The Lean Language Reference

21.1.Β LakeπŸ”—

Lake is the standard Lean build tool. It is responsible for:

  • Configuring builds and building Lean code

  • Fetching and building external dependencies

  • Integrating with Reservoir, the Lean package server

  • Running tests, linters, and other development workflows

Lake is extensible. It provides a rich API that can be used to define incremental build tasks for software artifacts that are not written in Lean, to automate administrative tasks, and to integrate with external workflows. For build configurations that do not need these features, Lake provides a declarative configuration language that can be written either in TOML or as a Lean file.

This section describes Lake's command-line interface, configuration files, and internal API. All three share a set of concepts and terminology.

21.1.1.Β Concepts and TerminologyπŸ”—

A package is the basic unit of Lean code distribution. A single package may contain multiple libraries or executable programs. A package consist of a directory that contains a package configuration file together with source code. Packages may require other packages, in which case those packages' code (more specifically, their targets) are made available. The direct dependencies of a package are those that it requires, and the transitive dependencies are the direct dependencies of a package together with their transitive dependencies. Packages may either be obtained from Reservoir, the Lean package repository, or from a manually-specified location. Git dependencies are specified by a Git repository URL along with a revision (branch, tag, or hash) and must be cloned locally prior to build, while local path dependencies are specified by a path relative to the package's directory.

A workspace is a directory on disk that contains a working copy of a package's source code and the source code of all transitive dependencies that are not specified as local paths. The package for which the workspace was created is the root package. The workspace also contains any built artifacts for the package, enabling incremental builds. Dependencies and artifacts do not need to be present for a directory to be considered a workspace; commands such as lake update and lake build produce them if they are missing. Lake is typically used in a workspace.lake init and lake new, which create workspaces, are exceptions. Workspaces typically have the following layout:

  • lean-toolchain - The toolchain file.

  • lakefile.toml or lakefile.lean - The package configuration file for the root package.

  • lake-manifest.json - The root package's manifest.

  • .lake/ - Intermediate state managed by Lake, such as built artifacts and dependency source code.

    • .lake/lakefile.olean - The root package's configuration, cached.

    • .lake/packages/ - The workspace's package directory, which contains copies of all non-local transitive dependencies of the root package, with their built artifacts in their own .lake directories.

    • .lake/build/ - The build directory, which contains built artifacts for the root package:

      • .lake/build/bin - The package's binary directory, which contains built executables.

      • .lake/build/lib - The package's library directory, which contains built libraries and .olean files.

      • .lake/build/ir - The package's intermediate result directory, which contains generated intermediate artifacts, primarily C code.

Lake Workspaces

Workspace Layout

A package configuration file specifies the dependencies, settings, and targets of a package. Packages can specify configuration options that apply to all their contained targets. They can be written in two formats:

  • The TOML format (lakefile.toml) is used for fully declarative package configurations.

  • The Lean format (lakefile.lean) additionally supports the use of Lean code to configure the package in ways not supported by the declarative options.

A manifest tracks the specific versions of other packages that are used in a package. Together, a manifest and a package configuration file specify a unique set of transitive dependencies for the package. Before building, Lake synchronizes the local copy of each dependency with the version specified in the manifest. If no manifest is available, Lake fetches the latest matching versions of each dependency and creates a manifest. It is an error if the package names listed in the manifest do not match those used by the package; the manifest must be updated using lake update prior to building. Manifests should be considered part of the package's code and should normally be checked into source control.

A target represents an output that can be requested by a user. A persistent build output, such as object code, an executable binary, or an .olean file, is called an artifact. In the process of producing an artifact, Lake may need to produce further artifacts; for example, compiling a Lean program into an executable requires that it and its dependencies be compiled to object files, which are themselves produced from C source files, which result from elaborating Lean sourcefiles and producing .olean files. Each link in this chain is a target, and Lake arranges for each to be built in turn. At the start of the chain are the initial targets:

  • Packages are units of Lean code that are distributed as a unit.

  • Libraries are collections of Lean modules, organized hierarchically under one or more module roots.

  • Executables consist of a single module that defines main.

  • External libraries are non-Lean static libraries that will be linked to the binaries of the package and its dependents, including both their shared libraries and executables.

  • Custom targets contain arbitrary code to run a build, written using Lake's internal API.

In addition to their Lean code, packages, libraries, and executables contain configuration settings that affect subsequent build steps. Packages may specify a set of default targets. Default targets are the initial targets in the package that are to be built in contexts where a package is specified but specific targets are not.

The log contains information produced during a build. Logs are saved so they can be replayed during incremental builds. Messages in the log have four levels, ordered by severity:

  1. Trace messages contain internal build details that are often specific to the machine on which the build is running, including the specific invocations of Lean and other tools that are passed to the shell.

  2. Informational messages contain general informational output that is not expected to indicate a problem with the code, such as the results of a Lean.Parser.Command.eval : command`#eval e` evaluates the expression `e` by compiling and evaluating it. * The command attempts to use `ToExpr`, `Repr`, or `ToString` instances to print the result. * If `e` is a monadic value of type `m ty`, then the command tries to adapt the monad `m` to one of the monads that `#eval` supports, which include `IO`, `CoreM`, `MetaM`, `TermElabM`, and `CommandElabM`. Users can define `MonadEval` instances to extend the list of supported monads. The `#eval` command gracefully degrades in capability depending on what is imported. Importing the `Lean.Elab.Command` module provides full capabilities. Due to unsoundness, `#eval` refuses to evaluate expressions that depend on `sorry`, even indirectly, since the presence of `sorry` can lead to runtime instability and crashes. This check can be overridden with the `#eval! e` command. Options: * If `eval.pp` is true (default: true) then tries to use `ToExpr` instances to make use of the usual pretty printer. Otherwise, only tries using `Repr` and `ToString` instances. * If `eval.type` is true (default: false) then pretty prints the type of the evaluated value. * If `eval.derive.repr` is true (default: true) then attempts to auto-derive a `Repr` instance when there is no other way to print the result. See also: `#reduce e` for evaluation by term reduction. #eval command.

  3. Warnings indicate potential problems, such as unused variable bindings.

  4. Errors explain why parsing and elaboration could not complete.

By default, trace messages are hidden and the others are shown. The threshold can be adjusted using the --log-level option, the --verbose flag, or the --quiet flag.Β Builds

Producing a desired artifact, such as a .olean file or an executable binary, is called a build. Builds are triggered by the lake build command or by other commands that require an artifact to be present, such as lake exe. A build consists of the following steps:

Configuring the package

If package configuration file is newer than the cached configuration file lakefile.olean, then the package configuration is re-elaborated. This also occurs when the cached file is missing or when the --reconfigure or -R flag is provided. Changes to options using -K do not trigger re-elaboration of the configuration file; -R is necessary in these cases.

Computing dependencies

The set of artifacts that are required to produce the desired output are determined, along with the targets and facets that produce them. This process is recursive, and the result is a graph of dependencies. The dependencies in this graph are distinct from those declared for a package: packages depend on other packages, while build targets depend on other build targets, which may be in the same package or in a different one. One facet of a given target may depend on other facets of the same target. Lake automatically analyzes the imports of Lean modules to discover their dependencies, and the extraDepTargets field can be used to add additional dependencies to a target.

Replaying traces

Rather than rebuilding everything in the dependency graph from scratch, Lake uses saved trace files to determine which artifacts require building. During a build, Lake records which source files or other artifacts were used to produce each artifact, saving a hash of each input; these traces are saved in the build directory.More specifically, each artifact's trace file contains a Merkle tree hash mixture of its inputs' hashes. If the inputs are all unmodified, then the corresponding artifact is not rebuilt. Trace files additionally record the log from each build task; these outputs are replayed as if the artifact had been built anew. Re-using prior build products when possible is called an incremental build.

Building artifacts

When all unmodified dependencies in the dependency graph have been replayed from their trace files, Lake proceeds to build each artifact. This involves running the appropriate build tool on the input files and saving the artifact and its trace file, as specified in the corresponding facet.

Lake uses two separate hash algorithms. Text files are hashed after normalizing newlines, so that files that differ only by platform-specific newline conventions are hashed identically. Other files are hashed without any normalization.

Along with the trace files, Lean caches input hashes. Whenever an artifact is built, its hash is saved in a separate file that can be re-read instead of computing the hash from scratch. This is a performance optimization. This feature can be disabled, causing all hashes to be recomputed from their inputs, using the --rehash command-line option.

During a build, the following directories are provided to the underlying build tools:

  • The source directory contains Lean source code that is available for import.

  • The library directories contain .olean files along with the shared and static libraries that are available for linking; it normally consists of the root package's library directory (found in .lake/build/lib), the library directories for the other packages in the workspace, the library directory for the current Lean toolchain, and the system library directory.

  • The Lake home is the directory in which Lake is installed, including binaries, source code, and libraries. The libraries in the Lake home are needed to elaborate Lake configuration files, which have access to the full power of Lean.Β FacetsπŸ”—

A facet describes the production of a target from another. Conceptually, any target may have facets. However, executables, external libraries, and custom targets provide only a single implicit facet. Packages, libraries, and modules have multiple facets that can be requested by name when invoking lake build to select the corresponding target.

When no facet is explicitly requested, but an initial target is designated, lake build produces the initial target's default facet. Each type of initial target has a corresponding default facet (e.g. producing an executable binary from an executable target or building a package's default targets); other facets may be explicitly requested in the package configuration or via Lake's command-line interface. Lake's internal API may be used to write custom facets.

The facets available for packages are:


The default facets of the package's extra dependency targets, specified in the extraDepTargets field.


The package's direct dependencies.


The package's transitive dependencies, topologically sorted.


A package's optional cached build archive (e.g., from Reservoir or GitHub). Will not cause the whole build to fail if the archive cannot be fetched.


A package's cached build archive (e.g., from Reservoir or GitHub). Will cause the whole build to fail if the archive cannot be fetched.


A package's optional cached build archive (e.g., from Reservoir or GitHub). Will not cause the whole build to fail if the archive cannot be fetched.


A package's cached build archive (e.g., from Reservoir or GitHub). Will cause the whole build to fail if the archive cannot be fetched.


A package's optional build archive from a GitHub release. Will not cause the whole build to fail if the release cannot be fetched.


A package's build archive from a GitHub release. Will cause the whole build to fail if the archive cannot be fetched.

The facets available for libraries are:


The artifacts that the Lean compiler produces for the library or executable (*.olean, *.ilean, and *.c files).


The static library produced by the C compiler from the leanArts (that is, a *.a file).


The static library produced by the C compiler from the leanArts (that is, a *.a file), with exported symbols.


The shared library produced by the C compiler from the leanArts (that is, a *.so, *.dll, or *.dylib file, depending on the platform).


A Lean library's extraDepTargets and those of its package.

Executables have a single exe facet that consists of the executable binary.

The facets available for modules are:

leanArts (default)

The module's Lean artifacts (*.olean, *.ilean, *.c files)


The module's dependencies (e.g., imports or shared libraries).


The module's .olean file


The module's .ilean file, which is metadata used by the Lean language server


The immediate imports of the Lean module, but not the full set of transitive imports.


The transitive imports of the Lean module, compiled to object code.


The transitive imports of the Lean module, as .olean files.


The C file produced by the Lean compiler


LLVM bitcode file, produced by the Lean compiler


The compiled object file, produced from the C file. On Windows, this is equivalent to .c.o.noexport, while it is equivalent to .c.o.export on other platforms.


The compiled object file, produced from the C file, with Lean symbols exported.


The compiled object file, produced from the C file, with Lean symbols exported.


The compiled object file, produced from the LLVM bitcode file


The compiled object file for the configured backend


A shared library (e.g., for the Lean option --load-dynlib)Β ScriptsπŸ”—

Lake package configuration files may include Lake scripts, which are embedded programs that can be executed from the command line. Scripts are intended to be used for project-specific tasks that are not already well-served by Lake's other features. While ordinary executable programs are run in the IO monad, scripts are run in ScriptM, which extends IO with information about the workspace. Because they are Lean definitions, Lake scripts can only be defined in the Lean configuration format.

Listing Dependencies

This Lake script lists all the transitive dependencies of the root package, along with their Git URLs, in alphabetical order. Similar scripts could be used to check declared licenses, discover which dependencies have test drivers configured, or compute metrics about the transitive dependency set over time.

script "list-deps" := do let mut results := #[] for p in (← getWorkspace).packages do if β‰  (← getWorkspace) then results := results.push (, p.remoteUrl) results := results.qsort (Β·.1 < Β·.1) IO.println "Dependencies:" for (name, url) in results do IO.println s!"{name}:\t{url}" return 0Β Test and Lint DriversπŸ”—

A test driver is responsible for running the tests for a package. Test drivers may be executable targets or Lake scripts, in which case the lake test command runs them, or they may be libraries, in which case lake test causes them to be elaborated, with the expectation that test failures are registered as elaboration failures.

Similarly, a lint driver is responsible for checking the code for stylistic issues. Lint drivers may be executables or scripts, which are run by lake lint.

A test or lint driver can be configured by either setting the testDriver or lintDriver package configuration options or by tagging a script, executable, or library with the test_driver or lint_driver attribute in a Lean-format configuration file. A definition in a dependency can be used as a test or lint driver by using the <pkg>/<name> syntax for the appropriate configuration option.Β GitHub Release BuildsπŸ”—

Lake supports uploading and downloading build artifacts (i.e., the archived build directory) to/from the GitHub releases of packages. This enables end users to fetch pre-built artifacts from the cloud without needed to rebuild the package from source themselves. The LAKE_NO_CACHE environment variable can be used to disable this feature.Β Downloading

To download artifacts, one should configure the package options releaseRepo and buildArchive to point to the GitHub repository hosting the release and the correct artifact name within it (if the defaults are not sufficient). Then, set preferReleaseBuild := true to tell Lake to fetch and unpack it as an extra package dependency.

Lake will only fetch release builds as part of its standard build process if the package wanting it is a dependency (as the root package is expected to modified and thus not often compatible with this scheme). However, should one wish to fetch a release for a root package (e.g., after cloning the release's source but before editing), one can manually do so via lake build :release.

Lake internally uses curl to download the release and tar to unpack it, so the end user must have both tools installed in order to use this feature. If Lake fails to fetch a release for any reason, it will move on to building from the source. This mechanism is not technically limited to GitHub: any Git host that uses the same URL scheme works as well.Β Uploading

To upload a built package as an artifact to a GitHub release, Lake provides the lake upload command as a convenient shorthand. This command uses tar to pack the package's build directory into an archive and uses gh release upload to attach it to a pre-existing GitHub release for the specified tag. Thus, in order to use it, the package uploader (but not the downloader) needs to have gh, the GitHub CLI, installed and in PATH.

21.1.2.Β Command-Line InterfaceπŸ”—

Lake's command-line interface is structured into a series of subcommands. All of the subcommands share the ability to be configured by certain environment variables and global command-line options. Each subcommand should be understood as a utility in its own right, with its own required argument syntax and documentation.

Some of Lake's commands delegate to other command-line utilities that are not included in a Lean distribution. These utilities must be available on the PATH in order to use the corresponding features:

  • git is required in order to access Git dependencies.

  • tar is required to create or extract cloud build archives, and curl is required to fetch them.

  • gh is required to upload build artifacts to GitHub releases.

Lean distributions include a C compiler toolchain.Β Environment VariablesπŸ”—

When invoking the Lean compiler or other tools, Lake sets or modifies a number of environment variables. These values are system-dependent. Invoking lake env without any arguments displays the environment variables and their values. Otherwise, the provided command is invoked in Lake's environment.

The following variables are set, overriding previous values:


The detected Lake executable


The detected Lake home


The detected Lean toolchain directory


The detected Lean ar binary


The detected C compiler (if not using the bundled one)

The following variables are augmented with additional information:


Lake's and the workspace's Lean library directories are added.


Lake's and the workspace's source directories are added.


Lean's, Lake's, and the workspace's binary directories are added. On Windows, Lean's and the workspace's library directories are also added.


On macOS, Lean's and the workspace's library directories are added.


On platforms other than Windows and macOS, Lean's and the workspace's library directories are added.

Lake itself can be configured with the following environment variables:


The location of the Elan installation, which is used for automatic toolchain updates.


The location of the elan binary, which is used for automatic toolchain updates. If it is not set, an occurrence of elan must exist on the PATH.


The location of the Lake installation. This environment variable is only consulted when Lake is unable to determine its installation path from the location of the lake executable that's currently running.


The location of the Lean installation, used to find the Lean compiler, the standard library, and other bundled tools. Lake first checks whether its binary is colocated with a Lean install, using that installation if so. If not, or if LAKE_OVERRIDE_LEAN is true, then Lake consults LEAN_SYSROOT. If this is not set, Lake consults the LEAN environment variable to find the Lean compiler, and attempts to find the Lean installation relative to the compiler. If LEAN is set but empty, Lake considers Lean to be disabled. If LEAN_SYSROOT and LEAN are unset, the first occurrence of lean on the PATH is used to find the installation.


If LEAN_CC and/or LEAN_AR is set, its value is used as the C compiler or ar command when building libraries. If not, Lake will fall back to the bundled tool in the Lean installation. If the bundled tool is not found, the value of CC or AR, followed by a cc or ar on the PATH, are used.


If true, Lake does not use cached builds from Reservoir or GitHub. This environment variable can be overridden using the --try-cache command-line option.

Lake considers an environment variable to be true when its value is y, yes, t, true, on, or 1, compared case-insensitively. It considers a variable to be false when its value is n, no, f, false, off, or 0, compared case-insensitively. If the variable is unset, or its value is neither true nor false, a default value is used.Β Options

Lake's command-line interface provides a number of global options as well as subcommands that perform important tasks. Single-character flags cannot be combined; -HR is not equivalent to -H -R.


Lake outputs its version and exits without doing anything else.

--help or -h

Lake outputs its version along with usage information and exits without doing anything else. Subcommands may be used with --help, in which case usage information for the subcommand is output.

--dir=DIR or -d=DIR

Use the provided directory as location of the package instead of the current working directory. This is not always equivalent to changing to the directory first, because the version of lake indicated by the current directory's toolchain file will be used, rather than that of DIR.

--file=FILE or -f=FILE

Use the specified package configuration file instead of the default.


Only rebuild modified modules, ignoring transitive dependencies. Modules that import the modified module will not be rebuilt. In order to accomplish this, file modification times are used instead of hashes to determine whether a module has changed.

--rehash or -H

Ignored cached file hashes, recomputing them. Lake uses hashes of dependencies to determine whether to rebuild an artifact. These hashes are cached on disk whenever a module is built. To save time during builds, these cached hashes are used instead of recomputing each hash unless --rehash is specified.


Update dependencies after the package configuration is loaded but prior to performing other tasks, such as a build. This is equivalent to running lake update before the selected command, but it may be faster due to not having to load the configuration twice.


Use the contents of FILE to specify the versions of some or all dependencies instead of the manifest. FILE should be a syntactically valid manifest, but it does not need to be complete.

--reconfigure or -R

Normally, the package configuration file is elaborated when a package is first configured, with the result cached to a .olean file that is used for future invocations until the package configuration Providing this flag causes the configuration file to be re-elaborated.


By default, Lake attempts to update the local workspace's toolchain file. Providing this flag disables automatic toolchain updates.


Lake exits immediately if a build target is not up-to-date, returning a non-zero exit code.


Instead of using available cloud build caches, build all packages locally. Build caches are not downloaded.


attempt to download build caches for supported packagesΒ Controlling Output

These options provide allow control over the log that is produced while building. In addition to showing or hiding messages, a build can be made to fail when warnings or even information is emitted; this can be used to enforce a style guide that disallows output during builds.

--quiet, -q

Hides informational logs and the progress indicator.

--verbose, -v

Shows trace logs (typically command invocations) and built targets.

--ansi, --no-ansi

Enables or disables the use of ANSI escape codes that add colors and animations to Lake's output.


Sets the minimum level of logs to be shown when builds succeed. LV may be trace, info, warning, or error, compared case-insensitively. When a build fails, all levels are shown. The default log level is info.


Sets the threshold at which a message in the log causes a build to be considered a failure. If a message is emitted to the log with a level that is greater than or equal to the threshold, the build fails. LV may be trace, info, warning, or error, compared case-insensitively; it is error by default.


Causes builds to fail if any I/O or other info is logged. This is equivalent to --fail-level=info.


Causes builds to fail if any warnings are logged. This is equivalent to --fail-level=warning.Β Automatic Toolchain UpdatesπŸ”—

The lake update command checks for changes to dependencies, fetching their sources and updating the manifest accordingly. By default, lake update also attempts to update the root package's toolchain file when a new version of a dependency specifies an updated toolchain. This behavior can be disabled with the --keep-toolchain flag.

If multiple dependencies specify newer toolchains, Lake selects the newest compatible toolchain, if it exists. To determine the newest compatible toolchain, Lake parses the toolchain listed in the packages' lean-toolchain files into four categories:

  • Releases, which are compared by version number (e.g., v4.4.0 < v4.8.0 and v4.6.0-rc1 < v4.6.0)

  • Nightly builds, which are compared by date (e.g., nightly-2024-01-10 < nightly-2024-10-01)

  • Builds from pull requests to the Lean compiler, which are incomparable

  • Other versions, which are also incomparable

Toolchain versions from multiple categories are incomparable. If there is not a single newest toolchain, Lake will print a warning and continue updating without changing the toolchain.

If Lake does find a new toolchain, then it updates the workspace's lean-toolchain file accordingly and restarts the lake update using the new toolchain's Lake. If Elan is detected, it will spawn the new Lake process via elan run with the same arguments Lake was initially run with. If Elan is missing, it will prompt the user to restart Lake manually and exit with a special error code (namely, 4). The Elan executable used by Lake can be configured using the ELAN environment variable.Β Creating Packages

πŸ”—Lake command
lake new name [template][.language]

Running lake new creates an initial Lean package in a new directory. This command is equivalent to creating a directory named name and then running lake init

πŸ”—Lake command
lake init name [template][.language]

Running lake init creates an initial Lean package in the current directory. The package's contents are based on a template, with the names of the package, its targets, and their module roots derived from the name of the current directory.

The template may be:

std (default)

Creates a package that contains a library and an executable.


Creates a package that contains only an executable.


Creates a package that contains only a library.


Creates a package that contains a library that depends on Mathlib.

The language selects the file format used for the package configuration file and may be lean (the default) or toml.Β Building and Running

πŸ”—Lake command
lake build [targets...]

Builds the specified facts of the specified targets.

Each of the targets is specified by a string of the form:


The optional @ and + markers can be used to disambiguate packages and modules from executables and libraries, which are specified by name as target. If not provided, package defaults to the workspace's root package. If the same target name exists in multiple packages in the workspace, then the first occurrence of the target name found in a topological sort of the package dependency graph is selected.

The available facets depend on whether a package, library, executable, or module is to be built. They are listed in the section on facets.

Target and Facet Specifications


The default facet of target a


The default targets of package a


The Lean artifacts of module A (because the default facet of modules is leanArts)


The default facet of target b of package a


The C file compiled from module A of package a


The root package's facet foo

πŸ”—Lake command
lake check-build 

Exits with code 0 if the workspace's root package has any default targets configured. Errors (with exit code 1) otherwise.

lake check-build does not verify that the configured default targets are valid. It merely verifies that at least one is specified.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake query [targets...]

Builds a set of targets, reporting progress on standard error and outputting the results on standard out. Target results are output in the same order they are listed and end with a newline. If --json is set, results are formatted as JSON. Otherwise, they are printed as raw strings.

Targets which do not have output configured will be printed as an empty string or null. For executable targets, the output is the path to the built executable.

Targets are specified using the same syntax as in lake build.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake exe exe-target [args...]

Alias: lake exec

Looks for the executable target exe-target in the workspace, builds it if it is out of date, and then runs it with the given args in Lake's environment.

See lake build for the syntax of target specifications and lake env for a description of how the environment is set up.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake clean [packages...]

If no package is specified, deletes the build directories of every package in the workspace. Otherwise, it just deletes those of the specified packages.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake env [cmd [args...]]

When cmd is provided, it is executed in the Lake environment with arguments args.

If cmd is not provided, Lake prints the environment in which it runs tools. This environment is system-specific.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake lean file [-- args...]

Builds the imports of the given file and then runs lean on it using the workspace's root package's additional Lean arguments and the given args, in that order. The lean process is executed in Lake's environment.Β Development Tools

Lake includes support for specifying standard development tools and workflows. On the command line, these tools can be invoked using the appropriate lake subcommands.Β Tests and Linters

πŸ”—Lake command
lake test [-- args...]

Test the workspace's root package using its configured test driver.

A test driver that is an executable will be built and then run with the package configuration's testDriverArgs plus the CLI args. A test driver that is a Lake script is run with the same arguments as an executable test driver. A library test driver will just be built; it is expected that tests are implemented such that failures cause the build to fail via elaboration-time errors.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake lint [-- args...]

Lint the workspace's root package using its configured lint driver

A script lint driver will be run with the package configuration's lintDriverArgs plus the CLI args. An executable lint driver will be built and then run like a script.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake check-test 

Check if there is a properly configured test driver

Exits with code 0 if the workspace's root package has a properly configured lint driver. Errors (with code 1) otherwise.

Does NOT verify that the configured test driver actually exists in the package or its dependencies. It merely verifies that one is specified.

This is useful for distinguishing between failing tests and incorrectly configured packages.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake check-lint 

Check if there is a properly configured lint driver

Exits with code 0 if the workspace's root package has a properly configured lint driver. Errors (with code 1) otherwise.

Does NOT verify that the configured lint driver actually exists in the package or its dependencies. It merely verifies that one is specified.

This is useful for distinguishing between failing lints and incorrectly configured packages.Β Scripts

πŸ”—Lake command
lake script list 

Alias: lake scripts

Lists the available scripts in the workspace.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake script run [[package/]script [args...]]

Alias: lake run

This command runs the script of the workspace (or the specified package), passing args to it.

A bare lake run command will run the default script(s) of the root package(with no arguments).

πŸ”—Lake command
lake script doc script

Prints the documentation comment for script.Β Language Server

πŸ”—Lake command
lake serve [-- args...]

Runs the Lean language server in the workspace's root project with the package configuration's moreServerArgs field and args.

This command is typically invoked by editors or other tooling, rather than manually.Β Dependency Management

πŸ”—Lake command
lake update [packages...]

Updates the Lake package manifest (i.e., lake-manifest.json), downloading and upgrading packages as needed. For each new (transitive) Git dependency, the appropriate commit is cloned into a subdirectory of the workspace's package directory. No copy is made of local dependencies.

If a set of packages packages is specified, then these dependencies are upgraded to the latest version compatible with the package's configuration (or removed if removed from the configuration). If there are dependencies on multiple versions of the same package, an arbitrary version is selected.

A bare lake update will upgrade all dependencies.Β Packaging and Distribution

πŸ”—Lake command
lake upload tag

Packs the root package's buildDir into a tar.gz archive using tar and then uploads the asset to the pre-existing GitHub release tag using gh. Other hosts are not yet supported.Β Cached Cloud Builds

These commands are still experimental. They are likely change in future versions of Lake based on user feedback. Packages that use Reservoir cloud build archives should enable the platformIndependent setting.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake pack [archive.tar.gz]

Packs the root package's build directory into a gzipped tar archive using tar. If a path for the archive is not specified, the archive in the package's Lake directory (.lake) and named according to its buildArchive setting. This command does not build any artifacts: it only archives what is present. Users should ensure that the desired artifacts are present before running this command.

πŸ”—Lake command
lake unpack [archive.tar.gz]

Unpacks the contents of the gzipped tar archive archive.tgz into the root package's build directory. If archive.tgz is not specified, the package's buildArchive setting is used to determine a filename, and the file is expected in package's Lake directory (.lake).Β Configuration Files

πŸ”—Lake command
lake translate-config lang [out-file]

Translates the loaded package's configuration into another of Lake's supported configuration languages (i.e., either lean or toml). The produced file is written to out-file or, if not provided, the path of the configuration file with the new language's extension. If the output file already exists, Lake will error.

Translation is lossy. It does not preserve comments or formatting and non-declarative configuration is discarded.

21.1.3.Β Configuration File FormatπŸ”—

Lake offers two formats for package configuration files:


The TOML configuration format is fully declarative. Projects that don't include custom targets, facets, or scripts can use the TOML format. Because TOML parsers are available for a wide variety of languages, using this format facilitates integration with tools that are not written in Lean.


The Lean configuration format is more flexible and allows for custom targets, facets, and scripts. It features an embedded domain-specific language for describing the declarative subset of configuration options that is available from the TOML format. Additionally, the Lake API can be used to express build configurations that are outside of the possibilities of the declarative options.

The command lake translate-config can be used to automatically convert between the two formats.

Both formats are processed similarly by Lake, which extracts the package configuration from the configuration file in the form of internal structure types. When the package is configured, the resulting data structures are written to lakefile.olean in the build directory.Β Declarative TOML FormatπŸ”—

TOMLTom's Obvious Minimal Language is a standardized format for configuration files. configuration files describe the most-used, declarative subset of Lake package configuration files. TOML files denote tables, which map keys to values. Values may consist of strings, numbers, arrays of values, or further tables. Because TOML allows considerable flexibility in file structure, this reference documents the values that are expected rather than the specific syntax used to produce them.

The contents of lakefile.toml should denote a TOML table that describes a Lean package. This configuration consists of both scalar fields that describe the entire package, as well as the following fields that contain arrays of further tables:

  • require

  • lean_lib

  • lean_exe

Fields that are not part of the configuration tables described here are presently ignored. To reduce the risk of typos, this is likely to change in the future. Field names not used by Lake should not be used to store metadata to be processed by other tools.Β Package Configuration

The top-level contents of lakefile.toml specify the options that apply to the package itself, including metadata such as the name and version, the locations of the files in the workspace, compiler flags to be used for all targets, and The only mandatory field is name, which declares the package's name.

TOML table
Package Configuration

A Package's declarative configuration.


These options describe the package. They are used by Reservoir to index and display packages. If a field is left out, Reservoir may use information from the package's GitHub repository to fill in details.


Contains: Version string

The package version. Versions have the form:


A version with a - suffix is considered a "prerelease".

Lake suggest the following guidelines for incrementing versions:

  • Major version increment (e.g., v1.3.0 β†’ v2.0.0) Indicates significant breaking changes in the package. Package users are not expected to update to the new version without manual intervention.

  • Minor version increment (e.g., v1.3.0 β†’ v1.4.0) Denotes notable changes that are expected to be generally backwards compatible. Package users are expected to update to this version automatically and should be able to fix any breakages and/or warnings easily.

  • Patch version increment (e.g., v1.3.0 β†’ v1.3.1) Reserved for bug fixes and small touchups. Package users are expected to update automatically and should not expect significant breakage, except in the edge case of users relying on the behavior of patched bugs.

Note that backwards-incompatible changes may occur at any version increment. The is because the current nature of Lean (e.g., transitive imports, rich metaprogramming, reducibility in proofs), makes it infeasible to define a completely stable interface for a package. Instead, the different version levels indicate a change's intended significance and how difficult migration is expected to be.

Versions of form the 0.x.x are considered development versions prior to first official release. Like prerelease, they are not expected to closely follow the above guidelines.

Packages without a defined version default to 0.0.0.


Contains: string pattern

Git tags of this package's repository that should be treated as versions. Package indices (e.g., Reservoir) can make use of this information to determine the Git revisions corresponding to released versions.

Defaults to tags that are "version-like". That is, start with a v followed by a digit.


Contains: String

A short description for the package (e.g., for Reservoir).


Contains: Array of strings

Custom keywords associated with the package. Reservoir can make use of a package's keywords to group related packages together and make it easier for users to discover them.

Good keywords include the domain (e.g., math, software-verification, devtool), specific subtopics (e.g., topology, cryptology), and significant implementation details (e.g., dsl, ffi, cli). For instance, Lake's keywords could be devtool, cli, dsl, package-manager, and build-system.


Contains: String

A URL to information about the package.

Reservoir will already include a link to the package's GitHub repository (if the package is sourced from there). Thus, users are advised to specify something else for this (if anything).


Contains: String

The package's license (if one). Should be a valid SPDX License Expression.

Reservoir requires that packages uses an OSI-approved license to be included in its index, and currently only supports single identifier SPDX expressions. For, a list of OSI-approved SPDX license identifiers, see the SPDX LIcense List.


Contains: Array of paths

Files containing licensing information for the package.

These should be the license files that users are expected to include when distributing package sources, which may be more then one file for some licenses. For example, the Apache 2.0 license requires the reproduction of a NOTICE file along with the license (if such a file exists).

Defaults to #["LICENSE"].


Contains: Path

The path to the package's README.

A README should be a Markdown file containing an overview of the package. Reservoir displays the rendered HTML of this file on a package's page. A nonstandard location can be used to provide a different README for Reservoir and GitHub.

Defaults to


Contains: Boolean

Whether Reservoir should include the package in its index. When set to false, Reservoir will not add the package to its index and will remove it if it was already there (when Reservoir is next updated).


These options control the top-level directory layout of the package and its build directory. Further paths specified by libraries, executables, and targets within the package are relative to these directories.


Contains: Path

The directory containing the package's Lean source files. Defaults to the package's directory.

(This will be passed to lean as the -R option.)


Contains: Path

The directory to which Lake should output the package's build results. Defaults to defaultBuildDir (i.e., .lake/build).


Contains: Path

The build subdirectory to which Lake should output the package's native libraries (e.g., .a, .so, .dll files). Defaults to defaultNativeLibDir (i.e., lib).


Contains: Path

The build subdirectory to which Lake should output the package's binary executable. Defaults to defaultBinDir (i.e., bin).


Contains: Path

The build subdirectory to which Lake should output the package's intermediary results (e.g., .c and .o files). Defaults to defaultIrDir (i.e., ir).


Contains: Path

The directory to which Lake should download remote dependencies. Defaults to defaultPackagesDir (i.e., .lake/packages).

Building and Running:

These options configure how code is built and run in the package. Libraries, executables, and other targets within a package can further add to parts of this configuration.


Contains: Array of strings

An Array of target names to build whenever the package is used.


Contains: Boolean

Whether to compile each of the package's module into a native shared library that is loaded whenever the module is imported. This speeds up evaluation of metaprograms and enables the interpreter to run functions marked @[extern].

Defaults to false.


Contains: default targets' names (array)

The names of the package's targets to build by default (i.e., on a bare lake build of the package).


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to the Lean language server (i.e., lean --server) launched by lake serve, both for this package and also for any packages browsed from this one in the same session.


Contains: Path

The build subdirectory to which Lake should output the package's binary Lean libraries (e.g., .olean, .ilean files). Defaults to defaultLeanLibDir (i.e., lib).


Contains: one of "debug", "relWithDebInfo", "minSizeRel", "release"

The mode in which the modules should be built (e.g., debug, release). Defaults to release.


Contains: Array of Lean options

An Array of additional options to pass to both the Lean language server (i.e., lean --server) launched by lake serve and to lean when compiling a module's Lean source files.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to lean when compiling a module's Lean source files.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to lean when compiling a module's Lean source files.

Unlike moreLeanArgs, these arguments do not affect the trace of the build result, so they can be changed without triggering a rebuild. They come before moreLeanArgs.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when compiling a module's C source files generated by lean.

Lake already passes some flags based on the buildType, but you can change this by, for example, adding -O0 and -UNDEBUG.


Contains: Array of Lean options

Additional options to pass to the Lean language server (i.e., lean --server) launched by lake serve.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when compiling a module's C source files generated by lean.

Unlike moreLeancArgs, these arguments do not affect the trace of the build result, so they can be changed without triggering a rebuild. They come before moreLeancArgs.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when linking (e.g., for shared libraries or binary executables). These will come after the paths of the linked objects.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when linking (e.g., for shared libraries or binary executables). These will come after the paths of the linked objects.

Unlike moreLinkArgs, these arguments do not affect the trace of the build result, so they can be changed without triggering a rebuild. They come before moreLinkArgs.


Contains: Boolean (optional)

Asserts whether Lake should assume Lean modules are platform-independent.

  • If false, Lake will add to the module traces within the code unit (e.g., package or library). This will force Lean code to be re-elaborated on different platforms.

  • If true, Lake will exclude platform-dependent elements (e.g., precompiled modules, external libraries) from a module's trace, preventing re-elaboration on different platforms. Note that this will not effect modules outside the code unit in question. For example, a platform-independent package which depends on a platform-dependent library will still be platform-dependent.

  • If none, Lake will construct traces as natural. That is, it will include platform-dependent artifacts in the trace if they module depends on them, but otherwise not force modules to be platform-dependent.

There is no check for correctness here, so a configuration can lie and Lake will not catch it. Defaults to none.

Testing and Linting:

The CLI commands lake test and lake lint use definitions configured by the workspace's root package to perform testing and linting. The code that is run to perform tests and lits are referred to as the test or lint driver. In Lean configuration files, these can be specified by applying the @[test_driver] or @[lint_driver] attributes to a Lake script or an executable or library target. In both Lean and TOML configuration files, they can also be configured by setting these options. A target or script TGT from a dependency PKG can be specified as a test or lint driver using the string "PKG/TGT"


Contains: String

The name of the script, executable, or library by lake test when this package is the workspace root. To point to a definition in another package, use the syntax <pkg>/<def>.

A script driver will be run by lake test with the arguments configured in testDriverArgs followed by any specified on the CLI (e.g., via lake lint -- <args>...). An executable driver will be built and then run like a script. A library will just be built.


Contains: Array of strings

Arguments to pass to the package's test driver. These arguments will come before those passed on the command line via lake test -- <args>....


Contains: String

The name of the script or executable used by lake lint when this package is the workspace root. To point to a definition in another package, use the syntax <pkg>/<def>.

A script driver will be run by lake lint with the arguments configured in lintDriverArgs followed by any specified on the CLI (e.g., via lake lint -- <args>...). An executable driver will be built and then run like a script.


Contains: Array of strings

Arguments to pass to the package's linter. These arguments will come before those passed on the command line via lake lint -- <args>....

Cloud Releases:

These options define a cloud release for the package, as described in the section on GitHub release builds.


Contains: String (optional)

The URL of the GitHub repository to upload and download releases of this package. If none (the default), for downloads, Lake uses the URL the package was download from (if it is a dependency) and for uploads, uses gh's default.


Contains: String (optional)

A custom name for the build archive for the GitHub cloud release. If none (the default), Lake defaults to {(pkg-)name}-{}.tar.gz.


Contains: Boolean

Whether to prefer downloading a prebuilt release (from GitHub) rather than building this package from the source when this package is used as a dependency.

Other Fields:


Contains: Array of paths

Additional target objects to use when linking (both static and shared). These will come after the paths of native facets.


Contains: Array of dynamic libraries

Additional target libraries to pass to leanc when linking (e.g., for shared libraries or binary executables). These will come after the paths of other link objects.

Minimal TOML Package Configuration

The minimal TOML configuration for a Lean package sets only the package's name, using the default values for all other fields. This package contains no targets, so there is no code to be built.

name = "example-package"
Library TOML Package Configuration

The minimal TOML configuration for a Lean package sets the package's name and defines a library target. This library is named Sorting, and its modules are expected under the Sorting.* hierarchy.

name = "example-package"
defaultTargets = ["Sorting"]

name = "Sorting"Β Dependencies

Dependencies are specified in the [[require]] field array of a package configuration, which specifies both the name and the source of each package. There are three kinds of sources:

  • Reservoir, or an alternative package registry

  • Git repositories, which may be local paths or URLs

  • Local paths

TOML table
Requiring Packages β€” [[require]]

A Dependency of a package. It specifies a package which another package depends on. This encodes the information contained in the require DSL syntax.

The path and git fields specify an explicit source for a dependency. If neither are provided, then the dependency is fetched from Reservoir, or an alternative registry if one has been configured. The scope field is required when fetching a package from Reservoir.



Contains: Path

A dependency on the local filesystem, specified by its path.


Contains: Git specification

A dependency in a Git repository, specified either by its URL as a string or by a table with the keys:

  • url: the repository URL

  • subDir: the subdirectory of the Git repository that contains the package's source code


Contains: Git revision

For Git or Reservoir dependencies, this field specifies the Git revision, which may be a branch name, a tag name, or a specific hash. On Reservoir, the version field takes precedence over this field.


Contains: Package Source

A dependency source, specified as a self-contained table, which is used when neither the git nor the path key is present. The key type should be either the string "git" or the string "path". If the type is "path", then there must be a further key "path" whose value is a string that provides the location of the package on disk. If the type is "git", then the following keys should be present:

  • url: the repository URL

  • rev: the Git revision, which may be a branch name, a tag name, or a specific hash (optional)

  • subDir: the subdirectory of the Git repository that contains the package's source code


Contains: version as string

The target version of the dependency. A Git revision can be specified with the syntax git#<rev>.


Contains: String

The package name of the dependency. This name must match the one declared in its configuration file, as that name is used to index its target data types. For this reason, the package name must also be unique across packages in the dependency graph.


Contains: String

An additional qualifier used to distinguish packages of the same name in a Lake registry. On Reservoir, this is the package owner.

Requiring Packages from Reservoir

The package example can be required from Reservoir using this TOML configuration:

name = "example"
version = "2.12"
scope = "exampleDev"
Requiring Packages from Git

The package example can be required from a Git repository using this TOML configuration:

name = "example"
git = ""
rev = "main"
version = "2.12"

In particular, the package will be checked out from the main branch, and the version number specified in the package's configuration should match 2.12.

Requiring Packages from a Git tag

The package example can be required from the tag v2.12 in a Git repository using this TOML configuration:

name = "example"
git = ""
rev = "v2.12"

The version number specified in the package's configuration is not used.

Requiring Reservoir Packages from a Git tag

The package example, found using Reservoir, can be required from the tag v2.12 in its Git repository using this TOML configuration:

name = "example"
rev = "v2.12"
scope = "exampleDev"

The version number specified in the package's configuration is not used.

Requiring Packages from Paths

The package example can be required from the local path ../example using this TOML configuration:

name = "example"
path = "../example"

Dependencies on local paths are useful when developing multiple packages in a single repository, or when testing whether a change to a dependency fixes a bug in a downstream package.

Sources as Tables

The information about the package source can be written in an explicit table.

name = "example"
source = {type = "git", url = ""}Β Library Targets

Library targets are expected in the lean_lib array of tables.

TOML table
Library Targets β€” [[lean_lib]]

A Lean library's declarative configuration.



Contains: Path

The subdirectory of the package's source directory containing the library's Lean source files. Defaults simply to said srcDir.

(This will be passed to lean as the -R option.)


Contains: Array of strings

The root module(s) of the library. Submodules of these roots (e.g., Lib.Foo of Lib) are considered part of the library. Defaults to a single root of the target's name.


Contains: String

The name of the library artifact. Used as a base for the file names of its static and dynamic binaries. Defaults to the mangled name of the target.


Contains: Array of targets

An Array of targets to build before the executable's modules.


Contains: Array of strings

Deprecated. Use needs instead. An Array of target names to build before the library's modules.


Contains: Boolean

Whether to compile each of the library's modules into a native shared library that is loaded whenever the module is imported. This speeds up evaluation of metaprograms and enables the interpreter to run functions marked @[extern].

Defaults to false.


Contains: Array of strings

An Array of library facets to build on a bare lake build of the library. For example, #[LeanLib.sharedLib] will build the shared library facet.


Contains: one of "debug", "relWithDebInfo", "minSizeRel", "release"

The mode in which the modules should be built (e.g., debug, release). Defaults to release.


Contains: Array of Lean options

An Array of additional options to pass to both the Lean language server (i.e., lean --server) launched by lake serve and to lean when compiling a module's Lean source files.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to lean when compiling a module's Lean source files.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to lean when compiling a module's Lean source files.

Unlike moreLeanArgs, these arguments do not affect the trace of the build result, so they can be changed without triggering a rebuild. They come before moreLeanArgs.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when compiling a module's C source files generated by lean.

Lake already passes some flags based on the buildType, but you can change this by, for example, adding -O0 and -UNDEBUG.


Contains: Array of Lean options

Additional options to pass to the Lean language server (i.e., lean --server) launched by lake serve.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when compiling a module's C source files generated by lean.

Unlike moreLeancArgs, these arguments do not affect the trace of the build result, so they can be changed without triggering a rebuild. They come before moreLeancArgs.


Contains: Array of paths

Additional target objects to use when linking (both static and shared). These will come after the paths of native facets.


Contains: Array of dynamic libraries

Additional target libraries to pass to leanc when linking (e.g., for shared libraries or binary executables). These will come after the paths of other link objects.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when linking (e.g., for shared libraries or binary executables). These will come after the paths of the linked objects.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when linking (e.g., for shared libraries or binary executables). These will come after the paths of the linked objects.

Unlike moreLinkArgs, these arguments do not affect the trace of the build result, so they can be changed without triggering a rebuild. They come before moreLinkArgs.


Contains: Boolean (optional)

Asserts whether Lake should assume Lean modules are platform-independent.

  • If false, Lake will add to the module traces within the code unit (e.g., package or library). This will force Lean code to be re-elaborated on different platforms.

  • If true, Lake will exclude platform-dependent elements (e.g., precompiled modules, external libraries) from a module's trace, preventing re-elaboration on different platforms. Note that this will not effect modules outside the code unit in question. For example, a platform-independent package which depends on a platform-dependent library will still be platform-dependent.

  • If none, Lake will construct traces as natural. That is, it will include platform-dependent artifacts in the trace if they module depends on them, but otherwise not force modules to be platform-dependent.

There is no check for correctness here, so a configuration can lie and Lake will not catch it. Defaults to none.


Contains: Array of dynamic libraries


Contains: Array of dynamic libraries

Minimal Library Target

This library declaration supplies only a name:

name = "TacticTools"

The library's source is located in the package's default source directory, in the module hierarchy rooted at TacticTools.

Configured Library Target

This library declaration supplies more options:

name = "TacticTools"
srcDir = "src"
precompileModules = true

The library's source is located in the directory src, in the module hierarchy rooted at TacticTools. If its modules are accessed at elaboration time, they will be compiled to native code and linked in, rather than run in the interpreter.Β Executable Targets

TOML table
Executable Targets β€” [[lean_exe]]

A Lean executable's declarative configuration.



Contains: Path

The subdirectory of the package's source directory containing the executable's Lean source file. Defaults simply to said srcDir.

(This will be passed to lean as the -R option.)


Contains: String

The root module of the binary executable. Should include a main definition that will serve as the entry point of the program.

The root is built by recursively building its local imports (i.e., fellow modules of the workspace).

Defaults to the name of the target.


Contains: String

The name of the binary executable. Defaults to the target name with any . replaced with a -.


Contains: Array of targets

An Array of targets to build before the executable's modules.


Contains: Array of strings

Deprecated. Use needs instead. An Array of target names to build before the executable's modules.


Contains: Boolean

Enables the executable to interpret Lean files (e.g., via Lean.Elab.runFrontend) by exposing symbols within the executable to the Lean interpreter.

Implementation-wise, on Windows, the Lean shared libraries are linked to the executable and, on other systems, the executable is linked with -rdynamic. This increases the size of the binary on Linux and, on Windows, requires libInit_shared.dll and libleanshared.dll to be co-located with the executable or part of PATH (e.g., via lake exe). Thus, this feature should only be enabled when necessary.

Defaults to false.


Contains: one of "debug", "relWithDebInfo", "minSizeRel", "release"

The mode in which the modules should be built (e.g., debug, release). Defaults to release.


Contains: Array of Lean options

An Array of additional options to pass to both the Lean language server (i.e., lean --server) launched by lake serve and to lean when compiling a module's Lean source files.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to lean when compiling a module's Lean source files.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to lean when compiling a module's Lean source files.

Unlike moreLeanArgs, these arguments do not affect the trace of the build result, so they can be changed without triggering a rebuild. They come before moreLeanArgs.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when compiling a module's C source files generated by lean.

Lake already passes some flags based on the buildType, but you can change this by, for example, adding -O0 and -UNDEBUG.


Contains: Array of Lean options

Additional options to pass to the Lean language server (i.e., lean --server) launched by lake serve.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when compiling a module's C source files generated by lean.

Unlike moreLeancArgs, these arguments do not affect the trace of the build result, so they can be changed without triggering a rebuild. They come before moreLeancArgs.


Contains: Array of paths

Additional target objects to use when linking (both static and shared). These will come after the paths of native facets.


Contains: Array of dynamic libraries

Additional target libraries to pass to leanc when linking (e.g., for shared libraries or binary executables). These will come after the paths of other link objects.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when linking (e.g., for shared libraries or binary executables). These will come after the paths of the linked objects.


Contains: Array of strings

Additional arguments to pass to leanc when linking (e.g., for shared libraries or binary executables). These will come after the paths of the linked objects.

Unlike moreLinkArgs, these arguments do not affect the trace of the build result, so they can be changed without triggering a rebuild. They come before moreLinkArgs.


Contains: Boolean (optional)

Asserts whether Lake should assume Lean modules are platform-independent.

  • If false, Lake will add to the module traces within the code unit (e.g., package or library). This will force Lean code to be re-elaborated on different platforms.

  • If true, Lake will exclude platform-dependent elements (e.g., precompiled modules, external libraries) from a module's trace, preventing re-elaboration on different platforms. Note that this will not effect modules outside the code unit in question. For example, a platform-independent package which depends on a platform-dependent library will still be platform-dependent.

  • If none, Lake will construct traces as natural. That is, it will include platform-dependent artifacts in the trace if they module depends on them, but otherwise not force modules to be platform-dependent.

There is no check for correctness here, so a configuration can lie and Lake will not catch it. Defaults to none.


Contains: Array of dynamic libraries


Contains: Array of dynamic libraries

Minimal Executable Target

This executable declaration supplies only a name:

name = "trustworthytool"

The executable's main function is expected in a module named trustworthytool.lean in the package's default source file path. The resulting executable is named trustworthytool.

Configured Executable Target

The name trustworthy-tool is not a valid Lean name due to the dash (-). To use this name for an executable target, an explicit module root must be supplied. Even though trustworthy-tool is a perfectly acceptable name for an executable, the target also specifies that the result of compilation and linking should be named tt.

name = "trustworthy-tool"
root = "TrustworthyTool"
exeName = "tt"

The executable's main function is expected in a module named TrustworthyTool.lean in the package's default source file path.Β Lean FormatπŸ”—

The Lean format for Lake package configuration files provides a domain-specific language for the declarative features that are supported in the TOML format. Additionally, it provides the ability to write Lean code to implement any necessary build logic that is not expressible declaratively.

Because the Lean format is a Lean source file, it can be edited using all the features of the Lean language server. Additionally, Lean's metaprogramming framework allows elaboration-time side effects to be used to implement features such as configuration steps that are conditional on the current platform. However, a consequence of the Lean configuration format being a Lean file is that it is not feasible to process such files using tools that are not themselves written in Lean.Β Declarative Fields

The declarative subset of the Lean configuration format uses sequences of declaration fields to specify configuration options.

syntaxDeclarative Fields

A field assignment in a declarative configuration.

A field assignment in a declarative configuration. declField ::=
    A field assignment in a declarative configuration. ident := termΒ Packages

syntaxPackage Configuration
command ::= ...
    | Defines the configuration of a Lake package.  Has many forms:

package Β«pkg-nameΒ»
package Β«pkg-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ }
package Β«pkg-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/

There can only be one `package` declaration per Lake configuration file.
The defined package configuration will be available for reference as `_package`.
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      (@[ attrInstance,* ])?
      package identOrStr
command ::= ...
    | Defines the configuration of a Lake package.  Has many forms:

package Β«pkg-nameΒ»
package Β«pkg-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ }
package Β«pkg-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/

There can only be one `package` declaration per Lake configuration file.
The defined package configuration will be available for reference as `_package`.
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      package identOrStr where
        A field assignment in a declarative configuration. declField*
command ::= ...
    | Defines the configuration of a Lake package.  Has many forms:

package Β«pkg-nameΒ»
package Β«pkg-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ }
package Β«pkg-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/

There can only be one `package` declaration per Lake configuration file.
The defined package configuration will be available for reference as `_package`.
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      package identOrStr {
        A field assignment in a declarative configuration. declField;*
        `letRecDecl` matches the body of a let-rec declaration: a doc comment, attributes, and then
a let declaration without the `let` keyword, such as `/-- foo -/ @[simp] bar := 1`. letRecDecl;*)?

There can only be one Lake.DSL.packageCommand : commandDefines the configuration of a Lake package. Has many forms: ```lean package Β«pkg-nameΒ» package Β«pkg-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ } package Β«pkg-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/ ``` There can only be one `package` declaration per Lake configuration file. The defined package configuration will be available for reference as `_package`. package declaration per Lake configuration file. The defined package configuration will be available for reference as _package.

syntaxPost-Update Hooks
command ::= ...
    | Declare a post-`lake update` hook for the package.
Runs the monadic action is after a successful `lake update` execution
in this package or one of its downstream dependents.


This feature enables Mathlib to synchronize the Lean toolchain and run
`cache get` after a `lake update`:

lean_exe cache
post_update pkg do
  let wsToolchainFile := (← getRootPackage).dir / "lean-toolchain"
  let mathlibToolchain ← IO.FS.readFile <| pkg.dir / "lean-toolchain"
  IO.FS.writeFile wsToolchainFile mathlibToolchain
  let exeFile ← runBuild cache.fetch
  let exitCode ← env exeFile.toString #["get"]
  if exitCode β‰  0 then
    error s!"{}: failed to fetch cache"
post_update simpleBinder? (declValSimple
       | declValDo)

Declare a post-lake update hook for the package. Runs the monadic action is after a successful lake update execution in this package or one of its downstream dependents.


This feature enables Mathlib to synchronize the Lean toolchain and run cache get after a lake update:

lean_exe cache
post_update pkg do
  let wsToolchainFile := (← getRootPackage).dir / "lean-toolchain"
  let mathlibToolchain ← IO.FS.readFile <| pkg.dir / "lean-toolchain"
  IO.FS.writeFile wsToolchainFile mathlibToolchain
  let exeFile ← runBuild cache.fetch
  let exitCode ← env exeFile.toString #["get"]
  if exitCode β‰  0 then
    error s!"{}: failed to fetch cache"Β Dependencies

Dependencies are specified using the Lake.DSL.requireDecl : commandAdds a new package dependency to the workspace. The general syntax is: ``` require ["<scope>" /] <pkg-name> [@ <version>] [from <source>] [with <options>] ``` The `from` clause tells Lake where to locate the dependency. See the `fromClause` syntax documentation (e.g., hover over it) to see the different forms this clause can take. Without a `from` clause, Lake will lookup the package in the default registry (i.e., Reservoir) and use the information there to download the package at the requested `version`. The `scope` is used to disambiguate between packages in the registry with the same `pkg-name`. In Reservoir, this scope is the package owner (e.g., `leanprover` of `@leanprover/doc-gen4`). The `with` clause specifies a `NameMap String` of Lake options used to configure the dependency. This is equivalent to passing `-K` options to the dependency on the command line. require declaration.

syntaxRequiring Packages
command ::= ...
    | Adds a new package dependency to the workspace. The general syntax is:

require ["<scope>" /] <pkg-name> [@ <version>]
  [from <source>] [with <options>]

The `from` clause tells Lake where to locate the dependency.
See the `fromClause` syntax documentation (e.g., hover over it) to see
the different forms this clause can take.

Without a `from` clause, Lake will lookup the package in the default
registry (i.e., Reservoir) and use the information there to download the
package at the requested `version`. The `scope` is used to disambiguate between
packages in the registry with the same `pkg-name`. In Reservoir, this scope
is the package owner (e.g., `leanprover` of `@leanprover/doc-gen4`).

The `with` clause specifies a `NameMap String` of Lake options
used to configure the dependency. This is equivalent to passing `-K`
options to the dependency on the command line.
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment
      require depName (The version of the package to require.
To specify a Git revision, use the syntax `@ git <rev>`.
@ git? term)? Specifies a specific source from which to draw the package dependency.
Dependencies that are downloaded from a remote source will be placed
into the workspace's `packagesDir`.

**Path Dependencies**

from <path>

Lake loads the package located a fixed `path` relative to the
requiring package's directory.

**Git Dependencies**

from git <url> [@ <rev>] [/ <subDir>]

Lake clones the Git repository available at the specified fixed Git `url`,
and checks out the specified revision `rev`. The revision can be a commit hash,
branch, or tag. If none is provided, Lake defaults to `master`. After checkout,
Lake loads the package located in `subDir` (or the repository root if no
subdirectory is specified).
fromClause? (with term)?

The @ clause specifies a package version, which is used when requiring a package from Reservoir. The version may either be a string that specifies the version declared in the package's version field, or a specific Git revision. Git revisions may be branch names, tag names, or commit hashes.

The optional fromClause specifies a package source other than Reservoir, which may be either a Git repository or a local path.

The Lake.DSL.requireDecl : commandAdds a new package dependency to the workspace. The general syntax is: ``` require ["<scope>" /] <pkg-name> [@ <version>] [from <source>] [with <options>] ``` The `from` clause tells Lake where to locate the dependency. See the `fromClause` syntax documentation (e.g., hover over it) to see the different forms this clause can take. Without a `from` clause, Lake will lookup the package in the default registry (i.e., Reservoir) and use the information there to download the package at the requested `version`. The `scope` is used to disambiguate between packages in the registry with the same `pkg-name`. In Reservoir, this scope is the package owner (e.g., `leanprover` of `@leanprover/doc-gen4`). The `with` clause specifies a `NameMap String` of Lake options used to configure the dependency. This is equivalent to passing `-K` options to the dependency on the command line. with clause specifies a NameMap String of Lake options that will be used to configure the dependency. This is equivalent to passing -K options to lake build when building the dependency on the command line.

syntaxPackage Sources

Specifies a specific source from which to draw the package dependency. Dependencies that are downloaded from a remote source will be placed into the workspace's packagesDir.

Path Dependencies

from <path>

Lake loads the package located a fixed path relative to the requiring package's directory.

Git Dependencies

from git <url> [@ <rev>] [/ <subDir>]

Lake clones the Git repository available at the specified fixed Git url, and checks out the specified revision rev. The revision can be a commit hash, branch, or tag. If none is provided, Lake defaults to master. After checkout, Lake loads the package located in subDir (or the repository root if no subdirectory is specified).

fromClause ::=
    Specifies a specific source from which to draw the package dependency.
Dependencies that are downloaded from a remote source will be placed
into the workspace's `packagesDir`.

**Path Dependencies**

from <path>

Lake loads the package located a fixed `path` relative to the
requiring package's directory.

**Git Dependencies**

from git <url> [@ <rev>] [/ <subDir>]

Lake clones the Git repository available at the specified fixed Git `url`,
and checks out the specified revision `rev`. The revision can be a commit hash,
branch, or tag. If none is provided, Lake defaults to `master`. After checkout,
Lake loads the package located in `subDir` (or the repository root if no
subdirectory is specified).
from term
fromClause ::= ...
    | Specifies a specific source from which to draw the package dependency.
Dependencies that are downloaded from a remote source will be placed
into the workspace's `packagesDir`.

**Path Dependencies**

from <path>

Lake loads the package located a fixed `path` relative to the
requiring package's directory.

**Git Dependencies**

from git <url> [@ <rev>] [/ <subDir>]

Lake clones the Git repository available at the specified fixed Git `url`,
and checks out the specified revision `rev`. The revision can be a commit hash,
branch, or tag. If none is provided, Lake defaults to `master`. After checkout,
Lake loads the package located in `subDir` (or the repository root if no
subdirectory is specified).
from git term (@ term)? (/ term)?Β Targets

Targets are typically added to the set of default targets by applying the default_target attribute, rather than by explicitly listing them.

attributeSpecifying Default Targets
attr ::= ...
    | default_target

Marks a target as a default, to be built when no other target is specified.Β Libraries
syntaxLibrary Targets

To define a library in which all configurable fields have their default values, use Lake.DSL.leanLibCommand : commandDefine a new Lean library target for the package. Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanLibConfig`. Has many forms: ```lean lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ } lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/ ``` lean_lib with no further fields.

command ::= ...
    | Define a new Lean library target for the package.
Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanLibConfig`.
Has many forms:

lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ»
lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ }
lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      lean_lib identOrStr

The default configuration can be modified by providing the new values.

command ::= ...
    | Define a new Lean library target for the package.
Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanLibConfig`.
Has many forms:

lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ»
lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ }
lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      lean_lib identOrStr where
        A field assignment in a declarative configuration. declField*
command ::= ...
    | Define a new Lean library target for the package.
Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanLibConfig`.
Has many forms:

lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ»
lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ }
lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      lean_lib identOrStr {
        A field assignment in a declarative configuration. declField;*
        `letRecDecl` matches the body of a let-rec declaration: a doc comment, attributes, and then
a let declaration without the `let` keyword, such as `/-- foo -/ @[simp] bar := 1`. letRecDecl;*)?

The fields of Lake.DSL.leanLibCommand : commandDefine a new Lean library target for the package. Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanLibConfig`. Has many forms: ```lean lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ } lean_lib Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/ ``` lean_lib are those of the LeanLibConfig structure.

Lake.LeanLibConfig (name : Lean.Name) : Type

A Lean library's declarative configuration.




buildType : Lake.BuildType
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
leanOptions : Array Lake.LeanOption
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLeanArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
weakLeanArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLeancArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreServerOptions : Array Lake.LeanOption
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
weakLeancArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLinkObjs : Lake.TargetArray System.FilePath
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLinkLibs : Lake.TargetArray Lake.Dynlib
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLinkArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
weakLinkArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
backend : Lake.Backend
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
platformIndependent : Option Bool
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
dynlibs : Lake.TargetArray Lake.Dynlib
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
plugins : Lake.TargetArray Lake.Dynlib
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
srcDir : System.FilePath

The subdirectory of the package's source directory containing the library's Lean source files. Defaults simply to said srcDir.

(This will be passed to lean as the -R option.)

roots : Array Lean.Name

The root module(s) of the library. Submodules of these roots (e.g., Lib.Foo of Lib) are considered part of the library. Defaults to a single root of the target's name.

globs : Array Lake.Glob

An Array of module Globs to build for the library. Defaults to a of each of the library's roots.

Submodule globs build every source file within their directory. Local imports of glob'ed files (i.e., fellow modules of the workspace) are also recursively built.

libName : String

The name of the library artifact. Used as a base for the file names of its static and dynamic binaries. Defaults to the mangled name of the target.

needs : Array Lake.PartialBuildKey

An Array of targets to build before the executable's modules.

extraDepTargets : Array Lean.Name

Deprecated. Use needs instead. An Array of target names to build before the library's modules.

precompileModules : Bool

Whether to compile each of the library's modules into a native shared library that is loaded whenever the module is imported. This speeds up evaluation of metaprograms and enables the interpreter to run functions marked @[extern].

Defaults to false.

defaultFacets : Array Lean.Name

An Array of library facets to build on a bare lake build of the library. For example, #[LeanLib.sharedLib] will build the shared library facet.

nativeFacets : Bool β†’ Array (Lake.ModuleFacet System.FilePath)

The module facets to build and combine into the library's static and shared libraries. If shouldExport is true, the module facets should export any symbols a user may expect to lookup in the library. For example, the Lean interpreter will use exported symbols in linked libraries.

Defaults to a singleton of Module.oExportFacet (if shouldExport) or Module.oFacet. That is, the object files compiled from the Lean sources, potentially with exported Lean symbols.Β Executables
syntaxExecutable Targets

To define an executable in which all configurable fields have their default values, use Lake.DSL.leanExeCommand : commandDefine a new Lean binary executable target for the package. Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanExeConfig`. Has many forms: ```lean lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ } lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/ ``` lean_exe with no further fields.

command ::= ...
    | Define a new Lean binary executable target for the package.
Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanExeConfig`.
Has many forms:

lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ»
lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ }
lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment? attributes?
      lean_exe identOrStr

The default configuration can be modified by providing the new values.

command ::= ...
    | Define a new Lean binary executable target for the package.
Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanExeConfig`.
Has many forms:

lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ»
lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ }
lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment? attributes?
      lean_exe identOrStr where
        A field assignment in a declarative configuration. declField*
command ::= ...
    | Define a new Lean binary executable target for the package.
Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanExeConfig`.
Has many forms:

lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ»
lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ }
lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment? attributes?
      lean_exe identOrStr {
        A field assignment in a declarative configuration. declField;*
        `letRecDecl` matches the body of a let-rec declaration: a doc comment, attributes, and then
a let declaration without the `let` keyword, such as `/-- foo -/ @[simp] bar := 1`. letRecDecl;*)?

The fields of Lake.DSL.leanExeCommand : commandDefine a new Lean binary executable target for the package. Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type `LeanExeConfig`. Has many forms: ```lean lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» { /- config opts -/ } lean_exe Β«target-nameΒ» where /- config opts -/ ``` lean_exe are those of the LeanExeConfig structure.

Lake.LeanExeConfig (name : Lean.Name) : Type

A Lean executable's declarative configuration.




buildType : Lake.BuildType
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
leanOptions : Array Lake.LeanOption
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLeanArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
weakLeanArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLeancArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreServerOptions : Array Lake.LeanOption
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
weakLeancArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLinkObjs : Lake.TargetArray System.FilePath
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLinkLibs : Lake.TargetArray Lake.Dynlib
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
moreLinkArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
weakLinkArgs : Array String
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
backend : Lake.Backend
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
platformIndependent : Option Bool
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
dynlibs : Lake.TargetArray Lake.Dynlib
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
plugins : Lake.TargetArray Lake.Dynlib
Inherited from
  1. Lake.LeanConfig
srcDir : System.FilePath

The subdirectory of the package's source directory containing the executable's Lean source file. Defaults simply to said srcDir.

(This will be passed to lean as the -R option.)

root : Lean.Name

The root module of the binary executable. Should include a main definition that will serve as the entry point of the program.

The root is built by recursively building its local imports (i.e., fellow modules of the workspace).

Defaults to the name of the target.

exeName : String

The name of the binary executable. Defaults to the target name with any . replaced with a -.

needs : Array Lake.PartialBuildKey

An Array of targets to build before the executable's modules.

extraDepTargets : Array Lean.Name

Deprecated. Use needs instead. An Array of target names to build before the executable's modules.

supportInterpreter : Bool

Enables the executable to interpret Lean files (e.g., via Lean.Elab.runFrontend) by exposing symbols within the executable to the Lean interpreter.

Implementation-wise, on Windows, the Lean shared libraries are linked to the executable and, on other systems, the executable is linked with -rdynamic. This increases the size of the binary on Linux and, on Windows, requires libInit_shared.dll and libleanshared.dll to be co-located with the executable or part of PATH (e.g., via lake exe). Thus, this feature should only be enabled when necessary.

Defaults to false.

nativeFacets : Bool β†’ Array (Lake.ModuleFacet System.FilePath)

The module facets to build and combine into the executable. If shouldExport is true, the module facets should export any symbols a user may expect to lookup in the executable. For example, the Lean interpreter will use exported symbols in the executable. Thus, shouldExport will be true if supportInterpreter := true.

Defaults to a singleton of Module.oExportFacet (if shouldExport) or Module.oFacet. That is, the object file compiled from the Lean source, potentially with exported Lean symbols.Β External Libraries

Because external libraries may be written in any language and require arbitrary build steps, they are defined as programs written in the FetchM monad that produce a Job. External library targets should produce a build job that carries out the build and then returns the location of the resulting static library. For the external library to link properly when precompileModules is on, the static library produced by an extern_lib target must follow the platform's naming conventions for libraries (i.e., be named foo.a on Windows or libfoo.a on Unix-like systems). The utility function Lake.nameToStaticLib converts a library name into its proper file name for current platform.

syntaxExternal Library Targets
command ::= ...
    | Define a new external library target for the package. Has one form:

extern_lib Β«target-nameΒ» (pkg : NPackage :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job FilePath)` -/

The `pkg` parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.
It is of type `NPackage` to provably demonstrate the package
provided is the package in which the target is defined.

The term should build the external library's **static** library.
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      extern_lib identOrStr simpleBinder? := term
      Termination hints are `termination_by` and `decreasing_by`, in that order.
(where `letRecDecl` matches the body of a let-rec declaration: a doc comment, attributes, and then
a let declaration without the `let` keyword, such as `/-- foo -/ @[simp] bar := 1`. letRecDecl*)?

Define a new external library target for the package. Has one form:

extern_lib Β«target-nameΒ» (pkg : NPackage :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job FilePath)` -/

The pkg parameter (and its type specifier) is optional. It is of type NPackage to provably demonstrate the package provided is the package in which the target is defined.

The term should build the external library's static library.Β Custom Targets

Custom targets may be used to define any incrementally-built artifact whatsoever, using the Lake API.

syntaxCustom Targets
command ::= ...
    | Define a new custom target for the package. Has one form:

target Β«target-nameΒ» (pkg : NPackage : Ξ± :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job Ξ±)` -/

The `pkg` parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.
It is of type `NPackage` to provably demonstrate the package
provided is the package in which the target is defined.
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      target identOrStr simpleBinder? : term := term
      Termination hints are `termination_by` and `decreasing_by`, in that order.
(where `letRecDecl` matches the body of a let-rec declaration: a doc comment, attributes, and then
a let declaration without the `let` keyword, such as `/-- foo -/ @[simp] bar := 1`. letRecDecl*)?

Define a new external library target for the package. Has one form:

extern_lib Β«target-nameΒ» (pkg : NPackage :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job FilePath)` -/

The pkg parameter (and its type specifier) is optional. It is of type NPackage to provably demonstrate the package provided is the package in which the target is defined.

The term should build the external library's static library.Β Custom Facets

Custom facets allow additional artifacts to be incrementally built from a module, library, or package.

syntaxCustom Package Facets

Package facets allow the production of an artifact or set of artifacts from a whole package. The Lake API makes it possible to query a package for its libraries; thus, one common use for a package facet is to build a given facet of each library.

command ::= ...
    | Define a new package facet. Has one form:

package_facet Β«facet-nameΒ» (pkg : Package) : Ξ± :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job Ξ±)` -/

The `pkg` parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      package_facet identOrStr simpleBinder? : term := term
      Termination hints are `termination_by` and `decreasing_by`, in that order.
(where `letRecDecl` matches the body of a let-rec declaration: a doc comment, attributes, and then
a let declaration without the `let` keyword, such as `/-- foo -/ @[simp] bar := 1`. letRecDecl*)?

Define a new package facet. Has one form:

package_facet Β«facet-nameΒ» (pkg : Package) : Ξ± :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job Ξ±)` -/

The pkg parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.

syntaxCustom Library Facets

Package facets allow the production of an artifact or set of artifacts from a library. The Lake API makes it possible to query a library for its modules; thus, one common use for a library facet is to build a given facet of each module.

command ::= ...
    | Define a new library facet. Has one form:

library_facet Β«facet-nameΒ» (lib : LeanLib) : Ξ± :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job Ξ±)` -/

The `lib` parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      library_facet identOrStr simpleBinder? : term := term
      Termination hints are `termination_by` and `decreasing_by`, in that order.
(where `letRecDecl` matches the body of a let-rec declaration: a doc comment, attributes, and then
a let declaration without the `let` keyword, such as `/-- foo -/ @[simp] bar := 1`. letRecDecl*)?

Define a new library facet. Has one form:

library_facet Β«facet-nameΒ» (lib : LeanLib) : Ξ± :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job Ξ±)` -/

The lib parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.

syntaxCustom Module Facets

Package facets allow the production of an artifact or set of artifacts from a module, typically by invoking a command-line tool.

command ::= ...
    | Define a new module facet. Has one form:

module_facet Β«facet-nameΒ» (mod : Module) : Ξ± :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job Ξ±)` -/

The `mod` parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      module_facet identOrStr simpleBinder? : term := term
      Termination hints are `termination_by` and `decreasing_by`, in that order.
(where `letRecDecl` matches the body of a let-rec declaration: a doc comment, attributes, and then
a let declaration without the `let` keyword, such as `/-- foo -/ @[simp] bar := 1`. letRecDecl*)?

Define a new module facet. Has one form:

module_facet Β«facet-nameΒ» (mod : Module) : Ξ± :=
  /- build term of type `FetchM (Job Ξ±)` -/

The mod parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.Β Configuration Value Types

πŸ”—inductive type
Lake.BuildType : Type

Lake equivalent of CMake's CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.


debug : Lake.BuildType

Debug optimization, asserts enabled, custom debug code enabled, and debug info included in executable (so you can step through the code with a debugger and have address to source-file:line-number translation). For example, passes -Og -g when compiling C code.

relWithDebInfo : Lake.BuildType

Optimized, with debug info, but no debug code or asserts (e.g., passes -O3 -g -DNDEBUG when compiling C code).

minSizeRel : Lake.BuildType

Same as release but optimizing for size rather than speed (e.g., passes -Os -DNDEBUG when compiling C code).

release : Lake.BuildType

High optimization level and no debug info, code, or asserts (e.g., passes -O3 -DNDEBUG when compiling C code).

In Lake's DSL, globs are patterns that match sets of module names. There is a coercion from names to globs that match the name in question, and there are two postfix operators for constructing further globs.

syntaxGlob Syntax

The glob pattern N.* matches N or any submodule for which N is a prefix.

term ::= ...
    | name.*

The glob pattern N.* matches any submodule for which N is a strict prefix, but not N itself.

term ::= ...
    | name.+

Whitespace is not permitted between the name and .* or .+.

πŸ”—inductive type
Lake.Glob : Type

A specification of a set of module names.


one : Lean.Name β†’ Lake.Glob

Selects just the specified module name.

submodules : Lean.Name β†’ Lake.Glob

Selects all submodules of the specified module, but not the module itself.

andSubmodules : Lean.Name β†’ Lake.Glob

Selects the specified module and all submodules.

Lake.LeanOption : Type

An option that is used by Lean as if it was passed using -D.



name : Lean.Name

The option's name.

value : Lean.LeanOptionValue

The option's value.

πŸ”—inductive type
Lake.Backend : Type

Compiler backend with which to compile Lean.


c : Lake.Backend

Force the C backend.

llvm : Lake.Backend

Force the LLVM backend.

default : Lake.Backend

Use the default backend. Can be overridden by more specific configuration.Β Scripts

Lake scripts are used to automate tasks that require access to a package configuration but do not participate in incremental builds of artifacts from code. Scripts run in the ScriptM monad, which is IO with an additional reader monad transformer that provides access to the package configuration. In particular, a script should have the type List String β†’ ScriptM UInt32. Workspace information in scripts is primarily accessed via the MonadWorkspace ScriptM instance.

syntaxScript Declarations
command ::= ...
    | Define a new Lake script for the package.


/-- Display a greeting -/
script Β«script-nameΒ» (args) do
  if h : 0 < args.length then
    IO.println s!"Hello, {args[0]'h}!"
    IO.println "Hello, world!"
  return 0
A `docComment` parses a "documentation comment" like `/-- foo -/`. This is not treated like
a regular comment (that is, as whitespace); it is parsed and forms part of the syntax tree structure.

A `docComment` node contains a `/--` atom and then the remainder of the comment, `foo -/` in this
example. Use `TSyntax.getDocString` to extract the body text from a doc string syntax node. docComment?
      script identOrStr simpleBinder? :=
      Termination hints are `termination_by` and `decreasing_by`, in that order.
        `letRecDecl` matches the body of a let-rec declaration: a doc comment, attributes, and then
a let declaration without the `let` keyword, such as `/-- foo -/ @[simp] bar := 1`. letRecDecl*)?

Define a new Lake script for the package.


/-- Display a greeting -/ script Β«script-nameΒ» (args) do if h : 0 < args.length then IO.println s!"Hello, {args[0]'h}!" else IO.println "Hello, world!" return 0
Lake.ScriptM (Ξ± : Type) : Type

The type of a Script's monad. IO equipped information about the Lake configuration.

attributeDefault Scripts
attr ::= ...
    | default_script

Marks a Lake script as the package's default.Β Utilities

syntaxThe Current Directory
term ::= ...
    | A macro that expands to the path of package's directory
during the Lakefile's elaboration.

A macro that expands to the path of package's directory during the Lakefile's elaboration.

syntaxConfiguration Options
term ::= ...
    | A macro that expands to the specified configuration option (or `none`,
if the option has not been set) during the Lakefile's elaboration.

Configuration arguments are set either via the Lake CLI (by the `-K` option)
or via the `with` clause in a `require` statement.
get_config? ident

A macro that expands to the specified configuration option (or none, if the option has not been set) during the Lakefile's elaboration.

Configuration arguments are set either via the Lake CLI (by the -K option) or via the with clause in a require statement.

syntaxCompile-Time Conditionals
command ::= ...
    | The `meta if` command has two forms:

meta if <c:term> then <a:command>
meta if <c:term> then <a:command> else <b:command>

It expands to the command `a` if the term `c` evaluates to true
(at elaboration time). Otherwise, it expands to command `b` (if an `else`
clause is provided).

One can use this command to specify, for example, external library targets
only available on specific platforms:

meta if System.Platform.isWindows then
extern_lib winOnlyLib := ...
else meta if System.Platform.isOSX then
extern_lib macOnlyLib := ...
extern_lib linuxOnlyLib := ...
meta if term then
        The `do` command syntax groups multiple similarly indented commands together.
The group can then be passed to another command that usually only accepts a
single command (e.g., `meta if`).
      (else The `do` command syntax groups multiple similarly indented commands together.
The group can then be passed to another command that usually only accepts a
single command (e.g., `meta if`).

The meta if command has two forms:

meta if <c:term> then <a:command>
meta if <c:term> then <a:command> else <b:command>

It expands to the command a if the term c evaluates to true (at elaboration time). Otherwise, it expands to command b (if an else clause is provided).

One can use this command to specify, for example, external library targets only available on specific platforms:

meta if System.Platform.isWindows then
extern_lib winOnlyLib := ...
else meta if System.Platform.isOSX then
extern_lib macOnlyLib := ...
extern_lib linuxOnlyLib := ...
syntaxCommand Sequences
cmdDo ::= ...
    | The `do` command syntax groups multiple similarly indented commands together.
The group can then be passed to another command that usually only accepts a
single command (e.g., `meta if`).
cmdDo ::= ...
    | The `do` command syntax groups multiple similarly indented commands together.
The group can then be passed to another command that usually only accepts a
single command (e.g., `meta if`).

The do command syntax groups multiple similarly indented commands together. The group can then be passed to another command that usually only accepts a single command (e.g., meta if).

syntaxCompile-Time Side Effects
term ::= ...
    | Executes a term of type `IO Ξ±` at elaboration-time
and produces an expression corresponding to the result via `ToExpr Ξ±`.
run_io doSeq

Executes a term of type IO Ξ± at elaboration-time and produces an expression corresponding to the result via ToExpr Ξ±.

21.1.4.Β Script API ReferenceπŸ”—

In addition to ordinary IO effects, Lake scripts have access to the Lake environment (which provides information about the current toolchain, such as the location of the Lean compiler) and the current workspace. This access is provided in ScriptM.

Lake.ScriptM (Ξ± : Type) : Type

The type of a Script's monad. IO equipped information about the Lake configuration.Β Accessing the Environment

Monads that provide access to information about the current Lake environment (such as the locations of Lean, Lake, and other tools) have MonadLakeEnv instances. This is true for all of the monads in the Lake API, including ScriptM.

Lake.MonadLakeEnv.{u} (m : Type β†’ Type u) :
  Type u

A monad equipped with a (read-only) detected environment for Lake.

Lake.getLakeEnv.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] : m Lake.Env

Gets the current Lake environment.

Lake.getNoCache.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m]
  [Lake.MonadBuild m] : m Bool

Get the LAKE_NO_CACHE/ Lake configuration.

Lake.getTryCache.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m]
  [Lake.MonadBuild m] : m Bool

Get whether the LAKE_NO_CACHE/ Lake configuration is NOT set.

Lake.getPkgUrlMap.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m (Lean.NameMap String)

Get the LAKE_PACKAGE_URL_MAP for the Lake environment. Empty if none.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m]
  [Functor m] : m String

Get the name of Elan toolchain for the Lake environment. Empty if none.Β Search Path Helpers

Lake.getEnvLeanPath.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.SearchPath

Get the detected LEAN_PATH value of the Lake environment.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m]
  [Functor m] : m System.SearchPath

Get the detected LEAN_SRC_PATH value of the Lake environment.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m]
  [Functor m] : m System.SearchPath

Get the detected sharedLibPathEnvVar value of the Lake environment.Β Elan Install Helpers

Lake.getElanInstall?.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m (Option Lake.ElanInstall)

Get the detected Elan installation (if one).

Lake.getElanHome?.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m (Option System.FilePath)

Get the root directory of the detected Elan installation (i.e., ELAN_HOME).

Lake.getElan?.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m (Option System.FilePath)

Get the path of the elan binary in the detected Elan installation.Β Lean Install Helpers

Lake.getLeanInstall.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m Lake.LeanInstall

Get the detected Lean installation.

Lake.getLeanSysroot.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the root directory of the detected Lean installation.

Lake.getLeanSrcDir.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the Lean source directory of the detected Lean installation.

Lake.getLeanLibDir.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the Lean library directory of the detected Lean installation.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m]
  [Functor m] : m System.FilePath

Get the C include directory of the detected Lean installation.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m]
  [Functor m] : m System.FilePath

Get the system library directory of the detected Lean installation.

Lake.getLean.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the path of the lean binary in the detected Lean installation.

Lake.getLeanc.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the path of the leanc binary in the detected Lean installation.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m]
  [Functor m] : m System.FilePath

Get the path of the libleanshared library in the detected Lean installation.

Lake.getLeanAr.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the path of the ar binary in the detected Lean installation.

Lake.getLeanCc.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the path of C compiler in the detected Lean installation.

Lake.getLeanCc?.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m (Option String)

Get the optional LEAN_CC compiler override of the detected Lean installation.Β Lake Install Helpers

Lake.getLakeInstall.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m Lake.LakeInstall

Get the detected Lake installation.

Lake.getLakeHome.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the root directory of the detected Lake installation (e.g., LAKE_HOME).

Lake.getLakeSrcDir.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the source directory of the detected Lake installation.

Lake.getLakeLibDir.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the Lean library directory of the detected Lake installation.

Lake.getLake.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadLakeEnv m] [Functor m] :
  m System.FilePath

Get the path of the lake binary in the detected Lake installation.Β Accessing the Workspace

Monads that provide access to information about the current Lake workspace have MonadWorkspace instances. In particular, there are instances for ScriptM and LakeM.

πŸ”—type class
Lake.MonadWorkspace.{u} (m : Type β†’ Type u) :
  Type u

A monad equipped with a (read-only) Lake Workspace.

Instance Constructor{u}


getWorkspace : m Lake.Workspace

Gets the current Lake workspace.

Lake.getRootPackage.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadWorkspace m] [Functor m] :
  m Lake.Package

Get the root package of the context's workspace.

Lake.findPackage?.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadWorkspace m] [Functor m]
  (name : Lean.Name) :
  m (Option (Lake.NPackage name))

Try to find a package within the workspace with the given name.

Lake.findModule?.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadWorkspace m] [Functor m]
  (name : Lean.Name) : m (Option Lake.Module)

Locate the named, buildable, importable, local module in the workspace.

Lake.findLeanExe?.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadWorkspace m] [Functor m]
  (name : Lean.Name) : m (Option Lake.LeanExe)

Try to find a Lean executable in the workspace with the given name.

Lake.findLeanLib?.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadWorkspace m] [Functor m]
  (name : Lean.Name) : m (Option Lake.LeanLib)

Try to find a Lean library in the workspace with the given name.

Lake.findExternLib?.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadWorkspace m] [Functor m]
  (name : Lean.Name) : m (Option Lake.ExternLib)

Try to find an external library in the workspace with the given name.

Lake.getLeanPath.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadWorkspace m] [Functor m] :
  m System.SearchPath

Get the paths added to LEAN_PATH by the context's workspace.

Lake.getLeanSrcPath.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadWorkspace m] [Functor m] :
  m System.SearchPath

Get the paths added to LEAN_SRC_PATH by the context's workspace.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadWorkspace m]
  [Functor m] : m System.SearchPath

Get the paths added to the shared library path by the context's workspace.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadWorkspace m]
  [Functor m] : m System.SearchPath

Get the augmented LEAN_PATH set by the context's workspace.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadWorkspace m]
  [Functor m] : m System.SearchPath

Get the augmented LEAN_SRC_PATH set by the context's workspace.

  {m : Type β†’ Type u_1} [Lake.MonadWorkspace m]
  [Functor m] : m System.SearchPath

Get the augmented shared library path set by the context's workspace.

Lake.getAugmentedEnv.{u_1} {m : Type β†’ Type u_1}
  [Lake.MonadWorkspace m] [Functor m] :
  m (Array (String Γ— Option String))

Get the augmented environment variables set by the context's workspace.