Globally-scoped declarations (the default) are in effect whenever the module in which they're established is transitively imported.
They are indicated by the absence of another scope modifier.
attrKind ::=
`attrKind` matches `("scoped" <|> "local")?`, used before an attribute like `@[local simp]`.
Locally-scoped declarations are in effect only for the extent of the section scope in which they are established.
attrKind ::= ...
| `attrKind` matches `("scoped" <|> "local")?`, used before an attribute like `@[local simp]`.
Scoped declarations are in effect whenever the namespace in which they are established is opened.
attrKind ::= ...
| `attrKind` matches `("scoped" <|> "local")?`, used before an attribute like `@[local simp]`.