The Lean Language Reference

18.15. Linked Lists🔗

Linked lists, implemented as the inductive type List, contain an ordered sequence of elements. Unlike arrays, Lean compiles lists according to the ordinary rules for inductive types; however, some operations on lists are replaced by tail-recursive equivalents in compiled code using the csimp mechanism. Lean provides syntax for both literal lists and the constructor List.cons.

🔗inductive type
List.{u} (α : Type u) : Type u

Linked lists: ordered lists, in which each element has a reference to the next element.

Most operations on linked lists take time proportional to the length of the list, because each element must be traversed to find the next element.

List α is isomorphic to Array α, but they are useful for different things:

  • List α is easier for reasoning, and Array α is modeled as a wrapper around List α.

  • List α works well as a persistent data structure, when many copies of the tail are shared. When the value is not shared, Array α will have better performance because it can do destructive updates.


nil.{u} {α : Type u} : List α

The empty list, usually written [].

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of [] in identifiers is nil.

cons.{u} {α : Type u} (head : α) (tail : List α) : List α

The list whose first element is head, where tail is the rest of the list. Usually written head :: tail.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of :: in identifiers is cons.

  • The recommended spelling of [a] in identifiers is singleton.

18.15.1. Syntax🔗

List literals are written in square brackets, with the elements of the list separated by commas. The constructor List.cons that adds an element to the front of a list is represented by the infix operator «term_::_» : termThe list whose first element is `head`, where `tail` is the rest of the list. Usually written `head :: tail`. Conventions for notations in identifiers: * The recommended spelling of `::` in identifiers is `cons`.::. The syntax for lists can be used both in ordinary terms and in patterns.

syntaxList Literals
term ::= ...
    | The syntax `[a, b, c]` is shorthand for `a :: b :: c :: []`, or
`List.cons a (List.cons b (List.cons c List.nil))`. It allows conveniently constructing
list literals.

For lists of length at least 64, an alternative desugaring strategy is used
which uses let bindings as intermediates as in
`let left := [d, e, f]; a :: b :: c :: left` to avoid creating very deep expressions.
Note that this changes the order of evaluation, although it should not be observable
unless you use side effecting operations like `dbg_trace`.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `[]` in identifiers is `nil`.

 * The recommended spelling of `[a]` in identifiers is `singleton`.[term,*]

The syntax [a, b, c] is shorthand for a :: b :: c :: [], or List.cons a (List.cons b (List.cons c List.nil)). It allows conveniently constructing list literals.

For lists of length at least 64, an alternative desugaring strategy is used which uses let bindings as intermediates as in let left := [d, e, f]; a :: b :: c :: left to avoid creating very deep expressions. Note that this changes the order of evaluation, although it should not be observable unless you use side effecting operations like dbg_trace.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of [] in identifiers is nil.

  • The recommended spelling of [a] in identifiers is singleton.

syntaxList Construction
term ::= ...
    | The list whose first element is `head`, where `tail` is the rest of the list.
Usually written `head :: tail`.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `::` in identifiers is `cons`.term :: term

The list whose first element is head, where tail is the rest of the list. Usually written head :: tail.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of :: in identifiers is cons.

Constructing Lists

All of these examples are equivalent:

example : List Nat := [1, 2, 3] example : List Nat := 1 :: [2, 3] example : List Nat := 1 :: 2 :: [3] example : List Nat := 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] example : List Nat := 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: .nil example : List Nat := 1 :: 2 :: .cons 3 .nil example : List Nat := .cons 1 (.cons 2 (.cons 3 .nil))
Pattern Matching and Lists

All of these functions are equivalent:

def split : List α List α × List α | [] => ([], []) | [x] => ([x], []) | x :: x' :: xs => let (ys, zs) := split xs (x :: ys, x' :: zs) def split' : List α List α × List α | .nil => (.nil, .nil) | x :: [] => (.singleton x, .nil) | x :: x' :: xs => let (ys, zs) := split xs (x :: ys, x' :: zs) def split'' : List α List α × List α | .nil => (.nil, .nil) | .cons x .nil=> (.singleton x, .nil) | .cons x (.cons x' xs) => let (ys, zs) := split xs (.cons x ys, .cons x' zs)

18.15.2. Performance Notes🔗

The representation of lists is not overridden or modified by the compiler: they are linked lists, with a pointer indirection for each element. Calculating the length of a list requires a full traversal, and modifying an element in a list requires a traversal and reallocation of the prefix of the list that is prior to the element being modified. Due to Lean's reference-counting-based memory management, operations such as that traverse a list, allocating a new List.cons constructor for each in the prior list, can re-use the original list's memory when there are no other references to it.

Because of the important role played by lists in specifications, most list functions are written as straightforwardly as possible using structural recursion. This makes it easier to write proofs by induction, but it also means that these operations consume stack space proportional to the length of the list. There are tail-recursive versions of many list functions that are equivalent to the non-tail-recursive versions, but more are difficult to use when reasoning. In compiled code, the tail-recursive versions are automatically used instead of the non-tail-recursive versions.

18.15.3. API Reference🔗 Predicates and Relations

List.IsPrefix.{u} {α : Type u}
  (l₁ l₂ : List α) : Prop

The first list is a prefix of the second.

IsPrefix l₁ l₂, written l₁ <+: l₂, means that there exists some t : List α such that l₂ has the form l₁ ++ t.

The function List.isPrefixOf is a Boolean equivalent.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of <+: in identifiers is prefix (not isPrefix).

syntaxList Prefix
term ::= ...
    | The first list is a prefix of the second.

`IsPrefix l₁ l₂`, written `l₁ <+: l₂`, means that there exists some `t : List α` such that `l₂` has
the form `l₁ ++ t`.

The function `List.isPrefixOf` is a Boolean equivalent.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `<+:` in identifiers is `prefix` (not `isPrefix`).term <+: term

The first list is a prefix of the second.

IsPrefix l₁ l₂, written l₁ <+: l₂, means that there exists some t : List α such that l₂ has the form l₁ ++ t.

The function List.isPrefixOf is a Boolean equivalent.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of <+: in identifiers is prefix (not isPrefix).

List.IsSuffix.{u} {α : Type u}
  (l₁ l₂ : List α) : Prop

The first list is a suffix of the second.

IsSuffix l₁ l₂, written l₁ <:+ l₂, means that there exists some t : List α such that l₂ has the form t ++ l₁.

The function List.isSuffixOf is a Boolean equivalent.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of <:+ in identifiers is suffix (not isSuffix).

syntaxList Suffix
term ::= ...
    | The first list is a suffix of the second.

`IsSuffix l₁ l₂`, written `l₁ <:+ l₂`, means that there exists some `t : List α` such that `l₂` has
the form `t ++ l₁`.

The function `List.isSuffixOf` is a Boolean equivalent.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `<:+` in identifiers is `suffix` (not `isSuffix`).term <:+ term

The first list is a suffix of the second.

IsSuffix l₁ l₂, written l₁ <:+ l₂, means that there exists some t : List α such that l₂ has the form t ++ l₁.

The function List.isSuffixOf is a Boolean equivalent.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of <:+ in identifiers is suffix (not isSuffix).

List.IsInfix.{u} {α : Type u} (l₁ l₂ : List α) :

The first list is a contiguous sub-list of the second list. Typically written with the <:+: operator.

In other words, l₁ <:+: l₂ means that there exist lists s : List α and t : List α such that l₂ has the form s ++ l₁ ++ t.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of <:+: in identifiers is infix (not isInfix).

syntaxList Infix
term ::= ...
    | The first list is a contiguous sub-list of the second list. Typically written with the `<:+:`

In other words, `l₁ <:+: l₂` means that there exist lists `s : List α` and `t : List α` such that
`l₂` has the form `s ++ l₁ ++ t`.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `<:+:` in identifiers is `infix` (not `isInfix`).term <:+: term

The first list is a contiguous sub-list of the second list. Typically written with the <:+: operator.

In other words, l₁ <:+: l₂ means that there exist lists s : List α and t : List α such that l₂ has the form s ++ l₁ ++ t.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of <:+: in identifiers is infix (not isInfix).

🔗inductive predicate
List.Sublist.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  List αList αProp

The first list is a non-contiguous sub-list of the second list. Typically written with the <+ operator.

In other words, l₁ <+ l₂ means that l₁ can be transformed into l₂ by repeatedly inserting new elements.


slnil.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} : [].Sublist []

The base case: [] is a sublist of []

cons.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {l₁ l₂ : List α} (a : α) :
  l₁.Sublist l₂l₁.Sublist (a :: l₂)

If l₁ is a subsequence of l₂, then it is also a subsequence of a :: l₂.

cons₂.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {l₁ l₂ : List α} (a : α) :
  l₁.Sublist l₂(a :: l₁).Sublist (a :: l₂)

If l₁ is a subsequence of l₂, then a :: l₁ is a subsequence of a :: l₂.

term ::= ...
    | The first list is a non-contiguous sub-list of the second list. Typically written with the `<+`

In other words, `l₁ <+ l₂` means that `l₁` can be transformed into `l₂` by repeatedly inserting new
term <+ term

The first list is a non-contiguous sub-list of the second list. Typically written with the <+ operator.

In other words, l₁ <+ l₂ means that l₁ can be transformed into l₂ by repeatedly inserting new elements.

This syntax is only available when the List namespace is opened.

🔗inductive predicate
List.Perm.{u} {α : Type u} :
  List αList αProp

Two lists are permutations of each other if they contain the same elements, each occurring the same number of times but not necessarily in the same order.

One list can be proven to be a permutation of another by showing how to transform one into the other by repeatedly swapping adjacent elements.

List.isPerm is a Boolean equivalent of this relation.


nil.{u} {α : Type u} : [].Perm []

The empty list is a permutation of the empty list: [] ~ [].

cons.{u} {α : Type u} (x : α) {l₁ l₂ : List α} :
  l₁.Perm l₂(x :: l₁).Perm (x :: l₂)

If one list is a permutation of the other, adding the same element as the head of each yields lists that are permutations of each other: l₁ ~ l₂ x::l₁ ~ x::l₂.

swap.{u} {α : Type u} (x y : α) (l : List α) :
  (y :: x :: l).Perm (x :: y :: l)

If two lists are identical except for having their first two elements swapped, then they are permutations of each other: x::y::l ~ y::x::l.

trans.{u} {α : Type u} {l₁ l₂ l₃ : List α} :
  l₁.Perm l₂l₂.Perm l₃l₁.Perm l₃

Permutation is transitive: l₁ ~ l₂ l₂ ~ l₃ l₁ ~ l₃.

syntaxList Permutation
term ::= ...
    | Two lists are permutations of each other if they contain the same elements, each occurring the same
number of times but not necessarily in the same order.

One list can be proven to be a permutation of another by showing how to transform one into the other
by repeatedly swapping adjacent elements.

`List.isPerm` is a Boolean equivalent of this relation.
term ~ term

Two lists are permutations of each other if they contain the same elements, each occurring the same number of times but not necessarily in the same order.

One list can be proven to be a permutation of another by showing how to transform one into the other by repeatedly swapping adjacent elements.

List.isPerm is a Boolean equivalent of this relation.

This syntax is only available when the List namespace is opened.

🔗inductive predicate
List.Pairwise.{u} {α : Type u}
  (R : ααProp) : List αProp

Each element of a list is related to all later elements of the list by R.

Pairwise R l means that all the elements of l with earlier indexes are R-related to all the elements with later indexes.

For example, Pairwise (· ·) l asserts that l has no duplicates, and if Pairwise (· < ·) l asserts that l is (strictly) sorted.


  • Pairwise (· < ·) [1, 2, 3] (1 < 2 1 < 3) 2 < 3

  • Pairwise (· = ·) [1, 2, 3] = False

  • Pairwise (· ·) [1, 2, 3] = True


nil.{u} {α : Type u} {R : ααProp} : List.Pairwise R []

All elements of the empty list are vacuously pairwise related.

cons.{u} {α : Type u} {R : ααProp} {a : α}
  {l : List α} :
  (∀ (a' : α), a'lR a a') →
    List.Pairwise R lList.Pairwise R (a :: l)

A nonempty list is pairwise related with R if the head is related to every element of the tail and the tail is itself pairwise related.

That is, a :: l is Pairwise R if:

  • R relates a to every element of l

  • l is Pairwise R.

List.Nodup.{u} {α : Type u} : List αProp

The list has no duplicates: it contains every element at most once.

It is defined as Pairwise (· ·): each element is unequal to all other elements.

🔗inductive predicate
List.Lex.{u} {α : Type u} (r : ααProp)
  (as bs : List α) : Prop

Lexicographic ordering for lists with respect to an ordering of elements.

as is lexicographically smaller than bs if

  • as is empty and bs is non-empty, or

  • both as and bs are non-empty, and the head of as is less than the head of bs according to r, or

  • both as and bs are non-empty, their heads are equal, and the tail of as is less than the tail of bs.


nil.{u} {α : Type u} {r : ααProp} {a : α}
  {l : List α} : List.Lex r [] (a :: l)

[] is the smallest element in the lexicographic order.

rel.{u} {α : Type u} {r : ααProp} {a₁ : α}
  {l₁ : List α} {a₂ : α} {l₂ : List α} (h : r a₁ a₂) :
  List.Lex r (a₁ :: l₁) (a₂ :: l₂)

If the head of the first list is smaller than the head of the second, then the first list is lexicographically smaller than the second list.

cons.{u} {α : Type u} {r : ααProp} {a : α}
  {l₁ l₂ : List α} (h : List.Lex r l₁ l₂) :
  List.Lex r (a :: l₁) (a :: l₂)

If two lists have the same head, then their tails determine their lexicographic order. If the tail of the first list is lexicographically smaller than the tail of the second list, then the entire first list is lexicographically smaller than the entire second list.

🔗inductive predicate
List.Mem.{u} {α : Type u} (a : α) :
  List αProp

List membership, typically accessed via the operator.

a l means that a is an element of the list l. Elements are compared according to Lean's logical equality.

The related function List.elem is a Boolean membership test that uses a BEq α instance.


  • a [x, y, z] a = x a = y a = z


head.{u} {α : Type u} {a : α} (as : List α) :
  List.Mem a (a :: as)

The head of a list is a member: a a :: as.

tail.{u} {α : Type u} {a : α} (b : α) {as : List α} :
  List.Mem a asList.Mem a (b :: as)

A member of the tail of a list is a member of the list: a l a b :: l. Constructing Lists

List.singleton.{u} {α : Type u} (a : α) : List α

Constructs a single-element list.


List.concat.{u} {α : Type u} :
  List ααList α

Adds an element to the end of a list.

The added element is the last element of the resulting list.


List.replicate.{u} {α : Type u} (n : Nat)
  (a : α) : List α

Creates a list that contains n copies of a.

List.replicateTR.{u} {α : Type u} (n : Nat)
  (a : α) : List α

Creates a list that contains n copies of a.

This is a tail-recursive version of List.replicate.

List.ofFn.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} {n : Nat}
  (f : Fin nα) : List α

Creates a list by applying f to each potential index in order, starting at 0.


  • List.ofFn (n := 3) toString = ["0", "1", "2"]

  • List.ofFn (fun i => #["red", "green", "blue"].get i.val i.isLt) = ["red", "green", "blue"]

List.append.{u} {α : Type u} (xs ys : List α) :
  List α

Appends two lists. Normally used via the ++ operator.

Appending lists takes time proportional to the length of the first list: O(|xs|).


  • [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

  • [] ++ [4, 5] = [4, 5].

  • [1, 2, 3] ++ [] = [1, 2, 3].

List.appendTR.{u} {α : Type u}
  (as bs : List α) : List α

Appends two lists. Normally used via the ++ operator.

Appending lists takes time proportional to the length of the first list: O(|xs|).

This is a tail-recursive version of List.append.


  • [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

  • [] ++ [4, 5] = [4, 5].

  • [1, 2, 3] ++ [] = [1, 2, 3].

List.range (n : Nat) : List Nat

Returns a list of the numbers from 0 to n exclusive, in increasing order.



  • range 5 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

  • range 0 = []

  • range 2 = [0, 1]

List.range' (start len : Nat)
  (step : Nat := 1) : List Nat

Returns a list of the numbers with the given length len, starting at start and increasing by step at each element.

In other words, List.range' start len step is [start, start+step, ..., start+(len-1)*step].


List.range'TR (s n : Nat) (step : Nat := 1) :
  List Nat

Returns a list of the numbers with the given length len, starting at start and increasing by step at each element.

In other words, List.range'TR start len step is [start, start+step, ..., start+(len-1)*step].

This is a tail-recursive version of List.range'.


List.finRange (n : Nat) : List (Fin n)

Lists all elements of Fin n in order, starting at 0.

Examples: Length

List.length.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} : List αNat

The length of a list.

This function is overridden in the compiler to lengthTR, which uses constant stack space.


List.lengthTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (as : List α) : Nat

The length of a list.

This is a tail-recursive version of List.length, used to implement List.length without running out of stack space.


List.isEmpty.{u} {α : Type u} : List αBool

Checks whether a list is empty.


Examples: Head and Tail

List.head.{u} {α : Type u} (as : List α) :

Returns the first element of a non-empty list.

List.head?.{u} {α : Type u} : List αOption α

Returns the first element in the list, if there is one. Returns none if the list is empty.

Use List.headD to provide a fallback value for empty lists, or List.head! to panic on empty lists.


List.headD.{u} {α : Type u} (as : List α)
  (fallback : α) : α

Returns the first element in the list if there is one, or fallback if the list is empty.

Use List.head? to return an Option, and List.head! to panic on empty lists.


  • [].headD "empty" = "empty"

  • [].headD 2 = 2

  • ["head", "shoulders", "knees"].headD "toes" = "head"

List.head!.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [Inhabited α] :
  List αα

Returns the first element in the list. If the list is empty, panics and returns default.

Safer alternatives include:

  • List.head, which requires a proof that the list is non-empty,

  • List.head?, which returns an Option, and

  • List.headD, which returns an explicitly-provided fallback value on empty lists.

List.tail.{u} {α : Type u} : List αList α

Drops the first element of a nonempty list, returning the tail. Returns [] when the argument is empty.


List.tail!.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  List αList α

Drops the first element of a nonempty list, returning the tail. If the list is empty, this function panics when executed and returns the empty list.

Safer alternatives include

  • tail, which returns the empty list without panicking,

  • tail?, which returns an Option, and

  • tailD, which returns a fallback value when passed the empty list.


  • ["apple", "banana", "grape"].tail! = ["banana", "grape"]

  • ["banana", "grape"].tail! = ["grape"]

List.tail?.{u} {α : Type u} :
  List αOption (List α)

Drops the first element of a nonempty list, returning the tail. Returns none when the argument is empty.

Alternatives include List.tail, which returns the empty list on failure, List.tailD, which returns an explicit fallback value, and List.tail!, which panics on the empty list.


List.tailD.{u} {α : Type u}
  (l fallback : List α) : List α

Drops the first element of a nonempty list, returning the tail. Returns none when the argument is empty.

Alternatives include List.tail, which returns the empty list on failure, List.tail?, which returns an Option, and List.tail!, which panics on the empty list.


  • ["apple", "banana", "grape"].tailD ["orange"] = ["banana", "grape"]

  • ["apple"].tailD ["orange"] = []

  • [].tailD ["orange"] = ["orange"] Lookups

List.get.{u} {α : Type u} (as : List α) :
  Fin as.lengthα

Returns the element at the provided index, counting from 0.

In other words, for i : Fin as.length, as.get i returns the i'th element of the list as. Because the index is a Fin bounded by the list's length, the index will never be out of bounds.


  • ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"].get (2 : Fin 4) = "fall"

  • ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"].get (0 : Fin 4) = "spring"

List.getD.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (as : List α)
  (i : Nat) (fallback : α) : α

Returns the element at the provided index, counting from 0. Returns fallback if the index is out of bounds.

To return an Option depending on whether the index is in bounds, use as[i]?. To panic if the index is out of bounds, use as[i]!.


  • ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"].getD 2 "never" = "fall"

  • ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"].getD 0 "never" = "spring"

  • ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"].getD 4 "never" = "never"

List.getLast.{u} {α : Type u} (as : List α) :

Returns the last element of a non-empty list.


List.getLast?.{u} {α : Type u} :
  List αOption α

Returns the last element in the list, or none if the list is empty.

Alternatives include List.getLastD, which takes a fallback value for empty lists, and List.getLast!, which panics on empty lists.


List.getLastD.{u} {α : Type u} (as : List α)
  (fallback : α) : α

Returns the last element in the list, or fallback if the list is empty.

Alternatives include List.getLast?, which returns an Option, and List.getLast!, which panics on empty lists.


List.getLast!.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  [Inhabited α] : List αα

Returns the last element in the list. Panics and returns default if the list is empty.

Safer alternatives include:

  • getLast?, which returns an Option,

  • getLastD, which takes a fallback value for empty lists, and

  • getLast, which requires a proof that the list is non-empty.


List.lookup.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  [BEq α] : αList (α × β)Option β

Treats the list as an association list that maps keys to values, returning the first value whose key is equal to the specified key.



  • [(1, "one"), (3, "three"), (3, "other")].lookup 3 = some "three"

  • [(1, "one"), (3, "three"), (3, "other")].lookup 2 = none

List.max?.{u} {α : Type u} [Max α] :
  List αOption α

Returns the largest element of the list if it is not empty, or none if it is empty.


List.min?.{u} {α : Type u} [Min α] :
  List αOption α

Returns the smallest element of the list if it is not empty, or none if it is empty.

Examples: Queries

List.count.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] (a : α) :
  List αNat

Counts the number of times an element occurs in a list.


  • [1, 1, 2, 3, 5].count 1 = 2

  • [1, 1, 2, 3, 5].count 5 = 1

  • [1, 1, 2, 3, 5].count 4 = 0

List.countP.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (l : List α) : Nat

Counts the number of elements in the list l that satisfy the Boolean predicate p.


  • [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].countP (· % 2 == 0) = 2

  • [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].countP (· < 5) = 4

  • [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].countP (· > 5) = 0

List.idxOf.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] (a : α) :
  List αNat

Returns the index of the first element equal to a, or the length of the list if no element is equal to a.


  • ["carrot", "potato", "broccoli"].idxOf "carrot" = 0

  • ["carrot", "potato", "broccoli"].idxOf "broccoli" = 2

  • ["carrot", "potato", "broccoli"].idxOf "tomato" = 3

  • ["carrot", "potato", "broccoli"].idxOf "anything else" = 3

List.idxOf?.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] (a : α) :
  List αOption Nat

Returns the index of the first element equal to a, or none if no element is equal to a.


  • ["carrot", "potato", "broccoli"].idxOf? "carrot" = some 0

  • ["carrot", "potato", "broccoli"].idxOf? "broccoli" = some 2

  • ["carrot", "potato", "broccoli"].idxOf? "tomato" = none

  • ["carrot", "potato", "broccoli"].idxOf? "anything else" = none

List.finIdxOf?.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] (a : α)
  (l : List α) : Option (Fin l.length)

Returns the index of the first element equal to a, or the length of the list if no element is equal to a. The index is returned as a Fin, which guarantees that it is in bounds.


List.find?.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool) :
  List αOption α

Returns the first element of the list for which the predicate p returns true, or none if no such element is found.



  • [7, 6, 5, 8, 1, 2, 6].find? (· < 5) = some 1

  • [7, 6, 5, 8, 1, 2, 6].find? (· < 1) = none

List.findFinIdx?.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (l : List α) : Option (Fin l.length)

Returns the index of the first element for which p returns true, or none if there is no such element. The index is returned as a Fin, which guarantees that it is in bounds.


List.findIdx.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (l : List α) : Nat

Returns the index of the first element for which p returns true, or the length of the list if there is no such element.


  • [7, 6, 5, 8, 1, 2, 6].findIdx (· < 5) = 4

  • [7, 6, 5, 8, 1, 2, 6].findIdx (· < 1) = 7

List.findIdx?.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (l : List α) : Option Nat

Returns the index of the first element for which p returns true, or none if there is no such element.


List.findM?.{u} {m : TypeType u} [Monad m]
  {α : Type} (p : αm Bool) :
  List αm (Option α)

Returns the first element of the list for which the monadic predicate p returns true, or none if no such element is found. Elements of the list are checked in order.



some 1Almost! 6 Almost! 5 #eval [7, 6, 5, 8, 1, 2, 6].findM? fun i => do if i < 5 then return true if i 6 then IO.println s!"Almost! {i}" return false Almost! 6 Almost! 5some 1
List.findSome?.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αOption β) : List αOption β

Returns the first non-none result of applying f to each element of the list in order. Returns none if f returns none for all elements of the list.



List.findSomeM?.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Monad m] {α : Type w} {β : Type u}
  (f : αm (Option β)) : List αm (Option β)

Returns the first non-none result of applying the monadic function f to each element of the list, in order. Returns none if f returns none for all elements.



some 10Almost! 6 Almost! 5 #eval [7, 6, 5, 8, 1, 2, 6].findSomeM? fun i => do if i < 5 then return some (i * 10) if i 6 then IO.println s!"Almost! {i}" return none Almost! 6 Almost! 5some 10 Conversions

List.asString (s : List Char) : String

Creates a string that contains the characters in a list, in order.


List.toArray.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (xs : List α) : Array α

Converts a List α into an Array α.

O(|xs|). At runtime, this operation is implemented by List.toArrayImpl and takes time linear in the length of the list. List.toArray should be used instead of


  • [1, 2, 3].toArray = #[1, 2, 3]

  • ["monday", "wednesday", friday"].toArray = #["monday", "wednesday", friday"].

List.toArrayImpl.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (xs : List α) : Array α

Converts a List α into an Array α by repeatedly pushing elements from the list onto an empty array. O(|xs|).

Use List.toArray instead of calling this function directly. At runtime, this operation implements both List.toArray and

List.toByteArray (bs : List UInt8) : ByteArray

Converts a list of bytes into a ByteArray.

List.toFloatArray (ds : List Float) : FloatArray

Converts a list of floats into a FloatArray.

List.toString.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  [ToString α] : List αString

Converts a list into a string, using ToString.toString to convert its elements.

The resulting string resembles list literal syntax, with the elements separated by ", " and enclosed in square brackets.

The resulting string may not be valid Lean syntax, because there's no such expectation for ToString instances.

Examples: Modification

List.set.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (l : List α)
  (n : Nat) (a : α) : List α

Replaces the value at (zero-based) index n in l with a. If the index is out of bounds, then the list is returned unmodified.


  • ["water", "coffee", "soda", "juice"].set 1 "tea" = ["water", "tea", "soda", "juice"]

  • ["water", "coffee", "soda", "juice"].set 4 "tea" = ["water", "coffee", "soda", "juice"]

List.setTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (l : List α)
  (n : Nat) (a : α) : List α

Replaces the value at (zero-based) index n in l with a. If the index is out of bounds, then the list is returned unmodified.

This is a tail-recursive version of List.set that's used at runtime.


  • ["water", "coffee", "soda", "juice"].set 1 "tea" = ["water", "tea", "soda", "juice"]

  • ["water", "coffee", "soda", "juice"].set 4 "tea" = ["water", "coffee", "soda", "juice"]

List.modify.{u} {α : Type u} (l : List α)
  (i : Nat) (f : αα) : List α

Replaces the element at the given index, if it exists, with the result of applying f to it. If the index is invalid, the list is returned unmodified.


  • [1, 2, 3].modify 0 (· * 10) = [10, 2, 3]

  • [1, 2, 3].modify 2 (· * 10) = [1, 2, 30]

  • [1, 2, 3].modify 3 (· * 10) = [1, 2, 3]

List.modifyTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (l : List α)
  (i : Nat) (f : αα) : List α

Replaces the element at the given index, if it exists, with the result of applying f to it.

This is a tail-recursive version of List.modify.


  • [1, 2, 3].modifyTR 0 (· * 10) = [10, 2, 3]

  • [1, 2, 3].modifyTR 2 (· * 10) = [1, 2, 30]

  • [1, 2, 3].modifyTR 3 (· * 10) = [1, 2, 3]

List.modifyHead.{u} {α : Type u} (f : αα) :
  List αList α

Replace the head of the list with the result of applying f to it. Returns the empty list if the list is empty.


List.modifyTailIdx.{u} {α : Type u} (l : List α)
  (i : Nat) (f : List αList α) : List α

Replaces the nth tail of l with the result of applying f to it. Returns the input without using f if the index is larger than the length of the List.


["circle", "square", "triangle"].modifyTailIdx 1 List.reverse["circle", "triangle", "square"]["circle", "square", "triangle"].modifyTailIdx 1 (fun xs => xs ++ xs)["circle", "square", "triangle", "square", "triangle"]["circle", "square", "triangle"].modifyTailIdx 2 (fun xs => xs ++ xs)["circle", "square", "triangle", "triangle"]["circle", "square", "triangle"].modifyTailIdx 5 (fun xs => xs ++ xs)["circle", "square", "triangle"]
List.erase.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [BEq α] :
  List ααList α

Removes the first occurrence of a from l. If a does not occur in l, the list is returned unmodified.



  • [1, 5, 3, 2, 5].erase 5 = [1, 3, 2, 5]

  • [1, 5, 3, 2, 5].erase 6 = [1, 5, 3, 2, 5]

List.eraseTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [BEq α]
  (l : List α) (a : α) : List α

Removes the first occurrence of a from l. If a does not occur in l, the list is returned unmodified.


This is a tail-recursive version of List.erase, used in runtime code.


  • [1, 5, 3, 2, 5].eraseTR 5 = [1, 3, 2, 5]

  • [1, 5, 3, 2, 5].eraseTR 6 = [1, 5, 3, 2, 5]

List.eraseDups.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [BEq α]
  (as : List α) : List α

Erases duplicated elements in the list, keeping the first occurrence of duplicated elements.



  • [1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5].eraseDups = [1, 3, 2, 5]

  • ["red", "green", "green", "blue"].eraseDups = ["red", "green", "blue"]

List.eraseIdx.{u} {α : Type u} (l : List α)
  (i : Nat) : List α

Removes the element at the specified index. If the index is out of bounds, the list is returned unmodified.



  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].eraseIdx 0 = [1, 2, 3, 4]

  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].eraseIdx 1 = [0, 2, 3, 4]

  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].eraseIdx 5 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

List.eraseIdxTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (l : List α) (n : Nat) : List α

Removes the element at the specified index. If the index is out of bounds, the list is returned unmodified.


This is a tail-recursive version of List.eraseIdx, used at runtime.


List.eraseP.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool) :
  List αList α

Removes the first element of a list for which p returns true. If no element satisfies p, then the list is returned unchanged.


  • [2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4].eraseP (· < 2) = [2, 2, 1, 3, 4]

  • [2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4].eraseP (· > 2) = [2, 1, 2, 1, 4]

  • [2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4].eraseP (· > 8) = [2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4]

List.erasePTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (p : αBool) (l : List α) : List α

Removes the first element of a list for which p returns true. If no element satisfies p, then the list is returned unchanged.

This is a tail-recursive version of eraseP, used at runtime.


  • [2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4].erasePTR (· < 2) = [2, 2, 1, 3, 4]

  • [2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4].erasePTR (· > 2) = [2, 1, 2, 1, 4]

  • [2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4].erasePTR (· > 8) = [2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4]

List.eraseReps.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [BEq α] :
  List αList α

Erases repeated elements, keeping the first element of each run.



  • [1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5].eraseReps = [1, 3, 2, 3, 5]

List.extract.{u} {α : Type u} (l : List α)
  (start : Nat := 0) (stop : Nat := l.length) :
  List α

Returns the slice of l from indices start (inclusive) to stop (exclusive).


  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].extract 1 2 = [1]

  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].extract 2 2 = []

  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].extract 2 4 = [2, 3]

  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].extract 2 = [2, 3, 4, 5]

  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].extract (stop := 2) = [0, 1]

List.removeAll.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (xs ys : List α) : List α

Removes all elements of xs that are present in ys.

O(|xs| * |ys|).


  • [1, 1, 5, 1, 2, 4, 5].removeAll [1, 2, 2] = [5, 4, 5]

  • [1, 2, 3, 2].removeAll [] = [1, 2, 3, 2]

  • [1, 2, 3, 2].removeAll [3] = [1, 2, 2]

List.replace.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (l : List α) (a b : α) : List α

Replaces the first element of the list l that is equal to a with b. If no element is equal to a, then the list is returned unchanged.



  • [1, 4, 2, 3, 3, 7].replace 3 6 = [1, 4, 2, 6, 3, 7]

  • [1, 4, 2, 3, 3, 7].replace 5 6 = [1, 4, 2, 3, 3, 7]

List.replaceTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [BEq α]
  (l : List α) (b c : α) : List α

Replaces the first element of the list l that is equal to a with b. If no element is equal to a, then the list is returned unchanged.

O(|l|). This is a tail-recursive version of List.replace that's used in runtime code.


  • [1, 4, 2, 3, 3, 7].replaceTR 3 6 = [1, 4, 2, 6, 3, 7]

  • [1, 4, 2, 3, 3, 7].replaceTR 5 6 = [1, 4, 2, 3, 3, 7]

List.reverse.{u} {α : Type u} (as : List α) :
  List α

Reverses a list.


Because of the “functional but in place” optimization implemented by Lean's compiler, this function does not allocate a new list when its reference to the input list is unshared: it simply walks the linked list and reverses all the node pointers.


List.flatten.{u} {α : Type u} :
  List (List α) → List α

Concatenates a list of lists into a single list, preserving the order of the elements.

O(|flatten L|).


  • [["a"], ["b", "c"]].flatten = ["a", "b", "c"]

  • [["a"], [], ["b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]].flatten = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

List.flattenTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (l : List (List α)) : List α

Concatenates a list of lists into a single list, preserving the order of the elements.

O(|flatten L|). This is a tail-recursive version of List.flatten, used in runtime code.


  • [["a"], ["b", "c"]].flattenTR = ["a", "b", "c"]

  • [["a"], [], ["b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]].flattenTR = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

List.rotateLeft.{u} {α : Type u} (xs : List α)
  (i : Nat := 1) : List α

Rotates the elements of xs to the left, moving i % xs.length elements from the start of the list to the end.



List.rotateRight.{u} {α : Type u} (xs : List α)
  (i : Nat := 1) : List α

Rotates the elements of xs to the right, moving i % xs.length elements from the end of the list to the start.

After rotation, the element at xs[n] is at index (i + n) % l.length. O(|xs|).


List.leftpad.{u} {α : Type u} (n : Nat) (a : α)
  (l : List α) : List α

Pads l : List α on the left with repeated occurrences of a : α until it is of length n. If l already has at least n elements, it is returned unmodified.


  • [1, 2, 3].leftpad 5 0 = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3]

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].leftpad 4 "blank" = ["blank", "red", "green", "blue"]

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].leftpad 3 "blank" = ["red", "green", "blue"]

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].leftpad 1 "blank" = ["red", "green", "blue"]

List.leftpadTR.{u} {α : Type u} (n : Nat)
  (a : α) (l : List α) : List α

Pads l : List α on the left with repeated occurrences of a : α until it is of length n. If l already has at least n elements, it is returned unmodified.

This is a tail-recursive version of List.leftpad, used at runtime.


  • [1, 2, 3].leftPadTR 5 0 = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3]

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].leftPadTR 4 "blank" = ["blank", "red", "green", "blue"]

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].leftPadTR 3 "blank" = ["red", "green", "blue"]

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].leftPadTR 1 "blank" = ["red", "green", "blue"]

List.rightpad.{u} {α : Type u} (n : Nat) (a : α)
  (l : List α) : List α

Pads l : List α on the right with repeated occurrences of a : α until it is of length n. If l already has at least n elements, it is returned unmodified.


  • [1, 2, 3].rightpad 5 0 = [1, 2, 3, 0, 0]

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].rightpad 4 "blank" = ["red", "green", "blue", "blank"]

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].rightpad 3 "blank" = ["red", "green", "blue"]

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].rightpad 1 "blank" = ["red", "green", "blue"] Insertion

List.insert.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] (a : α)
  (l : List α) : List α

Inserts an element into a list without duplication.

If the element is present in the list, the list is returned unmodified. Otherwise, the new element is inserted at the head of the list.


  • [1, 2, 3].insert 0 = [0, 1, 2, 3]

  • [1, 2, 3].insert 4 = [4, 1, 2, 3]

  • [1, 2, 3].insert 2 = [1, 2, 3]

List.insertIdx.{u} {α : Type u} (xs : List α)
  (i : Nat) (a : α) : List α

Inserts an element into a list at the specified index. If the index is greater than the length of the list, then the list is returned unmodified.

In other words, the new element is inserted into the list l after the first i elements of l.


  • ["tues", "thur", "sat"].insertIdx 1 "wed" = ["tues", "wed", "thur", "sat"]

  • ["tues", "thur", "sat"].insertIdx 2 "wed" = ["tues", "thur", "wed", "sat"]

  • ["tues", "thur", "sat"].insertIdx 3 "wed" = ["tues", "thur", "sat", "wed"]

  • ["tues", "thur", "sat"].insertIdx 4 "wed" = ["tues", "thur", "sat"]

List.insertIdxTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (l : List α) (n : Nat) (a : α) : List α

Inserts an element into a list at the specified index. If the index is greater than the length of the list, then the list is returned unmodified.

In other words, the new element is inserted into the list l after the first i elements of l.

This is a tail-recursive version of List.insertIdx, used at runtime.


  • ["tues", "thur", "sat"].insertIdxTR 1 "wed" = ["tues", "wed", "thur", "sat"]

  • ["tues", "thur", "sat"].insertIdxTR 2 "wed" = ["tues", "thur", "wed", "sat"]

  • ["tues", "thur", "sat"].insertIdxTR 3 "wed" = ["tues", "thur", "sat", "wed"]

  • ["tues", "thur", "sat"].insertIdxTR 4 "wed" = ["tues", "thur", "sat"]

List.intersperse.{u} {α : Type u} (sep : α)
  (l : List α) : List α

Alternates the elements of l with sep.


List.intercalate is a similar function that alternates a separator list with elements of a list of lists.


List.intersperseTR.{u} {α : Type u} (sep : α)
  (l : List α) : List α

Alternates the elements of l with sep.


This is a tail-recursive version of List.intersperse, used at runtime.


List.intercalate.{u} {α : Type u} (sep : List α)
  (xs : List (List α)) : List α

Alternates the lists in xs with the separator sep, appending them. The resulting list is flattened.


List.intersperse is a similar function that alternates a separator element with the elements of a list.


List.intercalateTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (sep : List α) (xs : List (List α)) : List α

Alternates the lists in xs with the separator sep.

This is a tail-recursive version of List.intercalate used at runtime.

Examples: Sorting

List.mergeSort.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (xs : List α)
  (le : ααBool := by
    exact fun a b => a ≤ b) :
  List α

A stable merge sort.

This function is a simplified implementation that's designed to be easy to reason about, rather than for efficiency. In particular, it uses the non-tail-recursive List.merge function and traverses lists unnecessarily.

It is replaced at runtime by an efficient implementation that has been proven to be equivalent.

List.merge.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (xs ys : List α)
  (le : ααBool := by
    exact fun a b => a ≤ b) :
  List α

Merges two lists, using le to select the first element of the resulting list if both are non-empty.

If both input lists are sorted according to le, then the resulting list is also sorted according to le. O(min |l| |r|).

This implementation is not tail-recursive, but it is replaced at runtime by a proven-equivalent tail-recursive merge. Iteration

List.forA.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Applicative m] {α : Type w} (as : List α)
  (f : αm PUnit) : m PUnit

Applies the applicative action f to every element in the list, in order.

If m is also a Monad, then using List.forM can be more efficient.

List.mapA is a variant that collects results.

List.forM.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Monad m] {α : Type w} (as : List α)
  (f : αm PUnit) : m PUnit

Applies the monadic action f to every element in the list, in order.

List.mapM is a variant that collects results. List.forA is a variant that works on any Applicative.

List.firstM.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Alternative m] {α : Type w} {β : Type u}
  (f : αm β) : List αm β

Maps f over the list and collects the results with <|>. The result for the end of the list is failure.


List.sum.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [Add α] [Zero α] :
  List αα

Computes the sum of the elements of a list.


  • [a, b, c].sum = a + (b + (c + 0))

  • [1, 2, 5].sum = 8 Folds

Folds are operators that combine the elements of a list using a function. They come in two varieties, named after the nesting of the function calls:

Left folds

Left folds combine the elements from the head of the list towards the end. The head of the list is combined with the initial value, and the result of this operation is then combined with the next value, and so forth.

Right folds

Right folds combine the elements from the end of the list towards the start, as if each cons constructor were replaced by a call to the combining function and nil were replaced by the initial value.

Monadic folds, indicated with an -M suffix, allow the combining function to use effects in a monad, which may include stopping the fold early.

List.foldl.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αβα) (init : α) : List βα

Folds a function over a list from the left, accumulating a value starting with init. The accumulated value is combined with the each element of the list in order, using f.


  • [a, b, c].foldl f z = f (f (f z a) b) c

  • [1, 2, 3].foldl (· ++ toString ·) "" = "123"

  • [1, 2, 3].foldl (s!"({·} {·})") "" = "((( 1) 2) 3)"

List.foldlM.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Monad m] {s : Type u} {α : Type w}
  (f : sαm s) (init : s) : List αm s

Folds a monadic function over a list from the left, accumulating a value starting with init. The accumulated value is combined with the each element of the list in order, using f.


example [Monad m] (f : α β m α) : List.foldlM (m := m) f x₀ [a, b, c] = (do let x₁ f x₀ a let x₂ f x₁ b let x₃ f x₂ c pure x₃) := m:Type u_1Type u_2α:Type u_1β:Type u_3x₀:αa:βb:βc:βinst✝:Monad mf:αβm αList.foldlM f x₀ [a, b, c] = do let x₁f x₀ a let x₂f x₁ b let x₃f x₂ c pure x₃ All goals completed! 🐙
List.foldlRecOn.{u_1, u_2, u_3} {β : Type u_1}
  {α : Type u_2} {motive : βSort u_3}
  (l : List α) (op : βαβ) {b : β} :
  motive b →
    ((b : β) →
        motive b →
          (a : α) → almotive (op b a)) →
      motive (List.foldl op b l)

A reasoning principle for proving propositions about the result of List.foldl by establishing an invariant that is true for the initial data and preserved by the operation being folded.

Because the motive can return a type in any sort, this function may be used to construct data as well as to prove propositions.


example {xs : List Nat} : xs.foldl (· + ·) 1 > 0 := xs:List NatList.foldl (fun x1 x2 => x1 + x2) 1 xs > 0 xs:List Nat0 < 1xs:List Nat∀ (b : Nat), 0 < b → ∀ (a : Nat), axs → 0 < b + a xs:List Nat0 < 1 xs:List Nat0 < 1; All goals completed! 🐙 xs:List Nat∀ (b : Nat), 0 < b → ∀ (a : Nat), axs → 0 < b + a xs:List Nat∀ (b : Nat), 0 < b → ∀ (a : Nat), axs → 0 < b + a xs:List Natb✝:Nata✝²:0 < b✝a✝¹:Nata✝:a✝¹xs0 < b✝ + a✝¹; All goals completed! 🐙
List.foldr.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αββ) (init : β) (l : List α) : β

Folds a function over a list from the right, accumulating a value starting with init. The accumulated value is combined with the each element of the list in reverse order, using f.

O(|l|). Replaced at runtime with List.foldrTR.


  • [a, b, c].foldr f init = f a (f b (f c init))

  • [1, 2, 3].foldr (toString · ++ ·) "" = "123"

  • [1, 2, 3].foldr (s!"({·} {·})") "!" = "(1 (2 (3 !)))"

List.foldrM.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Monad m] {s : Type u} {α : Type w}
  (f : αsm s) (init : s) (l : List α) :
  m s

Folds a monadic function over a list from the right, accumulating a value starting with init. The accumulated value is combined with the each element of the list in reverse order, using f.


example [Monad m] (f : α β m β) : List.foldrM (m := m) f x₀ [a, b, c] = (do let x₁ f c x₀ let x₂ f b x₁ let x₃ f a x₂ pure x₃) := m:Type u_1Type u_2α:Type u_3β:Type u_1x₀:βa:αb:αc:αinst✝:Monad mf:αβm βList.foldrM f x₀ [a, b, c] = do let x₁f c x₀ let x₂f b x₁ let x₃f a x₂ pure x₃ All goals completed! 🐙
List.foldrRecOn.{u_1, u_2, u_3} {β : Type u_1}
  {α : Type u_2} {motive : βSort u_3}
  (l : List α) (op : αββ) {b : β} :
  motive b →
    ((b : β) →
        motive b →
          (a : α) → almotive (op a b)) →
      motive (List.foldr op b l)

A reasoning principle for proving propositions about the result of List.foldr by establishing an invariant that is true for the initial data and preserved by the operation being folded.

Because the motive can return a type in any sort, this function may be used to construct data as well as to prove propositions.


example {xs : List Nat} : xs.foldr (· + ·) 1 > 0 := xs:List NatList.foldr (fun x1 x2 => x1 + x2) 1 xs > 0 xs:List Nat0 < 1xs:List Nat∀ (b : Nat), 0 < b → ∀ (a : Nat), axs → 0 < a + b xs:List Nat0 < 1 xs:List Nat0 < 1; All goals completed! 🐙 xs:List Nat∀ (b : Nat), 0 < b → ∀ (a : Nat), axs → 0 < a + b xs:List Nat∀ (b : Nat), 0 < b → ∀ (a : Nat), axs → 0 < a + b xs:List Natb✝:Nata✝²:0 < b✝a✝¹:Nata✝:a✝¹xs0 < a✝¹ + b✝; All goals completed! 🐙
List.foldrTR.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (f : αββ) (init : β)
  (l : List α) : β

Folds a function over a list from the right, accumulating a value starting with init. The accumulated value is combined with the each element of the list in reverse order, using f.

O(|l|). This is the tail-recursive replacement for List.foldr in runtime code.


  • [a, b, c].foldrTR f init = f a (f b (f c init))

  • [1, 2, 3].foldrTR (toString · ++ ·) "" = "123"

  • [1, 2, 3].foldrTR (s!"({·} {·})") "!" = "(1 (2 (3 !)))" Transformation

🔗def{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αβ) (l : List α) : List β

Applies a function to each element of the list, returning the resulting list of values.



  • [a, b, c].map f = [f a, f b, f c]

  • [].map Nat.succ = []

  • ["one", "two", "three"].map (·.length) = [3, 3, 5]

  • ["one", "two", "three"].map (·.reverse) = ["eno", "owt", "eerht"]

List.mapTR.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αβ) (as : List α) : List β

Applies a function to each element of the list, returning the resulting list of values.

O(|l|). This is the tail-recursive variant of, used in runtime code.


  • [a, b, c].mapTR f = [f a, f b, f c]

  • [].mapTR Nat.succ = []

  • ["one", "two", "three"].mapTR (·.length) = [3, 3, 5]

  • ["one", "two", "three"].mapTR (·.reverse) = ["eno", "owt", "eerht"]

List.mapM.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Monad m] {α : Type w} {β : Type u}
  (f : αm β) (as : List α) : m (List β)

Applies the monadic action f to every element in the list, left-to-right, and returns the list of results.

This implementation is tail recursive. List.mapM' is a a non-tail-recursive variant that may be more convenient to reason about. List.forM is the variant that discards the results and List.mapA is the variant that works with Applicative.

List.mapM'.{u_1, u_2, u_3}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_3}
  {β : Type u_1} [Monad m] (f : αm β) :
  List αm (List β)

Applies the monadic action f on every element in the list, left-to-right, and returns the list of results.

This is a non-tail-recursive variant of List.mapM that's easier to reason about. It cannot be used as the main definition and replaced by the tail-recursive version because they can only be proved equal when m is a LawfulMonad.

List.mapA.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Applicative m] {α : Type w} {β : Type u}
  (f : αm β) : List αm (List β)

Applies the applicative action f on every element in the list, left-to-right, and returns the list of results.

If m is also a Monad, then using mapM can be more efficient.

See List.forA for the variant that discards the results. See List.mapM for the variant that works with Monad.

This function is not tail-recursive, so it may fail with a stack overflow on long lists.

List.mapFinIdx.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (as : List α)
  (f : (i : Nat) → αi < as.lengthβ) :
  List β

Applies a function to each element of the list along with the index at which that element is found, returning the list of results. In addition to the index, the function is also provided with a proof that the index is valid.

List.mapIdx is a variant that does not provide the function with evidence that the index is valid.

List.mapFinIdxM.{u_1, u_2, u_3}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_3}
  {β : Type u_1} [Monad m] (as : List α)
  (f : (i : Nat) → αi < as.lengthm β) :
  m (List β)

Applies a monadic function to each element of the list along with the index at which that element is found, returning the list of results. In addition to the index, the function is also provided with a proof that the index is valid.

List.mapIdxM is a variant that does not provide the function with evidence that the index is valid.

List.mapIdx.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (f : Natαβ)
  (as : List α) : List β

Applies a function to each element of the list along with the index at which that element is found, returning the list of results.

List.mapFinIdx is a variant that additionally provides the function with a proof that the index is valid.

List.mapIdxM.{u_1, u_2, u_3}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_3}
  {β : Type u_1} [Monad m] (f : Natαm β)
  (as : List α) : m (List β)

Applies a monadic function to each element of the list along with the index at which that element is found, returning the list of results.

List.mapFinIdxM is a variant that additionally provides the function with a proof that the index is valid.

List.mapMono.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (as : List α)
  (f : αα) : List α

Applies a function to each element of a list, returning the list of results. The function is monomorphic: it is required to return a value of the same type. The internal implementation uses pointer equality, and does not allocate a new list if the result of each function call is pointer-equal to its argument.

For verification purposes, List.mapMono =

List.mapMonoM.{u_1, u_2}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  [Monad m] (as : List α) (f : αm α) :
  m (List α)

Applies a monadic function to each element of a list, returning the list of results. The function is monomorphic: it is required to return a value of the same type. The internal implementation uses pointer equality, and does not allocate a new list if the result of each function call is pointer-equal to its argument.

List.flatMap.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (b : αList β) (as : List α) : List β

Applies a function that returns a list to each element of a list, and concatenates the resulting lists.


List.flatMapTR.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (f : αList β)
  (as : List α) : List β

Applies a function that returns a list to each element of a list, and concatenates the resulting lists.

This is the tail-recursive version of List.flatMap that's used at runtime.


List.flatMapM.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Monad m] {α : Type w} {β : Type u}
  (f : αm (List β)) (as : List α) :
  m (List β)

Applies a monadic function that returns a list to each element of a list, from left to right, and concatenates the resulting lists.

🔗def{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v} :
  List αList βList (α × β)

Combines two lists into a list of pairs in which the first and second components are the corresponding elements of each list. The resulting list is the length of the shorter of the input lists.

O(min |xs| |ys|).


  • ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed"].zip [1, 2, 3] = [("Mon", 1), ("Tue", 2), ("Wed", 3)]

  • ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed"].zip [1, 2] = [("Mon", 1), ("Tue", 2)]

  • [x₁, x₂, x₃].zip [y₁, y₂, y₃, y₄] = [(x₁, y₁), (x₂, y₂), (x₃, y₃)]

List.zipIdx.{u} {α : Type u} (l : List α)
  (n : Nat := 0) : List (α × Nat)

Pairs each element of a list with its index, optionally starting from an index other than 0.



  • [a, b, c].zipIdx = [(a, 0), (b, 1), (c, 2)]

  • [a, b, c].zipIdx 5 = [(a, 5), (b, 6), (c, 7)]

List.zipIdxTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (l : List α)
  (n : Nat := 0) : List (α × Nat)

Pairs each element of a list with its index, optionally starting from an index other than 0.

O(|l|). This is a tail-recursive version of List.zipIdx that's used at runtime.


  • [a, b, c].zipIdxTR = [(a, 0), (b, 1), (c, 2)]

  • [a, b, c].zipIdxTR 5 = [(a, 5), (b, 6), (c, 7)]

List.zipWith.{u, v, w} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  {γ : Type w} (f : αβγ) (xs : List α)
  (ys : List β) : List γ

Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two lists, stopping at the end of the shorter list.

O(min |xs| |ys|).


  • [1, 2].zipWith (· + ·) [5, 6] = [6, 8]

  • [1, 2, 3].zipWith (· + ·) [5, 6, 10] = [6, 8, 13]

  • [].zipWith (· + ·) [5, 6] = []

  • [x₁, x₂, x₃].zipWith f [y₁, y₂, y₃, y₄] = [f x₁ y₁, f x₂ y₂, f x₃ y₃]

List.zipWithTR.{u_1, u_2, u_3} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} {γ : Type u_3} (f : αβγ)
  (as : List α) (bs : List β) : List γ

Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two lists, stopping at the end of the shorter list.

O(min |xs| |ys|). This is a tail-recursive version of List.zipWith that's used at runtime.


  • [1, 2].zipWithTR (· + ·) [5, 6] = [6, 8]

  • [1, 2, 3].zipWithTR (· + ·) [5, 6, 10] = [6, 8, 13]

  • [].zipWithTR (· + ·) [5, 6] = []

  • [x₁, x₂, x₃].zipWithTR f [y₁, y₂, y₃, y₄] = [f x₁ y₁, f x₂ y₂, f x₃ y₃]

List.zipWithAll.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}
  (f : Option αOption βγ) :
  List αList βList γ

Applies a function to the corresponding elements of both lists, stopping when there are no more elements in either list. If one list is shorter than the other, the function is passed none for the missing elements.


List.unzip.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (l : List (α × β)) : List α × List β

Separates a list of pairs into two lists that contain the respective first and second components.



  • [("Monday", 1), ("Tuesday", 2)].unzip = (["Monday", "Tuesday"], [1, 2])

  • [(x₁, y₁), (x₂, y₂), (x₃, y₃)].unzip = ([x₁, x₂, x₃], [y₁, y₂, y₃])

  • ([] : List (Nat × String)).unzip = (([], []) : List Nat × List String)

List.unzipTR.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (l : List (α × β)) : List α × List β

Separates a list of pairs into two lists that contain the respective first and second components.

O(|l|). This is a tail-recursive version of List.unzip that's used at runtime.

Examples: Filtering

List.filter.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (l : List α) : List α

Returns the list of elements in l for which p returns true.



  • [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filter (· > 2) = [5, 7, 7]

  • [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filter (fun _ => false) = []

  • [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filter (fun _ => true) = [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7]

List.filterTR.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : List α) : List α

Returns the list of elements in l for which p returns true.

O(|l|). This is a tail-recursive version of List.filter, used at runtime.


  • [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filterTR (· > 2) = [5, 7, 7]

  • [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filterTR (fun _ => false) = []

  • [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filterTR (fun _ => true) = * [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7]

List.filterM.{v} {m : TypeType v} [Monad m]
  {α : Type} (p : αm Bool) (as : List α) :
  m (List α)

Applies the monadic predicate p to every element in the list, in order from left to right, and returns the list of elements for which p returns true.



[1, 2, 2]Checking 1 Checking 2 Checking 5 Checking 2 Checking 7 Checking 7 #eval [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filterM fun x => do IO.println s!"Checking {x}" return x < 3 Checking 1 Checking 2 Checking 5 Checking 2 Checking 7 Checking 7[1, 2, 2]
List.filterRevM.{v} {m : TypeType v}
  [Monad m] {α : Type} (p : αm Bool)
  (as : List α) : m (List α)

Applies the monadic predicate p on every element in the list in reverse order, from right to left, and returns those elements for which p returns true. The elements of the returned list are in the same order as in the input list.


[1, 2, 2]Checking 7 Checking 7 Checking 2 Checking 5 Checking 2 Checking 1 #eval [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filterRevM fun x => do IO.println s!"Checking {x}" return x < 3 Checking 7 Checking 7 Checking 2 Checking 5 Checking 2 Checking 1[1, 2, 2]
List.filterMap.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αOption β) : List αList β

Applies a function that returns an Option to each element of a list, collecting the non-none values.



[10, 14, 14]#eval [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filterMap fun x => if x > 2 then some (2 * x) else none [10, 14, 14]
List.filterMapTR.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (f : αOption β)
  (l : List α) : List β

Applies a function that returns an Option to each element of a list, collecting the non-none values.

O(|l|). This is a tail-recursive version of List.filterMap, used at runtime.


[10, 14, 14]#eval [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filterMapTR fun x => if x > 2 then some (2 * x) else none [10, 14, 14]
List.filterMapM.{u, v, w} {m : Type uType v}
  [Monad m] {α : Type w} {β : Type u}
  (f : αm (Option β)) (as : List α) :
  m (List β)

Applies a monadic function that returns an Option to each element of a list, collecting the non-none values.



[10, 14, 14]Examining 1 Examining 2 Examining 5 Examining 2 Examining 7 Examining 7 #eval [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].filterMapM fun x => do IO.println s!"Examining {x}" if x > 2 then return some (2 * x) else return none Examining 1 Examining 2 Examining 5 Examining 2 Examining 7 Examining 7[10, 14, 14] Partitioning

List.take.{u} {α : Type u} (n : Nat)
  (xs : List α) : List α

Extracts the first n elements of xs, or the whole list if n is greater than xs.length.

O(min n |xs|).


  • [a, b, c, d, e].take 0 = []

  • [a, b, c, d, e].take 3 = [a, b, c]

  • [a, b, c, d, e].take 6 = [a, b, c, d, e]

List.takeTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (n : Nat)
  (l : List α) : List α

Extracts the first n elements of xs, or the whole list if n is greater than xs.length.

O(min n |xs|). This is a tail-recursive version of List.take, used at runtime.


  • [a, b, c, d, e].takeTR 0 = []

  • [a, b, c, d, e].takeTR 3 = [a, b, c]

  • [a, b, c, d, e].takeTR 6 = [a, b, c, d, e]

List.takeWhile.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (xs : List α) : List α

Returns the longest initial segment of xs for which p returns true.



List.takeWhileTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (p : αBool) (l : List α) : List α

Returns the longest initial segment of xs for which p returns true.

O(|xs|). This is a tail-recursive version of List.take, used at runtime.


List.drop.{u} {α : Type u} (n : Nat)
  (xs : List α) : List α

Removes the first n elements of the list xs. Returns the empty list if n is greater than the length of the list.

O(min n |xs|).


  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].drop 0 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].drop 3 = [3, 4]

  • [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].drop 6 = []

List.dropWhile.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool) :
  List αList α

Removes the longest prefix of a list for which p returns true.

Elements are removed from the list until one is encountered for which p returns false. This element and the remainder of the list are returned.



  • [1, 3, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4].dropWhile (· < 4) = [4, 2, 7, 4]

  • [8, 3, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4].dropWhile (· < 4) = [8, 3, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4]

  • [8, 3, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4].dropWhile (· < 100) = []

List.dropLast.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} :
  List αList α

Removes the last element of the list, if one exists.


List.dropLastTR.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (l : List α) : List α

Removes the last element of the list, if one exists.

This is a tail-recursive version of List.dropLast, used at runtime.


List.splitAt.{u} {α : Type u} (n : Nat)
  (l : List α) : List α × List α

Splits a list at an index, resulting in the first n elements of l paired with the remaining elements.

If n is greater than the length of l, then the resulting pair consists of l and the empty list. List.splitAt is equivalent to a combination of List.take and List.drop, but it is more efficient.


  • ["red", "green", "blue"].splitAt 2 = (["red", "green"], ["blue"])

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].splitAt 3 = (["red", "green", "blue], [])

  • ["red", "green", "blue"].splitAt 4 = (["red", "green", "blue], [])

List.span.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : List α) : List α × List α

Splits a list into the the longest initial segment for which p returns true, paired with the remainder of the list.



  • [6, 8, 9, 5, 2, 9].span (· > 5) = ([6, 8, 9], [5, 2, 9])

  • [6, 8, 9, 5, 2, 9].span (· > 10) = ([], [6, 8, 9, 5, 2, 9])

  • [6, 8, 9, 5, 2, 9].span (· > 0) = ([6, 8, 9, 5, 2, 9], [])

List.splitBy.{u} {α : Type u}
  (R : ααBool) : List αList (List α)

Splits a list into the longest segments in which each pair of adjacent elements are related by R.



  • [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2].splitBy (· == ·) = [[1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3], [2]]

  • [1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 4].splitBy (· < ·) = [[1, 2, 5], [4, 5], [1, 4]]

  • [1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 4].splitBy (fun _ _ => true) = [[1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 4]]

  • [1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 4].splitBy (fun _ _ => false) = [[1], [2], [5], [4], [5], [1], [4]]

List.partition.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : List α) : List α × List α

Returns a pair of lists that together contain all the elements of as. The first list contains those elements for which p returns true, and the second contains those for which p returns false.

O(|l|). as.partition p is equivalent to (as.filter p, as.filter (not p)), but it is slightly more efficient since it only has to do one pass over the list.


  • [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].partition (· > 2) = ([5, 7, 7], [1, 2, 2])

  • [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].partition (fun _ => false) = ([], [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7])

  • [1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7].partition (fun _ => true) = ([1, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7], [])

List.partitionM.{u_1} {m : TypeType u_1}
  {α : Type} [Monad m] (p : αm Bool)
  (l : List α) : m (List α × List α)

Returns a pair of lists that together contain all the elements of as. The first list contains those elements for which the monadic predicate p returns true, and the second contains those for which p returns false. The list's elements are examined in order, from left to right.

This is a monadic version of List.partition.


def posOrNeg (x : Int) : Except String Bool := if x > 0 then pure true else if x < 0 then pure false else throw "Zero is not positive or negative"
#eval [-1, 2, 3].partitionM posOrNeg
Except.ok ([2, 3], [-1])
#eval [0, 2, 3].partitionM posOrNeg
Except.error "Zero is not positive or negative"
List.partitionMap.{u_1, u_2, u_3} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} {γ : Type u_3} (f : αβγ)
  (l : List α) : List β × List γ

Applies a function that returns a disjoint union to each element of a list, collecting the Sum.inl and Sum.inr results into separate lists.


List.groupByKey.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  [BEq α] [Hashable α] (key : βα)
  (xs : List β) : Std.HashMap α (List β)

Groups the elements of a list xs according to the function key, returning a hash map in which each group is associated with its key. Groups preserve the relative order of elements in xs.


Std.HashMap.ofList [(0, [0, 2, 4, 6]), (1, [1, 3, 5])]#eval [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].groupByKey (· % 2) Std.HashMap.ofList [(0, [0, 2, 4, 6]), (1, [1, 3, 5])] Element Predicates

List.contains.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (as : List α) (a : α) : Bool

Checks whether a is an element of as, using == to compare elements.

O(|as|). List.elem is a synonym that takes the element before the list.

The preferred simp normal form is l.contains a, and when LawfulBEq α is available, l.contains a = true a l and l.contains a = false a l.


List.elem.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] (a : α)
  (l : List α) : Bool

Checks whether a is an element of l, using == to compare elements.

O(|l|). List.contains is a synonym that takes the list before the element.

The preferred simp normal form is l.contains a. When LawfulBEq α is available, l.contains a = true a l and l.contains a = false a l.


List.all.{u} {α : Type u} :
  List α → (αBool) → Bool

Returns true if p returns true for every element of l.

O(|l|). Short-circuits upon encountering the first false.


  • [a, b, c].all p = (p a && (p b && p c))

  • [2, 4, 6].all (· % 2 = 0) = true

  • [2, 4, 5, 6].all (· % 2 = 0) = false

List.allM.{u, v} {m : TypeType u} [Monad m]
  {α : Type v} (p : αm Bool) (l : List α) :
  m Bool

Returns true if the monadic predicate p returns true for every element of l.

O(|l|). Short-circuits upon encountering the first false. The elements in l are examined in order from left to right.

List.any.{u} {α : Type u} (l : List α)
  (p : αBool) : Bool

Returns true if p returns true for any element of l.

O(|l|). Short-circuits upon encountering the first true.


List.anyM.{u, v} {m : TypeType u} [Monad m]
  {α : Type v} (p : αm Bool) (l : List α) :
  m Bool

Returns true if the monadic predicate p returns true for any element of l.

O(|l|). Short-circuits upon encountering the first true. The elements in l are examined in order from left to right.

List.and (bs : List Bool) : Bool

Returns true if every element of bs is the value true.

O(|bs|). Short-circuits at the first false value.

List.or (bs : List Bool) : Bool

Returns true if true is an element of the list bs.

O(|bs|). Short-circuits at the first true value. Comparisons

List.beq.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] :
  List αList αBool

Checks whether two lists have the same length and their elements are pairwise BEq. Normally used via the == operator.

List.isEqv.{u} {α : Type u} (as bs : List α)
  (eqv : ααBool) : Bool

Returns true if as and bs have the same length and they are pairwise related by eqv.

O(min |as| |bs|). Short-circuits at the first non-related pair of elements.


List.isPerm.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] :
  List αList αBool

Returns true if l₁ and l₂ are permutations of each other. O(|l₁| * |l₂|).

The relation List.Perm is a logical characterization of permutations. When the BEq α instance corresponds to DecidableEq α, isPerm l₁ l₂ l₁ ~ l₂ (use the theorem isPerm_iff).

List.isPrefixOf.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] :
  List αList αBool

Checks whether the first list is a prefix of the second.

The relation List.IsPrefixOf expresses this property with respect to logical equality.


List.isPrefixOf?.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (l₁ l₂ : List α) : Option (List α)

If the first list is a prefix of the second, returns the result of dropping the prefix.

In other words, isPrefixOf? l₁ l₂ returns some t when l₂ == l₁ ++ t.


List.isSublist.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] :
  List αList αBool

True if the first list is a potentially non-contiguous sub-sequence of the second list, comparing elements with the == operator.

The relation List.Sublist is a logical characterization of this property.


List.isSuffixOf.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (l₁ l₂ : List α) : Bool

Checks whether the first list is a suffix of the second.

The relation List.IsSuffixOf expresses this property with respect to logical equality.


List.isSuffixOf?.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (l₁ l₂ : List α) : Option (List α)

If the first list is a suffix of the second, returns the result of dropping the suffix from the second.

In other words, isSuffixOf? l₁ l₂ returns some t when l₂ == t ++ l₁.


List.le.{u} {α : Type u} [LT α]
  (as bs : List α) : Prop

Non-strict ordering of lists with respect to a strict ordering of their elements.

as bs if ¬ bs < as.

This relation can be treated as a lexicographic order if the underlying LT α instance is well-behaved. In particular, it should be irreflexive, asymmetric, and antisymmetric. These requirements are precisely formulated in List.cons_le_cons_iff. If these hold, then as bs if and only if:

  • as is empty, or

  • both as and bs are non-empty, and the head of as is less than the head of bs, or

  • both as and bs are non-empty, their heads are equal, and the tail of as is less than or equal to the tail of bs.

🔗def{u} {α : Type u} [LT α] :
  List αList αProp

Lexicographic ordering of lists with respect to an ordering on their elements.

as < bs if

  • as is empty and bs is non-empty, or

  • both as and bs are non-empty, and the head of as is less than the head of bs, or

  • both as and bs are non-empty, their heads are equal, and the tail of as is less than the tail of bs.

List.lex.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (l₁ l₂ : List α)
  (lt : ααBool := by exact (· < ·)) : Bool

Compares lists lexicographically with respect to a comparison on their elements.

The lexicographic order with respect to lt is:

  • [].lex (b :: bs) is true

  • as.lex [] = false is false

  • (a :: as).lex (b :: bs) is true if lt a b or a == b and lex lt as bs is true. Termination Helpers

List.attach.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (l : List α) :
  List { x // xl }

“Attaches” the proof that the elements of l are in fact elements of l, producing a new list with the same elements but in the subtype { x // x l }.


This function is primarily used to allow definitions by well-founded recursion that use higher-order functions (such as to prove that an value taken from a list is smaller than the list. This allows the well-founded recursion mechanism to prove that the function terminates.

List.attachWith.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (l : List α) (P : αProp)
  (H : ∀ (x : α), xlP x) :
  List { x // P x }

“Attaches” individual proofs to a list of values that satisfy a predicate P, returning a list of elements in the corresponding subtype { x // P x }.


List.unattach.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  {p : αProp} (l : List { x // p x }) :
  List α

Maps a list of terms in a subtype to the corresponding terms in the type by forgetting that they satisfy the predicate.

This is the inverse of List.attachWith and a synonym for (·.val).

Mostly this should not be needed by users. It is introduced as an intermediate step by lemmas such as map_subtype, and is ideally subsequently simplified away by unattach_attach.

This function is usually inserted automatically by Lean as an intermediate step while proving termination. It is rarely used explicitly in code. It is introduced as an intermediate step during the elaboration of definitions by well-founded recursion. If this function is encountered in a proof state, the right approach is usually the tactic simp [List.unattach, -List.map_subtype].

List.pmap.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} {P : αProp}
  (f : (a : α) → P aβ) (l : List α)
  (H : ∀ (a : α), alP a) : List β

Maps a partially defined function (defined on those terms of α that satisfy a predicate P) over a list l : List α, given a proof that every element of l in fact satisfies P.

O(|l|). List.pmap, named for “partial map,” is the equivalent of for such partial functions.