¬ (k > n) div n k = 1 + div (n - k) k := k:Natn:Nat¬k = 0 → ¬k > ndiv n k = 1 + div (n - k) k k:Natn:Nata✝¹:¬k = 0a✝:¬k > ndiv n k = 1 + div (n - k) k k:Natn:Nata✝¹:¬k = 0a✝:¬k > nproof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : k > n then 0 else 1 + r (n - k) ⋯) n = 1 + proof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : k > n then 0 else 1 + r (n - k) ⋯) (n - k) k:Natn:Nata✝¹:¬k = 0a✝:¬k > n(if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : k > n then 0 else 1 + (fun y x => proof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : k > n then 0 else 1 + r (n - k) ⋯) y) (n - k) ⋯) = 1 + proof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : k = 0 then 0 else if h : k > n then 0 else 1 + r (n - k) ⋯) (n - k) k:Natn:Nata✝¹:¬k = 0a✝:knn < k → 0 = 1 + proof_1.fix (fun n r => if h : n < k then 0 else 1 + r (n - k) ⋯) (n - k) All goals completed! 🐙

7.6.4. Partial Fixpoint Recursion🔗

All definitions are fundamentally equations: the new constant being defined is equal to the right-hand side of the definition. For functions defined by structural recursion, this equation holds definitionally, and there is a unique value returned by application of the function. For functions defined by well-founded recursion, the equation may hold only propositionally, but all type-correct applications of the function to arguments are equal to the respective values prescribed by the definition. In both cases, the fact that the function terminates for all inputs means that the value computed by applying the function is always uniquely determined.

In some cases where a function does not terminate for all arguments, the equation may not uniquely determine the function's return value for each input, but there are nonetheless functions for which the defining equation holds. In these cases, a definition as a partial fixpoint may still be possible. Any function that satisfies the defining equation can be used to demonstrate that the equation does not create a logical contradiction, and the equation can then be proven as a theorem about this function. As with the other strategies for defining recursive functions, compiled code uses the function as it was originally written; like definitions in terms of eliminators or recursion over accessibility proofs, the function used to define the partial fixpoint is used only to justify the function's equations in Lean's logic for purposes of mathematical reasoning.

The term partial fixpoint is specific to Lean. Functions declared Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial do not require termination proofs, so long as the type of their return values is inhabited, but they are completely opaque from the perspective of Lean's logic. Partial fixpoints, on the other hand, can be rewritten using their defining equations while writing proofs. Logically speaking, partial fixpoints are total functions that don't reduce definitionally when applied, but for which equational rewrite rule are provided. They are partial in the sense that the defining equation does not necessarily specify a value for all possible arguments.

While partial fixpoints do allow functions to be defined that cannot be expressed using structural or well-founded recursion, the technique is also useful in other cases. Even in cases where the defining equation fully describes the function's behavior and a termination proof using well-founded recursion would be possible, it may simply be more convenient to define the function as a partial fixpoint to avoid a having to write a termination proof.

Defining recursive functions as partial fixpoints only occurs when explicitly requested by annotating the definition with Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint.

There are two classes of functions that can be defined as partial fixpoints:

  • Tail-recursive functions whose return type is inhabited type

  • Functions that return values in a suitable monad, such as the Option monad

Both classes are backed by the same theory and construction: least fixpoints of monotone equations in chain-complete partial orders.

Just as with structural and well-founded recursion, Lean allows mutually recursive functions to be defined as partial fixpoints. To use this feature, every function definition in a mutual block must be annotated with the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint modifier.

Definition by Partial Fixpoint

The following function finds the least natural number for which the predicate p holds. If p never holds, then this equation does not specify the behavior: the function find could return 42 or any other Nat in that case and still satisfy the equation.

def find (p : Nat Bool) (i : Nat := 0) : Nat := if p i then i else find p (i + 1) partial_fixpoint

The elaborator can prove that functions satisfying the equation exist. Within Lean's logic, find is defined to be an arbitrary such function. Tail-Recursive Functions🔗

A recursive function can be defined as a partial fixpoint if the following two conditions hold:

  1. The function's return type is inhabited (as with functions marked Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial) - either a Nonempty or Inhabited instance works.

  2. All recursive calls are in tail position of the function.

An expression is in tail position in the function body if it is:

  • the function body itself,

  • the branches of a Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the respective matched values. If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available within `f`. When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to enforce this. Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match. This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`. Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved names only should be done explicitly. `Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal. For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they should participate in matching. For example, in ```lean syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ... ``` `foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in ```lean syntax foo := "foo" syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ... ``` they are not. match expression that is in tail position,

  • the branches of an termIfThenElse : term`if c then t else e` is notation for `ite c t e`, "if-then-else", which decides to return `t` or `e` depending on whether `c` is true or false. The explicit argument `c : Prop` does not have any actual computational content, but there is an additional `[Decidable c]` argument synthesized by typeclass inference which actually determines how to evaluate `c` to true or false. Write `if h : c then t else e` instead for a "dependent if-then-else" `dite`, which allows `t`/`e` to use the fact that `c` is true/false. if expression that is in tail position, and

  • the body of a Lean.Parser.Term.let : term`let` is used to declare a local definition. Example: ``` let x := 1 let y := x + 1 x + y ``` Since functions are first class citizens in Lean, you can use `let` to declare local functions too. ``` let double := fun x => 2*x double (double 3) ``` For recursive definitions, you should use `let rec`. You can also perform pattern matching using `let`. For example, assume `p` has type `Nat × Nat`, then you can write ``` let (x, y) := p x + y ``` let expression that is in tail position.

In particular, the discriminant of a Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the respective matched values. If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available within `f`. When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to enforce this. Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match. This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`. Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved names only should be done explicitly. `Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal. For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they should participate in matching. For example, in ```lean syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ... ``` `foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in ```lean syntax foo := "foo" syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ... ``` they are not. match expression, the condition of an termIfThenElse : term`if c then t else e` is notation for `ite c t e`, "if-then-else", which decides to return `t` or `e` depending on whether `c` is true or false. The explicit argument `c : Prop` does not have any actual computational content, but there is an additional `[Decidable c]` argument synthesized by typeclass inference which actually determines how to evaluate `c` to true or false. Write `if h : c then t else e` instead for a "dependent if-then-else" `dite`, which allows `t`/`e` to use the fact that `c` is true/false. if expression and the arguments of functions are not tail positions.

Loops are Tail Recursive Functions

Because the function body itself is a tail position, the infinitely looping function loop is tail recursive. It can be defined as a partial fixpoint.

def loop (x : Nat) : Nat := loop (x + 1) partial_fixpoint
Tail Recursion with Branching

Array.find could also be constructed using well-founded recursion with a termination proof, but may be more convenient to define using Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint, where no termination proof is needed.

def Array.find (xs : Array α) (p : α Bool) (i : Nat := 0) : Option α := if h : i < xs.size then if p xs[i] then some xs[i] else Array.find xs p (i + 1) else none partial_fixpoint

If the result of the recursive call is not just returned, but passed to another function, it is not in tail position and this definition fails.

def List.findIndex (xs : List α) (p : α Bool) : Int := match xs with | [] => -1 | x::ys => if p x then 0 else have r := Could not prove 'List.findIndex' to be monotone in its recursive calls: Cannot eliminate recursive call `List.findIndex ys p` enclosed in let_fun r := ys✝.findIndex p; if r = -1 then -1 else r + 1 List.findIndex ys p if r = -1 then -1 else r + 1 partial_fixpoint

The error message on the recursive call is:

Could not prove 'List.findIndex' to be monotone in its recursive calls:
  Cannot eliminate recursive call `List.findIndex ys p` enclosed in
    let_fun r := ys✝.findIndex p;
    if r = -1 then -1 else r + 1 Monadic functions🔗

Defining a function as a partial fixpoint is more powerful if the function's return type is a monad that is an instance of Lean.Order.MonoBind, such as Option. In this case, recursive call are not restricted to tail-positions, but may also occur inside higher-order monadic functions such as bind and List.mapM.

The set of higher-order functions for which this works is extensible, so no exhaustive list is given here. The aspiration is that a monadic recursive function definition that is built using abstract monadic operations like bind, but that does not open the abstraction of the monad (e.g. by matching on the Option value), is accepted. In particular, using : termdo-notation should work.

Monadic functions

The following function implements the Ackermann function in the Option monad, and is accepted without an (explicit or implicit) termination proof:

def ack : (n m : Nat) Option Nat | 0, y => some (y+1) | x+1, 0 => ack x 1 | x+1, y+1 => do ack x ( ack (x+1) y) partial_fixpoint

Recursive calls may also occur within higher-order functions such as List.mapM, if they are set up appropriately, and : termdo-notation:

structure Tree where cs : List Tree def Tree.rev (t : Tree) : Option Tree := do ( t.cs.reverse.mapM (Tree.rev ·)) partial_fixpoint def Tree.rev' (t : Tree) : Option Tree := do let mut cs := [] for c in t.cs do cs := ( c.rev') :: cs return cs partial_fixpoint

Pattern matching on the result of the recursive call will prevent the definition by partial fixpoint from going through:

def List.findIndex (xs : List α) (p : α Bool) : Option Nat := match xs with | [] => none | x::ys => if p x then some 0 else match Could not prove 'List.findIndex' to be monotone in its recursive calls: Cannot eliminate recursive call `List.findIndex ys p` enclosed in match ys✝.findIndex p with | none => none | some r => some (r + 1) List.findIndex ys p with | none => none | some r => some (r + 1) partial_fixpoint
Could not prove 'List.findIndex' to be monotone in its recursive calls:
  Cannot eliminate recursive call `List.findIndex ys p` enclosed in
    match ys✝.findIndex p with
    | none => none
    | some r => some (r + 1)

In this particular case, using instead of explicit pattern matching helps:

def List.findIndex (xs : List α) (p : α Bool) : Option Nat := match xs with | [] => none | x::ys => if p x then some 0 else (· + 1) <$> List.findIndex ys p partial_fixpoint Partial Correctness Theorems🔗

For every function defined as a partial fixpoint, Lean proves that the defining equation is satisfied. This enables proofs by rewriting. However, these equational theorems are not sufficient for reasoning about the behavior of the function on arguments for which the function specification does not terminate. Code paths that lead to infinite recursion at runtime would end up as infinite chains of rewrites in a potential proof.

Partial fixpoints in suitable monads, on the other hand, provide additional theorems that map the undefined values from non-termination to suitable values in the monad. In the Option monad, then partial fixpoint equals Option.none on all function inputs for which the defining equation specifies non-termination. From this fact, Lean proves a partial correctness theorem for the function which allows facts to be concluded when the function's result is Option.some.

Partial Correctness Theorem

Recall List.findIndex from an earlier example:

def List.findIndex (xs : List α) (p : α Bool) : Option Nat := match xs with | [] => none | x::ys => if p x then some 0 else (· + 1) <$> List.findIndex ys p partial_fixpoint

With this function definition, Lean automatically proves the following partial correctness theorem:

List.findIndex.partial_correctness.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (p : α Bool) (motive : List α Nat Prop) (h : (findIndex : List α Option Nat), ( (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r motive xs r) (xs : List α) (r : Nat), (match xs with | [] => none | x :: ys => if p x = true then some 0 else (fun x => x + 1) <$> findIndex ys) = some r motive xs r) (xs : List α) (r : Nat) : xs.findIndex p = some r motive xs r

Here, the motive is a relation between the parameter and return types of List.findIndex, with the Option removed from the return type. If, when given an arbitrary partial function with a signature that's compatible with List.findIndex, the following hold:

  • the motive is satisfied for all inputs for which the arbitrary function returns a value (rather than none),

  • taking one rewriting step with the defining equation, in which the recursive calls are replaced by the arbitrary function, also implies the satisfaction of the motive

then the motive is satsified for all inputs for which the List.findIndex returns some.

The partial correctness theorem is a reasoning principle. It can be used to prove that the resulting number is a valid index in the list and that the predicate holds for that index:

theorem List.findIndex_implies_pred (xs : List α) (p : α Bool) : xs.findIndex p = some i x, xs[i]? = some x p x := α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolxs.findIndex p = some i x, xs[i]? = some xp x = true α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBool∀ (findIndex : List αOption Nat), (∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = true) → ∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), (match xs with | [] => none | x :: ys => if p x = true then some 0 else (fun x => x + 1) <$> findIndex ys) = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = true α:Type u_1i:Natxs✝:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truexs:List αr:Nathsome:(match xs with | [] => none | x :: ys => if p x = true then some 0 else (fun x => x + 1) <$> findIndex ys) = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = true α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truer:Natxs✝:List αhsome:none = some r x, [][r]? = some xp x = trueα:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truer:Natxs✝:List αx✝:αys✝:List αhsome:(if p x✝ = true then some 0 else (fun x => x + 1) <$> findIndex ys✝) = some r x, (x✝ :: ys✝)[r]? = some xp x = true next α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truer:Natxs✝:List αhsome:none = some r x, [][r]? = some xp x = true All goals completed! 🐙 next x ys α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truer:Natxs✝:List αx:αys:List αhsome:(if p x = true then some 0 else (fun x => x + 1) <$> findIndex ys) = some r x_1, (x :: ys)[r]? = some x_1p x_1 = true α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truer:Natxs✝:List αx:αys:List αh✝:p x = truehsome:some 0 = some r x_1, (x :: ys)[r]? = some x_1p x_1 = trueα:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truer:Natxs✝:List αx:αys:List αh✝:¬p x = truehsome:(fun x => x + 1) <$> findIndex ys = some r x_1, (x :: ys)[r]? = some x_1p x_1 = true next α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truer:Natxs✝:List αx:αys:List αh✝:p x = truehsome:some 0 = some r x_1, (x :: ys)[r]? = some x_1p x_1 = true have : r = 0 := α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolxs.findIndex p = some i x, xs[i]? = some xp x = true All goals completed! 🐙 All goals completed! 🐙 next α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truer:Natxs✝:List αx:αys:List αh✝:¬p x = truehsome:(fun x => x + 1) <$> findIndex ys = some r x_1, (x :: ys)[r]? = some x_1p x_1 = true α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truer:Natxs✝:List αx:αys:List αh✝:¬p x = truehsome: a, findIndex ys = some aa + 1 = r x_1, (x :: ys)[r]? = some x_1p x_1 = true α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natih:∀ (xs : List α) (r : Nat), findIndex xs = some r x, xs[r]? = some xp x = truexs✝:List αx:αys:List αh✝:¬p x = truer':Nathr:findIndex ys = some r' x_1, (x :: ys)[r' + 1]? = some x_1p x_1 = true α:Type u_1i:Natxs:List αp:αBoolfindIndex:List αOption Natxs✝:List αx:αys:List αh✝:¬p x = truer':Nathr:findIndex ys = some r'ih: x, ys[r']? = some xp x = true x_1, (x :: ys)[r' + 1]? = some x_1p x_1 = true All goals completed! 🐙 Mutual Recursion with Partial Fixpoints🔗

Lean supports the definition of mutually recursive functions using partial fixpoint. Mutual recursion may be introduced using a mutual block, but it also results from Lean.Parser.Term.letrec : termlet rec expressions and Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandwhere blocks. The rules for mutual well-founded recursion are applied to a group of actually mutually recursive, lifted definitions, that results from the elaboration steps for mutual groups.

If all functions in the mutual group have the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint clause, then this strategy is used. Theory and Construction🔗

The construction builds on a variant of the Knaster–Tarski theorem: In a chain-complete partial order, every monotone function has a least fixed point.

The necessary theory is found in the Lean.Order namespace. This is not meant to be a general purpose library of order theoretic results. Instead, the definitions and theorems in Lean.Order are only intended as implementation details of the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint feature, and they should be considered a private API that may change without notice.

The notion of a partial order, and that of a chain-complete partial order, are represented by the type classes Lean.Order.PartialOrder and Lean.Order.CCPO, respectively.

🔗type class
Lean.Order.PartialOrder.{u} (α : Sort u) :
  Sort (max 1 u)

A partial order is a reflexive, transitive and antisymmetric relation.

This is intended to be used in the construction of partial_fixpoint, and not meant to be used otherwise.

Instance Constructor{u}


rel : ααProp

A “less-or-equal-to” or “approximates” relation.

This is intended to be used in the construction of partial_fixpoint, and not meant to be used otherwise.

rel_refl : ∀ {x : α}, xx

The “less-or-equal-to” or “approximates” relation is reflexive.

rel_trans : ∀ {x y z : α}, xyyzxz

The “less-or-equal-to” or “approximates” relation is transitive.

rel_antisymm : ∀ {x y : α}, xyyxx = y

The “less-or-equal-to” or “approximates” relation is antisymmetric.

🔗type class
Lean.Order.CCPO.{u} (α : Sort u) :
  Sort (max 1 u)

A chain-complete partial order (CCPO) is a partial order where every chain has a least upper bound.

This is intended to be used in the construction of partial_fixpoint, and not meant to be used otherwise.

Instance Constructor{u}



rel : ααProp
Inherited from
  1. PartialOrder α
rel_refl : ∀ {x : α}, xx
Inherited from
  1. PartialOrder α
rel_trans : ∀ {x y z : α}, xyyzxz
Inherited from
  1. PartialOrder α
rel_antisymm : ∀ {x y : α}, xyyxx = y
Inherited from
  1. PartialOrder α
csup : (αProp) → α

The least upper bound of a chain.

This is intended to be used in the construction of partial_fixpoint, and not meant to be used otherwise.

csup_spec : ∀ {x : α} {c : αProp}, chain c(CCPO.csup cx∀ (y : α), c yyx)

csup c is the least upper bound of the chain c when all elements x that are at least as large as csup c are at least as large as all elements of c, and vice versa.

A function is monotone if it preserves partial orders. That is, if x y then f x f y. The operator represent Lean.Order.PartialOrder.rel.

Lean.Order.monotone.{u, v} {α : Sort u}
  [PartialOrder α] {β : Sort v} [PartialOrder β]
  (f : αβ) : Prop

A function is monotone if it maps related elements to related elements.

This is intended to be used in the construction of partial_fixpoint, and not meant to be used otherwise.

The fixpoint of a monotone function can be taken using fix, which indeed constructs a fixpoint, as shown by fix_eq,

Lean.Order.fix.{u} {α : Sort u} [CCPO α]
  (f : αα) (hmono : monotone f) : α

The least fixpoint of a monotone function is the least upper bound of its transfinite iteration.

The monotone f assumption is not strictly necessarily for the definition, but without this the definition is not very meaningful and it simplifies applying theorems like fix_eq if every use of fix already has the monotonicty requirement.

This is intended to be used in the construction of partial_fixpoint, and not meant to be used otherwise.

Lean.Order.fix_eq.{u} {α : Sort u} [CCPO α]
  {f : αα} (hf : monotone f) :
  fix f hf = f (fix f hf)

The main fixpoint theorem for fixedpoints of monotone functions in chain-complete partial orders.

This is intended to be used in the construction of partial_fixpoint, and not meant to be used otherwise.

To construct the partial fixpoint, Lean first synthesizes a suitable CCPO instance.

  • If the function's result type has a dedicated instance, like Option has with instCCPOOption, this is used together with the instance for the function type, instCCPOPi, to construct an instance for the whole function's type.

  • Otherwise, if the function's type can be shown to be inhabited by a witness w, then the instance FlatOrder.instCCPO for the wrapper type FlatOrder w is used. In this order, w is a least element and all other elements are incomparable.

Next, the recursive calls in the right-hand side of the function definitions are abstracted; this turns into the argument f of fix. The monotonicity requirement is solved by the monotonicity tactic, which applies compositional monotonicity lemmas in a syntax-driven way.

The tactic solves goals of the form monotone (fun x => x ) using the following steps:

  • Applying monotone_const when there is no dependency on x left.

  • Splitting on Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the respective matched values. If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available within `f`. When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to enforce this. Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match. This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`. Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved names only should be done explicitly. `Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal. For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they should participate in matching. For example, in ```lean syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ... ``` `foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in ```lean syntax foo := "foo" syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ... ``` they are not. match expressions.

  • Splitting on termIfThenElse : term`if c then t else e` is notation for `ite c t e`, "if-then-else", which decides to return `t` or `e` depending on whether `c` is true or false. The explicit argument `c : Prop` does not have any actual computational content, but there is an additional `[Decidable c]` argument synthesized by typeclass inference which actually determines how to evaluate `c` to true or false. Write `if h : c then t else e` instead for a "dependent if-then-else" `dite`, which allows `t`/`e` to use the fact that `c` is true/false. if expressions.

  • Moving Lean.Parser.Term.let : term`let` is used to declare a local definition. Example: ``` let x := 1 let y := x + 1 x + y ``` Since functions are first class citizens in Lean, you can use `let` to declare local functions too. ``` let double := fun x => 2*x double (double 3) ``` For recursive definitions, you should use `let rec`. You can also perform pattern matching using `let`. For example, assume `p` has type `Nat × Nat`, then you can write ``` let (x, y) := p x + y ``` let expression to the context, if the value and type do not depend on x.

  • Zeta-reducing a Lean.Parser.Term.let : term`let` is used to declare a local definition. Example: ``` let x := 1 let y := x + 1 x + y ``` Since functions are first class citizens in Lean, you can use `let` to declare local functions too. ``` let double := fun x => 2*x double (double 3) ``` For recursive definitions, you should use `let rec`. You can also perform pattern matching using `let`. For example, assume `p` has type `Nat × Nat`, then you can write ``` let (x, y) := p x + y ``` let expression when value and type do depend on x.

  • Applying lemmas annotated with partial_fixpoint_monotone

The following monotonicity lemmas are registered, and should allow recursive calls under the given higher-order functions in the arguments indicated by · (but not the other arguments, shown as _).




Array.allM · _ _ _


Array.anyM · _ _ _


Array.anyM.loop · _ _ ⋯ _


Array.filterMapM · _


Array.forM · _ _ _


Array.forRevM · _ _ _


Array.findIdxM? · _


Array.findM? · _


Array.findRevM? · _


Array.findSomeM? · _


Array.findSomeRevM? · _


Array.flatMapM · _


Array.foldlM · _ _ _ _


Array.foldlM.loop · _ _ ⋯ _ _ _


Array.foldrM · _ _ _ _


Array.foldrM.fold · _ _ _ ⋯ _


forIn _ _ ·


forIn' _ _ ·


Array.forIn'.loop _ · _ ⋯ _


_.mapFinIdxM ·


Array.mapM · _


_.modifyM _ ·


_ <$> ·


List.allM · _


List.anyM · _


List.filterAuxM · _ _


List.filterM · _


List.filterRevM · _


List.findM? · _


List.findSomeM? · _


List.foldlM · _ _


List.foldrM · _ _


forIn _ _ ·


forIn' _ _ ·


List.forIn'.loop _ · _ _ ⋯


_.forM ·


List.mapM · _


Option.bindM · _


Option.elimM · · ·


_.getDM ·


Option.mapM · _




⟨·, ·⟩




· <*> ·


· <* ·


· *> ·


· >>= ·


dite _ · ·


if _ then · else ·

7.6.5. Partial and Unsafe Definitions🔗

While most Lean functions can be reasoned about in Lean's type theory as well as compiled and run, definitions marked partial or unsafe cannot be meaningfully reasoned about. From the perspective of the logic, partial functions are opaque constants, and theorems that refer to unsafe definitions are summarily rejected. In exchange for the inability to use these functions for reasoning, there are far fewer requirements placed on them; this can make it possible to write programs that would be impractical or cost-prohibitive to prove anything about, while not giving up formal reasoning for the rest. In essence, the partial subset of Lean is a traditional functional programming language that is nonetheless deeply integrated with the theorem proving features, and the unsafe subset features the ability to break Lean's runtime invariants in certain rare situations, at the cost of less integration with Lean's theorem-proving features. Analogously, noncomputable definitions may use features that don't make sense in programs, but are meaningful in the logic. Partial Functions🔗

The partial modifier may only be applied to function definitions. Partial functions are not required to demonstrate termination, and Lean does not attempt to do so. These functions are “partial” in the sense that they do not necessarily specify a mapping from each element of the domain to an element of the codomain, because they might fail to terminate for some or all elements of the domain. They are elaborated into pre-definitions that contain explicit recursion, and type checked using the kernel; however, they are subsequently treated as opaque constants by the logic.

The function's return type must be inhabited; this ensures soundness. Otherwise, a partial function could have a type such as Unit Empty. Together with Empty.elim, the existence of such a function could be used to prove False even if it does not reduce.

With partial definitions, the kernel is responsible for the following:

  • It ensures that the pre-definition's type is indeed a well-formed type.

  • It checks that the pre-definition's type is a function type.

  • It ensures that the function's codomain is inhabited by demanding a Nonempty or Inhabited instance.

  • It checks that the resulting term would be type-correct if Lean had recursive definitions.

Even though recursive definitions are not part of the kernel's type theory, the kernel can still be used to check that the body of the definition has the right type. This works the same way as in other functional languages: uses of recursion are type checked by checking the body in an environment in which the definition is already associated with its type. Having ensured that it type checks, the body is discarded and only the opaque constant is retained by the kernel. As with all Lean functions, the compiler generates code from the elaborated pre-definition.

Even though partial functions are not unfolded by the kernel, it is still possible to reason about other functions that call them so long as this reasoning doesn't depend on the implementation of the partial function itself.

Partial Functions in Proofs

The recursive function nextPrime inefficiently computes the next prime number after a given number by repeatedly testing candidates with trial division. Because there are infinitely many prime numbers, it always terminates; however, formulating this proof would be nontrivial. It is thus marked partial.

def isPrime (n : Nat) : Bool := do for i in [2:n] do if i * i > n then return true if n % i = 0 then return false return true partial def nextPrime (n : Nat) : Nat := let n := n + 1 if isPrime n then n else nextPrime n

It is nonetheless possible to prove that the following two functions are equal:

def answerUser (n : Nat) : String := s!"The next prime is {nextPrime n}" def answerOtherUser (n : Nat) : String := " ".intercalate [ "The", "next", "prime", "is", toString (nextPrime n) ]

The proof contains two simp steps to demonstrate that the two functions are not syntactically identical. In particular, the desugaring of string interpolation resulted in an extra toString "" at the end of answerUser's result.

theorem answer_eq_other : answerUser = answerOtherUser := answerUser = answerOtherUser n:NatanswerUser n = answerOtherUser n n:NattoString "The next prime is " ++ toString (nextPrime n) ++ toString "" = " ".intercalate ["The", "next", "prime", "is", toString (nextPrime n)] n:Nat"The next prime is " ++ (nextPrime n).repr = " ".intercalate ["The", "next", "prime", "is", (nextPrime n).repr] All goals completed! 🐙 Unsafe Definitions🔗

Unsafe definitions have even fewer safeguards than partial functions. Their codomains do not need to be inhabited, they are not restricted to function definitions, and they have access to features of Lean that might violate internal invariants or break abstractions. As a result, they cannot be used at all as part of mathematical reasoning.

While partial functions are treated as opaque constants by the type theory, unsafe definitions may only be referenced from other unsafe definitions. As a consequence, any function that calls an unsafe function must be unsafe itself. Theorems are not allowed to be declared unsafe.

In addition to unrestricted use of recursion, unsafe functions can cast from one type to another, check whether two values are the very same object in memory, retrieve pointer values, and run IO actions from otherwise-pure code. Using these operators requires a thorough understanding of the Lean implementation.

🔗unsafe def
unsafeCast.{u, v} {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v}
  (a : α) : β

This function will cast a value of type α to type β, and is a no-op in the compiler. This function is extremely dangerous because there is no guarantee that types α and β have the same data representation, and this can lead to memory unsafety. It is also logically unsound, since you could just cast True to False. For all those reasons this function is marked as unsafe.

It is implemented by lifting both α and β into a common universe, and then using cast (lcProof : ULift (PLift α) = ULift (PLift β)) to actually perform the cast. All these operations are no-ops in the compiler.

Using this function correctly requires some knowledge of the data representation of the source and target types. Some general classes of casts which are safe in the current runtime:

  • Array α to Array β where α and β have compatible representations, or more generally for other inductive types.

  • Quot α r and α.

  • @Subtype α p and α, or generally any structure containing only one non-Prop field of type α.

  • Casting α to/from NonScalar when α is a boxed generic type (i.e. a function that accepts an arbitrary type α and is not specialized to a scalar type like UInt8).

🔗unsafe def
ptrEq.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (a b : α) : Bool

Compares two objects for pointer equality.

Two objects are pointer-equal if, at runtime, they are allocated at exactly the same address. This function is unsafe because it can distinguish between definitionally equal values.

🔗unsafe def
ptrEqList.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (as bs : List α) : Bool

Compares two lists of objects for element-wise pointer equality. Returns true if both lists are the same length and the objects at the corresponding indices of each list are pointer-equal.

Two objects are pointer-equal if, at runtime, they are allocated at exactly the same address. This function is unsafe because it can distinguish between definitionally equal values.

🔗unsafe opaque
ptrAddrUnsafe.{u} {α : Type u} (a : α) : USize

Returns the address at which an object is allocated.

This function is unsafe because it can distinguish between definitionally equal values.

🔗unsafe opaque
isExclusiveUnsafe.{u} {α : Type u} (a : α) :

Returns true if a is an exclusive object.

An object is exclusive if it is single-threaded and its reference counter is 1. This function is unsafe because it can distinguish between definitionally equal values.

🔗unsafe def
unsafeIO {α : Type} (fn : IO α) :
  Except IO.Error α

A monad that can have side effects on the external world or throw exceptions of type ε.

BaseIO is a version of this monad that cannot throw exceptions. IO sets the exception type to IO.Error.

🔗unsafe def
unsafeEIO {ε α : Type} (fn : EIO ε α) :
  Except ε α

Executes arbitrary side effects in a pure context, with exceptions indicated via Except. This a dangerous operation that can easily undermine important assumptions about the meaning of Lean programs, and it should only be used with great care and a thorough understanding of compiler internals, and even then only to implement observationally pure operations.

This function is not a good way to convert an EIO α or IO α into an α. Instead, use do-notation.

Because the resulting value is treated as a side-effect-free term, the compiler may re-order, duplicate, or delete calls to this function. The side effect may even be hoisted into a constant, causing the side effect to occur at initialization time, even if it would otherwise never be called.

🔗unsafe def
unsafeBaseIO {α : Type} (fn : BaseIO α) : α

Executes arbitrary side effects in a pure context. This a dangerous operation that can easily undermine important assumptions about the meaning of Lean programs, and it should only be used with great care and a thorough understanding of compiler internals, and even then only to implement observationally pure operations.

This function is not a good way to convert a BaseIO α into an α. Instead, use do-notation.

Because the resulting value is treated as a side-effect-free term, the compiler may re-order, duplicate, or delete calls to this function. The side effect may even be hoisted into a constant, causing the side effect to occur at initialization time, even if it would otherwise never be called.

Frequently, unsafe operators are used to write fast code that takes advantage of low-level details. Just as Lean code may be replaced at runtime with C code via the FFI, safe Lean code may be replaced with unsafe Lean code for runtime programs. This is accomplished by adding the implemented_by attribute to the function that is to be replaced, which is often an opaque definition. While this does not threaten Lean's soundness as a logic because the constant to be replaced has already been checked by the kernel and the unsafe replacement is only used in run-time code, it is still risky. Both C code and unsafe code may execute arbitrary side effects.

attributeReplacing Run-Time Implementations

The implemented_by attribute instructs the compiler to replace one constant with another in compiled code. The replacement constant may be unsafe.

attr ::= ...
    | implemented_by ident
Checking Equality with Pointers

Ordinarily, a BEq instance's equality predicate must fully traverse both of its arguments to determine whether they are equal. If they are, in fact, the very same object in memory, this is wasteful indeed. A pointer equality test can be used prior to the traversal to catch this case.

The type being compared is Tree, a type of binary trees.

inductive Tree α where | empty | branch (left : Tree α) (val : α) (right : Tree α)

An unsafe function may use pointer equality to terminate the structural equality test more quickly, falling back to structural checks when pointer equality fails.

unsafe def Tree.fastBEq [BEq α] (t1 t2 : Tree α) : Bool := if ptrEq t1 t2 then true else match t1, t2 with | .empty, .empty => true | .branch l1 x r1, .branch l2 y r2 => if ptrEq x y || x == y then l1.fastBEq l2 && r1.fastBEq r2 else false | _, _ => false

An implemented_by attribute on an opaque definition bridges the worlds of safe and unsafe code.

@[implemented_by Tree.fastBEq] opaque Tree.beq [BEq α] (t1 t2 : Tree α) : Bool instance [BEq α] : BEq (Tree α) where beq := Tree.beq
Taking Advantage of Run-Time Representations

Because a Fin is represented identically to its underlying Nat, Fin.val can be replaced by unsafeCast to avoid a linear-time traversal that, in practice, does nothing:

unsafe def unFinImpl (xs : List (Fin n)) : List Nat := unsafeCast xs @[implemented_by unFinImpl] def unFin (xs : List (Fin n)) : List Nat := Fin.val

From the perspective of the Lean kernel, unFin is defined using

theorem unFin_length_eq_length {xs : List (Fin n)} : (unFin xs).length = xs.length := n:Natxs:List (Fin n)(unFin xs).length = xs.length All goals completed! 🐙

In compiled code, there is no traversal of the list.

This kind of replacement is risky: the correspondence between the proof and the compiled code depends fully on the equivalence of the two implementations, which cannot be proved in Lean. The correspondence relies on details of Lean's implementation. These “escape hatches” should be used very carefully.

7.6.6. Controlling Reduction🔗

While checking proofs and programs, Lean takes reducibility, also known as transparency, into account. A definition's reducibility controls the contexts in which it is unfolded during elaboration and proof execution.

There are three levels of reducibility:


Reducible definitions are unfolded essentially everywhere, on demand. Type class instance synthesis, definitional equality checks, and the rest of the language treat the definition as being essentially an abbreviation. This is the setting applied by the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandabbrev command.


Semireducible definitions are not unfolded by potentially expensive automation such as type class instance synthesis or simp, but they are unfolded while checking definitional equality and while resolving generalized field notation. The Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commanddef command generally creates semireducible definitions unless a different reducibility level is specified with an attribute; however, definitions that use well-founded recursion are irreducible by default.


Irreducible definitions are not unfolded at all during elaboration. Definitions can be made irreducible by applying the irreducible attribute.

Reducibility and Instance Synthesis

These three aliasees for String are respectively reducible, semireducible, and irreducible.

abbrev Phrase := String def Clause := String @[irreducible] def Utterance := String

The reducible and semireducible aliases are unfolded during the elaborator's definitional equality check, causing them to be considered equivalent to String:

def hello : Phrase := "Hello" def goodMorning : Clause := "Good morning"

The irreducible alias, on the other hand, is rejected as the type for a string, because the elaborator's definitional equality test does not unfold it:

def goodEvening : Utterance := type mismatch "Good evening" has type String : Type but is expected to have type Utterance : Type"Good evening"
type mismatch
  "Good evening"
has type
  String : Type
but is expected to have type
  Utterance : Type

Because Phrase is reducible, the ToString String instance can be used as a ToString Phrase instance:

instToStringString#synth ToString Phrase

However, Clause is semireducible, so the ToString String instance cannot be used:

failed to synthesize ToString Clause Additional diagnostic information may be available using the `set_option diagnostics true` command.#synth ToString Clause
failed to synthesize
  ToString Clause

Additional diagnostic information may be available using the `set_option diagnostics true` command.

The instance can be explicitly enabled by creating a ToString Clause instance that reduces to the ToString String instance. This example works because semireducible definitions are unfolded while checking definitional equality:

instance : ToString Clause := inferInstanceAs (ToString String)
Reducibility and Generalized Field Notation

Generalized field notation unfolds reducible and semireducible declarations while searching for matching names. Given the semireducible alias Sequence for List:

def Sequence := List def Sequence.ofList (xs : List α) : Sequence α := xs

generalized field notation allows List.reverse to be accessed from a term of type Sequence Nat.

let xs := Sequence.ofList [1, 2, 3]; List.reverse xs : List Nat#check let xs : Sequence Nat := .ofList [1,2,3]; xs.reverse

However, declaring Sequence to be irreducible prevents the unfolding:

attribute [irreducible] Sequence let xs := Sequence.ofList [1, 2, 3]; sorry : ?m.38#check let xs : Sequence Nat := .ofList [1,2,3]; invalid field 'reverse', the environment does not contain 'Sequence.reverse' xs has type Sequence Natxs.reverse
invalid field 'reverse', the environment does not contain 'Sequence.reverse'
has type
  Sequence Nat
attributeReducibility Annotations

A definition's reducibility can be set using one of the three reducibility attributes:

attr ::= ...
    | reducible
attr ::= ...
    | semireducible
attr ::= ...
    | irreducible

These attributes can only be applied globally in the same file as the definition being modified, but they may be Lean.Parser.Term.attrKindlocally applied anywhere. Reducibility and Tactics

The tactics with_reducible, with_reducible_and_instances, and with_unfolding_all control which definitions are unfolded by most tactics.

Reducibility and Tactics

The functions plus, sum, and tally are all synonyms for Nat.add that are respectively reducible, semireducible, and irreducible:

abbrev plus := Nat.add def sum := Nat.add @[irreducible] def tally := Nat.add

The reducible synonym is unfolded by simp:

theorem plus_eq_add : plus x y = x + y := x:Naty:Natplus x y = x + y All goals completed! 🐙

The semireducible synonym is not, however, unfolded by simp:

theorem sum_eq_add : sum x y = x + y := x:Naty:Natsum x y = x + y x:Naty:Natsum x y = x + y

Nonetheless, the definitional equality check induced by rfl unfolds the sum:

theorem sum_eq_add : sum x y = x + y := x:Naty:Natsum x y = x + y All goals completed! 🐙

The irreducible tally, however, is not reduced by definitional equality.

theorem tally_eq_add : tally x y = x + y := x:Naty:Nattally x y = x + y x:Naty:Nattally x y = x + y

The simp tactic can unfold any definition, even irreducible ones, when they are explicitly provided:

theorem tally_eq_add : tally x y = x + y := x:Naty:Nattally x y = x + y All goals completed! 🐙

Similarly, part of a proof can be instructed to ignore irreducibility by placing it in a with_unfolding_all block:

theorem tally_eq_add : tally x y = x + y := x:Naty:Nattally x y = x + y with_unfolding_all All goals completed! 🐙 Modifying Reducibility

The reducibility of a definition can be globally modified in the module in which it is defined by applying the appropriate attribute with the Lean.Parser.Command.attribute : commandattribute command. In other modules, the reducibility of imported definitions can be modified by applying the attribute with the local modifier. The Lean.Parser.commandSeal__ : commandThe `seal foo` command ensures that the definition of `foo` is sealed, meaning it is marked as `[irreducible]`. This command is particularly useful in contexts where you want to prevent the reduction of `foo` in proofs. In terms of functionality, `seal foo` is equivalent to `attribute [local irreducible] foo`. This attribute specifies that `foo` should be treated as irreducible only within the local scope, which helps in maintaining the desired abstraction level without affecting global settings. seal and Lean.Parser.commandUnseal__ : commandThe `unseal foo` command ensures that the definition of `foo` is unsealed, meaning it is marked as `[semireducible]`, the default reducibility setting. This command is useful when you need to allow some level of reduction of `foo` in proofs. Functionally, `unseal foo` is equivalent to `attribute [local semireducible] foo`. Applying this attribute makes `foo` semireducible only within the local scope. unseal commands are a shorthand for this process.

syntaxLocal Irreducibility

The seal foo command ensures that the definition of foo is sealed, meaning it is marked as [irreducible]. This command is particularly useful in contexts where you want to prevent the reduction of foo in proofs.

In terms of functionality, seal foo is equivalent to attribute [local irreducible] foo. This attribute specifies that foo should be treated as irreducible only within the local scope, which helps in maintaining the desired abstraction level without affecting global settings.

command ::= ...
    | The `seal foo` command ensures that the definition of `foo` is sealed, meaning it is marked as `[irreducible]`.
This command is particularly useful in contexts where you want to prevent the reduction of `foo` in proofs.

In terms of functionality, `seal foo` is equivalent to `attribute [local irreducible] foo`.
This attribute specifies that `foo` should be treated as irreducible only within the local scope,
which helps in maintaining the desired abstraction level without affecting global settings.
seal ident ident*
syntaxLocal Reducibility

The unseal foo command ensures that the definition of foo is unsealed, meaning it is marked as [semireducible], the default reducibility setting. This command is useful when you need to allow some level of reduction of foo in proofs.

Functionally, unseal foo is equivalent to attribute [local semireducible] foo. Applying this attribute makes foo semireducible only within the local scope.

command ::= ...
    | The `unseal foo` command ensures that the definition of `foo` is unsealed, meaning it is marked as `[semireducible]`, the
default reducibility setting. This command is useful when you need to allow some level of reduction of `foo` in proofs.

Functionally, `unseal foo` is equivalent to `attribute [local semireducible] foo`.
Applying this attribute makes `foo` semireducible only within the local scope.
unseal ident ident* Options

For performance, the elaborator and many tactics construct indices and caches. Many of these take reducibility into account, and there's no way to invalidate and regenerate them if reducibility changes globally. Unsafe changes to reducibility settings that could have unpredictable results are disallowed by default, but they can be enabled by using the allowUnsafeReducibility option.


Default value: false

enables users to modify the reducibility settings for declarations even when such changes are deemed potentially hazardous. For example, simp and type class resolution maintain term indices where reducible declarations are expanded.