The Lean Language Reference

18.4. Fixed-Precision Integers🔗

Lean's standard library includes the usual assortment of fixed-width integer types. From the perspective of formalization and proofs, these types are wrappers around bitvectors of the appropriate size; the wrappers ensure that the correct implementations of e.g. arithmetic operations are applied. In compiled code, they are represented efficiently: the compiler has special support for them, as it does for other fundamental types.

18.4.1. Logical Model

Fixed-width integers may be unsigned or signed. Furthermore, they are available in five sizes: 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits, along with the current architecture's word size. In their logical models, the unsigned integers are structures that wrap a BitVec of the appropriate width. Signed integers wrap the corresponding unsigned integers, and use a twos-complement representation. Unsigned

USize : Type

Unsigned integers that are the size of a word on the platform's architecture.

On a 32-bit architecture, USize is equivalent to UInt32. On a 64-bit machine, it is equivalent to UInt64.



Creates a USize from a BitVec System.Platform.numBits. This function is overridden with a native implementation.


toBitVec : BitVec System.Platform.numBits

Unpacks a USize into a BitVec System.Platform.numBits. This function is overridden with a native implementation.

UInt8 : Type

Unsigned 8-bit integers.

This type has special support in the compiler so it can be represented by an unboxed 8-bit value rather than wrapping a BitVec 8.



Creates a UInt8 from a BitVec 8. This function is overridden with a native implementation.


toBitVec : BitVec 8

Unpacks a UInt8 into a BitVec 8. This function is overridden with a native implementation.

UInt16 : Type

Unsigned 16-bit integers.

This type has special support in the compiler so it can be represented by an unboxed 16-bit value rather than wrapping a BitVec 16.



Creates a UInt16 from a BitVec 16. This function is overridden with a native implementation.


toBitVec : BitVec 16

Unpacks a UInt16 into a BitVec 16. This function is overridden with a native implementation.

UInt32 : Type

Unsigned 32-bit integers.

This type has special support in the compiler so it can be represented by an unboxed 32-bit value rather than wrapping a BitVec 32.



Creates a UInt32 from a BitVec 32. This function is overridden with a native implementation.


toBitVec : BitVec 32

Unpacks a UInt32 into a BitVec 32. This function is overridden with a native implementation.

UInt64 : Type

Unsigned 64-bit integers.

This type has special support in the compiler so it can be represented by an unboxed 64-bit value rather than wrapping a BitVec 64.



Creates a UInt64 from a BitVec 64. This function is overridden with a native implementation.


toBitVec : BitVec 64

Unpacks a UInt64 into a BitVec 64. This function is overridden with a native implementation. Signed

ISize : Type

Signed integers that are the size of a word on the platform's architecture.

On a 32-bit architecture, ISize is equivalent to Int32. On a 64-bit machine, it is equivalent to Int64. This type has special support in the compiler so it can be represented by an unboxed value.


toUSize : USize

Converts a word-sized signed integer into the word-sized unsigned integer that is its two's complement encoding.

Int8 : Type

Signed 8-bit integers.

This type has special support in the compiler so it can be represented by an unboxed 8-bit value.


toUInt8 : UInt8

Converts an 8-bit signed integer into the 8-bit unsigned integer that is its two's complement encoding.

Int16 : Type

Signed 16-bit integers.

This type has special support in the compiler so it can be represented by an unboxed 16-bit value.


toUInt16 : UInt16

Converts an 16-bit signed integer into the 16-bit unsigned integer that is its two's complement encoding.

Int32 : Type

Signed 32-bit integers.

This type has special support in the compiler so it can be represented by an unboxed 32-bit value.


toUInt32 : UInt32

Converts an 32-bit signed integer into the 32-bit unsigned integer that is its two's complement encoding.

Int64 : Type

Signed 64-bit integers.

This type has special support in the compiler so it can be represented by an unboxed 64-bit value.


toUInt64 : UInt64

Converts an 64-bit signed integer into the 64-bit unsigned integer that is its two's complement encoding.

18.4.2. Run-Time Representation

In compiled code, fixed-width integer types that fit in one less bit than the platform's pointer size are always represented unboxed, without additional allocations or indirections. This always includes Int8, UInt8, Int16, and UInt16. On 64-bit architectures, Int32 and UInt32 are also unboxed. On 32-bit architectures, Int32 and UInt32 are boxed, which means they may be represented by a pointer to an object on the heap. ISize, USize, Int64 and UInt64 are boxed on all architectures.

Even though some fixed-with integer types require boxing in general, the compiler is able to represent them without boxing in code paths that use only a specific fixed-width type rather than being polymorphic, potentially after a specialization pass. This applies in most practical situations where these types are used: their values are represented using the corresponding unsigned fixed-width C type when a constructor parameter, function parameter, function return value, or intermediate result is known to be a fixed-width integer type. The Lean run-time system includes primitives for storing fixed-width integers in constructors of inductive types, and the primitive operations are defined on the corresponding C types, so boxing tends to happen at the “edges” of integer calculations rather than for each intermediate result. In contexts where other types might occur, such as the contents of polymorphic containers like Array, these types are boxed, even if an array is statically known to contain only a single fixed-width integer type.The monomorphic array type ByteArray avoids boxing for arrays of UInt8. Lean does not specialize the representation of inductive types or arrays. Inspecting a function's type in Lean is not sufficient to determine how fixed-width integer values will be represented, because boxed values are not eagerly unboxed—a function that projects an Int64 from an array returns a boxed integer value.

18.4.3. Syntax

All the fixed-width integer types have OfNat instances, which allow numerals to be used as literals, both in expression and in pattern contexts. The signed types additionally have Neg instances, allowing negation to be applied.

Fixed-Width Literals

Lean allows both decimal and hexadecimal literals to be used for types with OfNat instances. In this example, literal notation is used to define masks.

structure Permissions where readable : Bool writable : Bool executable : Bool def Permissions.encode (p : Permissions) : UInt8 := let r := if p.readable then 0x01 else 0 let w := if p.writable then 0x02 else 0 let x := if p.executable then 0x04 else 0 r ||| w ||| x def Permissions.decode (i : UInt8) : Permissions := i &&& 0x01 0, i &&& 0x02 0, i &&& 0x04 0

Literals that overflow their types' precision are interpreted modulus the precision. Signed types, are interpreted according to the underlying twos-complement representation.

Overflowing Fixed-Width Literals

The following statements are all true:

example : (255 : UInt8) = 255 := 255 = 255 All goals completed! 🐙 example : (256 : UInt8) = 0 := 256 = 0 All goals completed! 🐙 example : (257 : UInt8) = 1 := 257 = 1 All goals completed! 🐙 example : (0x7f : Int8) = 127 := 127 = 127 All goals completed! 🐙 example : (0x8f : Int8) = -113 := 143 = -113 All goals completed! 🐙 example : (0xff : Int8) = -1 := 255 = -1 All goals completed! 🐙

18.4.4. API Reference Sizes

Each fixed-width integer has a size, which is the number of distinct values that can be represented by the type. This is not equivalent to C's sizeof operator, which instead determines how many bytes the type occupies.

USize.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by USize, that is, 2^System.Platform.numBits.

ISize.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by ISize, that is, 2^System.Platform.numBits.

UInt8.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by UInt8, that is, 2^8 = 256.

Int8.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by Int8, that is, 2^8 = 256.

UInt16.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by UInt16, that is, 2^16 = 65536.

Int16.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by Int16, that is, 2^16 = 65536.

UInt32.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by UInt32, that is, 2^32 = 4294967296.

Int32.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by Int32, that is, 2^32 = 4294967296.

UInt64.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by UInt64, that is, 2^64 = 18446744073709551616.

Int64.size : Nat

The number of distinct values representable by Int64, that is, 2^64 = 18446744073709551616. Ranges

ISize.minValue : ISize

The smallest number that ISize can represent: -2^(System.Platform.numBits - 1).

ISize.maxValue : ISize

The largest number that ISize can represent: 2^(System.Platform.numBits - 1) - 1.

Int8.minValue : Int8

The smallest number that Int8 can represent: -2^7 = -128.

Int8.maxValue : Int8

The largest number that Int8 can represent: 2^7 - 1 = 127.

Int16.minValue : Int16

The smallest number that Int16 can represent: -2^15 = -32768.

Int16.maxValue : Int16

The largest number that Int16 can represent: 2^15 - 1 = 32767.

Int32.minValue : Int32

The smallest number that Int32 can represent: -2^31 = -2147483648.

Int32.maxValue : Int32

The largest number that Int32 can represent: 2^31 - 1 = 2147483647.

Int64.minValue : Int64

The smallest number that Int64 can represent: -2^63 = -9223372036854775808.

Int64.maxValue : Int64

The largest number that Int64 can represent: 2^63 - 1 = 9223372036854775807. Conversions To and From Int

ISize.toInt (i : ISize) : Int

Converts a word-sized signed integer to an arbitrary-precision integer that denotes the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.toInt (i : Int8) : Int

Converts an 8-bit signed integer to an arbitrary-precision integer that denotes the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.toInt (i : Int16) : Int

Converts a 16-bit signed integer to an arbitrary-precision integer that denotes the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.toInt (i : Int32) : Int

Converts a 32-bit signed integer to an arbitrary-precision integer that denotes the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.toInt (i : Int64) : Int

Converts a 64-bit signed integer to an arbitrary-precision integer that denotes the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.ofInt (i : Int) : ISize

Converts an arbitrary-precision integer to a word-sized signed integer, wrapping around on over- or underflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.ofInt (i : Int) : Int8

Converts an arbitrary-precision integer to an 8-bit integer, wrapping on overflow or underflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int16.ofInt (i : Int) : Int16

Converts an arbitrary-precision integer to a 16-bit signed integer, wrapping on overflow or underflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int32.ofInt (i : Int) : Int32

Converts an arbitrary-precision integer to a 32-bit integer, wrapping on overflow or underflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int64.ofInt (i : Int) : Int64

Converts an arbitrary-precision integer to a 64-bit integer, wrapping on overflow or underflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


ISize.ofIntTruncate (i : Int) : ISize

Constructs an ISize from an Int, clamping if the value is too small or too large.

Int8.ofIntTruncate (i : Int) : Int8

Constructs an Int8 from an Int, clamping if the value is too small or too large.

Int16.ofIntTruncate (i : Int) : Int16

Constructs an Int16 from an Int, clamping if the value is too small or too large.

Int32.ofIntTruncate (i : Int) : Int32

Constructs an Int32 from an Int, clamping if the value is too small or too large.

Int64.ofIntTruncate (i : Int) : Int64

Constructs an Int64 from an Int, clamping if the value is too small or too large.

ISize.ofIntLE (i : Int)
  (_hl : ISize.minValue.toInti)
  (_hr : iISize.maxValue.toInt) : ISize

Constructs an ISize from an Int that is known to be in bounds.

Int8.ofIntLE (i : Int)
  (_hl : Int8.minValue.toInti)
  (_hr : iInt8.maxValue.toInt) : Int8

Constructs an Int8 from an Int that is known to be in bounds.

Int16.ofIntLE (i : Int)
  (_hl : Int16.minValue.toInti)
  (_hr : iInt16.maxValue.toInt) : Int16

Constructs an Int16 from an Int that is known to be in bounds.

Int32.ofIntLE (i : Int)
  (_hl : Int32.minValue.toInti)
  (_hr : iInt32.maxValue.toInt) : Int32

Constructs an Int32 from an Int that is known to be in bounds.

Int64.ofIntLE (i : Int)
  (_hl : Int64.minValue.toInti)
  (_hr : iInt64.maxValue.toInt) : Int64

Constructs an Int64 from an Int that is known to be in bounds. To and From Nat

USize.ofNat (n : Nat) : USize

Converts an arbitrary-precision natural number to an unsigned word-sized integer, wrapping around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.ofNat (n : Nat) : ISize

Converts an arbitrary-precision natural number to a word-sized signed integer, wrapping around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.ofNat (n : Nat) : UInt8

Converts a natural number to an 8-bit unsigned integer, wrapping on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int8.ofNat (n : Nat) : Int8

Converts a natural number to an 8-bit signed integer, wrapping around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt16.ofNat (n : Nat) : UInt16

Converts a natural number to a 16-bit unsigned integer, wrapping on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int16.ofNat (n : Nat) : Int16

Converts a natural number to a 16-bit signed integer, wrapping around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt32.ofNat (n : Nat) : UInt32

Converts a natural number to a 32-bit unsigned integer, wrapping on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int32.ofNat (n : Nat) : Int32

Converts a natural number to a 32-bit signed integer, wrapping around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt64.ofNat (n : Nat) : UInt64

Converts a natural number to a 64-bit unsigned integer, wrapping on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int64.ofNat (n : Nat) : Int64

Converts a natural number to a 64-bit signed integer, wrapping around to negative numbers on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


USize.ofNat32 (n : Nat) (h : n < 4294967296) :

Converts a natural number to a USize. Overflow is impossible on any supported platform because USize.size is either 2^32 or 2^64.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.ofNatLT (n : Nat) (h : n < USize.size) :

Converts a natural number to a USize. Requires a proof that the number is small enough to be representable without overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.ofNatLT (n : Nat) (h : n < UInt8.size) :

Converts a natural number to an 8-bit unsigned integer. Requires a proof that the number is small enough to be representable without overflow; it must be smaller than 2^8.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.ofNatLT (n : Nat) (h : n < UInt16.size) :

Converts a natural number to a 16-bit unsigned integer. Requires a proof that the number is small enough to be representable without overflow; it must be smaller than 2^16.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.ofNatLT (n : Nat) (h : n < UInt32.size) :

Converts a natural number to a 32-bit unsigned integer. Requires a proof that the number is small enough to be representable without overflow; it must be smaller than 2^32.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.ofNatLT (n : Nat) (h : n < UInt64.size) :

Converts a natural number to a 64-bit unsigned integer. Requires a proof that the number is small enough to be representable without overflow; it must be smaller than 2^64.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.ofNatTruncate (n : Nat) : USize

Converts a natural number to USize, returning the largest representable value if the number is too large.

Returns USize.size - 1, which is 2^64 - 1 or 2^32 - 1 depending on the platform, for natural numbers greater than or equal to USize.size.

UInt8.ofNatTruncate (n : Nat) : UInt8

Converts a natural number to an 8-bit unsigned integer, returning the largest representable value if the number is too large.

Returns 2^8 - 1 for natural numbers greater than or equal to 2^8.

UInt16.ofNatTruncate (n : Nat) : UInt16

Converts a natural number to a 16-bit unsigned integer, returning the largest representable value if the number is too large.

Returns 2^16 - 1 for natural numbers greater than or equal to 2^16.

UInt32.ofNatTruncate (n : Nat) : UInt32

Converts a natural number to a 32-bit unsigned integer, returning the largest representable value if the number is too large.

Returns 2^32 - 1 for natural numbers greater than or equal to 2^32.

UInt64.ofNatTruncate (n : Nat) : UInt64

Converts a natural number to a 64-bit unsigned integer, returning the largest representable value if the number is too large.

Returns 2^64 - 1 for natural numbers greater than or equal to 2^64.

USize.toNat (n : USize) : Nat

Converts a word-sized unsigned integer to an arbitrary-precision natural number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.toNatClampNeg (i : ISize) : Nat

Converts a word-sized signed integer to a natural number, mapping all negative numbers to 0.

Use ISize.toBitVec to obtain the two's complement representation.

UInt8.toNat (n : UInt8) : Nat

Converts an 8-bit unsigned integer to an arbitrary-precision natural number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.toNatClampNeg (i : Int8) : Nat

Converts an 8-bit signed integer to a natural number, mapping all negative numbers to 0.

Use Int8.toBitVec to obtain the two's complement representation.

UInt16.toNat (n : UInt16) : Nat

Converts a 16-bit unsigned integer to an arbitrary-precision natural number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.toNatClampNeg (i : Int16) : Nat

Converts a 16-bit signed integer to a natural number, mapping all negative numbers to 0.

Use Int16.toBitVec to obtain the two's complement representation.

UInt32.toNat (n : UInt32) : Nat

Converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to an arbitrary-precision natural number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.toNatClampNeg (i : Int32) : Nat

Converts a 32-bit signed integer to a natural number, mapping all negative numbers to 0.

Use Int32.toBitVec to obtain the two's complement representation.

UInt64.toNat (n : UInt64) : Nat

Converts a 64-bit unsigned integer to an arbitrary-precision natural number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.toNatClampNeg (i : Int64) : Nat

Converts a 64-bit signed integer to a natural number, mapping all negative numbers to 0.

Use Int64.toBitVec to obtain the two's complement representation. To Other Fixed-Width Integers

USize.toUInt8 (a : USize) : UInt8

Converts word-sized unsigned integers to 8-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.toUInt16 (a : USize) : UInt16

Converts word-sized unsigned integers to 16-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.toUInt32 (a : USize) : UInt32

Converts word-sized unsigned integers to 32-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow, which might occur on 64-bit architectures.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.toUInt64 (a : USize) : UInt64

Converts word-sized unsigned integers to 32-bit unsigned integers. This cannot overflow because USize.size is either 2^32 or 2^64.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.toISize (i : USize) : ISize

Obtains the ISize that is 2's complement equivalent to the USize.

UInt8.toInt8 (i : UInt8) : Int8

Obtains the Int8 that is 2's complement equivalent to the UInt8.

UInt8.toUInt16 (a : UInt8) : UInt16

Converts 8-bit unsigned integers to 16-bit unsigned integers.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.toUInt32 (a : UInt8) : UInt32

Converts 8-bit unsigned integers to 32-bit unsigned integers.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.toUInt64 (a : UInt8) : UInt64

Converts 8-bit unsigned integers to 64-bit unsigned integers.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.toUSize (a : UInt8) : USize

Converts 8-bit unsigned integers to word-sized unsigned integers.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.toUInt8 (a : UInt16) : UInt8

Converts 16-bit unsigned integers to 8-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.toInt16 (i : UInt16) : Int16

Obtains the Int16 that is 2's complement equivalent to the UInt16.

UInt16.toUInt32 (a : UInt16) : UInt32

Converts 16-bit unsigned integers to 32-bit unsigned integers.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.toUInt64 (a : UInt16) : UInt64

Converts 16-bit unsigned integers to 64-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.toUSize (a : UInt16) : USize

Converts 16-bit unsigned integers to word-sized unsigned integers.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.toUInt8 (a : UInt32) : UInt8

Converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to an 8-bit unsigned integer, wrapping on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.toUInt16 (a : UInt32) : UInt16

Converts 32-bit unsigned integers to 16-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.toInt32 (i : UInt32) : Int32

Obtains the Int32 that is 2's complement equivalent to the UInt32.

UInt32.toUInt64 (a : UInt32) : UInt64

Converts 32-bit unsigned integers to 64-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.toUSize (a : UInt32) : USize

Converts 32-bit unsigned integers to word-sized unsigned integers.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.toUInt8 (a : UInt64) : UInt8

Converts 64-bit unsigned integers to 8-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.toUInt16 (a : UInt64) : UInt16

Converts 64-bit unsigned integers to 16-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.toUInt32 (a : UInt64) : UInt32

Converts 64-bit unsigned integers to 32-bit unsigned integers. Wraps around on overflow.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.toInt64 (i : UInt64) : Int64

Obtains the Int64 that is 2's complement equivalent to the UInt64.

UInt64.toUSize (a : UInt64) : USize

Converts 64-bit unsigned integers to word-sized unsigned integers. On 32-bit machines, this may overflow, which results in the value wrapping around (that is, it is reduced modulo USize.size).

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.toInt8 (a : ISize) : Int8

Converts a word-sized signed integer to an 8-bit signed integer by truncating its bitvector representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.toInt16 (a : ISize) : Int16

Converts a word-sized integer to a 16-bit integer by truncating its bitvector representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.toInt32 (a : ISize) : Int32

Converts a word-sized signed integer to a 32-bit signed integer.

On 32-bit platforms, this conversion is lossless. On 64-bit platforms, the integer's bitvector representation is truncated to 32 bits. This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.toInt64 (a : ISize) : Int64

Converts word-sized signed integers to 64-bit signed integers that denote the same number. This conversion is lossless, because ISize is either Int32 or Int64.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.toInt16 (a : Int8) : Int16

Converts 8-bit signed integers to 16-bit signed integers that denote the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.toInt32 (a : Int8) : Int32

Converts 8-bit signed integers to 32-bit signed integers that denote the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.toInt64 (a : Int8) : Int64

Converts 8-bit signed integers to 64-bit signed integers that denote the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.toISize (a : Int8) : ISize

Converts 8-bit signed integers to word-sized signed integers that denote the same number. This conversion is lossless, because ISize is either Int32 or Int64.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.toInt8 (a : Int16) : Int8

Converts 16-bit signed integers to 8-bit signed integers by truncating their bitvector representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.toInt32 (a : Int16) : Int32

Converts 8-bit signed integers to 32-bit signed integers that denote the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.toInt64 (a : Int16) : Int64

Converts 16-bit signed integers to 64-bit signed integers that denote the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.toISize (a : Int16) : ISize

Converts 16-bit signed integers to word-sized signed integers that denote the same number. This conversion is lossless, because ISize is either Int32 or Int64.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.toInt8 (a : Int32) : Int8

Converts a 32-bit signed integer to an 8-bit signed integer by truncating its bitvector representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.toInt16 (a : Int32) : Int16

Converts a 32-bit signed integer to an 16-bit signed integer by truncating its bitvector representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.toInt64 (a : Int32) : Int64

Converts 32-bit signed integers to 64-bit signed integers that denote the same number.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.toISize (a : Int32) : ISize

Converts 32-bit signed integers to word-sized signed integers that denote the same number. This conversion is lossless, because ISize is either Int32 or Int64.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.toInt8 (a : Int64) : Int8

Converts a 64-bit signed integer to an 8-bit signed integer by truncating its bitvector representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.toInt16 (a : Int64) : Int16

Converts a 64-bit signed integer to a 16-bit signed integer by truncating its bitvector representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.toInt32 (a : Int64) : Int32

Converts a 64-bit signed integer to a 32-bit signed integer by truncating its bitvector representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.toISize (a : Int64) : ISize

Converts 64-bit signed integers to word-sized signed integers, truncating the bitvector representation on 32-bit platforms. This conversion is lossless on 64-bit platforms.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation. To Floating-Point Numbers

ISize.toFloat (n : ISize) : Float

Obtains a Float whose value is near the given ISize.

It will be exactly the value of the given ISize if such a Float exists. If no such Float exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float that is smaller than the given value.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

ISize.toFloat32 (n : ISize) : Float32

Obtains a Float32 whose value is near the given ISize.

It will be exactly the value of the given ISize if such a Float32 exists. If no such Float32 exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float32 that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float32 that is smaller than the given value.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

Int8.toFloat (n : Int8) : Float

Obtains the Float whose value is the same as the given Int8.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

Int8.toFloat32 (n : Int8) : Float32

Obtains the Float32 whose value is the same as the given Int8.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

Int16.toFloat (n : Int16) : Float

Obtains the Float whose value is the same as the given Int16.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

Int16.toFloat32 (n : Int16) : Float32

Obtains the Float32 whose value is the same as the given Int16.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

Int32.toFloat (n : Int32) : Float

Obtains the Float whose value is the same as the given Int32.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

Int32.toFloat32 (n : Int32) : Float32

Obtains a Float32 whose value is near the given Int32.

It will be exactly the value of the given Int32 if such a Float32 exists. If no such Float32 exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float32 that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float32 that is smaller than the given value.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

Int64.toFloat (n : Int64) : Float

Obtains a Float whose value is near the given Int64.

It will be exactly the value of the given Int64 if such a Float exists. If no such Float exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float that is smaller than the given value.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

Int64.toFloat32 (n : Int64) : Float32

Obtains a Float32 whose value is near the given Int64.

It will be exactly the value of the given Int64 if such a Float32 exists. If no such Float32 exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float32 that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float32 that is smaller than the given value.

This function does not reduce in the kernel.

USize.toFloat (n : USize) : Float

Obtains a Float whose value is near the given USize.

It will be exactly the value of the given USize if such a Float exists. If no such Float exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float that is smaller than the given value.

This function is opaque in the kernel, but is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.toFloat32 (n : USize) : Float32

Obtains a Float32 whose value is near the given USize.

It will be exactly the value of the given USize if such a Float32 exists. If no such Float32 exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float32 that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float32 that is smaller than the given value.

This function is opaque in the kernel, but is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.toFloat (n : UInt8) : Float

Obtains the Float whose value is the same as the given UInt8.

UInt8.toFloat32 (n : UInt8) : Float32

Obtains the Float32 whose value is the same as the given UInt8.

UInt16.toFloat (n : UInt16) : Float

Obtains the Float whose value is the same as the given UInt16.

UInt16.toFloat32 (n : UInt16) : Float32

Obtains the Float32 whose value is the same as the given UInt16.

UInt32.toFloat (n : UInt32) : Float

Obtains the Float whose value is the same as the given UInt32.

UInt32.toFloat32 (n : UInt32) : Float32

Obtains a Float32 whose value is near the given UInt32.

It will be exactly the value of the given UInt32 if such a Float32 exists. If no such Float32 exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float32 that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float32 that is smaller than the given value.

This function is opaque in the kernel, but is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.toFloat (n : UInt64) : Float

Obtains a Float whose value is near the given UInt64.

It will be exactly the value of the given UInt64 if such a Float exists. If no such Float exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float that is smaller than the given value.

This function is opaque in the kernel, but is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.toFloat32 (n : UInt64) : Float32

Obtains a Float32 whose value is near the given UInt64.

It will be exactly the value of the given UInt64 if such a Float32 exists. If no such Float32 exists, the returned value will either be the smallest Float32 that is larger than the given value, or the largest Float32 that is smaller than the given value.

This function is opaque in the kernel, but is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation. To and From Bitvectors

ISize.toBitVec (x : ISize) :
  BitVec System.Platform.numBits

Obtain the BitVec that contains the 2's complement representation of the ISize.

  (b : BitVec System.Platform.numBits) : ISize

Obtains the ISize whose 2's complement representation is the given BitVec.

Int8.toBitVec (x : Int8) : BitVec 8

Obtain the BitVec that contains the 2's complement representation of the Int8.

Int8.ofBitVec (b : BitVec 8) : Int8

Obtains the Int8 whose 2's complement representation is the given BitVec 8.

Int16.toBitVec (x : Int16) : BitVec 16

Obtain the BitVec that contains the 2's complement representation of the Int16.

Int16.ofBitVec (b : BitVec 16) : Int16

Obtains the Int16 whose 2's complement representation is the given BitVec 16.

Int32.toBitVec (x : Int32) : BitVec 32

Obtain the BitVec that contains the 2's complement representation of the Int32.

Int32.ofBitVec (b : BitVec 32) : Int32

Obtains the Int32 whose 2's complement representation is the given BitVec 32.

Int64.toBitVec (x : Int64) : BitVec 64

Obtain the BitVec that contains the 2's complement representation of the Int64.

Int64.ofBitVec (b : BitVec 64) : Int64

Obtains the Int64 whose 2's complement representation is the given BitVec 64. To and From Finite Numbers

USize.toFin (x : USize) : Fin USize.size

Converts a USize into the corresponding Fin USize.size.

UInt8.toFin (x : UInt8) : Fin UInt8.size

Converts a UInt8 into the corresponding Fin UInt8.size.

UInt16.toFin (x : UInt16) : Fin UInt16.size

Converts a UInt16 into the corresponding Fin UInt16.size.

UInt32.toFin (x : UInt32) : Fin UInt32.size

Converts a UInt32 into the corresponding Fin UInt32.size.

UInt64.toFin (x : UInt64) : Fin UInt64.size

Converts a UInt64 into the corresponding Fin UInt64.size.

USize.ofFin (a : Fin USize.size) : USize

Converts a Fin USize.size into the corresponding USize.

UInt8.ofFin (a : Fin UInt8.size) : UInt8

Converts a Fin UInt8.size into the corresponding UInt8.

UInt16.ofFin (a : Fin UInt16.size) : UInt16

Converts a Fin UInt16.size into the corresponding UInt16.

UInt32.ofFin (a : Fin UInt32.size) : UInt32

Converts a Fin UInt32.size into the corresponding UInt32.

UInt64.ofFin (a : Fin UInt64.size) : UInt64

Converts a Fin UInt64.size into the corresponding UInt64.

USize.repr (n : USize) : String

Converts a word-sized unsigned integer into a decimal string.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Examples: To Characters

The Char type is a wrapper around UInt32 that requires a proof that the wrapped integer represents a Unicode code point. This predicate is part of the UInt32 API.

UInt32.isValidChar (n : UInt32) : Prop

A UInt32 denotes a valid Unicode code point if it is less than 0x110000 and it is also not a surrogate code point (the range 0xd800 to 0xdfff inclusive). Comparisons🔗

The operators in this section are rarely invoked by name. Typically, comparisons operations on fixed-width integers should use the decidability of the corresponding relations, which consist of the equality type Eq and those implemented in instances of LE and LT.

USize.le (a b : USize) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of word-sized unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the operator.

ISize.le (a b : ISize) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of word-sized signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the operator.

UInt8.le (a b : UInt8) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of 8-bit unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the operator.

Int8.le (a b : Int8) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of 8-bit signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the operator.

UInt16.le (a b : UInt16) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of 16-bit unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the operator.

Int16.le (a b : Int16) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of 16-bit signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the operator.

UInt32.le (a b : UInt32) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of 32-bit unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the operator.

Int32.le (a b : Int32) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of 32-bit signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the operator.

UInt64.le (a b : UInt64) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of 64-bit unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the operator.

Int64.le (a b : Int64) : Prop

Non-strict inequality of 64-bit signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the operator.

🔗def (a b : USize) : Prop

Strict inequality of word-sized unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

🔗def (a b : ISize) : Prop

Strict inequality of word-sized signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

🔗def (a b : UInt8) : Prop

Strict inequality of 8-bit unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

🔗def (a b : Int8) : Prop

Strict inequality of 8-bit signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

🔗def (a b : UInt16) : Prop

Strict inequality of 16-bit unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

🔗def (a b : Int16) : Prop

Strict inequality of 16-bit signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

🔗def (a b : UInt32) : Prop

Strict inequality of 32-bit unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

🔗def (a b : Int32) : Prop

Strict inequality of 32-bit signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

🔗def (a b : UInt64) : Prop

Strict inequality of 64-bit unsigned integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding natural numbers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

🔗def (a b : Int64) : Prop

Strict inequality of 64-bit signed integers, defined as inequality of the corresponding integers. Usually accessed via the < operator.

USize.decEq (a b : USize) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two word-sized unsigned integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq USize instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


ISize.decEq (a b : ISize) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two word-sized signed integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq ISize instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt8.decEq (a b : UInt8) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two 8-bit unsigned integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq UInt8 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int8.decEq (a b : Int8) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two 8-bit signed integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq Int8 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt16.decEq (a b : UInt16) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two 16-bit unsigned integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq UInt16 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int16.decEq (a b : Int16) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two 16-bit signed integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq Int16 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt32.decEq (a b : UInt32) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two 32-bit unsigned integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq UInt32 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int32.decEq (a b : Int32) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two 32-bit signed integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq Int32 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt64.decEq (a b : UInt64) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two 64-bit unsigned integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq UInt64 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int64.decEq (a b : Int64) : Decidable (a = b)

Decides whether two 64-bit signed integers are equal. Usually accessed via the DecidableEq Int64 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


USize.decLe (a b : USize) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one word-sized unsigned integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE USize instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


ISize.decLe (a b : ISize) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one word-sized signed integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE ISize instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt8.decLe (a b : UInt8) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one 8-bit unsigned integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE UInt8 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int8.decLe (a b : Int8) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one 8-bit signed integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE Int8 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt16.decLe (a b : UInt16) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one 16-bit unsigned integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE UInt16 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int16.decLe (a b : Int16) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one 16-bit signed integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE Int16 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt32.decLe (a b : UInt32) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one 32-bit signed integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE UInt32 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int32.decLe (a b : Int32) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one 32-bit signed integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE Int32 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt64.decLe (a b : UInt64) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one 64-bit unsigned integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE UInt64 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int64.decLe (a b : Int64) : Decidable (ab)

Decides whether one 8-bit signed integer is less than or equal to another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLE Int64 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


USize.decLt (a b : USize) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one word-sized unsigned integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT USize instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


ISize.decLt (a b : ISize) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one word-sized signed integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT ISize instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt8.decLt (a b : UInt8) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one 8-bit unsigned integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT UInt8 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int8.decLt (a b : Int8) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one 8-bit signed integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT Int8 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt16.decLt (a b : UInt16) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one 16-bit unsigned integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT UInt16 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int16.decLt (a b : Int16) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one 16-bit signed integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT Int16 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt32.decLt (a b : UInt32) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one 8-bit unsigned integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT UInt32 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int32.decLt (a b : Int32) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one 32-bit signed integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT Int32 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt64.decLt (a b : UInt64) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one 64-bit unsigned integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT UInt64 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int64.decLt (a b : Int64) : Decidable (a < b)

Decides whether one 8-bit signed integer is strictly less than another. Usually accessed via the DecidableLT Int64 instance.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Examples: Arithmetic🔗

Typically, arithmetic operations on fixed-width integers should be accessed using Lean's overloaded arithmetic notation, particularly their instances of Add, Sub, Mul, Div, and Mod, as well as Neg for signed types.

ISize.neg (i : ISize) : ISize

Negates word-sized signed integers. Usually accessed via the - prefix operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.neg (i : Int8) : Int8

Negates 8-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the - prefix operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.neg (i : Int16) : Int16

Negates 16-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the - prefix operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.neg (i : Int32) : Int32

Negates 32-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the - prefix operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.neg (i : Int64) : Int64

Negates 64-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the - prefix operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.neg (a : USize) : USize

Negation of word-sized unsigned integers, computed modulo USize.size.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.neg (a : UInt8) : UInt8

Negation of 8-bit unsigned integers, computed modulo UInt8.size.

UInt8.neg a is equivalent to 255 - a + 1.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.neg (a : UInt16) : UInt16

Negation of 16-bit unsigned integers, computed modulo UInt16.size.

UInt16.neg a is equivalent to 65_535 - a + 1.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.neg (a : UInt32) : UInt32

Negation of 32-bit unsigned integers, computed modulo UInt32.size.

UInt32.neg a is equivalent to 429_4967_295 - a + 1.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.neg (a : UInt64) : UInt64

Negation of 32-bit unsigned integers, computed modulo UInt64.size.

UInt64.neg a is equivalent to 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 - a + 1.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.add (a b : USize) : USize

Adds two word-sized unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.add (a b : ISize) : ISize

Adds two word-sized signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.add (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

Adds two 8-bit unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.add (a b : Int8) : Int8

Adds two 8-bit signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.add (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

Adds two 16-bit unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.add (a b : Int16) : Int16

Adds two 16-bit signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.add (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

Adds two 32-bit unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.add (a b : Int32) : Int32

Adds two 32-bit signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.add (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

Adds two 64-bit unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.add (a b : Int64) : Int64

Adds two 64-bit signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the + operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.sub (a b : USize) : USize

Subtracts one word-sized-bit unsigned integer from another, wrapping around on underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.sub (a b : ISize) : ISize

Subtracts one word-sized signed integer from another, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.sub (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

Subtracts one 8-bit unsigned integer from another, wrapping around on underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.sub (a b : Int8) : Int8

Subtracts one 8-bit signed integer from another, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.sub (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

Subtracts one 16-bit unsigned integer from another, wrapping around on underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.sub (a b : Int16) : Int16

Subtracts one 16-bit signed integer from another, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.sub (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

Subtracts one 32-bit unsigned integer from another, wrapping around on underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.sub (a b : Int32) : Int32

Subtracts one 32-bit signed integer from another, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.sub (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

Subtracts one 64-bit unsigned integer from another, wrapping around on underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.sub (a b : Int64) : Int64

Subtracts one 64-bit signed integer from another, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the - operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.mul (a b : USize) : USize

Multiplies two word-sized unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.mul (a b : ISize) : ISize

Multiplies two word-sized signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.mul (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

Multiplies two 8-bit unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.mul (a b : Int8) : Int8

Multiplies two 8-bit signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.mul (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

Multiplies two 16-bit unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.mul (a b : Int16) : Int16

Multiplies two 16-bit signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.mul (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

Multiplies two 32-bit unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.mul (a b : Int32) : Int32

Multiplies two 32-bit signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.mul (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

Multiplies two 64-bit unsigned integers, wrapping around on overflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.mul (a b : Int64) : Int64

Multiplies two 64-bit signed integers, wrapping around on over- or underflow. Usually accessed via the * operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.div (a b : USize) : USize

Unsigned division for word-sized unsigned integers, discarding the remainder. Usually accessed via the / operator.

This operation is sometimes called “floor division.” Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.div (a b : ISize) : ISize

Truncating division for word-sized signed integers, rounding towards zero. Usually accessed via the / operator.

Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt8.div (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

Unsigned division for 8-bit unsigned integers, discarding the remainder. Usually accessed via the / operator.

This operation is sometimes called “floor division.” Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.div (a b : Int8) : Int8

Truncating division for 8-bit signed integers, rounding towards zero. Usually accessed via the / operator.

Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt16.div (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

Unsigned division for 16-bit unsigned integers, discarding the remainder. Usually accessed via the / operator.

This operation is sometimes called “floor division.” Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.div (a b : Int16) : Int16

Truncating division for 16-bit signed integers, rounding towards zero. Usually accessed via the / operator.

Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt32.div (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

Unsigned division for 32-bit unsigned integers, discarding the remainder. Usually accessed via the / operator.

This operation is sometimes called “floor division.” Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.div (a b : Int32) : Int32

Truncating division for 32-bit signed integers, rounding towards zero. Usually accessed via the / operator.

Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt64.div (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

Unsigned division for 64-bit unsigned integers, discarding the remainder. Usually accessed via the / operator.

This operation is sometimes called “floor division.” Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.div (a b : Int64) : Int64

Truncating division for 64-bit signed integers, rounding towards zero. Usually accessed via the / operator.

Division by zero is defined to be zero.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


USize.mod (a b : USize) : USize

The modulo operator for word-sized unsigned integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


ISize.mod (a b : ISize) : ISize

The modulo operator for word-sized signed integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another with the T-rounding convention used by ISize.div. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt8.mod (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

The modulo operator for 8-bit unsigned integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int8.mod (a b : Int8) : Int8

The modulo operator for 8-bit signed integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another with the T-rounding convention used by Int8.div. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt16.mod (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

The modulo operator for 16-bit unsigned integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int16.mod (a b : Int16) : Int16

The modulo operator for 16-bit signed integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another with the T-rounding convention used by Int16.div. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt32.mod (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

The modulo operator for 32-bit unsigned integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int32.mod (a b : Int32) : Int32

The modulo operator for 32-bit signed integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another with the T-rounding convention used by Int32.div. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


UInt64.mod (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

The modulo operator for 64-bit unsigned integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


Int64.mod (a b : Int64) : Int64

The modulo operator for 64-bit signed integers, which computes the remainder when dividing one integer by another with the T-rounding convention used by Int64.div. Usually accessed via the % operator.

When the divisor is 0, the result is the dividend rather than an error.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.


USize.log2 (a : USize) : USize

Base-two logarithm of word-sized unsigned integers. Returns ⌊max 0 (log₂ a)⌋.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation. This definition is the logical model.


UInt8.log2 (a : UInt8) : UInt8

Base-two logarithm of 8-bit unsigned integers. Returns ⌊max 0 (log₂ a)⌋.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation. This definition is the logical model.


UInt16.log2 (a : UInt16) : UInt16

Base-two logarithm of 16-bit unsigned integers. Returns ⌊max 0 (log₂ a)⌋.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation. This definition is the logical model.


UInt32.log2 (a : UInt32) : UInt32

Base-two logarithm of 32-bit unsigned integers. Returns ⌊max 0 (log₂ a)⌋.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation. This definition is the logical model.


UInt64.log2 (a : UInt64) : UInt64

Base-two logarithm of 64-bit unsigned integers. Returns ⌊max 0 (log₂ a)⌋.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation. This definition is the logical model.


ISize.abs (a : ISize) : ISize

Computes the absolute value of a word-sized signed integer.

This function is equivalent to if a < 0 then -a else a, so in particular ISize.minValue will be mapped to ISize.minValue.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.abs (a : Int8) : Int8

Computes the absolute value of an 8-bit signed integer.

This function is equivalent to if a < 0 then -a else a, so in particular Int8.minValue will be mapped to Int8.minValue.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.abs (a : Int16) : Int16

Computes the absolute value of a 16-bit signed integer.

This function is equivalent to if a < 0 then -a else a, so in particular Int16.minValue will be mapped to Int16.minValue.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.abs (a : Int32) : Int32

Computes the absolute value of a 32-bit signed integer.

This function is equivalent to if a < 0 then -a else a, so in particular Int32.minValue will be mapped to Int32.minValue.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.abs (a : Int64) : Int64

Computes the absolute value of a 64-bit signed integer.

This function is equivalent to if a < 0 then -a else a, so in particular Int64.minValue will be mapped to Int64.minValue.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation. Bitwise Operations

Typically, bitwise operations on fixed-width integers should be accessed using Lean's overloaded operators, particularly their instances of ShiftLeft, ShiftRight, AndOp, OrOp, and Xor.

🔗def (a b : USize) : USize

Bitwise and for word-sized unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

🔗def (a b : ISize) : ISize

Bitwise and for word-sized signed integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

🔗def (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

Bitwise and for 8-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

🔗def (a b : Int8) : Int8

Bitwise and for 8-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

🔗def (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

Bitwise and for 16-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

🔗def (a b : Int16) : Int16

Bitwise and for 16-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

🔗def (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

Bitwise and for 32-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

🔗def (a b : Int32) : Int32

Bitwise and for 32-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

🔗def (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

Bitwise and for 64-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

🔗def (a b : Int64) : Int64

Bitwise and for 64-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the &&& operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if the corresponding bits of both input integers are set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.lor (a b : USize) : USize

Bitwise or for word-sized unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.lor (a b : ISize) : ISize

Bitwise or for word-sized signed integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.lor (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

Bitwise or for 8-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.lor (a b : Int8) : Int8

Bitwise or for 8-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.lor (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

Bitwise or for 16-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.lor (a b : Int16) : Int16

Bitwise or for 16-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.lor (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

Bitwise or for 32-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.lor (a b : Int32) : Int32

Bitwise or for 32-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.lor (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

Bitwise or for 64-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.lor (a b : Int64) : Int64

Bitwise or for 64-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ||| operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if at least one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.xor (a b : USize) : USize

Bitwise exclusive or for word-sized unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.xor (a b : ISize) : ISize

Bitwise exclusive or for word-sized signed integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.xor (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

Bitwise exclusive or for 8-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.xor (a b : Int8) : Int8

Bitwise exclusive or for 8-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.xor (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

Bitwise exclusive or for 8-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.xor (a b : Int16) : Int16

Bitwise exclusive or for 16-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.xor (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

Bitwise exclusive or for 32-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.xor (a b : Int32) : Int32

Bitwise exclusive or for 32-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.xor (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

Bitwise exclusive or for 64-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of both input integers are set.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.xor (a b : Int64) : Int64

Bitwise exclusive or for 64-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ^^^ operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is set if exactly one of the corresponding bits of the input integers is set, according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.complement (a : USize) : USize

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for word-sized unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.complement (a : ISize) : ISize

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for word-sized signed integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer. Integers use the two's complement representation, so ISize.complement a = -(a + 1).

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.complement (a : UInt8) : UInt8

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for 8-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.complement (a : Int8) : Int8

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for 8-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer. Integers use the two's complement representation, so Int8.complement a = -(a + 1).

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.complement (a : UInt16) : UInt16

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for 16-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.complement (a : Int16) : Int16

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for 16-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer. Integers use the two's complement representation, so Int16.complement a = -(a + 1).

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.complement (a : UInt32) : UInt32

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for 32-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.complement (a : Int32) : Int32

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for 32-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer. Integers use the two's complement representation, so Int32.complement a = -(a + 1).

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.complement (a : UInt64) : UInt64

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for 64-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.complement (a : Int64) : Int64

Bitwise complement, also known as bitwise negation, for 64-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the ~~~ prefix operator.

Each bit of the resulting integer is the opposite of the corresponding bit of the input integer. Integers use the two's complement representation, so Int64.complement a = -(a + 1).

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.shiftLeft (a b : USize) : USize

Bitwise left shift for word-sized unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.shiftLeft (a b : ISize) : ISize

Bitwise left shift for word-sized signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

Signed integers are interpreted as bitvectors according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.shiftLeft (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

Bitwise left shift for 8-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.shiftLeft (a b : Int8) : Int8

Bitwise left shift for 8-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

Signed integers are interpreted as bitvectors according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.shiftLeft (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

Bitwise left shift for 16-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.shiftLeft (a b : Int16) : Int16

Bitwise left shift for 16-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

Signed integers are interpreted as bitvectors according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.shiftLeft (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

Bitwise left shift for 32-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.shiftLeft (a b : Int32) : Int32

Bitwise left shift for 32-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

Signed integers are interpreted as bitvectors according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.shiftLeft (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

Bitwise left shift for 64-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.shiftLeft (a b : Int64) : Int64

Bitwise left shift for 64-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

Signed integers are interpreted as bitvectors according to the two's complement representation.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

USize.shiftRight (a b : USize) : USize

Bitwise right shift for word-sized unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the >>> operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

ISize.shiftRight (a b : ISize) : ISize

Arithmetic right shift for word-sized signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

The high bits are filled with the value of the most significant bit.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt8.shiftRight (a b : UInt8) : UInt8

Bitwise right shift for 8-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the >>> operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int8.shiftRight (a b : Int8) : Int8

Arithmetic right shift for 8-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

The high bits are filled with the value of the most significant bit.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt16.shiftRight (a b : UInt16) : UInt16

Bitwise right shift for 16-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the >>> operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int16.shiftRight (a b : Int16) : Int16

Arithmetic right shift for 16-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

The high bits are filled with the value of the most significant bit.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt32.shiftRight (a b : UInt32) : UInt32

Bitwise right shift for 32-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the >>> operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int32.shiftRight (a b : Int32) : Int32

Arithmetic right shift for 32-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

The high bits are filled with the value of the most significant bit.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

UInt64.shiftRight (a b : UInt64) : UInt64

Bitwise right shift for 64-bit unsigned integers. Usually accessed via the >>> operator.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.

Int64.shiftRight (a b : Int64) : Int64

Arithmetic right shift for 64-bit signed integers. Usually accessed via the <<< operator.

The high bits are filled with the value of the most significant bit.

This function is overridden at runtime with an efficient implementation.