14.16. Arrays🔗

The Array type represents sequences of elements, addressable by their position in the sequence. Arrays are specially supported by Lean:

  • They have a logical model that specifies their behavior in terms of lists of elements, which specifies the meaning of each operation on arrays.

  • They have an optimized run-time representation in compiled code as dynamic arrays, and the Lean runtime specially optimizes array operations.

  • There is array literal syntax for writing arrays.

Arrays can be vastly more efficient than lists or other sequences in compiled code. In part, this is because they offer good locality: because all the elements of the sequence are next to each other in memory, the processor's caches can be used efficiently. Even more importantly, if there is only a single reference to an array, operations that might otherwise copy or allocate a data structure can be implemented via mutation. Lean code that uses an array in such a way that there's only ever one unique reference (that is, uses it linearly) avoids the performance overhead of persistent data structures while still being as convenient to write, read, and prove things about as ordinary pure functional programs.

14.16.1. Logical Model

Array.{u} (α : Type u) : Type u

Array α is the type of dynamic arrays with elements from α. This type has special support in the runtime.

An array has a size and a capacity; the size is Array.size but the capacity is not observable from Lean code. Arrays perform best when unshared; as long as they are used "linearly" all updates will be performed destructively on the array, so it has comparable performance to mutable arrays in imperative programming languages.

From the point of view of proofs Array α is just a wrapper around List α.



Converts a List α into an Array α.

You can also use the synonym List.toArray when dot notation is convenient.

At runtime, this constructor is implemented by List.toArrayImpl and is O(n) in the length of the list.


toList : List α

Converts a Array α into an List α.

At runtime, this projection is implemented by Array.toListImpl and is O(n) in the length of the array.

The logical model of arrays is a structure that contains a single field, which is a list of elements. This is convenient when specifying and proving properties of array-processing functions at a low level.

14.16.2. Run-Time Representation🔗

Lean's arrays are dynamic arrays, which are blocks of continuous memory with a defined capacity, not all of which is typically in use. As long as the number of elements in the array is less than the capacity, new items can be added to the end without reallocating or moving the data. Adding items to an array that has no extra space results in a reallocation that doubles the capacity. The amortized overhead scales linearly with the size of the array. The values in the array are represented as described in the section on the foreign function interface.

Memory layout of arrays

Memory layout of arrays

After the object header, an array contains:


The number of objects currently stored in the array


The number of objects that fit in the memory allocated for the array


The values in the array

Many array functions in the Lean runtime check whether they have exclusive access to their argument by consulting the reference count in the object header. If they do, and the array's capacity is sufficient, then the existing array can be mutated rather than allocating fresh memory. Otherwise, a new array must be allocated. Performance Notes🔗

Despite the fact that they appear to be an ordinary constructor and projection, Array.mk and Array.data take time linear in the size of the array in compiled code. This is because they must implement the conversions between linked lists and packed arrays, which must necessarily visit each element.

Mutable arrays can be used to write very efficient code. However, they are a poor persistent data structure. Updating a shared array rules out mutation, and requires time linear in the size of the array. When using arrays in performance-critical code, it's important to ensure that they are used linearly.

14.16.3. Syntax🔗

Array literals allow arrays to be written directly in code. They may be used in expression or pattern contexts.


Array literals begin with #[ and contain a comma-separated sequence of terms, terminating with ].

term ::= ...
    | Syntax for `Array α`. 

Conventions for notations in identifiers:

 * The recommended spelling of `#[]` in identifiers is `empty`.

 * The recommended spelling of `#[x]` in identifiers is `singleton`.#[term,*]
Array Literals

Array literals may be used as expressions or as patterns.

def oneTwoThree : Array Nat := #[1, 2, 3] some 2#eval match oneTwoThree with | #[x, y, z] => some ((x + z) / y) | _ => none

Additionally, sub-arrays may be extracted using the following syntax:


A start index followed by a colon constructs a sub-array that contains the values from the start index onwards (inclusive):

term ::= ...
    | term[term :]

Providing start and end indices constructs a sub-array that contains the values from the start index (inclusive) to the end index (exclusive):

term ::= ...
    | term[term : term]
Sub-array Syntax

The array ten contains the first ten natural numbers.

def ten : Array Nat := .range 10

A sub-array that represents the second half of ten can be constructed using the sub-array syntax:

#[5, 6, 7, 8, 9].toSubarray#eval ten[5:]
#[5, 6, 7, 8, 9].toSubarray

Similarly, sub-array that contains two through five can be constructed by providing a stopping point:

#[2, 3, 4, 5].toSubarray#eval ten[2:6]
#[2, 3, 4, 5].toSubarray

Because sub-arrays merely store the start and end indices of interest in the underlying array, the array itself can be recovered:

true#eval ten[2:6].array == ten

14.16.4. API Reference🔗 Constructing Arrays

Array.empty.{u} {α : Type u} : Array α

Construct a new empty array.

Array.singleton.{u} {α : Type u} (v : α) :
  Array α
Array.range (n : Nat) : Array Nat

The array #[0, 1, ..., n - 1].

Array.range' (start size : Nat)
  (step : Nat := 1) : Array Nat

The array #[start, start + step, ..., start + step * (size - 1)].

Array.finRange (n : Nat) : Array (Fin n)

finRange n is the array of all elements of Fin n in order.

Array.ofFn.{u} {α : Type u} {n : Nat}
  (f : Fin nα) : Array α

ofFn f with f : Fin n α returns the list whose ith element is f i.

ofFn f = #[f 0, f 1, ... , f(n - 1)]
Array.mkArray.{u} {α : Type u} (n : Nat)
  (v : α) : Array α
Array.append.{u} {α : Type u}
  (as bs : Array α) : Array α
Array.appendList.{u} {α : Type u} (as : Array α)
  (bs : List α) : Array α Size

Array.size.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α) : Nat

Get the size of an array. This is a cached value, so it is O(1) to access.

Array.usize.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α) :

Low-level version of size that directly queries the C array object cached size. While this is not provable, usize always returns the exact size of the array since the implementation only supports arrays of size less than USize.size.

Array.isEmpty.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α) :
  Bool Lookups

Array.extract.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (as : Array α) (start : Nat := 0)
  (stop : Nat := as.size) : Array α

Returns the slice of as from indices start to stop (exclusive). If start is greater or equal to stop, the result is empty. If stop is greater than the length of as, the length is used instead.

Array.getD.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (a : Array α)
  (i : Nat) (v₀ : α) : α

Access an element from an array, or return v₀ if the index is out of bounds.

Array.uget.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (i : USize) (h : i.toNat < a.size) : α

Low-level version of fget which is as fast as a C array read. Fin values are represented as tag pointers in the Lean runtime. Thus, fget may be slightly slower than uget.

Array.back?.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α) :
  Option α

Return the last element of an array, or none if the array is empty.

See back! for the version that panics if the array is empty, or back for the version that requires a proof the array is non-empty.

Array.back!.{u} {α : Type u} [Inhabited α]
  (a : Array α) : α

Return the last element of an array, or panic if the array is empty.

See back for the version that requires a proof the array is non-empty, or back? for the version that returns an option.

Array.back.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (h : 0 < a.size := by get_elem_tactic) : α

Return the last element of an array, given a proof that the array is not empty.

See back! for the version that panics if the array is empty, or back? for the version that returns an option.

Array.getMax?.{u} {α : Type u} (as : Array α)
  (lt : ααBool) : Option α Queries

Array.count.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] (a : α)
  (as : Array α) : Nat
Array.countP.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Array α) : Nat
Array.idxOf.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] (a : α) :
  Array αNat

Returns the index of the first element equal to a, or the length of the array otherwise.

Array.idxOf?.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (a : Array α) (v : α) : Option Nat
Array.finIdxOf?.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (a : Array α) (v : α) : Option (Fin a.size) Conversions

Array.toList.{u} {α : Type u} (self : Array α) :
  List α

Converts a Array α into an List α.

At runtime, this projection is implemented by Array.toListImpl and is O(n) in the length of the array.

Array.toListRev.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (arr : Array α) : List α

A more efficient version of arr.toList.reverse.

Array.toListAppend.{u} {α : Type u}
  (as : Array α) (l : List α) : List α

Prepends an Array α onto the front of a list. Equivalent to as.toList ++ l.

Array.toVector.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (xs : Array α) : Vector α xs.size

Convert xs : Array α to Vector α xs.size.

Array.toSubarray.{u} {α : Type u} (as : Array α)
  (start : Nat := 0) (stop : Nat := as.size) :
  Subarray α
Array.ofSubarray.{u} {α : Type u}
  (s : Subarray α) : Array α
Array.toPArray'.{u} {α : Type u}
  (xs : Array α) : Lean.PersistentArray α Modification

Array.push.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (v : α) : Array α

Push an element onto the end of an array. This is amortized O(1) because Array α is internally a dynamic array.

Array.pop.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α) :
  Array α
Array.popWhile.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Array α) : Array α
Array.erase.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (as : Array α) (a : α) : Array α

Remove a specified element from an array, or do nothing if it is not present.

This function takes worst case O(n) time because it has to backshift all later elements.

Array.eraseP.{u} {α : Type u} (as : Array α)
  (p : αBool) : Array α

Erase the first element that satisfies the predicate p.

This function takes worst case O(n) time because it has to backshift all later elements.

Array.eraseIdx.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (i : Nat)
  (h : i < a.size := by get_elem_tactic) :
  Array α

Remove the element at a given index from an array without a runtime bounds checks, using a Nat index and a tactic-provided bound.

This function takes worst case O(n) time because it has to backshift all elements at positions greater than i.

Array.eraseIdx!.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (i : Nat) : Array α

Remove the element at a given index from an array, or panic if the index is out of bounds.

This function takes worst case O(n) time because it has to backshift all elements at positions greater than i.

Array.eraseIdxIfInBounds.{u} {α : Type u}
  (a : Array α) (i : Nat) : Array α

Remove the element at a given index from an array, or do nothing if the index is out of bounds.

This function takes worst case O(n) time because it has to backshift all elements at positions greater than i.

Array.eraseReps.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [BEq α]
  (as : Array α) : Array α

O(|l|). Erase repeated adjacent elements. Keeps the first occurrence of each run.

  • eraseReps #[1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5] = #[1, 3, 2, 3, 5]

Array.swap.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (i j : Nat)
  (hi : i < a.size := by get_elem_tactic)
  (hj : j < a.size := by get_elem_tactic) :
  Array α

Swaps two entries in an array.

This will perform the update destructively provided that a has a reference count of 1 when called.

Array.swapIfInBounds.{u} {α : Type u}
  (a : Array α) (i j : Nat) : Array α

Swaps two entries in an array, or returns the array unchanged if either index is out of bounds.

This will perform the update destructively provided that a has a reference count of 1 when called.

Array.swapAt.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (i : Nat) (v : α)
  (hi : i < a.size := by get_elem_tactic) :
  α × Array α
Array.swapAt!.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (i : Nat) (v : α) : α × Array α
Array.set.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (a : Array α)
  (i : Nat) (v : α)
  (h : i < a.size := by get_elem_tactic) :
  Array α

Set an element in an array, using a proof that the index is in bounds. (This proof can usually be omitted, and will be synthesized automatically.)

This will perform the update destructively provided that a has a reference count of 1 when called.

Array.set!.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (a : Array α)
  (i : Nat) (v : α) : Array α

Set an element in an array, or panic if the index is out of bounds.

This will perform the update destructively provided that a has a reference count of 1 when called.

Array.setIfInBounds.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (a : Array α) (i : Nat) (v : α) : Array α

Set an element in an array, or do nothing if the index is out of bounds.

This will perform the update destructively provided that a has a reference count of 1 when called.

Array.uset.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (i : USize) (v : α) (h : i.toNat < a.size) :
  Array α

Low-level version of fset which is as fast as a C array fset. Fin values are represented as tag pointers in the Lean runtime. Thus, fset may be slightly slower than uset.

Array.modify.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (i : Nat) (f : αα) : Array α
Array.modifyM.{u, u_1} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type uType u_1} [Monad m]
  (a : Array α) (i : Nat) (f : αm α) :
  m (Array α)
Array.modifyOp.{u} {α : Type u} (self : Array α)
  (idx : Nat) (f : αα) : Array α
Array.insertIdx.{u} {α : Type u} (as : Array α)
  (i : Nat) (a : α) :
  autoParam (ias.size) _auto✝Array α

Insert element a at position i.

This function takes worst case O(n) time because it has to swap the inserted element into place.

Array.insertIdx!.{u} {α : Type u} (as : Array α)
  (i : Nat) (a : α) : Array α

Insert element a at position i. Panics if i is not i as.size.

Array.insertIdxIfInBounds.{u} {α : Type u}
  (as : Array α) (i : Nat) (a : α) : Array α

Insert element a at position i, or do nothing if as.size < i.

Array.reverse.{u} {α : Type u} (as : Array α) :
  Array α
Array.binInsertM.{u, v} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type uType v} [Monad m]
  (lt : ααBool) (merge : αm α)
  (add : Unitm α) (as : Array α) (k : α) :
  m (Array α)
Array.take.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (n : Nat) : Array α

take a n returns the first n elements of a, implemented by copying the first n elements.

Array.takeWhile.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Array α) : Array α
Array.drop.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (n : Nat) : Array α

drop a n removes the first n elements of a, implemented by copying the remaining elements.

Array.shrink.{u} {α : Type u} (a : Array α)
  (n : Nat) : Array α

shrink a n returns the first n elements of a, implemented by repeatedly popping the last element.

Array.flatten.{u} {α : Type u}
  (as : Array (Array α)) : Array α

Joins array of array into a single array.

flatten #[#[a₁, a₂, ], #[b₁, b₂, ], ] = #[a₁, a₂, , b₁, b₂, ]

Array.getEvenElems.{u} {α : Type u}
  (as : Array α) : Array α Sorted Arrays

Array.qsort.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} (as : Array α)
  (lt : ααBool := by exact (· < ·))
  (low : Nat := 0) (high : Nat := as.size - 1) :
  Array α
Array.qsortOrd.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  [ord : Ord α] (xs : Array α) : Array α

Sort an array using compare to compare elements.

Array.insertionSort.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (a : Array α)
  (lt : ααBool := by exact (· < ·)) :
  Array α
Array.binInsert.{u} {α : Type u}
  (lt : ααBool) (as : Array α) (k : α) :
  Array α
Array.binSearch {α : Type} (as : Array α)
  (k : α) (lt : ααBool) (lo : Nat := 0)
  (hi : Nat := as.size - 1) : Option α
Array.binSearchContains {α : Type}
  (as : Array α) (k : α) (lt : ααBool)
  (lo : Nat := 0) (hi : Nat := as.size - 1) :
  Bool Iteration

Array.foldr.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αββ) (init : β) (as : Array α)
  (start : Nat := as.size) (stop : Nat := 0) : β
Array.foldrM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : αβm β) (init : β) (as : Array α)
  (start : Nat := as.size) (stop : Nat := 0) :
  m β

Reference implementation for foldrM

Array.foldl.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : βαβ) (init : β) (as : Array α)
  (start : Nat := 0) (stop : Nat := as.size) : β
Array.foldlM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : βαm β) (init : β) (as : Array α)
  (start : Nat := 0) (stop : Nat := as.size) :
  m β

Reference implementation for foldlM

Array.forM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : αm PUnit) (as : Array α)
  (start : Nat := 0) (stop : Nat := as.size) :
  m PUnit
Array.forRevM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : αm PUnit) (as : Array α)
  (start : Nat := as.size) (stop : Nat := 0) :
  m PUnit
Array.forIn'.{u, v, w} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  {m : Type vType w} [Monad m] (as : Array α)
  (b : β)
  (f : (a : α) → aasβm (ForInStep β)) :
  m β

Reference implementation for forIn'

Array.firstM.{u, v, w} {β : Type v} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type vType w} [Alternative m]
  (f : αm β) (as : Array α) : m β
Array.sum.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [Add α]
  [Zero α] : Array αα

Sum of an array.

Array.sum #[a, b, c] = a + (b + (c + 0)) Transformation

Array.flatMap.{u, u_1} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type u_1} (f : αArray β)
  (as : Array α) : Array β
Array.flatMapM.{u, u_1, u_2} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {β : Type u_1}
  [Monad m] (f : αm (Array β))
  (as : Array α) : m (Array β)
Array.zip.{u, u_1} {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1}
  (as : Array α) (bs : Array β) : Array (α × β)
Array.zipWith.{u, u_1, u_2} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type u_1} {γ : Type u_2} (f : αβγ)
  (as : Array α) (bs : Array β) : Array γ
Array.zipWithAll.{u, u_1, u_2} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type u_1} {γ : Type u_2}
  (f : Option αOption βγ) (as : Array α)
  (bs : Array β) : Array γ
Array.zipIdx.{u} {α : Type u} (arr : Array α)
  (start : Nat := 0) : Array (α × Nat)

Turns #[a, b] into #[(a, 0), (b, 1)].

Array.unzip.{u, u_1} {α : Type u} {β : Type u_1}
  (as : Array (α × β)) : Array α × Array β
Array.map.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αβ) (as : Array α) : Array β
Array.mapMono.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (as : Array α) (f : αα) : Array α
Array.mapM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  {m : Type vType w} [Monad m] (f : αm β)
  (as : Array α) : m (Array β)

Reference implementation for mapM

Array.mapM'.{u_1, u_2, u_3}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_3}
  {β : Type u_1} [Monad m] (f : αm β)
  (as : Array α) : m { bs // bs.size = as.size }
Array.mapMonoM.{u_1, u_2}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  [Monad m] (as : Array α) (f : αm α) :
  m (Array α)

Monomorphic Array.mapM. The internal implementation uses pointer equality, and does not allocate a new array if the result of each f a is a pointer equal value a.

Array.mapIdx.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : Natαβ) (as : Array α) : Array β
Array.mapIdxM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : Natαm β) (as : Array α) :
  m (Array β)
Array.mapFinIdx.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (as : Array α)
  (f : (i : Nat) → αi < as.sizeβ) :
  Array β

Variant of mapIdx which receives the index as a Fin as.size.

Array.mapIndexed.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} (arr : Array α)
  (f : Fin arr.sizeαβ) : Array β
Array.mapIndexedM.{u_1, u_2, u_3}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {α : Type u_3}
  {β : Type u_1} [Monad m] (arr : Array α)
  (f : Fin arr.sizeαm β) : m (Array β)
Array.mapFinIdxM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (as : Array α)
  (f : (i : Nat) → αi < as.sizem β) :
  m (Array β)

Variant of mapIdxM which receives the index i along with the bound i < as.size.

Array.flatMap.{u, u_1} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type u_1} (f : αArray β)
  (as : Array α) : Array β
Array.flatMapM.{u, u_1, u_2} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {β : Type u_1}
  [Monad m] (f : αm (Array β))
  (as : Array α) : m (Array β) Filtering

Array.filterMap.{u, u_1} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type u_1} (f : αOption β)
  (as : Array α) (start : Nat := 0)
  (stop : Nat := as.size) : Array β
Array.filter.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Array α) (start : Nat := 0)
  (stop : Nat := as.size) : Array α
Array.filterM.{u_1} {m : TypeType u_1}
  {α : Type} [Monad m] (p : αm Bool)
  (as : Array α) (start : Nat := 0)
  (stop : Nat := as.size) : m (Array α)
Array.filterRevM.{u_1} {m : TypeType u_1}
  {α : Type} [Monad m] (p : αm Bool)
  (as : Array α) (start : Nat := as.size)
  (stop : Nat := 0) : m (Array α)
Array.filterMapM.{u, u_1, u_2} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type u_1Type u_2} {β : Type u_1}
  [Monad m] (f : αm (Option β))
  (as : Array α) (start : Nat := 0)
  (stop : Nat := as.size) : m (Array β)
Array.filterPairsM.{u_1} {m : TypeType u_1}
  [Monad m] {α : Type} (a : Array α)
  (f : ααm (Bool × Bool)) : m (Array α)

Given an array a, runs f xᵢ xⱼ for all i < j, removes those entries for which f returns false (and will subsequently skip pairs if one element is removed), and returns the array of remaining elements.

This can be used to remove elements from an array where a “better” element, in some partial order, exists in the array.

Array.filterSepElems (a : Array Lean.Syntax)
  (p : Lean.SyntaxBool) : Array Lean.Syntax
Array.filterSepElemsM {m : TypeType}
  [Monad m] (a : Array Lean.Syntax)
  (p : Lean.Syntaxm Bool) :
  m (Array Lean.Syntax) Partitioning

Array.partition.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Array α) : Array α × Array α
Array.groupByKey.{u, v} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} [BEq α] [Hashable α]
  (key : βα) (xs : Array β) :
  Std.HashMap α (Array β)

Groups all elements x, y in xs with key x == key y into the same array (xs.groupByKey key).find! (key x). Groups preserve the relative order of elements in xs. Element Predicates

Array.contains.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (as : Array α) (a : α) : Bool

as.contains a is true if there is some element b in as such that a == b.

Array.elem.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α] (a : α)
  (as : Array α) : Bool

Variant of Array.contains with arguments reversed.

For verification purposes, we simplify this to contains.

Array.find?.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Array α) : Option α
Array.findRev? {α : Type} (p : αBool)
  (as : Array α) : Option α
Array.findIdx.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Array α) : Nat
Array.findIdx?.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Array α) : Option Nat
Array.findFinIdx?.{u} {α : Type u}
  (p : αBool) (as : Array α) :
  Option (Fin as.size)
Array.findM? {α : Type} {m : TypeType}
  [Monad m] (p : αm Bool) (as : Array α) :
  m (Option α)

Note that the universe level is contrained to Type here, to avoid having to have the predicate live in p : α m (ULift Bool).

Array.findRevM?.{w} {α : Type}
  {m : TypeType w} [Monad m] (p : αm Bool)
  (as : Array α) : m (Option α)
Array.findIdxM?.{u, u_1} {α : Type u}
  {m : TypeType u_1} [Monad m]
  (p : αm Bool) (as : Array α) :
  m (Option Nat)
Array.findSomeM?.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : αm (Option β)) (as : Array α) :
  m (Option β)
Array.findSomeRev?.{u, v} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} (f : αOption β)
  (as : Array α) : Option β
Array.findSomeRevM?.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : αm (Option β)) (as : Array α) :
  m (Option β)
Array.all.{u} {α : Type u} (as : Array α)
  (p : αBool) (start : Nat := 0)
  (stop : Nat := as.size) : Bool
Array.allM.{u, w} {α : Type u}
  {m : TypeType w} [Monad m] (p : αm Bool)
  (as : Array α) (start : Nat := 0)
  (stop : Nat := as.size) : m Bool
Array.allDiff.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (as : Array α) : Bool
Array.any.{u} {α : Type u} (as : Array α)
  (p : αBool) (start : Nat := 0)
  (stop : Nat := as.size) : Bool
Array.anyM.{u, w} {α : Type u}
  {m : TypeType w} [Monad m] (p : αm Bool)
  (as : Array α) (start : Nat := 0)
  (stop : Nat := as.size) : m Bool
Array.isEqv.{u} {α : Type u} (a b : Array α)
  (p : ααBool) : Bool
Array.findSome?.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αOption β) (as : Array α) : Option β
Array.findSome!.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  [Inhabited β] (f : αOption β)
  (a : Array α) : β Comparisons

Array.isPrefixOf.{u} {α : Type u} [BEq α]
  (as bs : Array α) : Bool

Return true iff as is a prefix of bs. That is, bs = as ++ t for some t : List α.

Array.lex.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [BEq α]
  (as bs : Array α)
  (lt : ααBool := by exact (· < ·)) : Bool

Lexicographic comparator for arrays.

lex as bs lt is true if

  • bs is larger than as and as is pairwise equivalent via == to the initial segment of bs, or

  • there is an index i such that lt as[i] bs[i], and for all j < i, as[j] == bs[j]. Termination Helpers

Array.attach.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (xs : Array α) : Array { x // xxs }

O(1). "Attach" the proof that the elements of xs are in xs to produce a new array with the same elements but in the type {x // x xs}.

Array.attachWith.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (xs : Array α) (P : αProp)
  (H : ∀ (x : α), xxsP x) :
  Array { x // P x }

O(1). "Attach" a proof P x that holds for all the elements of xs to produce a new array with the same elements but in the type {x // P x}.

Array.unattach.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  {p : αProp} (l : Array { x // p x }) :
  Array α

A synonym for l.map (·.val). Mostly this should not be needed by users. It is introduced as in intermediate step by lemmas such as map_subtype, and is ideally subsequently simplified away by unattach_attach.

If not, usually the right approach is simp [Array.unattach, -Array.map_subtype] to unfold.

Array.pmap.{u_1, u_2} {α : Type u_1}
  {β : Type u_2} {P : αProp}
  (f : (a : α) → P aβ) (l : Array α)
  (H : ∀ (a : α), alP a) : Array β

O(n). Partial map. If f : Π a, P a → β is a partial function defined on a : α satisfying P, then pmap f l h is essentially the same as map f l but is defined only when all members of l satisfy P, using the proof to apply f.

We replace this at runtime with a more efficient version via the csimp lemma pmap_eq_pmapImpl. Proof Automation

Array.reduceOption.{u} {α : Type u}
  (as : Array (Option α)) : Array α

Drop nones from a Array, and replace each remaining some a with a.

Array.reduceGetElem : Lean.Meta.Simp.DSimproc

Simplification procedure for #[...][n] for n a Nat literal.

Array.reduceGetElem? : Lean.Meta.Simp.DSimproc

Simplification procedure for #[...][n]? for n a Nat literal.

Array.reduceGetElem! : Lean.Meta.Simp.DSimproc

Simplification procedure for #[...][n]! for n a Nat literal.

14.16.5. Sub-Arrays🔗

Subarray.{u} (α : Type u) : Type u




array : Array α
start : Nat
stop : Nat
start_le_stop : self.startself.stop
stop_le_array_size : self.stopself.array.size
Subarray.toArray.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (s : Subarray α) : Array α
Subarray.empty.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} : Subarray α

The empty subarray. Size

Subarray.size.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (s : Subarray α) : Nat Resizing

Subarray.drop.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (arr : Subarray α) (i : Nat) : Subarray α

Removes the first i elements of the subarray. If there are i or fewer elements, the resulting subarray is empty.

Subarray.take.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (arr : Subarray α) (i : Nat) : Subarray α

Keeps only the first i elements of the subarray. If there are i or fewer elements, the resulting subarray is empty.

Subarray.popFront.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (s : Subarray α) : Subarray α
Subarray.split.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (s : Subarray α) (i : Fin s.size.succ) :
  Subarray α × Subarray α

Splits a subarray into two parts. Lookups

Subarray.get.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (s : Subarray α) (i : Fin s.size) : α
Subarray.get!.{u_1} {α : Type u_1} [Inhabited α]
  (s : Subarray α) (i : Nat) : α
Subarray.getD.{u_1} {α : Type u_1}
  (s : Subarray α) (i : Nat) (v₀ : α) : α Iteration

Subarray.foldl.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : βαβ) (init : β) (as : Subarray α) :
Subarray.foldlM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : βαm β) (init : β)
  (as : Subarray α) : m β
Subarray.foldr.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
  (f : αββ) (init : β) (as : Subarray α) :
Subarray.foldrM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : αβm β) (init : β)
  (as : Subarray α) : m β
Subarray.forM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : αm PUnit) (as : Subarray α) : m PUnit
Subarray.forRevM.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (f : αm PUnit) (as : Subarray α) : m PUnit
Subarray.forIn.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (s : Subarray α) (b : β)
  (f : αβm (ForInStep β)) : m β Element Predicates

Subarray.findRev? {α : Type} (as : Subarray α)
  (p : αBool) : Option α
Subarray.findRevM?.{w} {α : Type}
  {m : TypeType w} [Monad m]
  (as : Subarray α) (p : αm Bool) :
  m (Option α)
Subarray.findSomeRevM?.{u, v, w} {α : Type u}
  {β : Type v} {m : Type vType w} [Monad m]
  (as : Subarray α) (f : αm (Option β)) :
  m (Option β)
Subarray.all.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Subarray α) : Bool
Subarray.allM.{u, w} {α : Type u}
  {m : TypeType w} [Monad m] (p : αm Bool)
  (as : Subarray α) : m Bool
Subarray.any.{u} {α : Type u} (p : αBool)
  (as : Subarray α) : Bool
Subarray.anyM.{u, w} {α : Type u}
  {m : TypeType w} [Monad m] (p : αm Bool)
  (as : Subarray α) : m Bool

14.16.6. FFI🔗

FFI type
typedef struct {
    lean_object   m_header;
    size_t        m_size;
    size_t        m_capacity;
    lean_object * m_data[];
} lean_array_object;

The representation of arrays in C. See the description of run-time Arrays for more details.

FFI function
bool lean_is_array(lean_object * o)

Returns true if o is an array, or false otherwise.

FFI function
lean_array_object * lean_to_array(lean_object * o)

Performs a runtime check that o is indeed an array. If o is not an array, an assertion fails.

Planned Content
  • Complete C API for Array

Tracked at issue #158