14.11. Booleans

🔗inductive type
Bool : Type

Bool is the type of boolean values, true and false. Classically, this is equivalent to Prop (the type of propositions), but the distinction is important for programming, because values of type Prop are erased in the code generator, while Bool corresponds to the type called bool or boolean in most programming languages.


false : Bool

The boolean value false, not to be confused with the proposition False.

true : Bool

The boolean value true, not to be confused with the proposition True.

The constructors Bool.true and Bool.false are exported from the Bool namespace, so they can be written true and false.

14.11.1. Run-Time Representation

Because Bool is an enum inductive type, it is represented by a single byte in compiled code.

14.11.2. Booleans and Propositions

Both Bool and Prop represent notions of truth. From a purely logical perspective, they are equivalent: propositional extensionality means that there are fundamentally only two propositions, namely True and False. However, there is an important pragmatic difference: Bool classifies values that can be computed by programs, while Prop classifies statements for which code generation doesn't make sense. In other words, Bool is the notion of truth and falsehood that's appropriate for programs, while Prop is the notion that's appropriate for mathematics. Because proofs are erased from compiled programs, keeping Bool and Prop distinct makes it clear which parts of a Lean file are intended for computation.

A Bool can be used wherever a Prop is expected. There is a coercion from every Bool b to the proposition b = true. By propext, true = true is equal to True, and false = true is equal to False.

Not every proposition can be used by programs to make run-time decisions. Otherwise, a program could branch on whether the Collatz conjecture is true or false! Many propositions, however, can be checked algorithmically. These propositions are called decidable propositions, and have instances of the Decidable type class. The function Decidable.decide converts a proof-carrying Decidable result into a Bool. This function is also a coercion from decidable propositions to Bool, so (2 = 2 : Bool) evaluates to true.

14.11.3. Syntax


The infix operators &&, ||, and ^^ are notations for Bool.and, Bool.or, and Bool.xor, respectively.

term ::= ...
    | `and x y`, or `x && y`, is the boolean "and" operation (not to be confused
with `And : Prop → Prop → Prop`, which is the propositional connective).
It is `@[macro_inline]` because it has C-like short-circuiting behavior:
if `x` is false then `y` is not evaluated.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `&&` in identifiers is `and`.term && term
term ::= ...
    | `or x y`, or `x || y`, is the boolean "or" operation (not to be confused
with `Or : Prop → Prop → Prop`, which is the propositional connective).
It is `@[macro_inline]` because it has C-like short-circuiting behavior:
if `x` is true then `y` is not evaluated.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `||` in identifiers is `or`.term || term
term ::= ...
    | Boolean exclusive or 

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `^^` in identifiers is `xor`.term ^^ term

The prefix operator ! is notation for Bool.not.

term ::= ...
    | `not x`, or `!x`, is the boolean "not" operation (not to be confused
with `Not : Prop → Prop`, which is the propositional connective).

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `!` in identifiers is `not`.!term

14.11.4. API Reference Logical Operations

The functions cond, and, and or are short-circuiting. In other words, false && BIG_EXPENSIVE_COMPUTATION does not need to execute BIG_EXPENSIVE_COMPUTATION before returning false. These functions are defined using the macro_inline attribute, which causes the compiler to replace calls to them with their definitions while generating code, and the definitions use nested pattern matching to achieve the short-circuiting behavior.

cond.{u} {α : Type u} (c : Bool) (x y : α) : α

cond b x y is the same as if b then x else y, but optimized for a boolean condition. It can also be written as bif b then x else y. This is @[macro_inline] because x and y should not be eagerly evaluated (see ite).

Bool.not : BoolBool

not x, or !x, is the boolean "not" operation (not to be confused with Not : Prop Prop, which is the propositional connective).

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of ! in identifiers is not.

Bool.and (x y : Bool) : Bool

and x y, or x && y, is the boolean "and" operation (not to be confused with And : Prop Prop Prop, which is the propositional connective). It is @[macro_inline] because it has C-like short-circuiting behavior: if x is false then y is not evaluated.

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of && in identifiers is and.

  • The recommended spelling of || in identifiers is or.

Bool.or (x y : Bool) : Bool

or x y, or x || y, is the boolean "or" operation (not to be confused with Or : Prop Prop Prop, which is the propositional connective). It is @[macro_inline] because it has C-like short-circuiting behavior: if x is true then y is not evaluated.

Bool.xor : BoolBoolBool

Boolean exclusive or

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

  • The recommended spelling of ^^ in identifiers is xor.

Bool.atLeastTwo (a b c : Bool) : Bool

At least two out of three booleans are true. Comparisons

Bool.decEq (a b : Bool) : Decidable (a = b)

Decidable equality for Bool Conversions

Bool.toISize (b : Bool) : ISize
Bool.toUInt8 (b : Bool) : UInt8
Bool.toUInt16 (b : Bool) : UInt16
Bool.toUInt32 (b : Bool) : UInt32
Bool.toUInt64 (b : Bool) : UInt64
Bool.toUSize (b : Bool) : USize
Bool.toInt8 (b : Bool) : Int8
Bool.toInt16 (b : Bool) : Int16
Bool.toInt32 (b : Bool) : Int32
Bool.toInt64 (b : Bool) : Int64
Bool.toNat (b : Bool) : Nat

convert a Bool to a Nat, false -> 0, true -> 1

Bool.toInt (b : Bool) : Int

convert a Bool to an Int, false -> 0, true -> 1