17.2. Logical Connectives
Conjunction is implemented as the inductively defined proposition And
The constructor And.intro
represents the introduction rule for conjunction: to prove a conjunction, it suffices to prove both conjuncts.
Similarly, And.elim
represents the elimination rule: given a proof of a conjunction and a proof of some other statement that assumes both conjuncts, the other statement can be proven.
Because And
is a subsingleton, And.elim
can also be used as part of computing data.
However, it should not be confused with PProd
: using non-computable reasoning principles such as the Axiom of Choice to define data (including Prod
) causes Lean to be unable to compile and run the resulting program, while using them in a proof of a proposition causes no such issue.
In a tactic proof, conjunctions can be proved using And.intro
explicitly via apply
, but constructor
is more common.
When multiple conjunctions are nested in a proof goal, and_intros
can be used to apply And.intro
in each relevant location.
Assumptions of conjunctions in the context can be simplified using cases
, pattern matching with let
or match
, or rcases
🔗structureAnd (a b : Prop) : Prop
And a b
, or a ∧ b
, is the conjunction of propositions. It can be
constructed and destructed like a pair: if ha : a
and hb : b
⟨ha, hb⟩ : a ∧ b
, and if h : a ∧ b
then h.left : a
and h.right : b
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
left : a
Extract the left conjunct from a conjunction. h : a ∧ b
, also notated as h.1
, is a proof of a
right : b
Extract the right conjunct from a conjunction. h : a ∧ b
, also notated as h.2
, is a proof of b
🔗defAnd.elim.{u_1} {a b : Prop} {α : Sort u_1}
(f : a → b → α) (h : a ∧ b) : α
Non-dependent eliminator for And
Disjunction implemented as the inductively defined proposition Or
It has two constructors, one for each introduction rule: a proof of either disjunct is sufficient to prove the disjunction.
While the definition of Or
is similar to that of Sum
, it is quite different in practice.
Because Sum
is a type, it is possible to check which constructor was used to create any given value.
, on the other hand, forms propositions: terms that prove a disjunction cannot be interrogated to check which disjunct was true.
In other words, because Or
is not a subsingleton, its proofs cannot be used as part of a computation.
In a tactic proof, disjunctions can be proved using either constructor (Or.inl
or Or.inr
) explicitly via apply
Assumptions of disjunctions in the context can be simplified using cases
, pattern matching with match
, or rcases
🔗inductive predicateOr (a b : Prop) : Prop
Or a b
, or a ∨ b
, is the disjunction of propositions. There are two
constructors for Or
, called Or.inl : a → a ∨ b
and Or.inr : b → a ∨ b
and you can use match
or cases
to destruct an Or
assumption into the
two cases.
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
inl {a b : Prop} (h : a) : a ∨ b
is "left injection" into an Or
. If h : a
then Or.inl h : a ∨ b
inr {a b : Prop} (h : b) : a ∨ b
is "right injection" into an Or
. If h : b
then Or.inr h : a ∨ b
When either disjunct is decidable, it becomes possible to use Or
to compute data.
This is because the decision procedure's result provides a suitable branch condition.
🔗defOr.by_cases.{u} {p q : Prop} [Decidable p]
{α : Sort u} (h : p ∨ q) (h₁ : p → α)
(h₂ : q → α) : α
Construct a non-Prop by cases on an Or
, when the left conjunct is decidable.
🔗defOr.by_cases'.{u} {q p : Prop} [Decidable q]
{α : Sort u} (h : p ∨ q) (h₁ : p → α)
(h₂ : q → α) : α
Construct a non-Prop by cases on an Or
, when the right conjunct is decidable.
Rather than encoding negation as an inductive type, ¬P
is defined to mean P → False
In other words, to prove a negation, it suffices to assume the negated statement and derive a contradiction.
This also means that False
can be derived immediately from a proof of a proposition and its negation, and then used to prove any proposition or inhabit any type.
🔗defNot (a : Prop) : Prop
Not p
, or ¬p
, is the negation of p
. It is defined to be p → False
so if your goal is ¬p
you can use intro h
to turn the goal into
h : p ⊢ False
, and if you have hn : ¬p
and h : p
then hn h : False
and (hn h).elim
will prove anything.
For more information: Propositional Logic
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
🔗defabsurd.{v} {a : Prop} {b : Sort v} (h₁ : a)
(h₂ : ¬a) : b
Anything follows from two contradictory hypotheses. Example:
example (hp : p) (hnp : ¬p) : q := absurd hp hnp
For more information: Propositional Logic
🔗defNot.elim.{u_1} {a : Prop} {α : Sort u_1}
(H1 : ¬a) (H2 : a) : α
Ex falso for negation: from ¬a
and a
anything follows. This is the same as absurd
the arguments flipped, but it is in the Not
namespace so that projection notation can be used.
Implication is represented using function types in the universe of propositions.
To prove A → B
, it is enough to prove B
after assuming A
This corresponds to the typing rule for Lean.Parser.Term.fun : term
Similarly, the typing rule for function application corresponds to modus ponens: given a proof of A → B
and a proof of A
, B
can be proved.
Truth-Functional Implication
Logical equivalence, or “if and only if”, is represented using a structure that is equivalent to the conjunction of both directions of the implication.
🔗structureIff (a b : Prop) : Prop
If and only if, or logical bi-implication. a ↔ b
means that a
implies b
and vice versa.
By propext
, this implies that a
and b
are equal and hence any expression involving a
is equivalent to the corresponding expression with b
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
If a → b
and b → a
then a
and b
are equivalent.
mp : a → b
Modus ponens for if and only if. If a ↔ b
and a
, then b
mpr : b → a
Modus ponens for if and only if, reversed. If a ↔ b
and b
, then a
🔗defIff.elim.{u_1} {a b : Prop} {α : Sort u_1}
(f : (a → b) → (b → a) → α) (h : a ↔ b) : α
Non-dependent eliminator for Iff
syntaxPropositional Connectives
The logical connectives other than implication are typically referred to using dedicated syntax, rather than via their defined names:
term ::= ...
| `And a b`, or `a ∧ b`, is the conjunction of propositions. It can be
constructed and destructed like a pair: if `ha : a` and `hb : b` then
`⟨ha, hb⟩ : a ∧ b`, and if `h : a ∧ b` then `h.left : a` and `h.right : b`.
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
* The recommended spelling of `∧` in identifiers is `and`.
term ∧ term
term ::= ...
| `Or a b`, or `a ∨ b`, is the disjunction of propositions. There are two
constructors for `Or`, called `Or.inl : a → a ∨ b` and `Or.inr : b → a ∨ b`,
and you can use `match` or `cases` to destruct an `Or` assumption into the
two cases.
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
* The recommended spelling of `∨` in identifiers is `or`.
term ∨ term
term ::= ...
| `Not p`, or `¬p`, is the negation of `p`. It is defined to be `p → False`,
so if your goal is `¬p` you can use `intro h` to turn the goal into
`h : p ⊢ False`, and if you have `hn : ¬p` and `h : p` then `hn h : False`
and `(hn h).elim` will prove anything.
For more information: [Propositional Logic](https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/propositions_and_proofs.html#propositional-logic)
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
* The recommended spelling of `¬` in identifiers is `not`.
¬ term
term ::= ...
| If and only if, or logical bi-implication. `a ↔ b` means that `a` implies `b` and vice versa.
By `propext`, this implies that `a` and `b` are equal and hence any expression involving `a`
is equivalent to the corresponding expression with `b` instead.
Conventions for notations in identifiers:
* The recommended spelling of `↔` in identifiers is `iff`.
term ↔ term