The equality relation. It has one introduction rule, Eq.refl
We use a = b
as notation for Eq a b
A fundamental property of equality is that it is an equivalence relation.
variable (α : Type) (a b c d : α)
variable (hab : a = b) (hcb : c = b) (hcd : c = d)
example : a = d :=
Eq.trans (Eq.trans hab (Eq.symm hcb)) hcd
Equality is much more than an equivalence relation, however. It has the important property that every assertion
respects the equivalence, in the sense that we can substitute equal expressions without changing the truth value.
That is, given h1 : a = b
and h2 : p a
, we can construct a proof for p b
using substitution: Eq.subst h1 h2
example (α : Type) (a b : α) (p : α → Prop)
(h1 : a = b) (h2 : p a) : p b :=
Eq.subst h1 h2
example (α : Type) (a b : α) (p : α → Prop)
(h1 : a = b) (h2 : p a) : p b :=
h1 ▸ h2
The triangle in the second presentation is a macro built on top of Eq.subst
and Eq.symm
, and you can enter it by typing \t
For more information: Equality
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
The recommended spelling of
in identifiers iseq