The Lean Language Reference

18.12. Optional Values🔗

Option α is the type of values which are either some v for some v:α, or none. In functional programming, this type is used similarly to nullable types: none represents the absence of a value. Additionally, partial functions from α to β can be represented by the type α Option β, where none results when the function is undefined for some input. Computationally, these partial functions represent the possibility of failure or errors, and they correspond to a program that can terminate early but not throw an informative exception.

Option can also be thought of as being similar to a list that contains at most one element. From this perspective, iterating over Option consists of carrying out an operation only when a value is present. The Option API makes frequent use of this perspective.

Options as Nullability

The function Std.HashMap.get? looks up a specified key a : α inside a HashMap α β:

Std.HashMap.get?.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [BEq α] [Hashable α] (m : HashMap α β) (a : α) : Option β

Because there is no way to know in advance whether the key is actually in the map, the return type is Option β, where none means the key was not in the map, and some b means that the key was found and b is the value retrieved.

The xs[i] syntax, which is used to index into collections when there is an available proof that i is a valid index into xs, has a variant xs[i]? that returns an optional value depending on whether the given index is valid. If m:HashMap α β and a:α, then m[a]? is equivalent to HashMap.get? m a.

Options as Safe Nullability

In many programming languages, it is important to remember to check for the null value. When using Option, the type system requires these checks in the right places: Option α and α are not the same type, and converting from one to the other requires handling the case of none. This can be done via helpers such as Option.getD, or with pattern matching.

def postalCodes : Std.HashMap Nat String := `Std.HashMap.empty` has been deprecated: use `Std.HashMap.emptyWithCapacity` instead.empty |>.insert 12345 "Schenectady" "not found"#eval postalCodes[12346]?.getD "not found"
"not found"
"not found"#eval match postalCodes[12346]? with | none => "not found" | some city => city
"not found"
"Schenectady"#eval if let some city := postalCodes[12345]? then city else "not found"
🔗inductive type
Option.{u} (α : Type u) : Type u

Optional values, which are either some around a value from the underlying type or none.

Option can represent nullable types or computations that might fail. In the codomain of a function type, it can also represent partiality.


none.{u} {α : Type u} : Option α

No value.

some.{u} {α : Type u} (val : α) : Option α

Some value of type α.

18.12.1. Coercions

There is a coercion from α to Option α that wraps a value in some. This allows Option to be used in a style similar to nullable types in other languages, where values that are missing are indicated by none and values that are present are not specially marked.

Coercions and Option

In getAlpha, a line of input is read. If the line consists only of letters (after removing whitespace from the beginning and end of it), then it is returned; otherwise, the function returns none.

def getAlpha : IO (Option String) := do let line := ( ( IO.getStdin).getLine).trim if line.length > 0 && line.all Char.isAlpha then return line else return none

In the successful case, there is no explicit some wrapped around line. The some is automatically inserted by the coercion.

18.12.2. API Reference Extracting Values

Option.get.{u} {α : Type u} (o : Option α) :
  o.isSome = trueα

Extracts the value from an option that can be proven to be some.

Option.get!.{u} {α : Type u} [Inhabited α] :
  Option αα

Extracts the value from an Option, panicking on none.

Option.getD.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (opt : Option α) (dflt : α) : α

Gets an optional value, returning a given default on none.

This function is @[macro_inline], so dflt will not be evaluated unless opt turns out to be none.


Option.getDM.{u_1, u_2}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  [Monad m] (x : Option α) (y : m α) : m α

Gets the value in an option, monadically computing a default value on none.

This is the monadic analogue of Option.getD.

Option.getM.{u_1, u_2} {m : Type u_1Type u_2}
  {α : Type u_1} [Alternative m] :
  Option αm α

Lifts an optional value to any Alternative, sending none to failure.

Option.elim.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Sort u_2} : Option αβ → (αβ) → β

A case analysis function for Option.

Given a value for none and a function to apply to the contents of some, Option.elim checks which constructor a given Option consists of, and uses the appropriate argument.

Option.elim is an elimination principle for Option. In particular, it is a non-dependent version of Option.recOn. It can also be seen as a combination of and Option.getD.


Option.elimM.{u_1, u_2}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α β : Type u_1}
  [Monad m] (x : m (Option α)) (y : m β)
  (z : αm β) : m β

A monadic case analysis function for Option.

Given a fallback computation for none and a monadic operation to apply to the contents of some, Option.elimM checks which constructor a given Option consists of, and uses the appropriate argument.

Option.elimM can also be seen as a combination of Option.mapM and Option.getDM. It is a monadic analogue of Option.elim.

Option.liftOrGet.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (f : ααα) :
  Option αOption αOption α

Applies a function to a two optional values if both are present. Otherwise, if one value is present, it is returned and the function is not used.

The value is some (f a b) if the inputs are some a and some b. Otherwise, the behavior is equivalent to Option.orElse. If only one input is some x, then the value is some x. If both are none, then the value is none.


Option.merge.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (fn : ααα) :
  Option αOption αOption α

Applies a function to a two optional values if both are present. Otherwise, if one value is present, it is returned and the function is not used.

The value is some (fn a b) if the inputs are some a and some b. Otherwise, the behavior is equivalent to Option.orElse: if only one input is some x, then the value is some x, and if both are none, then the value is none.

Examples: Properties and Comparisons

Option.isNone.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  Option αBool

Returns true on none and false on some x.

This function is more flexible than (· == none) because it does not require a BEq α instance.


Option.isSome.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  Option αBool

Returns true on some x and false on none.

Option.isEqSome.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [BEq α] :
  Option ααBool

Checks whether an optional value is both present and equal to some other value.

Given x? : Option α and y : α, x?.isEqSome y is equivalent to x? == some y. It is more efficient because it avoids an allocation.

Ordering of optional values typically uses the DecidableEq (Option α), LT (Option α), Min (Option α), and Max (Option α) instances.

Option.min.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [Min α] :
  Option αOption αOption α

The minimum of two optional values, with none treated as the least element. This function is usually accessed through the Min (Option α) instance, rather than directly.

Prior to nightly-2025-02-27, none was treated as the greatest element, so min none (some x) = min (some x) none = some x.


Option.max.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [Max α] :
  Option αOption αOption α

The maximum of two optional values.

This function is usually accessed through the Max (Option α) instance, rather than directly.


🔗def{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (r : αβProp) :
  Option αOption βProp

Lifts an ordering relation to Option, such that none is the least element.

It can be understood as adding a distinguished least element, represented by none, to both α and β.

This definition is part of the implementation of the LT (Option α) instance. However, because it can be used with heterogeneous relations, it is sometimes useful on its own.


Option.decidable_eq_none.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  {o : Option α} : Decidable (o = none)

Equality with none is decidable even if the wrapped type does not have decidable equality.

This is not an instance because it is not definitionally equal to the standard instance of DecidableEq (Option α), which can cause problems. It can be locally bound if needed.

Try to use the Boolean comparisons Option.isNone or Option.isSome instead. Conversion

Option.toArray.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  Option αArray α

Converts an optional value to an array with zero or one element.


Option.toList.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  Option αList α

Converts an optional value to a list with zero or one element.


Option.repr.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [Repr α] :
  Option αNatStd.Format

Returns a representation of an optional value that should be able to be parsed as an equivalent optional value.

This function is typically accessed through the Repr (Option α) instance.

Option.format.{u} {α : Type u}
  [Std.ToFormat α] : Option αStd.Format

Formats an optional value, with no expectation that the Lean parser should be able to parse the result.

This function is usually accessed through the ToFormat (Option α) instance. Control

Option can be thought of as describing a computation that may fail to return a value. The Monad Option instance, along with Alternative Option, is based on this understanding. Returning none can also be thought of as throwing an exception that contains no interesting information, which is captured in the MonadExcept Unit Option instance.

Option.guard.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (p : αProp)
  [DecidablePred p] (a : α) : Option α

Returns none if a value doesn't satisfy a predicate, or the value itself otherwise.

From the perspective of Option as computations that might fail, this function is a run-time assertion operator in the Option monad.


Option.bind.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} :
  Option α → (αOption β) → Option β

Sequencing of Option computations.

From the perspective of Option as computations that might fail, this function sequences potentially-failing computations, failing if either fails. From the perspective of Option as a collection with at most one element, the function is applied to the element if present, and the final result is empty if either the initial or the resulting collections are empty.

This function is often accessed via the >>= operator from the Bind (Option α) instance, or implicitly via do-notation, but it is also idiomatic to call it using generalized field notation.


Option.bindM.{u_1, u_2, u_3}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_3}
  {β : Type u_1} [Monad m]
  (f : αm (Option β)) (o : Option α) :
  m (Option β)

Runs the monadic action f on o's value, if any, and returns the result, or none if there is no value.

From the perspective of Option as a collection with at most one element, the monadic the function is applied to the element if present, and the final result is empty if either the initial or the resulting collections are empty.

Option.join.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (x : Option (Option α)) : Option α

Flattens nested optional values, preserving any value found.

This is analogous to List.flatten.


Option.sequence.{u, u_1} {m : Type uType u_1}
  [Monad m] {α : Type u} :
  Option (m α) → m (Option α)

Converts an optional monadic computation into a monadic computation of an optional value.


some "world"hello #eval show IO (Option String) from Option.sequence <| some do IO.println "hello" return "world"
some "world"
Option.tryCatch.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (x : Option α) (handle : UnitOption α) :
  Option α

Recover from failing Option computations with a handler function.

This function is usually accessed through the MonadExceptOf Unit Option instance.


Option.or.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  Option αOption αOption α

Returns the first of its arguments that is some, or none if neither is some.

This is similar to the <|> operator, also known as OrElse.orElse, but both arguments are always evaluated without short-circuiting.

Option.orElse.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  Option α → (UnitOption α) → Option α

Implementation of OrElse's <|> syntax for Option. If the first argument is some a, returns some a, otherwise evaluates and returns the second argument.

See also or for a version that is strict in the second argument. Iteration

Option can be thought of as a collection that contains at most one value. From this perspective, iteration operators can be understood as performing some operation on the contained value, if present, or doing nothing if not.

Option.all.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (p : αBool) :
  Option αBool

Checks whether an optional value either satisfies a Boolean predicate or is none.


  • `(some 33).all (· % 2 == 0) = false

  • `(some 22).all (· % 2 == 0) = true

  • `none.all (fun x : Nat => x % 2 == 0) = true

Option.any.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (p : αBool) :
  Option αBool

Checks whether an optional value is not none and satisfies a Boolean predicate.


  • `(some 33).any (· % 2 == 0) = false

  • `(some 22).any (· % 2 == 0) = true

  • `none.any (fun x : Nat => true) = false

Option.filter.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (p : αBool) : Option αOption α

Keeps an optional value only if it satisfies a Boolean predicate.

If Option is thought of as a collection that contains at most one element, then Option.filter is analogous to List.filter or Array.filter.


Option.forM.{u_1, u_2, u_3}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_3}
  [Pure m] : Option α → (αm PUnit) → m PUnit

Executes a monadic action on an optional value if it is present, or does nothing if there is no value.


((), 5)#eval ((some 5).forM set : StateM Nat Unit).run 0 ((), 5)((), 0)#eval (none.forM (fun x : Nat => set x) : StateM Nat Unit).run 0 ((), 0)
🔗def{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (f : αβ) :
  Option αOption β

Apply a function to an optional value, if present.

From the perspective of Option as a container with at most one value, this is analogous to It can also be accessed via the Functor Option instance.


Option.mapA.{u_1, u_2, u_3}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} [Applicative m]
  {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_1} (f : αm β) :
  Option αm (Option β)

Applies a function in some applicative functor to an optional value, returning none with no effects if the value is missing.

This is analogous to Option.mapM for monads.

Option.mapM.{u_1, u_2, u_3}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_3}
  {β : Type u_1} [Monad m] (f : αm β)
  (o : Option α) : m (Option β)

Runs a monadic function f on an optional value, returning the result. If the optional value is none, the function is not called and the result is also none.

From the perspective of Option as a container with at most one element, this is analogous to List.mapM, returning the result of running the monadic function on all elements of the container.

Option.mapA is the corresponding operation for applicative functors. Recursion Helpers

Option.attach.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (xs : Option α) : Option { x // xxs }

“Attaches” a proof that an optional value, if present, is indeed this value, returning a subtype that expresses this fact.

This function is primarily used to allow definitions by well-founded recursion that use iteration operators (such as to prove that an optional value drawn from a parameter is smaller than the parameter. This allows the well-founded recursion mechanism to prove that the function terminates.

Option.attachWith.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (xs : Option α) (P : αProp)
  (H : ∀ (x : α), xxsP x) :
  Option { x // P x }

“Attaches” a proof that some predicate holds for an optional value, if present, returning a subtype that expresses this fact.

This function is primarily used to implement Option.attach, which allows definitions by well-founded recursion that use iteration operators (such as to prove that an optional value drawn from a parameter is smaller than the parameter. This allows the well-founded recursion mechanism to prove that the function terminates.

Option.unattach.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  {p : αProp} (o : Option { x // p x }) :
  Option α

Remove an attached proof that the value in an Option is indeed that value.

This function is usually inserted automatically by Lean, rather than explicitly in code. It is introduced as an intermediate step during the elaboration of definitions by well-founded recursion.

If this function is encountered in a proof state, the right approach is usually the tactic simp [Option.unattach, -Option.map_subtype].

It is a synonym for Subtype.val. Reasoning

Option.choice.{u_1} (α : Type u_1) : Option α

An optional arbitrary element of a given type.

If α is non-empty, then there exists some v : α and this arbitrary element is some v. Otherwise, it is none.

Option.pbind.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (o : Option α)
  (f : (a : α) → aoOption β) : Option β

Given an optional value and a function that can be applied when the value is some, returns the result of applying the function if this is possible.

The function f is partial because it is only defined for the values a : α such a o, which is equivalent to o = some a. This restriction allows the function to use the fact that it can only be called when o is not none: it can relate its argument to the optional value o. Its runtime behavior is equivalent to that of Option.bind.


def attach (v : Option α) : Option { y : α // y v } := v.pbind fun x h => some x, h
#reduce attach (some 3)
some 3,
#reduce attach none
Option.pelim.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Sort u_2} (o : Option α) (b : β)
  (f : (a : α) → aoβ) : β

Given an optional value and a function that can be applied when the value is some, returns the result of applying the function if this is possible, or a fallback value otherwise.

The function f is partial because it is only defined for the values a : α such a o, which is equivalent to o = some a. This restriction allows the function to use the fact that it can only be called when o is not none: it can relate its argument to the optional value o. Its runtime behavior is equivalent to that of Option.elim.


def attach (v : Option α) : Option { y : α // y v } := v.pelim none fun x h => some x, h
#reduce attach (some 3)
some 3,
#reduce attach none
Option.pmap.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} {p : αProp}
  (f : (a : α) → p aβ) (o : Option α) :
  (∀ (a : α), aop a) → Option β

Given a function from the elements of α that satisfy p to β and a proof that an optional value satisfies p if it's present, applies the function to the value.


def attach (v : Option α) : Option { y : α // y v } := v.pmap (fun a (h : a v) => _, h) (fun _ h => h)
#reduce attach (some 3)
some 3,
#reduce attach none